1、全国自考(外语教学法)模拟试卷 3 及答案与解析一、Multipe ChoiceDirections: In this section, you are given 15 questions, beneath each of which are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You are to make the best choice either to complete the incomplete statement or to answer the question. One point is given to each correct cho
2、ice.1 American structuralism started at the beginning of the 20th century and was very popular and influential in the 1930s and 1940s throughout the world. The two forerunners were_.(A)Bloomfield and Chomsky(B) Malinowski and Firth(C) Franz Boas and Edward Sapir(D)Halliday and Edward Sapir2 Chomsky
3、has made the distinction between linguistic competence and_.(A)linguistic performance(B) communicative competence(C) reading performance(D)universal grammar3 The Grammar-Translation Method dominated foreign language teaching_.(A)from mid-19th century to mid-20th century(B) from 1920s to 1940s(C) fro
4、m the late 18th century to early 19th century(D)from 1910s to 1930s4 A Direct Method teacher is usually found using techniques such as_.(A)direct association and conversation practice(B) question and answer exercises(C) error correction and dictation(D)all of the above5 _was Palmers core methodologi
5、cal principle in language teaching and learning.(A)Stimulus and response(B) Habit-formation(C) Form and meaning(D)Meaning and situation6 According to behaviourist psychology, learning a language is a process of acquiring a set of appropriate_ chains, a mechanical process of habit formation.(A)stimul
6、us-response(B) question-answer(C) requirement-offering(D)negative-positive7 The Cognitive Approach seeks in _ as basis for second language teaching.(A)American structural linguistics and behavioural psychology(B) structural linguistics and cognitive psychology(C) functional linguistics and habit-for
7、mation theory(D)transformational grammar and cognitive psychology8 The Audiolingual Method is a method of foreign or second language teaching which emphasizes the _.(A)listening and reading before speaking and writing(B) listening and speaking before reading and writing(C) listening and speaking bef
8、ore translating and writing(D)reading and listening before writing and speaking9 Krashen identifies three kinds of affective variables related to second language acquisition:_.(A)motivation, self-confidence and anxiety(B) comprehension, acquisition and anxiety(C) input, competence and self-confidenc
9、e(D)situation, motivation and self-confidence10 The book The Natural Approach: Language Acquisition in the Classroom was produced by_in 1983.(A)Krashen and Halliday(B) Hymes and Wilkins(C) Krashen and Terrell(D)Halliday and Hymes11 The Communicative Approach emphasizes that the goal of language lear
10、ning is_.(A)communicative competence(B) analytical discourse(C) correcting errors(D)direct response12 The first dictionary for students of English as a foreign language, _ into which the classification of sentence patterns was incorporated, was published in 1953.(A)Guide to Patterns and Usage in Eng
