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1、山东专升本(英语)模拟试卷 8 及答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structure1 It is well known that Edison_the electric lamp.(A)invented(B) discovered(C) found(D)developed2 Both husband and wife had to work hard . their children.(A)raise(B) to raise(C) rise(D)to rise3 I apologize_you.(A)for quarrelling with; It doesnt matter(B

2、) for quarrelling with; Thank you(C) to quarrel with; Thats nothing(D)quarrelling with; Thats nothing4 We will take_wants to go there for a sight-seeing.(A)whoever(B) who(C) anybody(D)all that5 I caught the last bus from town, but Harry came home_that night.(A)very late(B) even later(C) the same lat

3、e(D)the last one6 What was the party like? Wonderful. It is years_I enjoyed myself so much.(A)has(B) before(C) after(D)since7 It is very kind_your parents to do that for us.(A)for(B) to(C) about(D)of8 There is a_of 1000 dollars for the return.(A)reward(B) prize(C) thank(D)praise9 A man does not know

4、 the difficulty of anything_he does it personally.(A)although(B) if(C) because(D)unless10 I dont remember_to the airport that year.(A)to be taken(B) being taken(C) having(D)to take11 He promised to come to the party, but he didnt_.(A)turn on(B) turn up(C) turn down(D)turn into12 I took him_Mr. Johns

5、on at the first sight.(A)in(B) to(C) on(D)for13 Its a_difficult test.(A)rather(B) too(C) enough(D)fair14 The sports meeting was_because of the bad weather.(A)put on(B) put off(C) put down(D)put up15 The watch is_300 dollars.(A)worth(B) worthy(C) worthy of(D)worth of16 We became friends quite_acciden

6、t.(A)by(B) in(C) at(D)out of17 It is very hard to_the meaning of “rich“ today.(A)define(B) show(C) say(D)give18 Each key on the board is_a different type of function.(A)with(B) as(C) for(D)to19 The staff in the kitchen has_the message that a customer wants a special dish.(A)received(B) ordered(C) ac

7、cepted(D)pointed20 Newspapers are expected to provide the_news.(A)latest(B) later(C) last(D)late21 Do remember to take the medicine three times a day with warm boiled water.(A)Heard it(B) Made it(C) Got it(D)Taken it22 He is so addicted to alcohol that_seems to be no chance of talking him into quitt

8、ing.(A)this(B) what(C) it(D)there23 Who do you think_him angry?(A)made(B) making(C) make(D)makes24 The fact_that Taiwan is a part of China.(A)remains(B) remaining(C) is remained(D)is remaining25 She poured water all over my album and_it.(A)ruined(B) charged(C) changed(D)recalled26 What you said just

9、 now is not the best approach_this problem.(A)for(B) of(C) to(D)against27 When I was cooking, it suddenly_to me that I had forgotten to buy salt.(A)occurred(B) came(C) happened(D)thought28 Buying a large house costs a large_of money.(A)amount(B) number(C) size(D)phase29 I fitted a new lock to_that t

10、he bicycle would not be stolen.(A)surely(B) ensure(C) sure(D)insure30 Jane is always praised_her kindness.(A)at(B) in(C) for(D)on30 In the 1960s, medical researchers Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe developed a checklist of stressful events. They appreciated the tricky point that any major change can

11、be stressful. Negative events like “serious illness of a family member“ were high on the list, but so were some positive life-changing events, like marriage. When you take the Holmes-Rahe test you must remember that the score does not reflect how you deal with stressit only shows how much you have t

12、o deal with. And we now know that the way you handle these events dramatically affects your chances of staying healthy.By the early 1970s, hundreds of similar studies had followed Holmes and Rahe. And millions of Americans who work and live under stress worried over the reports. Somehow, the researc

13、h got boiled down to a memorable message. Womens magazines ran headlines like “ Stress Causes illness!“ If you want to stay physically and mentally healthy, the articles said, avoid stressful events.But such simplistic advice is impossible to follow. Even if stressful events are dangerous, manylike

14、the death of a loved oneare impossible to avoid. Moreover, any warning to avoid all stressful events is a prescription (处方) for staying away from opportunities as well as troubles. Since any change can be stressful, a person who wants to be completely free of stress would never marry, have a child,

15、take a new job or move.The notion that all stress makes you sick also ignores a lot of what we know about people. It assumes were all vulnerable (脆弱的) and passive in the face of adversity (逆境). But what about human initiative and creativity? Many come through periods of stress with more physical and

16、 mental vigor than they had before. We also know that a long time without change or challenge can lead to boredom, and physical and mental strain.31 The result of Holmes-Rahes medical research tells us_.(A)the way you handle major events may cause stress(B) what should be done to avoid stress(C) wha

17、t kind of event would cause stress(D)how to cope with sudden changes in life32 The studies on stress in the early 1970s led to_.(A)widespread concern over its harmful effects(B) great panic over the mental disorder it could cause(C) an intensive research into stress-related illnesses(D)popular avoid

18、ance of stressful jobs33 The score of the Holmes-Rahe test shows_.(A)how much pressure you are under(B) how positive events can change you life(C) how stressful a major event can be(D)how you can deal with life-changing events34 Why is “such simplistic advice“ (Line 1, Para. 3) impossible to follow?

