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1、专升本(英语)模拟试卷 354 及答案与解析一、Phonetics(A)duck(B) duty(C) dust(D)dump(A)gain(B) gang(C) giant(D)grain(A)allow(B) fellow(C) now(D)cow(A)fly(B) silly(C) simply(D)city(A)black(B) blade(C) map(D)sack二、Part I Vocabulary and StructureDirections: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Cho

2、ose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.6 Does everyone on earth have an equal right_an equal share of its resources?(A)by(B) at(C) to(D)over7 This ticket_you to a free meal in our new restaurant.(A)gives(B) grants(C) entitles(D)credits8 You_her in he

3、r office last Friday: she s been out of town for two weeks.(A)needn t have seen(B) must have seen(C) might have seen(D)cant have seen9 That was so serious a matter that I had no choice but_the police.(A)called in(B) calling in(C) call in(D)to call in10 She was so_in her job that she didn t hear anyb

4、ody knocking at the door.(A)attracted(B) absorbed(C) drawn(D)concentrated11 I haven t decided which hotel_.(A)to stay(B) is to stay at(C) to stay at(D)is for staying12 It was not until midnight_they reached the campsite.(A)when(B) that(C) while(D)as13 It is politely requested by the hotel management

5、 that radios_after 11 o clock at night.(A)were not played(B) not to play(C) not be played(D)did not play14 Although I like the appearance of the house, what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful _through the window.(A)vision(B) look(C) picture(D)view15 Make a note of it_you should forget

6、 it.(A)so(B) to(C) how(D)lest16 Many children,_ parents are away working in big cities, are taken good care of in the village.(A)of them(B) whose(C) their(D)with whom17 The manager needs an assistant that he can_to take care of problems in his absence.(A)count on(B) count in(C) count up(D)count out1

7、8 The organization had broken no rules, but_had it acted responsibly.(A)neither(B) so(C) either(D)both19 We gave out a cheer when the red roof of the cottage came_view.(A)from(B) in(C) before(D)into20 They took_measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping.(A)fruitful(B) beneficial(C) valuable(D

8、)effective三、Part III Reading ComprehensionDirections: In this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by a number of comprehension questions. Read the passages and choose the best answer to each question. Then, mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Shee

9、t.20 “When one of the doctors criticizes(批评)me, I get defensive: I feel like a child again, being scolded, and I want to explain that Im not wrong. “ says Viola, a nurse. This is a common reaction(反应)to criticism, but not a good one. There are better ways of dealing with criticism.(l)Try to be objec

10、tive(客观). When Sol was criticized by his new employer for not having made a sale, Sol s reaction was to feel sorry for himself. “ I had put everything I had into making that sale,“ Sol says,“and I felt that I had failed as a person. I had to learn through experience not to react like that to each fa

11、ilure. “(2)Take time to cool down. Rather than reacting immediately to criticism, take some time to think over what was said. Your first question should be whether the criticism is fair from the other person s position. The problem may be a simple misunderstanding of what you did or your reasons for

12、 doing it.(3)Take positive(积极的)action. After you cool down, consider what you can do about the situation. The best answer may be “nothing“. “I finally realized that my boss was having personal problems and taking them out on me because I was there,“ says Sheila. “ His criticisms didn t really have a

13、nything to do with my work, so nothing I said or did was going to change them. “ In Sheila s case, the best way to deal with it was to leave her job. However, that s an extreme reaction. You may simply explain your opinion without expecting an in-depth discussion. You may even decide that the battle

14、 isn t worth fighting this time. The key, in any case, is to have a reasonable plan.21 When Sol was criticized by his employer, he_.(A)argued bitterly with his employer(B) was angry and gave up his job(C) was sorry for what he did(D)was sad and self-pitying22 According to the writer, you should take

15、 time to think about criticism because_.(A)people may have a mistaken idea of what you did(B) you should welcome other people s opinions(C) people may discuss it with you in depth(D)you need time to understand yourself23 When the writer says that “the best answer may be nothing “ , he means you may

16、decide_.(A)to take no notice of the criticism(B) to argue with your boss(C) you need to change your job(D)you ve done nothing wrong24 The writer thinks Sheila can decide to leave her job because her boss_.(A)didn t like her appearance(B) refused to change his opinion(C) made an unreasonable criticis

