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1、专升本(英语)模拟试卷 138 及答案与解析一、Part I Vocabulary and StructureDirections: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.1 He _ at the boy into silence.(A)glanced(B) observed(C) watched(D)stared2 Go

2、back to your room and leave me _.(A)alone(B) lonely(C) along(D)almost3 He insisted that she _ improve her oral English by doing a lot of practice.(A)could(B) would(C) might(D)should4 He was found _ one month after he was born.(A)quiet(B) still(C) silent(D)dumb5 _ at such a time, his work attracted m

3、uch attention.(A)Publishing(B) Being published(C) Published(D)When published6 Silver is the best conductor of electricity, copper _ it closely.(A)followed(B) following(C) to follow(D)being followed7 He drove to the airport to _ Mr. Dixon who came to see him from Orillia.(A)pick up(B) set out(C) call

4、 for(D)turn down8 It is kind _ you to do me a favor at this moment.(A)to(B) for(C) of(D)about9 The farmer felt the _ of the bad weather for years.(A)effort(B) effect(C) efficient(D)effective10 It is so heavy that it can only be lifted with our _ effort.(A)joint(B) equal(C) able(D)capable11 Many a yo

5、ung scientist _ engaged in the research work.(A)have(B) has(C) have been(D)has been12 She _ crying very helpful to express her sadness.(A)considers(B) confirms(C) believes(D)pretends13 The plan had been _ , which made him very angry.(A)called off(B) called up(C) called in(D)called on14 You cannot se

6、e the patient at the moment; he is now _ medical treatment.(A)in(B) on(C) under(D)at15 A thief broke _ when I was leaving for my office.(A)in(B) up(C) out(D)off二、Part III Reading ComprehensionDirections: In this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by a number of comprehension ques

7、tions. Read the passages and choose the best answer to each question. Then, mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.15 How men first learned to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike ani

8、mals, somehow invented certain sounds to ex press thoughts and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to represent those sounds and which could be written down. Those sounds,

9、 whether spoken, or written in letters, we call words.There power of words, then, lies in their associations the things they bring up before our minds. Words become filled with meaning for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our pa

10、st; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something to us increases.Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions.16 The origin of language is _.(A)a legend handed d

11、own from the past(B) a matter that is hidden or secret(C) a question difficult to answer(D)a problem not yet solved17 One of the reasons why men invented certain sounds to express thoughts and actions is that _.(A)they could agree upon certain signs(B) they could write them down(C) they could commun

12、icate with each other(D)they could combine them18 What is true about words?(A)They are used to express feelings only.(B) They can not be written down.(C) They are simply sounds.(D)They are mysterious.19 The real power of words exists in their _.(A)properties(B) characteristics(C) peculiarity(D)repre

13、sentative function20 Which of the following statements is true?(A)The more we read and learn, the more ignorant we are.(B) The more we read and learn, the more confused we are.(C) The more we read and learn, the more learned we are.(D)The more we read and learn, the more snobbish we become.20 It was

14、 Ann s first experience of flying. She had always been afraid of heights and so was pre pared to be frightened. Only the fact that she was going to meet her son who she had not seen for three years had given her the courage to make the flight.She sat in her seat, her hands gripping its arms, her sea

15、t belt already fastened. The air hostess was talking, telling everyone what to do in case of emergency, showing them where their .life-jackets were. The plane was crowded, every seat was full. From her window seat, getting out in a hurry would be impossible, thought Ann. In any case who would want t

16、o get out of a plane in mid-air?The engines began to shake-the noise increased till it was like a great rushing wind. She looked out to see the runway slip past at astonishing speed. She wanted to cry out-to stop the plane before it left the ground, but she knew she was trapped in this great roaring

17、 machine. I must scream, she told herself, and put her hands over her eyes.There was a strange feeling as if she were going up in a lift. The noise died down. Carefully she opened her eyes. Through the window she saw a great carpet of cloud above, so beautiful that she stared in wonder, hardly turni

18、ng away from the window till they touched down.21 Ann thought she would be frightened because _.(A)she had never flown before(B) she had a fear of being in high places(C) she hadn t made proper preparations.(D)she was naturally timid22 How was Ann sitting before the plane took off?(A)With her arms f

