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1、12019中考英语人教九全 U12语法聚焦和练习及答案一、阅读理解。Empathy(同情心) lets us feel another persons pain and drives us to help. Do any other animals feel empathy? Scientists recently found that rats(老鼠) do, too.Most people dont like rats. In many peoples eyes, rats are only bad. But Jean Decety and his partners at the Univ

2、ersity of Chicago did an experiment. It showed that rats are kind, warm-hearted animals. They can feel each others pain.Scientists placed pairs of rats in plastic cages(笼子) for two weeks. During this time they got to know each other. Then they put one of the rats from each pair into a small containe

3、r(容器) in the cages. The small container had a door. It was so designed as to fall to the side when the free rat touched it. Many of the trapped(困住的) rats squeaked(吱吱叫) to show their discomfort. The other rats of the pairs could see their suffering friends clearly.In most pairs, the free rats would b

4、ecome very worried about their friends. They kept trying to save their friends again and again throughout the month. Scientists put the rats favorite chocolate in the cages, but the rats didnt eat it until they had saved their friends successfully. Scientists also found that female rats seemed to ac

5、t more empathetic than male rats.“The results are the first to show that rats take action in response to anothers trouble,” Decety said. “Monkeys and chimpanzees have similar behavior. But unlike those animals, rats can be ready used in laboratory studies. They will help us to learn which parts of t

6、he brain lead to empathy and helping behavior and whether empathy is natural.” 1. A person with empathy is often _. A. kind-hearted B. clever C. active D. strong2. What does the underline word mean in Chinese?A.休息的 B.睡着的 C.死亡的 D.受苦的3. Why didnt the free rats eat the chocolate at first?A. Because the

7、y were full at that time.2B. Because chocolate was not their favorite food.C. Because they wanted to save the trapped rats first.D. Because they were afraid that the chocolate was bad.4. Which of the following animals were NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Monkeys. B. Cats. C. Rats. D. Chimpanzees. 5.

8、 What does the passage mainly tell us?A. Rats can feel other animals pain.B. Chocolate is rats favorite food.C. Female rats are more empathetic than male rats.D. Rats are empathetic and can feel each others pain.参考答案 15 ADCBD二、教材语法聚焦1. how引导的特殊疑问句及其答语(九 Unit 1)【基本用法】how表示“怎样” ;介词 by “通过/靠方式” ,表示方式、方

9、法。【教材例句】 1. How do you learn English? 你是怎样学习英语的?I learn by studying with a group. 我通过小组合作学习。2. How can I read faster? 我怎样能读得更快点儿?You can read faster by reading word groups. 你可以通过读词组读得更快点。【即学即练】( )1. (2017 海南改编)Mr. Zhao is going to the airport _taxi.A. in B. on C. by D. at ( )2. _do you improve your

10、writing?I improve it_ writing emails to my pen pals. A. How; with B. What; with C. How; by D. What; by 2. 宾语从句(I):that,if,whether 引导(九 Unit 2)【基本用法】在复合句中充当宾语的句子叫宾语从句。that 引导陈述句,if 和 weather引导一般疑问句。 3【教材例句】1. I believe that April is the hottest month in Thailand. 我认为在泰国四月是最热的一个月。2. I wonder if theyll

11、 have the races again next year. 我想知道他们明年是否会再有比赛。3. I wonder whether June is a good time to visit Hong Kong. 我想知道六月是否是去香港旅游的好时间。【即学即练】( )3. Ive decided to go to London next weekend. I was wondering_ you could go with me.A. if B. when C. that D. where ( )4. I heard_ it is becoming more and more popul

12、ar to celebrate Mothers Day in China.A. that B. if C. what D. whether ( )5. Do you know what the article tells us?Well, our future depends on_.A. what do you do B. that you were luckyC. whether you work hard D. how much did you get 3. 感叹句(九 Unit 2)【基本用法】Whata/an adj.可数名词单数主语谓语; whatadj.可数名词复数/不可数名词主

13、语谓语!; How adj./adv.主语谓语!【教材例句】 1. What fun the Water Festival is! 泼水节多么有趣啊!2. What a lovely day it is! 多么可爱的一天啊!3. How pretty the dragon boats were! 那些龙舟是多么的漂亮啊!【即学即练】( )6. Do you know that Hangzhou is going to hold the 19th Asian Games in 2022?_news! I cant wait to watch the games.A. What bad B. Wh

14、at good C. How bad D. How good 4( )7. The players in Super Brain can work out different problems in a very short time._amazing they are! They have super brains indeed. A. How B. How a C. What D. What a 参考答案:15 C C A A C 67 B A 三、完形填空。The earth is our home. We must take care of it. Life today is easi