11、lish(B) The Advanced Learner s Dictionary of Current English(C) A Handbook of English Grammar(D)Dictionary of Contemporary English13 The phrase “context of situation“ was created by_.(A)Chomsky(B) Bloomfield(C) Firth(D)Malinowski14 The general objective of the Total Physical Response Method is to te
12、ach _ at a beginning level.(A)oral and aural facility(B) oral proficiency(C) reading comprehension ability(D)translating ability15 The schema theory is an important element in _, which is action-based,more concerned with the process of learning than what is learnt.(A)Kellys theory(B) Piagets theory(
13、C) Brunners method(D)Ausubels theory二、Filling BlanksDirections: In this section there are 20 statements with 20 blanks. You are to fill in each blank with ONE appropriate word. One point is given to each blank.16 In the early 1960s, the famous Swiss psychologist Piaget established his theory of_ dev
14、elopment.17 The _ Method at one time was called Classical Method since it was first used in the teaching of the classical language of Latin and Greek.18 The two major types of cognitive structures are schemas and_.19 Brunner, the famous American psychologist, holds that learners should organize know
15、ledge for themselves by using discovery method rather than having materials _ by the teacher.20 _ researchers have now begun to shift their attention from seeking the best teaching method to studying individual difference.21 The Grammer-Translation Method believes that grammar is the _ of language,
16、and language materials are arranged according to the grammar system.22 The Oral Approach is the first to establish _ principles for teaching English as a foreign language.23 For Candlin, the _ negotiation involved in making choices and decisions lies at the heart of the language learning process.24
17、The _ Approach is an approach developed by British applied linguists from the 1930s to 1960s.25 The _ Approach emphasizes on actual language use; successful, realistic communication; use of techniques to make classroom simulate real language environment.26 Palmer tried out the _ Method in his teachi
18、ng.27 The Cognitive Approach emphasizes on the conscious _ of language as a meaningful system.28 Generally speaking the goal of foreign language teaching is to help the learner master the_language in the shortest possible time.29 The Oral Approach is a _ method in the language teaching.30 The Natura
19、l Approach considers _ as the most important element of any language teaching programme.31 Krashens monitor hypothesis states that learning has only one function, and that is as a _.32 In Communicative Approach, three kinds of materials are currently used. They are labeled “text-based“, “task-based“
20、 and “_“.33 To teach a foreign language well, we must divide it into small _ units.34 According to the Oral Approach, simple forms of grammar are taught before_ ones, and inductively.35 Suggestopaedia believes that language learning can occur at a much faster rate than it is often expected if learne
