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1、自考英语(二)模拟试卷 10 及答案与解析一、阅读判断0 DreamsDreams do not happen when youre asleep. They happen when youre awake.Whatever your goals are, always remember you can make it true. Whether it be love, money, a childhood dream, and ultimately happiness, the most important idea is that you must never lose sight of

2、your dream.Create reminders. Think about your original motivation often. Besides obvious factors that will come along when your dream is realized, think about other reasons. Who are you doing this dream for? Remind yourself often of your plan. Physical symbols always help posting up pictures of the

3、end result, buying items that symbolize your goals.Express your dream frequently. Whisper your dream through moonlight. Shout it on a busy highway. Write it on a balloon and set it free. Write it on paper boats and float them in the ocean. Write it as a message on a bottle and float that into the oc

4、ean. Explore and try different ways of different cultures of making wishes come true, small or big: paper cranes, and shooting stars. Tell your pet if you have one. Tell it to all the people you care about in your life.Create deadlines and punishments. For every step along the way, think of a realis

5、tic deadline. If too small, eventually you will be crashed with all the work you need and possibly never do it. If too large, you will probably forget about it. Punishments are necessary. They can be keeping yourself away from your favorite activities. Get a friend or family member to enforce this p

6、unishment.Keep your life. Do not forget about friends, family, work, and especially yourself! Keep contact with friends and family: over the internet, visit them, write to them. Try not start skipping work to work on your dream. Keep your brain, body, and soul in good shape at all times. Sleep often

7、, read often, and enjoy life.Brainstorm ideas for your dream. Mind mapping(essentially creative concept mapping)is the ideal way to brainstorm. Any creative outlet will do just fine to find some creative ideas for your dream, especially writing or drawing. Any sort of art, even singing, playing musi

8、c, photography, wood-carving can work. Buy a journal or two. Find inspiration.1 Dreams happen when were asleep.( )(A)True(B)假(C) Not Given2 As long as you can see your dream, you can make it come true.( )(A)True(B)假(C) Not Given3 We can ask somebody to remind us of our dreams.( )(A)True(B)假(C) Not G

9、iven4 We can tell our dreams to anyone we like to show off.( )(A)True(B)假(C) Not Given5 Punishments like paying a fixed amount of money are helpful.( )(A)True(B)假(C) Not Given6 A friend or family member can help to enforce the punishment. ( )(A)True(B)假(C) Not Given7 In order to make your dream come

10、 true, you have to forget about friends, family, work, and especially yourself.( )(A)True(B)假(C) Not Given8 Keeping your dream alive means having no time to enjoy life.( )(A)True(B)假(C) Not Given9 Mind mapping is the most ideal way to brainstorm.( )(A)True(B)假(C) Not Given10 A journal can arouse you

11、r inspiration.( )(A)True(B)假(C) Not Given二、阅读选择10 Working PleasantlyMany employers efforts to inject fun into the workplace are weak;Serve birthday cake? Allow workers to throw Frisbees? Keep the break room fridge stocked with soda? While the following ideas may not turn your workplace into a barrel

12、 of laughs, theyre more likely than the company picnic to make your work more pleasant.Propose a special project. For examples: Love to travel? Propose doing a feasibility study on opening a branch in Hawaii. Love to talk with people? Offer to create a collection of how-to-succeed-at-work tips and t

13、ricks derived from interviewing employees in the company and maybe even at your competitors.Exchange your job. Do you like some aspects of your job and hate others? See if you can trade tasks with a co-worker. Your drudgery might be anothers relaxation;your weakness, anothers strength. For example,

14、I know a lawyer who loved holding forth in a courtroom but couldnt stand the detailed research work. He found another lawyer in the firm who felt the opposite, whereupon they agreed that, where possible, theyd trade work.Make your workspace feel more like home. Want to put an orientalrug under your

15、desk? Your favorite small painting on your cube wall? All accompanied by your favorite soft music? And to make your workplace even more like home?Use at-your-desk stress busters. Just a minute of slow, deep breaths, or tightening and loosening sets of muscles from neck to feet can reenergize you. Or

16、 try a five-minute at-your-desk yoga session.Make a close friend. Find someoneideally your bosswith whom you can become close. That can take the edge off work stresses. Ask your potential bud out to lunch and talk about things more intimate than the ballgame scoreeveryone has important hopes, dreams