17、m(D)refused to talk to her about the criticism24 Men have traveled ever since they first appeared on the earth.In primitive times they did not travel for pleasure but to find new places where their herds could feed, or to escape from hostile neighbors, or to find more favorable climates. They travel

18、ed on foot. Their journeys were long, tiring, and often dangerous. They protected themselves with simple weapons, such as wooden sticks or stone clubs, and by lighting fires at night and, above all, by keeping together.Being intelligent and creative, they soon discovered easier ways of traveling. Th

19、ey rode on the backs of their domesticated animals: they hollowed out tree trunks and, by using bits of wood as paddles, were able to travel across water.Later they traveled, not from necessity, but for the joy and excitement of seeing and experiencing new things. This is still the main reason why w

20、e travel today.Traveling, of course, has now become a highly organized business. There are cars and splendid roads, express trains, huge ships and jet airliners, all of which provide us with comforts and security. This sounds wonderful. But there are difficulties. If you want to go abroad, you need

21、a passport and a visa, ticket, luggage, and a hundred of other things. If you lose any of them, your journey may be ruined.25 In primitive times men traveled_.(A)for joy(B) from necessity(C) to broaden the mind(D)to escape from the wild animals26 Which of the following statements is NOT true?(A)Prim

22、itive people had to arm themselves with wooden sticks when they travelled.(B) Primitive people protected themselves with stone clubs when they travelled.(C) Primitive people had to travel in groups.(D)Primitive people never traveled at night.27 Traveling has now become a highly organized business_.(

23、A)so we can travel anywhere without difficulty(B) because we are provided with all kinds of convenient means for traveling(C) because traveling organizations can be found in the countries the world over(D)so travelers have increased rapidly28 In the sentence “.to escape from hostile neighbors.“ ,the

24、 word “hostile“ means_.(A)talkative(B) hot-headed(C) enthusiastic(D)unfriendly28 One evening Mr. Green was driving home along a lonely country road. He had 1,000 in his pocket. At the loneliest part of the road, a man asked for a lift(搭车). Mr. Green told him to get into the car and continued his dri

25、ving. When he talked to the man and learned that the man had been in prison for robbery and had broken out of prison two days before, Mr. Green was very worried.Suddenly he saw a police-car and had a bright idea. He just reached a small town where the speed limit was 30 miles an hour. But he drove t

26、he car as fast as it could go. He looked back and saw that the police-car had begun to chase him. After a mile or so the police-car overtook(赶上)him and ordered him to stop. A policeman got out and came to Mr. Green s car. Mr. Green hoped that he could tell the policeman about the escaped robber, but

27、 he felt the man had put a gun against his back. The policeman took out his notebook and pencil, saying he wanted Mr. Green s name and address. Mr. Green asked to be taken to the police station, but the policeman said, “ No, you will have to appear at the police station later. “ Mr. Green had to do

28、as the policeman told him. The policeman wrote his name and address down, put his notebook and pencil back in his pocket and gave Mr. Green a talk about dangerous driving. Then Mr. Green started up his car again and drove on.Just as he reached the suburb of London, the passenger said, “I want to get

29、 off here. “Mr. Green stopped the car, the man got out and said, “Thanks for the lift. You ve been good to me. This is the least I can do in return. “And he handed Mr. Green the policeman s notebook,which he stole while the policeman was talking to Mr. Green.29 The man asking for a lift was_.(A)a ro

30、bber who robbed drivers(B) a policeman who had worked in prison(C) a prisoner who had escaped from prison(D)a stranger with 1,000 in his pocket30 Mr. Green was worried because_.(A)he was driving along a lonely road(B) he had taken a stranger in his car(C) he saw a police-car(D)he was afraid that the

31、 man might rob him31 Mr. Green asked to be taken to the police station because he_.(A)didn t like to give his name and address to the policeman(B) wanted to get help and tell the truth there(C) didnt like to talk too much with the policeman(D)wanted to leave the man in his car and let him go32 What

32、s the end of the story?(A)The prisoner stole the policeman s notebook and gave it to Mr. Green in return.(B) The prisoner was caught.(C) The prisoner robbed Mr. Green.(D)Mr. Green sent the prisoner to the police station.32 The banana “tree“ is actually not a real tree. This is because there is no wo

33、od in the stem(树干)rising above the ground. The stem is made up of leaves growing very close together, one inside the other. The leaves spread out at the top of the stem and rise in the air.Banana plants need a lot of care and attention. They must be provided with water if the normal rainfall doesnt