21、rs can make better use of their_ powers.三、MatchingDirections: This section consists of three groups of pairs listed in two columns, A and B. You are to match the one marked , , , ,or in Column A with the one marked a, b, c, d, or e in Column B. One point is given to each pair you match correctly.35
22、1) _ Verbal Behavior 2) _ Communicative English for Chinese Learners 3) _ The Scientific Study and Teaching of English (1917) 4) _ Communicate (1979) 5) _ Notional Syllabuses (1976) a) Palmer b) Skinner e) Li Xiaoju d) Morrow and Johnson e) Wilkins36 1)37 2)38 3)39 4)40 5)40 1) _ the Communicative A
23、pproach 2) _ the Audiolingual Method 3) _ the Oral Approach 4) _ the Cognitive Approach 5) _ the Natural Approach a) It emphasizes the provision of situation in the presentation of a new structure and in dealing with the integration of vocabulary work. b) Phonetic systems led to the higher level of
24、phrases, clauses and sentences. c) Students should be allowed to create their own sentences based on an understanding of a rule. d) Language learning is viewed as mastery of structures by stages.e) Wilkins s book Notional Syllabuses (1976) had a significant impact on its development.41 1)42 2)43 3)4
25、4 4)45 5)45 1) _ Verbal Behavior (1957) 2) _ Notional Syllabuses (1976) 3) _ The Principles of Language Study (1921) 4) _ Guide to Patterns and Usage in English (1954) 5) _ The Natural Approach: Language Acquisition in the classroom a) Harold Palmer b) Tracy Terrell c) B. F. Skinner d) A. S. Hornby
26、e) D. A. Wilkins46 1)47 2)48 3)49 4)50 5)四、Questions for Brief AnswersDirections: This section has six questions. You are to answer them briefly. Five points are given to each question.51 List some of the characteristics of the Oral Approach.52 What are the disadvantages of the Grammar-Translation M
27、ethod?53 What are the principles and consequences of the Reform Movement?54 What are the merits and limitations of the Total Physical Response?55 How does transformational generative linguistics differ in research methods?56 What are the main trends of applied linguistic research in the present peri
28、od?五、Questions for Long AnswersDirections: The two questions in this section are to be answered on the basis of your own teaching experience as well as the theoretical knowledge youve learned. Ten points are given to each question.57 What implications for FLT do you see in Chomskys work?58 Are there
29、 any similarities and differences between the Oral Approach and the Audiolingual Method in terms of language theories and learning theories?全国自考(外语教学法)模拟试卷 3 答案与解析一、Multipe ChoiceDirections: In this section, you are given 15 questions, beneath each of which are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Yo
30、u are to make the best choice either to complete the incomplete statement or to answer the question. One point is given to each correct choice.1 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 美国结构主义始于 20 世纪初,其先驱者是鲍阿斯(Boas) 和萨丕尔(Sapir),他们对当时正在迅速消亡的美国印第安文化和语言进行了记录和研究。选项 A 布鲁姆菲尔德是美国结构主义之父,乔姆斯基是转换生成语言学创始人。选项 B 人类学家马利诺夫斯基是功能语言学的先驱,提出了语
