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1、江苏专转本(英语)模拟试卷 35 及答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structure1 Word had come from the manager _ a new transaction would be concluded.(A)who(B) that(C) which(D)when2 There was a traffic jam, but she_ get to the destination in time.(A)could(B) might(C) ought to(D)was able to3 “Do you think_ I should attend the le

2、cture?“ she asked me.(A)that(B) whether(C) if(D)when4 Their room was on the third floor, its window_ the sports ground.(A)overlooks(B) overlooking(C) overlooked(D)to overlook5 On no account_ to anyone who works in the company.(A)my name must be mentioned(B) my name must mention(C) must my name be me

3、ntioned(D)must my name mention6 Jim knows little of mathematics, _of chemistry.(A)and still less(B) as well as(C) no less than(D)and still more7 The man denied_any thing at the supermarket when he was questioned by the police.(A)to have stolen(B) to steal(C) having stolen(D)having been stealing8 Did

4、 he tell you what_ if he had a chance?(A)was he going to do(B) he would do(C) be had done(D)had to do9 The results were to_ yesterday, but we have heard nothing.(A)reveal(B) have revealed(C) be revealed(D)have been revealed10 Calculations, which are astronomically exact, have been made_with the use

5、of computers.(A)possible(B) it possible(C) possibly(D)to be possible11 To handle the delicate situation, you must be_(A)more than careful(B) more carefully(C) carefully enough(D)enough carefully12 The governess agreed to teach the temperamental child_ she was given complete authority.(A)whether(B) f

6、or(C) that(D)provided13 According to the periodic table, _ still some elements undiscovered.(A)there seem to be(B) it seems to be(C) it seems that(D)here seem14 The farmer used wood to build a house_ to store grain.(A)with(B) in which(C) which(D)where15 A beam of light will not bend round the corner

7、s unless_ to do so with the help of a reflecting device.(A)being done(B) made(C) to be made(D)having made16 _, the more severe the winters are.(A)The more north you go(B) The farther you go the north(C) The more you go north(D)The farther north you go17 Vicky has been sad recently, for her plan to g

8、o to college_ at the last moment.(A)fell out(B) fell behind(C) fell through(D)fell off18 You had better _ teasing these newcomers, for that will hurt their feeling.(A)leave out(B) leave for(C) leave off(D)leave behind19 Dont lose heart! You should_your courage and overcome the difficulty.(A)hold up(

9、B) set up(C) pull up(D)pluck up20 He_ a sum of money every month to help the two orphans.(A)sets aside(B) sets up(C) sets along(D)sets in21 I wish that he_to the movies with me yesterday.(A)went(B) could go(C) was gone(D)could have gone22 _, the more necessary it is to break it up into a number of p

10、arts which the reader can visualize.(A)The more complex a subject becomes(B) The more becomes a subject complex(C) A subject becomes the more complex(D)The more subjects become essential23 Close the door, _?(A)will you(B) do you(C) shall you(D)dont you24 _at the railway station when it began to rain

11、.(A)Hardly had he arrived(B) Hardly he had arrived(C) No sooner did he arrive(D)No sooner arrived he25 The storm_, they had to live in a cave.(A)has destroyed their hut(B) to destroy their hut.(C) having destroyed their hut(D)being destroyed26 _the number of paid holidays enjoyed by most employees i

12、n the company, three weeks of vacation seems generous.(A)Compared with(B) Compared(C) Comparing with(D)Comparing27 It was going to be some time_he would see his father again.(A)since(B) when(C) until(D)before28 He is younger than_.(A)any other boy in the class(B) any boy in the class(C) all boys in

13、the class(D)you and me as well as the class29 The establishment of the company shall start from the day_the business license of the company is issued.(A)which(B) on which(C) in which(D)whenever30 You_me because I didnt say that.(A)must misunderstand(B) must be misunderstanding(C) must have misunders

14、tood(D)had to misunderstand31 Electrical energy _ from the sun in a round way is the most widely used energy today.(A)come(B) to come(C) coming(D)having come32 You remain about the same as when you parted with us _ youve got a little thinner.(A)except for(B) besides(C) except that(D)because33 Fertil

15、izers are used primarily to enrich the soil and_ yield.(A)increasing(B) increase(C) to increase(D)have increased34 A beam of light will not bend round corners unless_to do so with the help of a reflecting device.(A)made(B) being made(C) having made(D)to be made35 He has a large collection of books,