19、(A)No one can stay on the same job for long.(B) No prescription is effective in relieving stress.(C) People have to get married someday.(D)You could be missing opportunities as well.35 According to the passage people who have experienced ups and downs may become_.(A)nervous when faced with difficult

20、ies(B) physically and mentally strained(C) more capable of coping with adversity(D)indifferent toward what happens to them35 For an increasing number of students at American universities, Old is suddenly in. The reason is obvious: the graying of America means jobs. Coupled with the aging of the baby

21、-boom(生育高峰) generation, a longer life span means that the nations elderly population is bound to expand significandy over the next 50 years. By 2050, 25 percent of all Americans will be older than 65, up from 14 percent in 1995. The change poses profound questions for government and society, of cour

22、se. But it also creates career opportunities in medicine and health professions, and in law and business as well. “ In addition to the doctors, were going to need more sociologists, biologists, urban planners and specialized lawyers,“ says Professor Edward Schneider of the University of Southern Cal

23、ifornias (USC) School of Gerontology (老年学).Lawyers can specialize in “elder law“ , which covers everything from trusts and estates to nursing-home abuse and age discrimination (歧视). Businessmen see huge opportunities in the elder market because the baby boomers, 74 million strong, are likely to be t

24、he wealthiest group of retirees in human history. “Any student who combines an expert knowledge in gerontology with, say, an MBA or law degree will have a license to print money,“ one professor says.Margarite Santos is a 21-year-old senior at USC. She began college as a biology major but found she w

25、as “really bored with bacteria“. So she took a class in gerontology and discovered that she liked it. She says, “ I did volunteer work in retirement homes and it was very satisfying.“36 “. Old is suddenly in“ (Line 1, Para. 1) most probably means_.(A)America has suddenly become a nation of old peopl

26、e(B) gerontology has suddenly become popular(C) more elderly professors are found on American campuses(D)American colleges have realized the need of enrolling older students37 With the aging of America, lawyers can benefit_.(A)from the adoption of the “elder law“(B) from rendering special services t

27、o the elderly(C) by enriching their professional knowledge(D)by winning the trust of the elderly to promote their own interests38 Why can businessmen make money in the emerging elder market?(A)Retirees are more generous in spending money.(B) They can employ more gerontologists.(C) The elderly posses

28、s an enormous purchasing power.(D)There are more elderly people working than before.39 Who can make big money in the new century according to the passage?(A)Retirees who are business-minded.(B) The volunteer workers in retirement homes.(C) College graduates with an MBA or law degree.(D)Professionals

29、 with a good knowledge of gerontology.40 It can be seen from the passage that the expansion of Americas elderly population_.(A)will provide good job opportunities in many areas(B) will impose an unbearable burden on society(C) may lead to nursing home abuse and age discrimination(D)will create new f

30、ields of study in universities40 Our environment is getting worse and worse with the increase of the world population, which affects the environment in two ways. Firstly, the limited energy resources will be used up much faster. Secondly, the increasing population creates more pollution, another sev

31、ere problem that needs to be solved. Both problems are long-term ones because actions taken now show their results slowly over many years. They are also urgent because delays in action can lead to great suffering and social problems. The question seems to be difficult to handle for most people. Howe

32、ver,a person can be a protector of environment in everyday life if he takes actions to save the environment right now. Wifh the development of technology, cars make transportation easier and quicker than before, but we cant ignore the disadvantages brought to us by more and more cars in use. For exa

33、mple, we are consuming gasoline(汽油), which is an un-renewable (无法更新的)resource,and will soon be gone. Moreover, the exhausted gas from cars pollutes our air, and our health is therefore threatened by air pollution, which has a big potential effect on our daily life, so we can consider walking,taking

34、buses,carpooling(合用汽车) ,instead of driving cars alone. This seems to be a very slow process that cant be so effective if its taken by a single person. But when more and more people become aware of the importance and positively take it as their personal responsibilities, the condition of the air will

35、 be improved to a great extent.41 According to the writer,the main problem to our environment today is_.(A)the increase of population(B) the limited energy resources(C) the more serious air pollution(D)the development of technology42 From the passage, we can know that_ .(A)effective measures can be

36、taken mainly by the government(B) taking measures now can soon improve the environment(C) immediate measures can cause great suffering and social problems(D)every single persons action has some effect on environment protection43 The authors main purpose in writing this passage is most probably to_ .

