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1、全国自考(外语教学法)模拟试卷 6 及答案与解析一、Multipe ChoiceDirections: In this section, you are given 15 questions, beneath each of which are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You are to make the best choice either to complete the incomplete statement or to answer the question. One point is given to each correct cho

2、ice.1 The habit-formation theory comes from the _ and was very popular in the 1950s and 60s.(A)American structuralism(B) functional linguistics(C) behaviourist psychology(D)cognitive psychology2 It is believed that grammar analysis and translation began to be the basic procedures in foreign language

3、 teaching from_.(A)about 2,500 years ago(B) almost 1,000 years ago(C) the 16th century(D)the beginning of the 20th century3 Classroom procedures in the Direct Method can be roughly divided into three phases:_, oral practice in the target language, and consolidation with written work.(A)presentation

4、by direct association(B) reading and explaining the new words and expressions in the first language(C) asking learners to read sentences aloud and translate them into the first language(D)students choral imitation all together or in large groups4 The Oral Approach or _ refers to an approach to langu

5、age teaching developed by British applied linguists from the 1930s to 1960s.(A)Guided Language Teaching(B) Situational Language Teaching(C) Applied Language Teaching(D)Functional Language Teaching5 In his book The Principles of Language Study (1921), Palmer made the point that _were brought into pla

6、y in the acquisition of spoken language whereas studial capacities were required in development of literacy.(A)learning power(B) grammatical capacities(C) spontaneous capacities(D)understanding capacities6 In Chomskys theory “competence“, which allows a native speaker to make sentences in his langua

7、ge, means_.(A)capacity of learning language(B) ability of speaking(C) knowledge of grammar rules(D)capacity of memorizing words7 The Natural Approach uses three stages as a basis for beginners: 1 _; 2 giving the students comprehensible input about experiences and allowing for opportunities to engage

8、 in conversations about their own experiences; and 3 input and discussions, concerning opinions.(A)lowering the affective filter(B) strengthening the affective filter(C) lowering anxiety(D)strengthening motivation8 The Communicative Approach follows a (n) _ and emphasizes the processes of communicat

9、ion to get information.(A)Integrated Syllabus(B) Notional Syllabus(C) International Syllabus(D)Notable Syllabus9 In Hymes view, “_“ refers to the ability not only to apply the grammatical rules of language but also to know when and where to use these and to whom.(A)linguistic competence(B) communica

10、tive competence(C) spontaneous capacity(D)language acquisition device10 Chomsky published his book Syntactic Structure in_.(A)1957(B) 1943(C) 1956(D)196211 The theory of learning underlying the Grammer-Translation Method was_.(A)Faculty Psychology(B) Gestalt Psychology(C) Behavioural Psychology(D)Co

11、gnitive Psychology12 The habit-formation theory originates from the _ and was popular in the 1950s and 60s.(A)cognitive psychology(B) Gestalt psychology(C) behaviourist psychology(D)psychoanalysis13 The traditional linguists gave priority to _ and took words as the starting point.(A)spoken form(B) l

12、istening ability(C) written form(D)reading comprehension ability14 According to _, communicative competence entails four dimensions: grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence and strategic competence.(A)Richard and Rodgers(B) Halliday(C) Canale and Swain(D)Widdowson15

13、The affective filter hypothesis of Krashens Monitor Model states that acquires with_affective filter seek and receive more comprehensible input.(A)low(B) average(C) high(D)very high二、Filling BlanksDirections: In this section there are 20 statements with 20 blanks. You are to fill in each blank with

14、ONE appropriate word. One point is given to each blank.16 The _ Method uses translation and grammar study as the main teaching and learning activities.17 The _ Method believes grammar is learned inductively through listening and speaking activities.18 The _ Approach is a grammar based method in whic

15、h principles of grammatical and lexical gradation are used and new teaching points presented and practised through meaningful situation activities.19 Comparative Historical Linguistics believed that all languages _ from one language and were ruled by a common grammar.20 The _ way is based on the pre

16、mise that the teacher should be silent as much as possible in the classroom and the learner should be encouraged to produce as much language as possible.21 The Audiolingual Method uses _ as the main form of language presentation and drills as the main training techniques.22 Cognitive Psychologists h

17、old the idea that learning a language should be a _ learning.23 The Cognitive Approach emphasizes on the _ acquisition of language as a meaningful system.24 Krashens Monitor Model of second language development distinguishes two distinct processes in second and foreign language development and use:

18、“acquisition“ and “_“.25 In the _ Approach, class time is devoted primarily to providing input for acquisition; the teacher speaks only the target language, students may use either L1, or L2 ; errors not corrected.26 The _ Approach views that the teacher is a facilitator, manager, advisor and co-com

