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1、专升本(英语)模拟试卷 31 及答案与解析一、Part I Vocabulary and StructureDirections: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.1 Mary was astonished that she _ for the counselors position,(A)turned on(B) wa

2、s turned down(C) turned off(D)was turned back2 _ it was raining very hard, we would like to have gone to the park.(A)If(B) Whether(C) Even though(D)As though3 I dont mind _ museums if theyre really interesting(A)to visit(B) visiting(C) visit(D)visited4 Now it wont be long before we meet again, _ ?(A

3、)will it(B) do we(C) wont we(D)does it5 _ man, woman, and child in the US should wear a seat belt.(A)All(B) Each of(C) No(D)Every6 I need _ to finish the chair.(A)one more wood(B) much woods(C) many woods(D)a piece of wood7 In the past, we needed _ than today.(A)less mathematic(B) fewer mathematic(C

4、) less mathematics(D)fewer mathematics8 That child is _ take care of himself.(A)enough old to(B) enough old(C) old enough(D)old enough to9 Were you _ the phone a lot this afternoon? I tried calling you five times and always got a busy signal.(A)on(B) in(C) at(D)by10 The student _ a very good questio

5、n about the importance of security in the big cities.(A)rose(B) raised(C) rise(D)had raised11 The weather is awful. I wish it _ raining.(A)stopped(B) would stop(C) had stopped(D)stops12 Mandela was _ first President elected in _ South Africa.(A)a; the(B) the; /(C) a; /(D)the; the13 Wheres Jill? She

6、_ forgotten that we were supposed to meet at 2: 00 PM.(A)wouldve(B) shouldve(C) mustve(D)couldve14 Im not leaving _ I get an apology from you.(A)so that(B) as long as(C) while(D)until15 I am sure _ here will please them.(A)you being(B) you are(C) you to be(D)your being16 What do you think _ a taxi t

7、o the airport?(A)to take(B) your taking(C) about taking(D)taking17 Was the teachers _ Clear?(A)explaining(B) explained(C) explain(D)explanation18 The film in my camera is finished. I need to get it _ .(A)cut(B) cleaning(C) to test(D)developed19 You _ tired tomorrow if you dont go to bed soon.(A)are(

8、B) were(C) will be(D)would be20 Its 2:20 and he said hed be here at 2:30 . He _ be here soon.(A)should(B) can(C) would(D)need21 Ill wait _ 5:00, but not one minute longer!(A)from(B) until(C) at(D)for22 When I saw Dave, he _ .(A)was working(B) is working(C) worked(D)had been working23 Neither Luis no

9、r his parents _ the least bit interested in keeping in touch with Tom.(A)are(B) is(C) will(D)was24 Everyone was home for the holidays. What could make for _ Christmas than that?(A)the merriest(B) a merrier(C) merry(D)the merry25 Dad wondered where Id been, and I _ a story about being at Grandmas.(A)

10、made out(B) made up(C) look out(D)look up26 Karen is rich; _ her cousin Kate is poor.(A)therefore(B) otherwise(C) however(D)afterwards27 Shes gone already? And I am only _ minutes late!(A)few(B) a few(C) little(D)a little28 Im afraid hes _ the other line.(A)under(B) beneath(C) on(D)out of29 What was

11、 your impression of last nights movie? _ speaking, I thought it was rather boring.(A)Frank(B) normally(C) Honest(D)Honestly30 You dont hear _ news about that accident.(A)many(B) a tot(C) much(D)much of二、Part II VocabularyDirections: Complete each of the following sentences with the proper word deriv

12、ed from the one given in the bracket.31 We made plans for a visit but the subsequent _ (difficult) with the car prevented it. 32 Many people keep their _ (save) in banks. 33 The dying man said _ (vague) to his lawyer, “I will leave all my property to the orphans.“ 34 There was a _ (distinction) drop

13、 in support for the Union in the 1974 election. 35 There were beautiful clothes _ (display) in the shop windows. 36 Not _ (surprise), the process of choosing names varies widely from culture to culture. 三、Part III Reading ComprehensionDirections: In this part there are four passages. Each passage is

14、 followed by a number of comprehension questions. Read the passages and choose the best answer to each question. Then, mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.37 If we had to rely on only five senses for survival, we would be in very sad shape indeed. We wouldnt k

15、now up from down. We wouldnt know when to eat or drink. We wouldnt know what our muscles were doing or what position our limbs were in. We wouldnt know when our body was damaged, because we wouldnt feel pain. We might freeze to death without even a shake, or overheat without a drop of sweat. The fiv