37、(A)complain about peoples slow actions to protect the environment(B) advise people to take actions to protect the environment(C) show himself to be an active environment protector(D)point out the bad effects of technologies on protecting environment44 The author believes that carpooling_ .(A)can giv

38、e help to those without cars(B) can save people money and time(C) can save energy resources and reduce air pollution(D)can promote friendship among drivers45 The passage is mainly about_ .(A)energy resources saving(B) environment protection(C) population control(D)air pollutionSection ADirections: T

39、ranslate the following English into Chinese.46 These regions are concerned with speech, and with such “higher“ functions as abstract thinking and judgment.47 The company also had to address major bugs in its software development process.48 The three-year effort to create Windows 7, which lands on st

40、ore shelves this Thursday, was marked by closer collaboration between the thousands of people working on aspects of the high-stakes product.49 By modern standards, the hostile summit of Mount Iiullaillaco, in the Argentine Andes, is no place for kids.50 And there the story might have ended but for t

41、he tireless efforts of Johan Reinhard, an independent archaeologist funded by the National Geographic Society.Section BDirections: Translate the following Chinese into English.51 她很腼腆,不敢在众人面前唱歌。52 小明想到一个处理废水的好办法。53 在使用这部手机前请仔细浏览一下用户手册。54 长寿的秘诀在于饮食的平衡。55 我们不能简单地将就业的不平等归咎于性别差异。二、Writing56 For this par

42、t, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled “ Where to Work; Developed Cities or West China?“. You should write at least 120 words following the outline below:(1)大学毕业生有的选择去北京、上海这样的大城市工作,有的选择去西部。(2)分析这两种情况的优缺点。(3)你毕业时的选择及原因。Where to Work: Developed Cities or West China?山东专升本(英语)模拟试卷

43、 8 答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structure1 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 众所周知,爱迪生发明了电灯。考点:近义动词辨析。2 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 夫妻二人都要努力工作来抚养孩子。考点:动词的适当形式。不定式表目的,“抚养”一词要用 raise,rise 词义为升起。3 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 抱歉与你吵架。没关系。考点:动词的固定搭配。apologize for doing something 表示因做某事而向某人道歉。对于道歉的回答没关系要用 It doesnt matter。4 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 我们将带任何想去的人去观光。考点:从句

44、引导词。whoever 引导主语从句,作 take 的宾语。5 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 我赶上了从城里回来的最后一班车,但是 Harry 那天晚上回来得更晚。考点:形容词比较级与最高级,两者之间比较要用比较级。6 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 聚会怎么样?棒极了。我已经好几年没玩的那么尽兴了。考点:连词。since 表示自以来,A 不是连词,B 表示在之前,C 为在之后。7 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 你父母帮我们做那些真是太好了。考点:介词固定搭配。It is+形容词+offor+sb+to do 是固定的句型。但两个句型用法不同,如果形容词表示人的性质,如 kind,nice 等必

45、须用 of。8 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 作为回报有 1000 美元酬金。考点:近义词辨析。reward 为酬金,prize 为奖项,thank 为感谢,praise 为表扬。因题目中已经说明 for a return(作为回报),所以选 A。9 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 人只有亲自去做的时候才知道事情有多难。考点:连词辨析。unless 意为除非,although 意为尽管,if 意为如果,because 意为因为。10 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 我不记得那年被带去了机场。考点:remember 的用法。remember doing sth意为记得做过某事,remember to

46、 do sth意为记得要做某事。11 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 他答应会来这个聚会,但是没出现。考点:动词词组辨析。turn up 意为出现、现身,turn on 为打开(电视等),turn down 为调低音量,turn into为变成。12 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 我刚见到他时把他当成了约翰逊先生。考点:动词词组。take sbfor sb 为把某人误认为某人。13 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 这是个相当难的测验。考点:近义词辨析。rather 意为相当地,作程度副词修饰形容词 difficult。用 too 的话要说 too difficult a test。enough 意

47、思与题目不符,fair 为形容词,不能修饰形容词。14 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 运动会由于天气不好而推迟了。考点:动词词组辨析。A 为穿上,C 为放下,D 为张贴。15 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 这块表价值 300 美元。考点:worth 的用法。be worth+价格。be worthy of 意为值得 。16 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 我们成为朋友非常偶然。考点:介词固定搭配。by accident 意为偶然的,其他选项不对。17 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 如今很难定义何谓“富有”。考点:动词词意辨析。A 为定义,B 为表演、展示,C 为说出,D 为给予。18 【正确答案

48、】 C【试题解析】 面板上的每一个键都有不同的功能。考点:介词用法。for 表目的。19 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 厨房的员工收到消息,客人想来份特色菜。考点:动词辨析。A 为收到,B 为命令或点餐,C 为接受,D 为指出。20 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 人们期望报纸提供最新的消息。考点:近义词辨析。21 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 一定要记得药物一天服三次,温开水送服。知道了。考点:交际用语。22 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 他如此沉溺于酒精,似乎没什么可能说服他戒掉。考点:there be句型。23 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 你认为谁让他如此生气?考点:插入语,make 的

49、用法。do you think 为插入语,做题时可以不用考虑。已经发生的事情要用一般过去时,所以选A。24 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 事实依旧如此:台湾是中国的一部分。考点:动词时态。对于客观事实,应使用一般现在时。25 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 她把水倒在我的相册上,把它给毁了。考点:动词词意辨析。B 为收费,C 为改变,D 为使回忆。26 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 你刚才所说的并不是解决这一问题的最佳途径。考点:介词搭配。approach to sth表示 的途径,方法。27 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 我做饭时突然想起来忘了买盐。考点:近义词辨析。it occur to sb意为某人突然想起某事。28 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 买幢大房子要花


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