19、olded.(B) With her seat belt undone.(C) Holding tight to her seat belt.(D)Holding on to part of the seat.23 Ann thought it would be specially difficult for her to get out in an emergency because _.(A)she was sitting by the window(B) all the seats were in her way(C) she didn t know where her life-jac

20、ket was(D)the other people wouldn t want to get out24 Why did Ann want to scream? Because _.(A)the plane didn t leave the ground(B) she couldn t make the plane stop(C) she couldn t hear the wind(D)she couldn t see the runway25 How did Ann feel after she had opened her eyes?(A)Very much pleased.(B) V

21、ery much frightened.(C) Greatly attracted.(D)Greatly surprised.25 The development of Jamestown in Virginia during the second half of the seventeenth century was closely related to the making and using of bricks. There are several practical reasons why bricks be came important to the colony.Although

22、the forests could initially supply sufficient timber, the process of lumbering was extremely difficult, particularly because of the lack of roads. Later, when the timber on the peninsula had been depleted, wood had to be brought from some distance. Building stone was also in short sup ply. However,

23、as clay was plentiful, it was inevitably that the colonists would turn to brickmaking.In addition to practical reasons for using brick as the principal construction material, there was also an ideological reason. Brick represented durability and permanence. The Virginia company of London instructed

24、the colonists to build hospitals and new residences out of brick. In 1662, the town Act of the Virginia Assembly provided for the construction of thirty-two brick buildings and prohibited the use of wood as a construction material. Had this law ever been successfully enforced, James town would have

25、been a model city. Instead, the residents failed to comply fully with the law; and by 1699 Jamestown had collapsed into a pile of rubble with only three or four houses where people could stay.26 What is the subject of this passage?(A)The reasons for brickmaking in Jamestown.(B) The cause of the fail

26、ure of Jamestown.(C) The laws of the Virginia colonists.(D)The problems of the early American colonies.27 In the first half of the 1600 s, most buildings in Jamestown were probably made of _.(A)earth(B) stone(C) wood(D)brick28 Which of he following was not a reason for using bricks in construction?(

27、A)Wood had to be brought from some distance.(B) There was a considerable clay available.(C) The lumbering process depended on good roads.(D)The timber was not of good quality.29 It can be inferred from the passage that Jamestown was established on _.(A)a rocky peninsula with a small forested area(B)

28、 a barren peninsula near other towns(C) an uninhabitable peninsula with few natural resources(D)a wooded peninsula with a clay soil30 It can be inferred from passage that settlers who built with bricks in the 1660 s were _.(A)planning to return to England(B) obeying the laws(C) not concerned about d

29、urability(D)interested in larger residence30 As the Beatles represent the most important English contribution to rock in the 1960s, Bob Dylan is the most important American contributor. This is true in spite of the fact that he has never reached the top sale list of the record industry in the way th

30、e Beatles have.Bob Dylan emerged from the popular folk movement during 1962 and 1963. His first two re cords, “Bob Dylan“ and “the Freewheelin Bob Dylan, “appeared in those years and established his national reputation. This reputation grew slowly, and was helped by his appearance around New York Ci

31、ty and at college concerts. As early as 1962, Dylan became known for the quality and quantity of his song-writing. And Dylan s material has reflected a social awareness and has always involved pro test against injustice. It has aroused a broad trend of similar songs in the present-day market. These

32、elements, in combination with Dylan s particular sound, have made him one of the most remarkable figures in the history of rock.31 Compared with the Beatles, Bob Dylan _.(A)has more influence on rock music(B) has sold fewer records of his songs(C) is more important in the record industry(D)is less i

33、mportant in American rock32 Bob Dylan is _.(A)a rock singer(B) an English singer(C) a blues singer(D)a country singer33 Bob Dylan became famous to more and more people because _.(A)he produced two records(B) he wrote many good songs(C) he travelled to New York City(D)he often put on performances34 I

34、n his songs, Bob Dylan showed his concern about _.(A)social problems(B) folk movement(C) New York City(D)his national reputation35 Bob Dylan is known for everything below EXCEPT _.(A)his particular voice(B) the quality of his song-writing(C) the quantity of his record sales(D)his importance in rock

