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1、专升本英语(写作)模拟试卷 11 及答案与解析一、Part VII Writing1 How to Deal with Water Scarcity Study the following picture carefully and write an essay on the topic “How to Deal with Water Scarcity“. You should write at least 120 words and your essay should cover these three points; (1)describe the picture ; (2)deduce

2、the purpose of the drawer of the picture ; (3)suggest countermeasures. 2 No Pollution Any More Study the following picture carefully and write an essay on the topic “No Pollution Any More“. You should write at least 120 words and your essay should cover these three points; (1)describe the picture; (

3、2)interpret its meaning, and ; (3)give your comment. 3 A Letter of ThanksFor this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write A Letter of Thanks to Professor Smith for his kind help during your study in the United States. Your letter should be in no less than 120 words.4 A Letter of Congratulation

4、For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write A Letter of Congratulation expressing your congratulation on your Aunt s marriage. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese)below:(1)得知姑姑结婚的消息特写信表示祝贺;(2)表达你的喜悦之情以及希望能够当面祝贺。5 A Letter of Invitation

5、你们打算 9 月 7 日(周一)下午 2:00 在学校大礼堂为来本校客座的南京大学教授王刚举办欢迎会,你受系主任委托邀请来自南京的刘教授作为嘉宾出席会议。请写一封邀请函,内容应包括:(1)邀请的内容,比如是欢迎宴会;(2)时间、地点等等;(3)场合。专升本英语(写作)模拟试卷 11 答案与解析一、Part VII Writing1 【正确答案】 How to Deal with Water ScarcityThe picture unveils the problem of water scarcity. On the one hand, the boy with a bowl in his

6、hands is begging for water from a tap, but there isn t a single drop left. On the other hand, as is symbolically revealed, the boy resembles the planet under our feet. Thus, we may draw a conclusion that water scarcity on the earth is too severe a problem to be neglected by anyone.There are many rea

7、sons responsible for the instance. The first reason is no other than the population growth worldwide; with more habitants living on the earth, the demand for fresh water also increases. Besides, water pollution is another factor that contributes to water shortage. Last but not least, waste of water

8、in people s daily life plays a pushing role in worsening the problem.Confronted with such an issue, I think we should take immediate actions. Firstly, efforts have to be stepped up to promote water-saving facilities and technologies. Secondly, there should be stricter laws to supervise the disposal

9、of home refuse as well as the “wastes“ from factories. Only in this way, can the problem of water shortage be controlled.【知识模块】 写作2 【正确答案】 No Pollution Any MoreThe picture shows the problem of environmental pollution. On the one hand, fresh air appears on the market together with green food and puri

10、fied water. On the other hand, it is known to all that green food and purified water were born when food and water were severely contaminated. Thus, we may draw a conclusion that just as food and water, the air of today is also seriously poisoned.There are many reasons responsible for the phenomenon

11、 and the following are the typical ones. Firstly, in step with the population expansion and economic development, more exhausted or polluted gas is pumped into the air, which is the most contributing cause of the air pollution. Secondly, although the air is heavily polluted, no enough measures are t

12、aken for people are not aware of the danger brought by pollution. Thirdly, we still lack well-established laws to protect the environment.Considering all these reasons, I think immediate and effective measures should be put into effect. On the one hand, our government should publish stricter and cle

13、arer laws to protect the environment. On the other hand, everyone should realize that preventing pollution is something concerning our future. Only in this way, can the sustainable development of our society be realized.【知识模块】 写作3 【正确答案】 A Letter of ThanksDear Prof. Smith , I m writing to express my

14、 sincere thanks to you for the clear guidance and patient instruction I received during my study at the Teachers College.The study provided me with an opportunity to get some fresh ideas on Canadian literature which would be of great help to my teaching in China. I enjoyed discussing with you on cul

15、tural differences between the East and the West and I felt greatly enlightened by your wonderful remarks.I m afraid that my poor comprehension of some original Canadian literature must have given you a great deal of trouble, but I know you will forgive me for my naive ideas.Please give my best regar

16、ds to your family and accept the same yourself.Yours Sincerely,XXX【知识模块】 写作4 【正确答案】 A Letter of CongratulationJanuary 1, 2015 Dear Aunt Anny,I was delighted to learn that you will be married next month. This happy event in your life prompts me to reply at once and, in my own peculiar way, to express

17、 my hearty congratulations and good wishes. It is really good news to all our family and your friends. And I feel very happy for you.You must be very excited to face this wonderful event. I know this is what you have been longing for. It is a gift from God you richly deserve.With your happiness, I a

18、m sure that you will be the most beautiful bride that day. I hope I will have the honour to go back to express my congratulation face to face. Again, please accept my sincere congratulations.Best wishes for you!Sincerely, Mary【知识模块】 写作5 【正确答案】 A Letter of InvitationDear Professor Liu,At 2:00 p. m. o

19、n Monday, September 7 we are planning to have reception to welcome visiting scholar professor Wang Gang from Nanjing University at the Big Hall. I have been asked by the head of the English Department to invite you to be the guest of honor on this occasion.We have learned that you are also from Nanj

20、ing, where Nanjing University is situated. We take it for granted that you should know professor Wang Gang. We think it would be a great surprise to Professor Wang Gang that you arrive.We shall all be delighted as well as honored if you can find time to spend an evening with us. I will send further details as soon as I hear from you. I hope you will be able to accept this invitation.Sincerely, John Robin【知识模块】 写作


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