34、supply enough. The area around the plants must be kept free of weeds(杂草)and grass.About nine or ten months after planting, a flower appears on the banana plant. This flower is at the end of a long stalk(茎), which grows from the base up through the center of the stem and turns downward when it comes

35、out from the top. Small bananas form on this flower stalk as it grows downward. Bananas really grow upside down. As the small bananas form on the stalk, they point downward, but as they grow they turn and point upward.Bananas are harvested while they are still green. Even when they are to be eaten w

36、here they are grown, they are not allowed to ripen on the plant. A banana that turns yellow on the plant loses its taste.33 The first paragraph in the text mainly discusses_.(A)why the stem of the tree is wood(B) how the banana grows on the stem(C) why the banana tree is not a tree(D)how the leaves

37、grow out of the stem34 The underlined word “it“ in the third paragraph refers to_.(A)the leaf(B) the stalk(C) the stem(D)the plant35 According to the text, where do bananas actually grow?(A)On the stem.(B) On the leaves.(C) On the flower stalk.(D)On the base of the stem.36 From the text we know when

38、 bananas are harvested, they are_.(A)green and pointing upward(B) yellow and pointing downward(C) green and pointing downward(D)yellow and pointing upward36 How can we get rid of garbage? Do we have enough energy sources to meet our future energy needs?These are two important questions that many peo

39、ple are asking today. Some people think that man might be able to solve both problems at the same time. They suggest using garbage as an energy source,and at the same time it can save the land to hold garbage.For a long time,people buried garbage or dumped it on empty land. Now,empty land is scarce.

40、 But more and more garbage is produced each year. However, garbage can be a good fuel to use. The things in garbage do not look like coal, petroleum, or natural gas: but they are chemically similar to these fossil fuels. As we use up our fossil-fuel supplies,we might be able to use garbage as an ene

41、rgy source. Burning garbage is not a new idea. Some cities in Europe and the United States have been burning garbage for years. The heat that is produced by burning garbage is used to boil water. The steam that is produced is used to make electricity or to heat nearby buildings. In Paris, France, so

42、me power plants burn almost 2 million metric tons of the city s garbage each year. The amount of energy produced is about the same as would be produced by burning almost a half million barrels of oil.Our fossil fuel supplies are limited. Burning garbage might be one kind of energy source that we can

43、 use to help meet our energy needs. This method could also reduce the amount of garbage piling up on the earth.37 What two problems can be solved by burning garbage?(A)The shortage of energy and air pollution.(B) The shortage of energy and the land to hold garbage.(C) Air pollution and the shortage

44、of fossil fuel.(D)Air pollution and the shortage of land to hold garbage.38 According to the passage, using garbage is _.(A)for heating in France each year(B) a new way in a modern society(C) a good way to solve the problem of energy shortage(D)too expensive as an energy source39 What is the author

45、s attitude?(A)Delighted.(B) Sad.(C) Agreeing.(D)Disagreeing.40 The best title for the passage may be _.(A)Garbage and the Earth(B) Fossil Fuel and Garbage(C) Land and Garbage(D)Garbage? Energy Source四、Part IV ClozeDirections: There are some blanks in the following passages. For each blank there are

46、four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passages. Then, mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.40 Scientists who study the brain have found out a great deal about how we learn. They have【C1】_that babies learn much more from the sights and sound

47、s around them than we【C2】_before. You can help your baby by taking advantage of her hunger to learn.From the【C3】_beginning,babies try to imitate the【C4】_they hear us make. They “read“ the【C5】_on our faces and our movements. That is【C6】_it is so important to talk,sing and smile to your child. Hearing

48、 you talk is your baby s first【C7】_toward becoming a reader,because it【C8】_her to love language and to learn words.As your child grows older,【C9】_talking with her. Ask her about the things she does. Ask her about the events and people in the story you【C10】_together. Let her know you are carefully【C1

49、1】_what she says. By keeping her in【C12 】_and listening,you are【C13】_encouraging your child to think as she speaks.【C14】_,you are showing that you respect her knowledge and her ability to【C15】_learning.41 【C1 】(A)discovered(B) heard(C) watched(D)written42 【C2 】(A)did(B) hoped(C) studied(D)thought43 【C3 】(A)very(B) suitable(C)


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