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1、专升本(英语)模拟试卷 172 及答案与解析一、Identification Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underline parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the ONE that is not correct. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1 Running slowly for (some) three miles

2、 every day (is proved) a good (form) of (exercise).(A)some(B) proves(C) form(D)exercise 2 The (three-fields) system is an agricultural method in which one field (out of) (three) is (left) to lie fallow while the other two fields are being cultivated.(A)three-fields(B) out of(C) three(D)left 3 (In) h

3、is (latest) article, the reporter criticized the way (which) the racial problem was (being handled).(A)In(B) latest(C) which(D)being handled 4 He (suggested) that she (met) with her lawyer (before) signing the (final) agreement.(A)suggested(B) met(C) before(D)final 5 It is (necessary) that the (cust

4、oms) (of all) nations (must be respected).(A)necessary(B) customs(C) of all(D)must be respected 6 What you have told me (about) Mr. Smith (confirm) me in my (suspicion) that he (ill-treats) his wife.(A)about(B) confirm(C) suspicion(D)ill-treats 7 (Though) he is (hard-working), he still feels inferio

5、r (than) (others) in the special class.(A)Though(B) hard-working(C) than(D)others 8 You ye to (hurry up) (if you) want to buy something (because) there s hardly (something) left.(A)hurry up(B) if you(C) because(D)something 9 Tim will not (lent) you the book (because) he is fearful (if) you will forg

6、et to (return) it.(A)lent(B) because(C) if(D)return 10 I don t think physics (is) hard (to learn). (However), my physics (are) very poor.(A)is(B) to learn(C) However(D)are 二、Part I Vocabulary and StructureDirections: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that

7、best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.11 He didn t fear new ideas, _ the future.(A)nor feared he(B) nor he did fear(C) nor did he fear(D)nor did fear he 12 _ is well known to all, China will be an advanced and powerful country in the near future.(A)As(B) That(C) Thi

8、s(D)It 13 _ a good thing they didn t catch you.(A)That s(B) Them s(C) It s(D)What s 14 We all feel sorry for _ for so long after your arrival.(A)keep you waiting(B) having kept you waiting(C) waiting for you(D)keep you wait 15 There are four departments at this college, _ more than five hundred stud

9、ents.(A)with each have(B) each having(C) each of them have(D)with each is having 16 Sorry, I don t know he is a friend of_.(A)your brother(B) your brothers(C) your brother s friend(D)your brother s 17 When she was busy tidying the room, her little kid is always _.(A)under way(B) on the way(C) in the

10、 way(D)by the way 18 Living in the central American desert has its problems, _ obtaining water is not the least.(A)of which(B) for what(C) as(D)whose 19 Although _ happened in that developed country sounds like science fiction, it could occur elsewhere in the world.(A)which(B) what(C) how(D)it 20 Th

11、e door over there needs_.(A)painted(B) painting(C) has painted(D)paint 21 You _ yesterday if you were really serious about the job.(A)ought to come(B) ought to be coming(C) ought to have come(D)ought have come 22 It was not until the accident happened _.(A)when I became aware of my foolishness(B) wh

12、en my foolishness became obvious(C) that did I realize my foolishness(D)that I became aware of my foolishness 23 As we know, physics _ the science of energy.(A)was(B) were(C) is(D)are 24 The train _ of the station right on time.(A)pulled(B) pulled down(C) pulled on(D)pulled out 25 _ you say, he won

13、t listen to you.(A)No matter where(B) No matter what(C) However(D)Whichever 26 Where did you get your watch_ ?(A)repair(B) to repair(C) repaired(D)repairing 27 No sooner_ than he realized that he should have remained silent.(A)the words had spoken(B) had the words spoken(C) the words had been spoken

14、(D)had the words been spoken 28 She is such a _ person, always asking how I m feeling.(A)considerable(B) considering(C) considered(D)considerate 29 It is said that he _ a murder.(A)committed(B) conducted(C) executed(D)emitted 30 Only residents here enjoy the _ of using this parking lot.(A)privilege(

15、B) possibility(C) favor(D)fight 31 Only 11 people _ the shipwreck.(A)survived after(B) survived through(C) were survived(D)survived 32 Not a single word _ all morning.(A)did he say(B) he said(C) said he(D)does he say 33 _ he will come or not is unknown.(A)If(B) Whether(C) That(D)What 34 He never let