19、-municator of the classroom.27 The _ Approach follows Notional Syllabus and emphasizes the process of communication to get information, and using language for social interaction with other people.28 The two major types of cognitive structures are schemas and_.29 Rather than focus on explanation of g

20、rammatical rules in classroom teaching, the teacher of an Oral Approach class must encourage direct and _ use of the target language in the classroom.30 The essence of Zhang Sizhong Method is “the theory of _ advantage. “31 In the Oral Approach language teaching begins with the spoken language. Mate

21、rial is taught orally before it is presented in the _ form.32 In the early 1960s, the famous Swiss psychologist Piaget established his theory of _ development.33 The generative linguist is interested not only in understanding language but also in_language.34 According to the Natural Approach, the ro

22、le of_ is to motivate students to prepare for tests by obtaining more comprehensible input and to motivate teachers to supply more comprehensible input.35 The _ dimensional approach assumes that a foreign language is learned while what is acquired plays only a subsidiary role.三、MatchingDirections: T

23、his section consists of three groups of pairs listed in two columns, A and B. You are to match the one marked , , , ,or in Column A with the one marked a, b, c, d, or e in Column B. One point is given to each pair you match correctly.35 1) _ Jean Piaget 2) _ M. A. K. Halliday 3) _ J. Schumann 4) _ J

24、oseph H. Greenberg 5) _ B.F. Skinner a) field, tenor and mode concept b) neo-behaviourism c) cognitive psychology d) the hypothesis of linguistic universals e) the acculturation theory36 1)37 2)38 3)39 4)40 5)40 1) _ the Oral Approach 2) _ the Cognitive Approach 3) _ the Direct Method 4) _ the Audio

25、lingnal Method 5) _ the Natural Approach a) According to Gouin, verbal expression is intimately linked with thought about real events. Thoughts and utterances came in sequences and ends-means series. b) Primary importance is attached to meaning, context and situation. c) Language is structured like

26、a pyramid, that is ,linguistic levels are systems within systems. d) Language is characterized by rule-governed creativity.e) Communication is the primary function of language, and emphasis is on meaning.41 1)42 2)43 3)44 4)45 5)45 1) _ Verbal Behavior (1957) 2) _ Notional Syllabuses (1976) 3) _ The

27、 Principles of Language Study (1921) 4) _ Guide to Patterns and Usage in English (1954) 5) _ The Natural Approach: Language Acquisition in the Classroom a) Harold Palmer b) Tracy Terrell c) B. F. Skinner d) A. S. Hornby e) D. A. Wilkins46 1)47 2)48 3)49 4)50 5)四、Questions for Brief AnswersDirections

28、: This section has six questions. You are to answer them briefly. Five points are given to each question.51 What are the main features of traditional linguistics?52 How does the acculturation theory explain the second language acquisition?53 What are the contributions made by Franz Boas, Edward Sapi

29、r and Leonard Bloomfield to the development of American structuralism?54 How does the hypothesis of linguistic universals explain the second language acquisition process?55 How does the cognitive psychology explain the acquisition of knowledge?56 What is the difference between linguistic competence

30、and linguistic performance?五、Questions for Long AnswersDirections: The two questions in this section are to be answered on the basis of your own teaching experience as well as the theoretical knowledge youve learned. Ten points are given to each question.57 Why is the Cognitive Approach interpreted

31、as the “ modem version of Grammar-Translation Method“ ?58 Comment on the four principles of cognitivism formulated by Diller.全国自考(外语教学法)模拟试卷 6 答案与解析一、Multipe ChoiceDirections: In this section, you are given 15 questions, beneath each of which are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You are to make t

32、he best choice either to complete the incomplete statement or to answer the question. One point is given to each correct choice.1 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 习惯形成说源于 20 世纪五、六十年代的行为主义心理学,代表人物斯金纳(Skinner) ,行为主义心理学家认为语言是一套语言习惯,这种语言习惯是通过确认并强化刺激(Stimulus)与反应(Response) 之问的联系而形成的。A 美国结构主义语言学流行于 20 世纪 30 年代和 40 年代,代表人物布

33、鲁姆菲尔德,他们用行为主义者的术语来描述语言和语言习得,认为语言只是一种词语习惯,它由一系列的刺激反应所组成。B 功能语言学家,代表人物韩礼德,认为语言是用来进行社会交际的工具,而不是一个孤立的系统。他们把每个人看作是社会的个体,研究人习得语言的方式,并运用语言在社会环境中与其他社会个体进行交流的方式。D认知心理学兴盛于 20 世纪 60 年代末,代表人物是皮亚杰,该学科研究各种知识体系的本质和学习过程(nature and learning),特别注重对思维、感知、理解、记忆和学习等心理活动过程的研究。2 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 尽管语法翻译法的历史并没有完整详细的文件记载(docum