31、境(context of situation)对意义具有影响,语言学家弗尔斯建立了一些能够连接语言项目和语境的范畴,通过系统概念(Concept system)这一概念建立了自己的语言学理论,他的理论被称为系统结构理论(System-structure theory) 。选项 D 韩礼德继承了马利诺夫斯基的语境概念和弗尔斯的系统概念,开始把语言研究的重心移向社会学方向,提出了系统功能语法(Systemic-functional grammar)。2 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 乔姆斯基把人类语言划分为语言能力(Linguistic competence) 和语言行为(Linguistic p
32、erformance),语言能力指的是说母语的人所具有的母语知识;语言表达能力是指母语使用者说出的具体话。选项 B 交际能力(Communicative Competence)是海姆斯(Hymes)为了把自己的交际语言观与乔姆斯基的语言能力理论相区别而创造出来的,不仅是指乔姆斯基所说的语言能力,而且也包括知道在何时何地使用这些句子,以及用于何种对象的能力。选项 D 是乔姆斯基另一个重要观点,他认为儿童的大脑里生来就有一个语言习得机制(LAD),这一机制由一套通用语法规则组成,被称为通用语法(Universal grammar)。3 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 语法翻译法始于 18 世纪末到
33、19 世纪初,直接法贯穿 19 世纪末到20 世纪初,口语法兴盛于 20 世纪二三十年代,接着是听说法产生于 20 世纪 50 年代中期,认知法产生于 20 世纪 60 年代,自然法在 20 世纪 70 年代被提出,70 年代后期交际法产生。4 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 直接法的教学技巧经常包括:直接联系(Direct association)、问答练习(Question and answer exercises)、会话操作(Conversation practice) 、纠正错误(Error correction)、听写(Dictation) 、用归纳法教语法 (Inductive te
34、aching of grammar)、听力理解练习 (Listening Comprehension tasks)、分级作文(Graded composition)。5 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 习惯形成是帕尔默口语教学法原则的核心。在语言学习的原则(1921)一书中,帕尔默坚持认为,人们自然的、无意识的习得语言的自发能力与学生通过训练或“学习”得到的能力之间有着根本的不同。A 是听说法的理论基础。6 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 听说法的学习理论是行为主义心理学,试图解释外部事物(刺激物)是如何引起个体行为的变化(反应)。把这一理论运用到语言教学中,语言行为就和其他行为一样,所教授的语言
35、(语言输入)就是刺激物,反应就是学习者对语言输入刺激的反应,教师或其他同学的承认或表扬(或制止)就是强化。学习语言就是习得一套适当的语言刺激与反应之间的联系,语言学习是一个机械的、习惯形成的过程。7 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 认知法的语言理论是转换生成语言学,以乔姆斯基为代表;学习理论是认知心理学,以皮亚杰为代表。A 是听说法的语言理论和学习理论; C 是交际法的语言理论和学习理论。8 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 听说法的语言理论基础是美国结构主义,他们认为正当的研究对象是口语,口语是第一位的,书面语是第二位的,因此口语听说法强调把教学重点放在发展学生的听说能力上,然后才是读写能力,把对
36、话(dialogues)作为介绍语言的主要形式,把句型操练(drills)作为主要的训练方法,课堂教学不使用母语。因此排除 A、C、D。9 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 克拉申提出的情感过滤器假设(Affective filter hypothesis)指学习者的情绪和态度是可调节的过滤器,它可对语言输入而顺利通过时而拦阻堵塞。情感过滤器的高低与语言输入成反比。其中克拉申确定了三种可变的情感因素与第二语言的习得有关,包括动机(Motivation) 、自信(Self-confidence) 、忧虑(Anxiety) 。这三种情感因素影响了语言学习速度。因此排除 B、C 、D。10 【正确答案】
37、 C【试题解析】 自然法:课堂中的语言习得一书是由自然法的两位代表人物克拉申和特雷尔合著的,该书阐述了自然法的原则和实践,从此自然法受到人们更加广泛的好评。韩礼德是功能语言学的代表;海姆斯提出了交际能力,为交际法奠定语言理论基础;威尔金斯提出了功能意念大纲,促进了交际法的发展。11 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 交际教学法强调语言学习的目的是获得交际能力,海姆斯(Hymes)提出的交际能力(Communicative Competence)为交际教学法明确了这一目的。B、C、D 都不是教学目的。12 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 霍恩比、盖滕比、还有韦克菲尔德在分析英语语言时,将其主要语法结构
38、分成可以用来进行口头练习的句型结构,这种句型分类法被写进 1953 年出版的当代英语学生辞典(The Advanced Learners Dictionary of current English),这是为学英语的外国学生编写的第一本英语辞典。其他关于英语语法的出版物还包括按语音学编写的英语口语语法(A Grammar of Spoken English on Strictly Phonetic Basis)(Palmer Blandford, 1939)、英语语法手册(A Handbook of English Grammar)(Zandvoort,1954) 以及 Horby 的英语句型与
39、用法指南(Guide to Patterns and Usage in English)(1954)这些书都是教材编写者使用的英语基本句型标准参考书。选项 D朗文当代英语词典 (Longmen Dictionary of Contemporary English)自 1978 年问世以来受到各国读者的欢迎并普遍被认为对外国学生学习英语很有帮助。13 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 马利诺夫斯基是功能语言学派的先驱,他提出“语境(context of situation)”这一概念,弗尔斯使它成了伦敦学派的一个关键概念。A 乔姆斯基是转换生成语言学的创始人,B 布鲁姆菲尔德是美国结构主义之父。14