16、e senses-touch, taste, smell, hearing and sight-respond only to stimulation from the out- side world, but the inside world of our bodies must also receive and respond to important messages.Our internal senses keep us alive and enable us to use our external senses. In effect, the internal senses tell

17、 our brains how to run our bodies. Hunger and thirst register in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus, when a lack of food chemicals are detected in the blood.Another internal sense that controls our balance is maintained by three fluid-filled loops in the inner ear. Changes in position and g

18、ravity affect the motion of this liquid and trigger changes in the brain. A sense called kinesthesia lets us know the relative positions of parts Pf our bodies. Even our breathing is triggered by a sense that identifies an over-abundance of carbon dioxide and a lack of oxygen in the blood.No one has

19、 been able to count the number of internal senses. The presence of delicate internal senses shows just how marvelously complex we human beings are.37 This passage deals mostly with _.(A)internal senses(B) sense of balance(C) five senses(D)brains function38 Hunger is caused by _.(A)too much food and

20、water in the body(B) a lack of oxygen in the blood(C) seeing or thinking about food(D)a lack of certain chemicals in the blood39 The passage implies that there are many senses we _.(A)can use only in emergencies(B) may not understand at present(C) never realize we have(D)do not actively use in every

21、day living40 In the second paragraph, the term “in effect“ means _.(A)in fact(B) it is doubtful(C) without reason(D)often41 Register, in this passage, most nearly means _.(A)fire(B) start(C) signal(D)revise42 Temperatures on December 12City High LowCleveland 37 31Columbia, S. C 60 27Columbus, Ohio 4

22、1 34Dallas 81 50Dayton. . 41 33Decatur . 39 30Denver 49 33Des Moines 34 27Detroit . 37 28Dubuque . 30 23Duluth 19 10Eau Claire 24 19El Paso . 79 36Evansville 52 36Fairbanks . -31 -40Fargo . 17 -2Flint . 31 26Flagstaff . 56 31Great Falls . 14 3Grand Rapids 33 26Green Ray . 24 2042 What was the high t

23、emperature in Columbus, Ohio on December 12?(A)81.(B) 50.(C) 41.(D)60.43 What was low temperature in Flagstaff on this day?(A)26.(B) -2.(C) 3.(D)31.44 Which city had the highest temperature on this day?(A)El Paso.(B) Dallas.(C) Dayton.(D)Great falls.45 Which city had the lowest temperature?(A)Des Mo

24、ines.(B) Flint.(C) Fairbanks.(D)Duluth.46 How many cities had a temperature below 0 sometimes during the day?(A)One city,(B) Two cities.(C) Three cities.(D)Four cities.47 If the teacher asks a question, you are expected to give an answer. If you do not understand the question, you should raise your

25、hand and ask the teacher to repeat the question. If you do not know the answer, it is all right to tell the teacher that you do not know. Then he or she knows what you need to learn.There is no excuse for not doing your homework. If you are absent, you should call your teacher or someone who is in y

26、our class and ask for the assignment. It is your responsibility to find out what assignments you have missed. It is not the teachers responsibility to remind you of missed assignments.You must not be absent on a test day. If you are seriously ill, call and let the teacher know you will not be there

27、for the test. If your teacher allows make-up tests, you should take the test within one or two days after returning to class. Serious illness is the only reason for missing a test.Be on time! It is considered rude to be late. Also, it bothers other students. If you must come in late, be sure to do i

28、t quietly. Have your books and papers out of. your bag be- fore you come into the room. Then go to your seat and sit quietly. In the U.S. it is not necessary to knock before you enter the classroom. Most of the ELC teachers will give you a low grade if you are often late.Have your book out and be re

29、ady to begin when the class starts. Your teacher should not have to ask you every day to take out your book. Be sure you have a paper and a sharp pencil ready.47 When the teacher asks a question, you should _.(A)raise your hand(B) give an answer(C) repeat the question(D)keep silence48 If you miss a

30、class, what should you do to find out what assignment was given?(A)Call the teacher or a classmate.(B) Give an excuse.(C) Remind the teacher you were absent.(D)Ask a classmate when you attend the school.49 When are you allowed to take a make-up test?(A)When you are absent on a test day.(B) When ther

31、es a test two days after the previous one.(C) When you are really sick.(D)Within one or two days after returning to class.50 A synonym for bother is _.(A)please(B) worry(C) disturb(D)interrupt51 What is the proper title for this passage?(A)Principles of the Classroom.(B) Rules for Students.(C) Ameri

32、can Classroom Customs.(D)International Customs.52 If you have ever been mistaken for somebody else, you can certainly sympathize with two young women from Maryland, both named Wanda Marie Johnson.One Wanda was living and working in Washington, D.C., when she became confused with the second Wanda, a