17、, and fears. Unearth those and share your own, and youre halfway to developing the sort of intimate relationship that can soften the edges of even the hardest workplace.Does work still suck? Maybe its time to look for a better job?11 The main idea of the passage is_.( )(A)how to find a better job(B)

18、 how to make your job more interesting(C) how to make close friends(D)how to relax yourself12 Which of the following efforts is more effective?( )(A)Serve birthday cake.(B) Allow workers to throw Frisbees.(C) Keep the break room fridge stocked with soda.(D)Propose a special project.13 Which of the f

19、ollowing statements is INCORRECT?( )(A)If you dont like your job, then you can exchange it with your colleague.(B) Many employers are willing to inject fun into the workplace.(C) You can decorate your workplace to feel like home.(D)Relaxation of a few minutes is helpful for employees.14 The at-your-

20、desk stress busters refer to_.( )(A)slow, deep breaths(B) tightening and loosening sets of muscles from neck to feet(C) a five-minute at-your-desk yoga session(D)All of the above15 The phrase “take the edge off in paragraph 6 means_.( )(A)making it become round(B) making close friends(C) reducing(D)

21、sucking三、概括段落大意和补全句子15 Overcoming Difficulties1 Life is full of difficulties and obstacles, from birth to death. At times, Life seems like a hurdle race. We are sure of encountering hurdles, but almost always we are taken by surprise. It is necessary to accept that life in general is full of difficu

22、lties and adversities. This recognition is the first step. When faced with problems, we often feel, “I am the only one having such problems. “ Or, we tend to exaggerate our problems and regard them as most complex, most painful, and as an extreme case. But if we look around us, we find people in muc

23、h worse conditions. As St. Augustine said, “I cried for boots, till I saw a man who had no legs. “2 When faced with difficulties, we either complain or seek to dodge them. We behave like an ostrich in the desert. It is said that when there is a storm in the desert, the ostrich buries his head in the

24、 sandhoping that the storm will go away if he ignores itand finally gets buried under a heap of sand and dies. Some of us choose to pretend that the problems do not exist. We fail to realize that confronting and solving the problemno matter how painful the processmakes us grow.3 Accept the woes of b

25、irth. It has many implied meanings. First, it means “ accepting, “ i. e. , being able to say that it is “ my“ problem and it is up to me to solve it. Many times we find ourselves putting the blame on othersparents, society or the circumstances of life. Nothing happens by chance, but all is the resul

26、t of our past actions. There are times when what is needed is patience. We seek to come out of an unpleasant situation quickly. We must understand that if the cause had been operating for a long time, the effect also would last longas even when the gas has been turned off, the burner remains hot for

27、 a long time. Similarly, we expect quick results; having put in the effort, we must be willing to wait. Patient acceptance of what is due to us makes us take a step further in our development. 4 Once we have learnt to deal with a difficulty, the next time we encounter it, it ceases to be a difficult

28、y. But, more often than not, the cause of the problem is internal, i. e. , within us, and often, it calls for a change. Often the difficulty is solved when we are willing to changeour way of thinking, our feelings, our likes and dislikes-and ready to adapt or adjust ourselves to a problematic situat

29、ion or a person in life. We must realize that change is inevitable, and always be mentally prepared for it.5 Not all lifes problems are such that they need to be dealt with all at once. Sometimes it is possible to take a step and wait for a long time. For instance, if the tap is leaking then we need

30、 to call a plumber as soon as we can. But having called him and having found that he can come only the following morning, we should wait patiently for the next 24 hours. In this period, people can get very anxious and go on talking about it to others. There are many such problems in life.A. There ar

31、e implied meanings about the accepting the woes of birth.B. Diligence is also very important in solving problems.C. The first step of overcoming obstacles is to accept that life is full of difficulties.D. Some problems cant be solved all at once.E. We must realize that change is inevitable.F. Confro

32、nting and solving the problem makes us grow.16 Paragraph1_17 Paragraph2_18 Paragraph3_19 Paragraph4_20 Paragraph5_20 A. seek to dodge themB. immediate reactionC. waiting for a long timeD. difficulties and adversitiesE. very anxiousF. on others21 Its of great necessity to accept that life in general

33、is full of_.22 Faced with difficulties, people either complain or_.23 We often put our problems_.24 Sometimes problems do need taking a step and_.25 While waiting for a long time, people tend to become_.四、填句补文25 The CakeBut her mothers eyes never made it all the way to the table.“Just look at this m