16、 me _ when I need his support.(A)in(B) down(C) off(D)out 35 At the beginning of this term, our history professor _ a list of books for us to read.(A)passed on(B) handed in(C) fished out(D)made out 36 At first I thought that math problem would be rather difficult, but it _ to be fairly easy.(A)turned

17、 out(B) turned up(C) turned on(D)turned over 37 What he is _ is neither money nor fame, but the satisfaction of seeing his students grow up as builders of socialism.(A)in pursuit of(B) looking after(C) trying to do(D)advocating 38 There is an old saying which goes, “Never _ Until tomorrow what you c

18、an do today.“(A)put aside(B) put up(C) put off(D)put away 39 He has_ the army for ten years and is now an officer.(A)gone into(B) joined in(C) been in(D)come into 40 I am _ of the same old breakfast every morning,(A)worn out(B) tired(C) ill(D)exhausted 三、Part III Reading ComprehensionDirections: In

19、this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by a number of comprehension questions. Read the passages and choose the best answer to each question. Then, mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.40 To us it seems so natural to put up an umbrella to k

20、eep the water off when it rains, but actually the umbrella was not invented as protection against rain. Its first use was as a shade against the sun.Nobody knows who first invented it, but the umbrella was used in very ancient times. Probably the Chinese were the first to use it in the eleventh cent

21、ury B. C.We know that the umbrella was used in ancient Egypt and Babylon as a sunshade. And there was a strange thing connected with its use: it became a symbol of honor and authority. In the Far East in ancient times, the umbrella was allowed to be used only by the king or by those in high office.I

22、n Europe, the Greeks were the first to use the umbrella as a sunshade. And the umbrella was in common use in ancient Greece. But it is believed that the first persons in Europe to use the umbrella as protection against the rain were the ancient Romans. During the Middle Ages, the use of the umbrella

23、 practically disappeared, Then it appeared again in Italy in the late sixteenth century. And a gain it was considered a symbol of power and authority. By 1680, the umbrella appeared in France, and later on in England.By the 18th century the umbrella was used against rain throughout most of Europe. U

24、mbrella have not changed much in style during all this time, though they have become much lighter in weight. It wasnt until the twentieth century that womens umbrellas were made, in a whole variety of colors.41 According to this passage, the umbrella was probably first invented _.(A)in ancient China

25、(B) in ancient Europe(C) in ancient Greece(D)in ancient Rome 42 Which of the following statements is not true about the umbrella?(A)The umbrella was first invented to be used as protection against the sun.(B) The umbrella changed much in style in the eighteenth century.(C) No one exactly knows who w

26、as the inventor of the umbrella.(D)In Europe, the Greeks were the first to use the umbrella. 43 A strange feature of the umbrellas use is that it was used as _.(A)a shade against the sun(B) protection against rain(C) a symbol of honor and power(D)womens decoration 44 In Europe, the umbrella was firs

27、t used against the rain _.(A)during the Middle Age(B) by the 18th centruy(C) in Rome(D)in Greece 45 This passage talks mainly about _.(A)Why the umbrella was so popular in Europe(B) When and how the umbrella was invented(C) the history and use of umbrella(D)the development of the umbrella 45 Parents

28、 have to do much less for their children than they used to do, and home has become much less of a workshop. Clothes can be bought ready made; washing can be done at the laundry; food can be bought cooked, canned; bread is baked and delivered by the baker; milk arrives on the doorstep; meal can be ha

29、d at the restaurant, the works canteen, and the school dining room.Its unusual now for father to persue(追求)his trade of other employment at home, and his children rarely, if ever, see him at his place of work. Boys are therefore seldom trained to follow their fathers business, and in many towns they

30、 have a fairly wide choice of employment and so do girls. The young wage-earner often earns good money, and soon gains a feeling of economic independence (经济上的独立). In textile areas it has been customary for mothers to go out to work, but this practice has become so widespread that the working mother

31、 is now not an unusual factor in a childs home life, the number of married women in employment having more than doubled in the last twenty five years. With mother earning and older children drawing wages, father is seldom the most important figure that he still was at the beginning of the century. W

32、hen mother works, economic advantages increase, but children lose something of great value if mothers employment prevents her from being home to greet them when they return from School.46 The writer compares home to a workshop because _.(A)fathers often persue employment at home(B) many families pro