34、entation),但有一点可以证明,语法分析(grammar analysis)和翻译(translation)在十六世纪已开始成为外语教学最基本的程式。因此选 C。3 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 直接法的课堂教学过程大致可分为三个阶段:首先用直接联系的方式介绍新的语言材料(presentation by direct association),其次是口头练习目标语(oral practice in the target language),最后是写作以巩固已学知识 (consolidation with written work)。B 词汇是语法翻译法的研究起点;C 翻译句子是语法翻译法

35、的教学步骤;D 齐声模仿是口语法的教学步骤。4 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 口语教学法又叫情景教学法(Situational Language Teaching)是以语法为基础的教学法,语法和词汇按难易程度分层次教学,新的语言点通过有意义的情景活动得到展示与练习。5 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 习惯形成是帕尔默口语教学法原则的核心。在语言学习的原则(1921)一书中,帕尔默坚持认为,人们自然的、无意识的习得语言的自发能力与学生通过训练或“学习”得到的能力之间有着根本的不同。他认为,自发能力(Spontaneous capacities)在习得口语的过程中被得到充分发挥,而学得的能力(Stu

36、dial capacities)则是培养读写能力所需要的。6 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 乔姆斯基把人类语言划分为语言能力(Linguistic competence) 和语言行为(Linguistic performance),语言能力指的是说母语的人所具有的母语知识,它包括理解和生成无数句子的能力,发现句子潜义的能力,分清句子是否合乎语法的能力,理解句子内部结构的能力,和对句子进行释义的能力;语言表达能力是指母语使用者说出的具体话。7 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 自然法给初学者组织教学有三个步骤,其内容包括个人经历、家庭和情景话题。第一步:将学生置于语言的交际情景之中,使他们相互认识,

37、其目的是减少情感障碍(lowering the affective filter);第二步:给学生提供有关经历的可理解性输入(comprehensible input),使他们有机会谈论他们自己的经历;第三步:包括学生接受语言输入、开展讨论、发表意见等。8 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 交际法采用威尔金斯(Wilkins)所著的意念大纲或其他按语言交际功能编写的大纲,强调在交际过程中,例如如何恰当的使用语言去完成各种任务,像解决难题,获取信息,与他人进行交流等等。因此排除 A、C 、D。9 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 交际能力(Communicative Competence)是海姆斯(Hy

38、mes)为了把自己的交际语言观与乔姆斯基的语言能力理论相区别而创造出来的,不仅是指乔姆斯基所说的语言能力,而且也包括知道在何时何地使用这些句子,以及用于何种对象的能力。选项 A 是乔姆斯基提出的语言能力,相对应的是语言表达能力;选项 D是乔姆斯基提出的语言习得机制,简称 LAD。10 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 乔姆斯基是另一大语言学派的创始人一转换生成语言学,1957年他出版了他的专著句法结构(Syntactic Structure),这本书在语言学界掀起了一场革命。11 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 语法翻译法的学习理论是机能心理学(Faculty psychology) ,语言理论是传

39、统语言学理论。B 格式塔心理学产生于 20 世纪 20 年代,是由德国心理学家韦特墨、考夫卡和勒文等人所创立。C 行为主义心理学,代表人物斯金纳(Skinner),行为主义心理学家认为语言是一套语言习惯,这种语言习惯是通过确认并强化刺激(Stimulus)与反应(Response)之间的联系而形成的。 D 认知心理学代表人物是皮亚杰,研究各种知识体系的本质和学习过程(nature and learning),特别注重对思维、感知、理解、记忆和学习等心理活动过程的研究。12 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 习惯形成说源于行为主义心理学,代表人物斯金纳(Skinner),行为主义心理学家认为语言是一

40、套语言习惯,这种语言习惯是通过确认并强化刺激(Stimulus)与反应(Response) 之间的联系而形成的。选项 A 认知心理学是研究人们获得、组织、记忆和使用知识来指导行为的能力,代表人物是皮亚杰和乔姆斯基。选项 B 格式塔心理学产生于 20 世纪 20 年代,是由德国心理学家韦特墨、考夫卡和勒文等人所创立。选项 D 精神分析是由弗洛伊德创建的一种心理学理论。13 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 传统语言学派研究具有实用性,研究语言的目的是为了读懂古代的经典,因此对于他们来说书面语优于口语,口语是语言的滥用,并把单词作为研究的起点,研究语言规则是采用规定式的方法(Prescriptive