40、 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 全身反应法(Total Physical Response Method)是试图通过身体动作来教语言的教学法,其倡导者是阿舍(Asher) ,全身反应法总的教学目标是发展初学者的口语能力(oral proficiency),理解(Comprehension)是一种手段,其最终目的是教授基本说的技能(basic speaking skills),课堂活动的主要形式是利用祈使句进行操练(Imperative drills)。选项 A 是沉默法的总的目标。选项 C、D 是语法翻译法旨在达到的目的。15 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 A、B、C、D 所提到的人物都为认知
41、教学法提供了学习理论基础。皮亚杰提出了认知发展理论(Theory of cognitive development)和图式结构理论(Schema theory);布鲁纳提出了发现学习法(Discovery method) ;奥斯贝尔理论的核心是“有意义的语言学习和先期组织”(meaningful verbal and advance organizers);凯利明确区分了有意义的学习活动和无意义的学习活动。二、Filling BlanksDirections: In this section there are 20 statements with 20 blanks. You are to
42、fill in each blank with ONE appropriate word. One point is given to each blank.16 【正确答案】 cognitive【试题解析】 瑞士著名心理学家皮亚杰(Piaget)创立了认知发展理论(theory of cognitive development)和图式理论(Schema theory)。他认为,孩子在主动适应环境的同时,通过同化和适应(as-similation and accommodation)过程,把其行为组成图式结构(Schemata),并使概念得到发展。17 【正确答案】 Grammar-Trans
43、lation【试题解析】 语法翻译法是指以翻译和语法(translation and grammar) 学习为主要教学活动的外语或第二语言教学法,由于这种教学法首先被用来进行拉丁语和希腊语等古典语言的教学,它曾一度被称为古典法(Classical Method)。18 【正确答案】 concepts【试题解析】 皮亚杰认为认知结构主要有两种:图式(Schema)和概念(Concept)。图式是指能够解释特定行为种类的多套规则;概念指的是能够描述事件特性与事件之间相互关系的种种规则。19 【正确答案】 prepackaged【试题解析】 美国著名心理学家布鲁纳(Brunner)在 1966 年强
44、调通过从周围环境所得到的体验来主动的重建知识体系,在他看来,学习者应当自己组织知识,例如运用发现法(discovery methods) ,而不是学习教师预先准备好的材料(prepackaged materials)。20 【正确答案】 Language【试题解析】 语言研究者一直在摸索寻求外语教学的最佳途径,很多方法出现了,但似乎都不足以成为普遍公认的最好方法,于是他们开始将注意力转移到寻找最佳的办法去研究“个体差异”(individual differences),他们认为学习中起决定作用的很可能是内因,内因才导致了学习结果的不同。21 【正确答案】 core【试题解析】 语法翻译法强调讲
45、授第二语言语法,语法被看作语言的核心,因此,是外语课堂教学的主要内容,学习语法的过程是训练智能(minds)的重要手段,教材内容是根据语法体系来安排的。22 【正确答案】 theoretical【试题解析】 在英语语言教学历史上,口语教学法/情景教学法首先尝试建立理论原则(theoretical principles)以发展把英语作为外语的教学法框架。这些尝试标志着应用语言学的诞生。23 【正确答案】 meaning【试题解析】 坎德林认为交际语言学习是“一种高度社会化的活动,在活动中学习者参与协商过程之中”,这样的协商必然涉及到作出选择和决定(choices and decisions),这
46、个协商过程(process of meaning negotiation) 就是语言学习的核心。这为交际法提供了学习理论基础。24 【正确答案】 Oral【试题解析】 语法翻译法始于 18 世纪末到 19 世纪初,直接法贯穿 19 世纪末到20 世纪初,口语法兴盛于 20 世纪二三十年代,兴盛于 30 年代到 60 年代,接着是听说法产生于 20 世纪 50 年代中期,认知法产生于 20 世纪 60 年代,自然法在 20世纪 70 年代被提出,70 年代后期交际法产生。其中口语法源于英国,听说法源于美国。25 【正确答案】 Communicative【试题解析】 纽南(Nunan)将交际法的特
47、点总结为五点:(1) 强调运用目标语学习交际(Emphasis on learning to communicate in the target language);(2) 在学习情境中使用真实语篇(The introduction of authentic texts into learning situations.);(3) 使学习者不仅重视语言而且重视学习过程自身(Focus not only on language but also the learning process itself);(4) 利用学习者的个人经验(Making use of learner s own pers
48、onal experiences);(5) 将课堂学习与课外语言活动紧密结合起来(Linking classroom language learning with language activation outside the classroom)。从上述五点可以看出交际法重语言实际使用,努力创造真实交流场景。26 【正确答案】 Oral【试题解析】 帕尔默在日本从事英语语言教学研究多年,目标之一是在日本学校实行行之有效的具体形式来实施口语教学法的原则。27 【正确答案】 acquisition【试题解析】 认知法认为,语言是一个意义系统(meaningful system),强调在理解的基础
49、上有意识的学习语言(conscious acquisition),其依据的理论基础是认知理论和转换生成语法理论。28 【正确答案】 target【试题解析】 总的来说,外语教学的目标是帮助学生花尽量少的时间掌握所学语言(target language) 。所谓掌握所学语言,指的是学生能够成功的运用外语进行交际(successful communications)。29 【正确答案】 grammar-based【试题解析】 口语教学法/情景教学法首先尝试建立理论原则以发展把英语作为外语的教学法框架,标志着应用语言学的诞生,在实践方面弥补了直接教学法的一些不足,然而此法不怎么关心语言的得体性,也不怎么关心真实话语中规则的使用,其主要目