33、duce goods at home for sale(C) both fathers and mothers in most families are workers(D)parents have to make food and necessity themselves for their daily life 47 The “works canteen“ is _.(A)a food shop(B) a cafe(C) a restaurant(D)a cafeteria(自助餐厅 ) 48 The main reason that boys are seldom trained to

34、follow their fathers business is _.(A)that children also like to have jobs outside(B) that there is a wide choice of employment for children(C) that father do not like to pursue employment at home anymore(D)that children nowadays rarely see their places of work 49 What makes father no longer be the

35、most important in a family? _.(A)Father does much less for his children today than he used to(B) The number of married women in employment has increased now(C) There are many choices of employment for mothers and Children(D)With their earning, mother and children do not need to depend on father for

36、their life 50 It is implied in the passage that _.(A)mothers have the practice to go to work(B) working mothers have no time to stay with their children at home(C) mothers position in a family has been raised(D)young wage-earners are economically independent 50 In this game you are in a tank and a s

37、creen shows your outside view. You gain points by shooting enemy tanks, supertanks, missiles(火箭)and saucers(飞碟).Experts gain scores of around 150,000 points at this game. To get a high score you have to destroy twenty tanks as quickly as possible. After this the supertanks, missiles and saucers appe

38、ar. These are worth far more points than the ordinary tanks.(The number of tanks you have to destroy before the supertanks appear are various on different machines.)Try to get near an enemy tank from the side or back so it cannot shoot at you. Then when you get close, turn to it, line it up in your

39、sights and fire before it turns to shoot at you. If you miss or are too slow, quickly get away by moving out of the enemys line of life. You can then move around the enemy and come in from another side.When a supertank appears, try to destroy it. Then wait safely behind an obstacle(障碍物)for a missile

40、 or a flying saucer. The cubes are useful objects to hide behind as you can fire over them with out exposing yourself to danger. The missiles will fly straight at you, but they are difficult to hit. So do not shoot at them until they are quite close. The saucers are much easier to hit, but do not ch

41、ase(追逐) them as you will be open to shoot from enemys tanks.51 This information refers to _.(A)a computer game(B) an underwater game(C) how to use modem weapons on your enemies(D)an army training exercise 52 If you want to get a high score you must first _.(A)gain the skills of using your guns(B) wi

42、pe out a score tanks(C) hunt a number of enemys saucers(D)kill some supertanks or missiles 53 A good plan when fighting against an enemy tank is to _.(A)shoot its back(B) get behind it(C) move it to the side(D)move out of its way 54 Hide behind the cubes during an attack you can _.(A)let them shoot

43、over you without any danger(B) be certain of hitting your target(靶子)(C) easily shoot from behind them(D)fire straight at your enemy 55 You are likely to be attacked if you _.(A)keep after a flying target(B) hit a flying saucer(C) fire straight at a missle(D)keep chasing the enemys tanks 55 Advertise

44、ment can be thought of “as the means of making known in order to buy or sell goods or services“. Advertisement aims to increase peoples awareness and arouse interest. It tries to inform and to persuade. The media are all used to spread the message. The press offers a fairly cheap method, and magazin

45、es are used to reach special sections of the market. The cinema anti commercial radio are useful for local market. Television, although more expensive, can be very effective. Public notices are fairly cheap and more permanent in their power of attraction. Other ways of increasing consumer interest a

46、re through exhibitions and trade fairs as well as direct mail advertisement.There can be no doubt that the growth in advertisement is one of the most striking features of the Western World in this century. Many business such as those handling frozen foods, liquor, tabacco and medicines have been bui

47、lt up largely by advertisement.We might ask whether the cost of advertisement is paid for by the producer or by the customer. Since advertisement forms part of the cost of production, which has to be covered by the selling price, it is the customer who pays for advertisement. However, if large scale

48、 advertisement leads to increased demand, production costs are reduced, and the customer pays less.It is difficult to measure exactly the influence of advertisement helps to increase demand. When the market is shrinking, advertisement may prevent a bigger fall in sales than would occur without its s

49、upport. What is clear is that businesses would not pay large sums for advertisement if they were not convinced of its value to them.56 Advertisement is often used to _.(A)deceive customers(B) increase production(C) push the sale(D)arouse suspicion 57 The word “media“ in the first paragraph includes _.(A)the press(B) televisio


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