16、_ are written in English.(A)many among(B) many in which(C) many ones of which(D)many of which36 I dont think it is funny, but my friend_.(A)cannot help to laugh(B) cannot help laugh(C) cannot but laughing(D)cannot help but laugh37 Science and technology have brought_ many changes in our lives.(A)for

17、ward(B) about(C) out(D)to38 With the map of the city to help them, they had no_the place.(A)difficulties in finding(B) difficulty in finding(C) difficulty to find(D)trouble to find39 It is difficult to understand this kind of_ calculation.(A)intricate(B) varied(C) indispensable(D)equable40 Industria

18、l managers employ specialists to keep machines working properly and to _ the supply of spare parts.(A)ensure(B) promise(C) guarantee(D)assure40 Suppose we built a robot(机器人)to explore the planet Mars. We provide the robot with seeing detectors to keep it away from danger. It is powered entirely by t

19、he sun. Should we program the robot to be equally active at all times? No. The robot would be using up energy at a time when it was not receiving any. So we would probably program it to cease its activity at night and to wake up at dawn the next morning.According to the evolutionary(进化的)theory of sl

20、eep, evolution equipped us with a regular pattern of sleeping and waking for the same reason. The theory does not deny(否认)that sleep provides some important restorative functions. It merely says that evolution has programmed us to perform those functions at a time when activity would be inefficient

21、and possibly dangerous. However, sleep protects us only from the sort of trouble we might walk into; it does not protect us from trouble that comes looking for us. So we sleep well when we are in familiar, safe place, but we sleep lightly, if at all, when we fear that bears will nose into the tent.T

22、he evolutionary theory accounts well for differences in sleep among creatures. Why do cats, for instance, sleep so much, while horses sleep so little? Surely cats do not need five times as much repair and restoration as horses do. But cats can afford to have long periods of inactivity because they s

23、pend little time eating and are unlikely to be attacked while they sleep. Horses must spend almost all their waking hours eating, because what they eat is very low in energy value. Moreover, they cannot afford to sleep too long or too deeply, because their survival depends on their ability to run aw

24、ay from attackers.41 Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?_.(A)Evolution has equipped all creatures with a regular pattern of sleeping and waking.(B) The study of sleep is an important part of the evolutionary theory.(C) Sleeping patterns must be taken into consideration in the des

25、igning of robots.(D)The sleeping pattern of a living creature is determined by the food it eats.42 The author uses the example of the robot in space exploration to tell us_.(A)the differences between robots and men(B) the reason why men need to sleep(C) about the need for robots to save power(D)abou

26、t the danger of men working at night43 Cats sleep much more than horses do partly because cats_.(A)need more time for restoration(B) are unlikely to be attackers(C) are more active than horses when they are awake(D)spend less time eating to get enough energy44 According to the author, we cannot slee

27、p well when we_.(A)are worrying about our safety(B) are overworked(C) are in a tent(D)are away from home45 Evolution has programmed man to sleep at night chiefly to help him_.(A)maintain a regular pattern of life(B) prevent trouble that comes looking for him(C) avoid danger and inefficient labor(D)r

28、estore his bodily functions45 Exchange a glance with someone, then look away. Do you realize that you have made a statement? Hold the glance for a second longer, and you have made a different statement. Hold it for 3 seconds, and the meaning has changed again. For every social situation, there is a

29、permissible time that you can hold a persons gaze without being intimate, rude, or aggressive. If you are on an elevator, what gazetime are you permitted? To answer this question, consider what you typically do. You very likely give other passengers a quick glance to size them up(打量)and to assure th

30、em that you mean no threat. Since being close to another person signals the possibility of interaction. You need to emit a signal telling others you want to be left alone. So you cut off eye contact, what sociologist Erving Goffman(1963)calls “a dimming of the lights.“ You look down at the floor, at

31、 the indicator lights, anywhere but into another passengers eyes. Should you break the rule against staring at a stranger on an elevator, you will make the other person exceedingly uncomfortable, and you are likely to feel a bit strange yourself.If you hold eye contact for more than 3 seconds, what

32、are you telling another person? Much depends on the person and the situation. For instance, a man and a woman communicate interest in this manner. They typically gaze at each other for about 3 seconds at a time, then drop their eyes down for 3 seconds, before letting their eyes meet again. But if on