41、approach)。A 、B、D 不合题意。14 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 卡纳尔(Canale)和斯温(Swain)认为交际能力(Communicative competence)涵盖以下四种能力:语法能力(Grammatical Competence)、社会语言能力(Sociolinguistic Competence) 、语篇能力(Discourse Competence)和策略能力(Strategic Competence)。选项 A 理查德和罗杰斯对交际法的贡献在于他们对交际语言观进行了总结,为交际法奠定了语言理论基础。选项 B 韩礼德属于功能语言学派,他继了马利诺夫斯基的语境概

42、念和弗尔斯的系统概念,开始把语言研究的重心移向社会学方向,提出了系统功能语法(Systemic-functional grammar) 。选项 D威多森的著作中也有交际语言的观点,他认为语言系统(Linguistic systems) 在课文和语篇中与其交际价值(communicative values)之间存在密切联系。15 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 克拉申提出的情感过滤器假设(Affective filter hypothesis)指学习者的情绪和态度是可调节的过滤器,它可对语言输入而顺利通过时而拦阻堵塞。情感过滤器的高低与语言输入成反比,即学习者需要有一个低情感过滤器(心理障碍小),

43、从而允许更多必要的语言输入顺利通过。二、Filling BlanksDirections: In this section there are 20 statements with 20 blanks. You are to fill in each blank with ONE appropriate word. One point is given to each blank.16 【正确答案】 Grammar-Translation【试题解析】 语法翻译法是指以翻译和语法学习为主要教学活动的外语或第二语言教学法,强调讲授第二语言的语法。17 【正确答案】 Direct【试题解析】 直接法

44、的主要特点包括:(1) 目标语思维(think in the target language);(2) 语言意思直接通过客观世界相关的东西来介绍(Meaning is presented by relating directly to the physical world);(3) 课堂教学用目标语授课交流;(4) 学生通过听说练习(listening and speaking activities)用归纳法(induction) 来学语法;(5) 强调正确发音(correct pronunciation);(6) 教学大纲是根据语境或主题按语义安排的(The syllabus is arra

45、nged semantically according to situations or topics);(7) 口语先于书面语;(8) 语言基本单位是句子。18 【正确答案】 Oral【试题解析】 口语教学法/情景教学法指的是英国实用语言学家于二十世纪 30 年代到 60 年代发展起来的一种语言教学方法。此法是以语法为基础的教学法,语法与词汇按难易程度分层次(grammatical and lexical gradation)教学,新的语言点通过有意义的情景活动(meaningful situation activities) 得到展示与练习。19 【正确答案】 originated【试题解

46、析】 语法翻译法所依托的语言理论是由历史比较语言学派生的,语言学家认为所有语言都源于一种共同语言,受制于同一种语法。20 【正确答案】 Silent【试题解析】 沉默法认为老师在课堂上应尽量保持沉默,让学生自己去寻找问题的解决方案,他们做的只是引导、鼓励。21 【正确答案】 dialogues【试题解析】 听说法具有如下特点:(1) 四种技能的划分(Listening, speaking, reading, writing);(2) 对话 (Dialogues)是语言教学的主要方式;(3) 强调模仿、记忆和句型操练(Mimicry, memorization, pattern drills);

47、(4) 课堂中避免母语;(5) 使用语言实验室(Language lab)。其中对话和句型操练是听说法课堂教学中最基本的形式。22 【正确答案】 meaningful【试题解析】 认知心理学研究各种知识体系的本质和学习过程(nature and learning),特别注重对思维、感知、理解、记忆和学习等心理活动过程的研究。学习过程应当是有结构的(structured),这种结构给原先不可理解的部分赋予了意义。既然意义并不是作为行为的反应而被理解的,那么学习语言就应是一个有意义的过程。23 【正确答案】 conscious【试题解析】 认知法认为,语言是一个意义系统,强调在理解的基础上有意识的

48、学习语言(conscious acquisition),其依据的理论基础是认知理论和转换生成语法理论。24 【正确答案】 learning【试题解析】 自然法的提倡者克拉申的第二语言习得中自我监测模式(Monitor Model)区分了获得和使用第二语言和外语中的两个性质截然不同的过程,一个是“习得”(Acquisition),另一个是 “学习”(Learning)。25 【正确答案】 Natural【试题解析】 自然法的课堂教学采取了一种独特的教学方法,有如下特征:(1) 课堂时间应主要提供有助于习得的语言输入(Class time is primarily devoted to provi

49、ding input for acquisition)。(2) 教师在课堂上只能讲目标语,学生则可以使用母语或目标语。(3) 家庭作业包括正式的语法练习,错误也要被纠正(Homework may include grammar work and errors should be corrected)。(4) 语言活动可以包括某些语法结构的运用,但目的是使学生发表意见,完成任务和解决问题(The goals are to enable student to talk about ideas, perform tasks and solve problems)。26 【正确答案】 Communicative【试题解析】 交际法课堂教学中,教师有多重角色:主

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