35、music35 The murder took place around ten o clock p. m. on June 10. Thirty-two people watched Kitty being killed right beneath their windows. She was their neighbor. Yet, none of the 32 helped her. Not even one called the police. Was this inhuman cruelty? Was it lack of feeling for one s fellow man?“

36、Not so,“ say scientists Dr. Darley and Dr. Fatane. They ve found the reasons why people don t act. According to them, a person has to go through two steps before he can help. First he has to notice there is an emergency.Suppose you see u middle-aged man fall onto the ground. Is he having a heart att

37、ack, or some other physical trouble? Or is he simply about to sleep off a drunk? So it s not always easy to tell if you are faced with a real emergency.Second and more important, the person faced with an emergency must feel himself responsible. He must feel that he must help.The researchers found th

38、at a lot depends on how many people are around. They asked college students to come in to be “tested“. Some came alone, some with one or two others, and some in large groups. When they came in, either alone, in pairs, or in groups, a lady went into the next room. Soon the students heard a scream, th

39、e noise of something falling and a cry for help. All of this had been prerecorded on a tape-recorder.Eight out of ten of the students taking the test alone acted to help. Of the students in pairs, only two out of ten helped. Of the students in groups, none helped,In other words, in a group, American

40、s often fail to act. They feel that others will act. They, themselves, needn t. They do not feel any direct responsibility.36 Why didnt the thirty-two people act to help Kitty according to the passage?(A)Because they were afraid to be killed.(B) Because they were cruel in their hearts.(C) Because th

41、ey thought others would help.(D)Because they didnt notice the emergency,37 Which of the following is an emergency?(A)Someone is falling onto the ground.(B) Someone is having a heart attack.(C) Someone is having a trouble.(D)Someone is sleeping off a drunk.38 When a person notices an emergency, he mu

42、st _ before he acts to help.(A)feel himself responsible(B) call the police(C) hear a cry for help(D)be with a group39 The result of the tests shows that _.(A)the more people there are together, the more people will act to help(B) college students would be more likely to help than ordinary Americans(

43、C) the more people there are together, the fewer people will act to help(D)none of the tested students acted to help40 Americans don t _ in a group.(A)notice an emergency(B) go through two steps before they act(C) depend on each other(D)feel direct responsibility三、Part IV ClozeDirections: There are

44、some blanks in the following passages. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passages. Then, mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.40 “If it takes you six hours to read this book, somewhere in the world 2,500 people

45、will have died of starvation or of hunger-related illness by the time you【36】.“Why are so many【37】? Susan George affirms with conviction, and with solid【 38】, that it is not because there【39】too many passengers on“ Spaceship Earth “, not because【40】bad weather or changing climates, but because of fo

46、od【41】by the rich.【42】the poor go hungry.The multinational agribusiness corporations,【43】 governments with their food “aid“ policies and supposedly neural multilateral development organizations【44】responsibility for their【45】.They all work in corporation【46】local elites, themselves nurtured and prot

47、ected by the powerful in the【47】world. The United States【48】the way, leads the pack and is【49 】imposing its control over the whole planet.Only those【50】people who can become consumers will eat in the Brave New World being shaped【 51】the well-fed. The standard liberal solution to【52】the world-populat

48、ion control or the Green Revolution are just【 53】the hungry poor dont need. All the need is social change, otherwise known as【54】. With that, they could, and would, resolve most of their problems【55】.(A)spend(B) read(C) finish(D)overtake (A)hungry(B) poor(C) rich(D)civilized (A)impression(B) evidenc

49、e(C) stand(D)evaluation (A)are(B) were(C) arent(D)maybe (A)its(B) it was(C) for(D)of (A)was offered(B) is controlled(C) is meant(D)is yielded (A)However(B) After all(C) Still(D)Only (A)Western(B) Eastern(C) Asian(D)Most (A)shift(B) share(C) originate(D)insure (A)inspection(B) help(C) fate(D)impact (A)to(B) against(C) with(D)among (A)developed(B) developing(C) whole(D)current (A)gives(B) paves(C


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