15、er than it was 1_ years ago, but it has brought some new problems. One of the biggest problems is pollution. We can see it,smell it, drink it and even hear it.Man has polluted the 2_. The more people, the more pollution. Many years ago, the problem was not so serious because there were not so 3_ peo

16、ple. When the land was used up or the river was not clean in a place man went to 4_ place. Now man is slowly polluting the whole world.5_ pollution is still the most serious, its bad for 6_ things in the world.Many countries dont let people burn 7_ for air in the houses and factories in the city.Pol

17、lution by SO2 is now the most dangerous kind of air pollution. Its caused by heavy traffic.People say its 8_ to ride bikes. When you are riding, there is no pollution. But even in developed countries, most people dont go to work by bike. Its not because bikes are expensive or people are tired if the

18、y ride to work. Its because the number of cars on the roads becomes larger. So more people 9_ their bikes and go to work by car, then things are getting worse and worse. We should have special roads only for bikes and make it 10_difficult and expensive for drivers to take their cars into the city th

19、at they will go back to using their bikes.( )1. A. hundred B. hundreds of C. hundred of D. hundreds( )2. A. moon B. star C. earth D. sun( )3. A. lot B. little C. many D. much5( )4. A. others B. the others C. the other D. another( )5. A. Air B. Food C. Water D. Noise( )6. A. life B. live C. living D.

20、 lives( )7. A. something bad B. bad something C. something good D. good something( )8. A. least B. best C. most D. worst( )9. A. put on B. look at C. put away D. look up( )10.A. quite B. such C. very D. so【答案详解】 1-5 BCCDA 6-10CABCD1.B. hundreds of 是一种固定搭配形式。2.C. 文章开头第一句话就告诉我们“The earth is our home”

21、。 它与这句话应该是相互对应的。所以现在人类所污染的也是地球。3.C. 许多年以前,地球上是没有这么多人的。people 还是可数名词,因此应该用 many 修饰。4.D. others 和 the others 都是代词,应该单独使用。the other 特指两者中的另外一个 。another 则是多者中的另一个。根据文章的意思,当人们用完一块土地和水资源后,就会迁移到另一个地方去,而地球上有很多地方。所以用 another比较合理。5.A. 下面一段介绍的都是空气污染。并且空气污染已经成为当今世界最严重的污染方式。6.C. things 是名词,前面应该用形容词修饰,life 和 live

22、s 是名词,live 是动词。只有 living是形容词。7.A. 形容词修饰以 thing, body, one结尾的不定代词时应该放在这些不定代词之后。而且被禁止燃烧的应该是不好的东西。8.B. 根据下句“When you are riding, there is no pollution.”可知骑自行车是最好的减少空气污染的方法。9.C. 根据下句“and go to work by car”可知人们还是将自行车放了起来。10.D.“so+形容词或副词+that” 表示“如此以致于” 。四、任务型阅读。阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成 1-5题(请注意各问题后的字数要求) 。6Car Fr

23、ee Day encourages driven to give up their car for a day to protect the environment. People from around the world get together in the streets to remind the world that we dont have to accept the society full of cars. It was first started by 34 cities in France and September 22 is Car Free Day. The fir

24、st Car Free Day in China was in Chengdu in 2001. The slogan for the day is “If we drive for one less day, we can have one more nice day.”Organized activities are held in many cities on Car Free Day. In Brussels, Car Free Day shall be valid (有效的) for everybody except persons with a special permit(许可征

25、), but they have to slow down to the speed of 30 kilometers per hour. The public transportation is free on that day. In London, they have special “green areas”. Walking, biking and public transportation are encouraged. The streets are open only to walkers, bicycles and buses from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.

26、 In Beijing, it asks drivers to leave their cars at home for one day each month and walk or ride a bike to work. More and more people are joining in the activity. In the first quarter of this year, Beijing only had 52 blue sky days, and you may see haze(雾霾) almost every day! We must do more for Car

27、Free Day as a Beijing driver said. “We may not change the weather, but we can choose not to drive.”But we do not want just one day and then a return to “normal” life. We should go on with Car Free Day.1. Where was Car Free Day started first?【within(不超过)two words】_2. How long should the car drivers n

28、ot drive in the streets in London on Car Free Day?【within three words】_3. Whos allowed to drive on Car Free Day in Brussels?【within five words】_4. What does Car Free Day ask Beijingers not to do every month? 【within nine words】_5. What was the purpose of Car Free Day?【within seven words】7_【参考答案】1. In France. 2. Twelve hours. 3. Persons with a special permit.4. Drive to work for one day each month. 5. To protect the environment.


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