34、ess!“she moaned. “How many times have I talked to you about cleaning up after yourself?“But Mom, I was only.“I should make you clean this up right now, but Im too tired to stay up with you to make sure you get it done right, “ her mother said. 【T1】_“Honey, “ Cindys father interjected gently, “take a

35、 look at the table. “I knowits a mess, “ his wife said coldly.【T2】_She stormed up the stairs and into her room, slamming the door shut behind her.For a few moments Cindy and her father stood silently, neither one knowing what to say. At last she looked up at him, her eyes moist and red. “She never s

36、aw the cake, “ she said.【T3】_From time to time we all allow ourselves to be blinded to issues of long-term significance by stuff that seems awfully important right now, but isnt. Muddy shoes, lost lunch money and messy kitchens are troublesome, and they deserve their place among lifes frustrations.【

37、T4】_Is a lost dollar more valuable than a youngsters emerging dignity? And while kitchen sanitation is important, is it worth the sacrifice of tender feelings and relationships?Im not saying that our children dont need to learn responsibility, or to occasionally suffer the painful consequences of th

38、eir own bad choices.【T5】_But as parents, we must never forget that were not just teaching lessonswere teaching children. That means there are times when we really need to see the mess in the kitchen, and times when we only need to see the cake.A. “The whole kitchen is a disaster. I cant stand to loo

39、k at it. “B. But whats a little mudeven on new carpetcompared to a childs self-esteem?C. She gestured grandly toward the kitchen table, where a slightly off-balance two-layer chocolate cake awaited their inspection.D. Those lessons are vital, and need to be carefully taught.E. “So youll do it first

40、thing in the morning. “F. Unfortunately, Cindys mother isnt the only parent who suffers from Situational Timbercular Glaucomathe occasional inability to see the forest for the trees.26 【T1】27 【T2】28 【T3】29 【T4】30 【T5】五、填词补文30 American RoadsThe United States is well-known for its network of major hig

41、hways designed to help a driver get from one place to another in the shortest possible time. Although these wide modern【B1 】_are generally smooth and well maintained, with few sharp curves and straight sections, a direct route is not always the most【B2】_one. Large highways often pass by scenic areas

42、 and interesting small【B3】_Furthermore, these highways generally connect large urban centers, which【B4】_that they become crowded with heavy traffic during rush hours, when the “fast, direct“ route becomes a very slow route. However, there is almost always another route to take【B5 】_you are not in a

43、hurry. Not far from the【B6】_new “superhighways“, there are often older,【B7】_heavily traveled roads which go through the countryside. Some of these are good two-lane roads; others are uneven roads curving through the country. These secondary routes may go【B8】_steep slopes, along high cliffs, or down

44、frightening hillside to towns【B9】_in deep valleys. Through these less direct routes, longer and slower, they generally goto places【 B10】_the air is clean and scenery is beautiful, and the driver may have a chance to get a fresh, clean view of the world.A. less E. means I. whichB. up F. roads J. ifC.

45、 enjoyable G. lying K. whereD. relatively H. through L. towns31 【B1 】32 【B2 】33 【B3 】34 【B4 】35 【B5 】36 【B6 】37 【B7 】38 【B8 】39 【B9 】40 【B10 】六、完形补文40 Qualities of FriendshipTo have a friend, be a friend;be【C1】_(friend). A friend is like a ship that carries us,【C2】_(stand)by us unchangingly, through

46、 the calm and rough seas of life. Is there any【C3 】_(pure)relationship than friendship? It is【C4】_(condition)loyalty and love. Friendship is a kind of【C5】_(accept)that allows us to be who we are, fully, without fear that love will be withdrawn.Over a lifetime, it is the bond of friendship that allow

47、s us to explore our【C6】_(deep)with supports. Sometimes, the friendship we give is not【C7 】_(return), but we benefit in another way: the process of extending friendship expands our consciousness. While【C8】_(give)we feel a sense of connection. Once we experience the connection we feel while giving wit

48、h care, we know that it is not just what we receive in life that makes us happy. It is mainly the connection that we feel when our own boundaries of self-centeredness break down through our lovingness, that we feel our internal sense of peace and happiness.Honesty is a quality that allows us to look in the mirror and see the【C9】_(reflect)of how we really are. In honesty we see clearly and can make adjustments. If we live each day in accordance with our conscience, our reflection in the mirror and how others see us will be well-balanced. Loyalty is a quality that develops our


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