33、e man gives another man a 3-second-plus stare, he signals, “I know you“, “I am interested in you, “ or “You look peculiar and I am curious about you. “ This type of stare often produces hostile feelings.46 The passage mainly discusses_.(A)the limitations of eye contact(B) the exchange of ideas throu

34、gh eye contact(C) proper behavior in situations(D)the role of eye contact in interpersonal communication47 It can be inferred form the first paragraph that_.(A)every glance has its significance(B) staring at a person is an expression of interest(C) a gaze longer than 3 seconds is unacceptable(D)a gl

35、ance conveys more meaning than words48 By “a dimming of the lights“ Erving Goffman means “_“.(A)closing ones eyes(B) turning off the lights(C) creasing to glance at others(D)reducing gaze-time to the minimum49 If one is looked at by a stranger for too long, he tends to feel_.(A)depressed(B) uneasy(C

36、) curious(D)amused50 If you want to be left alone on an elevator, the best thing to do is_.(A)to look into another passengers eyes(B) to avoid eye contact with other passengers(C) to signal you are not a threat to anyone(D)to keep a distance from other passengers50 Professor Smith recently persuaded

37、 35 people, 23 of them women, to keep a diary of all their absent-minded actions for a fortnight. When he came to analyse their embarrassing lapses(差错)in a scientific report, he was surprised to find that nearly all of them fell into a few groupings. Nor did the lapses appear to be entirely random(随

38、机的).One of the women, for instance, on leaving her house for work one morning threw her dog her earrings and tried to fix a dog biscuit on her ear. “The explanation for this is that the brain is like a computer, “ explains the professor. “People programme themselves to do certain activities regularl

39、y. It was the womans custom every morning to throw her dog two biscuits and then put on her earrings. But somehow the action got reversed in the programme. “ About one in twenty of the incidents the volunteers reported were these “programme assembly failures. “Altogether the volunteers logged 433 un

40、intentional actions that they found themselves doingan average of twelve each. There appear to be peak periods in the day when we are at our zaniest(荒谬可笑的). These are two hours some time between eight a. m. and noon, between four and six p. m. with a smaller peak between eight and ten p. m. “Among m

41、en the peak seems to be when a changeover in brain programmes occurs, as for instance between going to and from work. “ Women on average reported slightly more lapses12. 5 compared with 10. 9 for men-probably because they were more reliable reporters.A startling finding of the research is that the a

42、bsent-minded activity is a hazard of doing things in which we are skilled. Normally, you would expect that skill reduces the number of errors we make. But trying to avoid silly slips by concentrating more could make things a lot worse-even dangerous.51 “Programme assembly failures“ refers to the phe

43、nomenon that people_.(A)often fail to programme their routines beforehand(B) tend to make mistakes when they are in a hurry(C) unconsciously change the sequence of doing things(D)are likely to mess things up if they are too tired52 We learn from the third paragraph that_.(A)absent-mindedness tends t

44、o occur during certain hours of the day(B) women are very careful to perform actions during peak periods(C) women experience more peak periods of absent-mindedness(D)mens absent-mindedness often results in funny situations53 In his study Professor Smith asked the subjects_.(A)to keep track of people

45、 who tend to forget things(B) to report their embarrassing lapses at random(C) to analyse their awkward experiences scientifically(D)to keep a record of what they did unintentionally54 It can be concluded from the passage that_.(A)people should avoid doing important things during peak periods of lap

46、ses(B) hazards can be avoided when people do things they are good at(C) people should be careful when programming their actions(D)lapses cannot always be attributed to lack of concentration55 Professor Smith discovered that_.(A)certain patterns can be identified in the recorded incidents(B) many peo

47、ple were too embarrassed to admit their absent-mindedness(C) men tend to be more absent-minded than women(D)absent-mindedness is an excusable human weakness55 Most episodes of absent-mindedness-forgetting where you left something or wondering why you just entered a roomare caused by a simple lack of

48、 attention, says Schacter. “Youre supposed to remember something, but you havent encoded it deeply. “Encoding, Schacter explains, is a special way of paying attention to an event that has a major impact on recalling it later. Failure to encode properly can create annoying situations. If you put your mobile phone in a pocket, for example, and dont pay attention to what you did because youre involved in a conversation, youll probably forget that the phone is in the jacket now hanging in you wardrobe(衣柜). “Your memory itself isnt failing you, “ says Schacter. “Rather, you didnt give your m


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