33、former resident of the area, whom shed never met. Both Wan- das were born on June 15, 1953, and their social security numbers are the same except for the final three digits. Amazingly, they both moved from Washington to St. Georges Grenada.Both women drove cars of the same year and model, which real

34、ly confused the computers at the Department of Motor Vehicles. When one of the Wandas applied for her drivers license, she was told she already had one and that she was required to wear glasses while driving. She spoke to four supervisors before convincing the authorities that her vision was perfect

35、 and that she really did need a license. She then received two licenses instead of one.The Wandas also became confused in medical and credit records. One of the women was hounded for not paying a bill for furniture she had never purchased. She couldnt convince a skeptical debt collector that shed ne

36、ver been in the store.Newspapers finally picked up the story, and the identity confusion was brought to light. The Wandas met to discuss solution to their bizarre predicament. One Wanda was re- ported to be considering using her maiden name.52 Another good title for the passage would be _.(A)Common

37、Names(B) Computer Mix-ups(C) Coincidence Causes Confusion(D)Dealing With the Department of Motor Vehicles53 According to the article, all of the following are true about the two Wandas except that _.(A)they both lived in St. Georges, Grenada(B) they both wore glasses(C) they had the same birthday(D)

38、they drove the same type of car54 The passage implies that _.(A)computers caused the problem for the two Wandas(B) the only similarity between the two women was their name(C) the newspapers helped solved the problem for the two Wandas(D)the womens problems were solved when one moved to Grenada55 In

39、the passage, the writer frequently uses _.(A)vivid adjectives and adverbs(B) logically reasoned arguments(C) pointed accusations(D)factual detail56 The word skeptical is closest in meaning to _.(A)free-thinking(B) cruel(C) doubting(D)incompetent四、Part IV ClozeDirections: There are some blanks in the

40、 following passages. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passages. Then, mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.57 The most extraordinary dream I ever 【B1】 was one in which I fancied that, as I was going into a thea

41、ter, the cloak-room attendant stopped me in the lobby and insisted on my 【B2 】 my legs behind. I was not surprised; but I was considerably annoyed. I said I had never heard of such a rule at any respectable theater 【B3】 , and that I considered it a most absurd regulation. The man replied that he was

42、 very 【B4】 , but that those were his instructions. People complained that they could not get to and from their 【 B5】 comfortably, because other peoples legs were always in the way; and it had, therefore, been decided that 【B6】 should leave their legs outside. It seemed to me that the management, in

43、making this order, had gone 【B7 】 their legal right; and, under ordinary circumstances, I should have disputed it. However, I didnt want to 【B8】 a disturbance; and so I sat down and meekly prepared to comply with the demand. I had never before 【B9】 that the human leg could be unscrewed. I had always

44、 thought it was more securely fixed. But the man showed me how to undo them, and I found that they came off quite easily. The discovery did not surprise 【 B10】 any more than the original request that I should take them off. Nothing does surprise one in a dream.57 【B1 】(A)was(B) saw(C) had(D)wanted58

45、 【B2 】(A)leave(B) leaves(C) leaving(D)left59 【B3 】(A)before(B) after(C) during(D)so60 【B4 】(A)angry(B) sorry(C) friendly(D)helpful61 【B5 】(A)homes(B) jobs(C) arms(D)seats62 【B6 】(A)somebody(B) everybody(C) anybody(D)nobody63 【B7 】(A)beyond(B) from(C) to(D)around64 【B8 】(A)understand(B) make(C) know(

46、D)learn65 【B9 】(A)know(B) known(C) knowing(D)knows66 【B10 】(A)him(B) them(C) me(D)us五、Part V Translation from Chinese to EnglishDirections: This part is to test your ability to translate Chinese into English. 67 你的行为跟医生的吩咐相违背。68 孩子们天生好奇。69 许多人抱怨现代生活节奏快。70 我总是说话算话。71 人类几乎没有机会在核点中逃过一劫。六、Part VI Transl

47、ation from English to ChineseDirections: This part is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. 72 It is important that you contact them when you first become aware a problem might be developing rather than waiting until it has become extremely serious. 73 Social forces that prevailed

48、in the country after 1890 further influenced their development. 74 Rain falls from clouds for the same reason anything fails to Earth. 75 A hero has a story of adventure to tell and a community who will listen. But a hero goes be yond mere fame. 76 It may be possible for large scale change to occur without leaders with magnetic personalities, but the pace of change would be slow, the vision uncertain, and the comm


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