NAVY MIL-A-81918-1976 ADAPTER LAUNCHER AIRCRAFT ADU-299 A《ADU-299 A飞机发射器适配器》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-A-81918-1976 ADAPTER LAUNCHER AIRCRAFT ADU-299 A《ADU-299 A飞机发射器适配器》.pdf_第1页
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1、U MIL-A-81918 (AS) -, U Jan- 1976 MILITARY SPECIFICATION ADAPTER, LAUNCHER, AIRCRAFT, ADU-299A/A This specification has been approved by the Naval Air Systems Command, Department of the Navy. 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification establishes the requirements for one type of launcher adapter that can be su

2、spended from various ejector bomb racks and permits a guided missile launcher to be mounted to its bottom surf ace. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents of,the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposals, form a part of the speci- fication to the extent spe

3、cified herein: ) e SPECIFICATIONS Military MIL-E-5400 Electronic Equipment, Airborne, General Speci- fication For MIL-T-7743 Testing, Store Suspension Equipment, General Specification For I: . STANDARDS . Military MIL-STD-100 Engineering Drawing Practices MILSTD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage

4、MIL-STD-130 Identification Marking of U.S. Military . Property Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-81918 (AS.) I STANDARDS (Continued) Military MIL-STD-143 MIL-STD-794 MIL-STD-831 MIL-STD-889 MS3314 DRAWINGS DL 5 6 4AS 100 54A46c358

5、 Standards and Specifications Order of Pre- cedence for the selection of Parts and Equipment, Procedures for Packaging and Packing of Test Reports, Prepatation of f I MIL-A-BLSLB LO W 7997906 0433273 3 W (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publications re- quired by suppliers in conn

6、ection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer . ) 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 First article - The adapter furnished under this speci- ification shall be a product which has been inspected and passed the first article inspe

7、ction specified herein (see 4.3). 3.2 Selection of specifications and standards - Specifications and standards for necessary commodities not specified herein shall be selected in accordance with MIL-STD-143. 3.3 Materials - Materials shal conform to applicable specifi- cations or standa

8、rds and shall be as specified herein and on applicable draw- % ings. 3.4 Dissimilar metals - Unless suitably protected against electrolytic corrosion, dissimilar metahg shall not be used in intimate contact with each other. Dissimilar metals are defined in.MIL-STD-889. Dissimilar Metals 1 Lug, suspe

9、nsion, (1000 LB Class), Airborne Equipment Naval Air Systems Command Adapter Assembly ADU-SggA/A Aircraft Launcher Lug, Suspension, Airborne Equipment Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-8191 10 = 9997906 0431274 5 I i - MIL-Ag81918

10、 (U) - 3.5 Desim and construction - The desim and construc- tion of the adapter shall be as specified herein and in accordance with drawings listed in DL564AS100. 3.6 Performance - The adapter shall be capable of.being suspended from any of the AERO 7 series, MAU 9 series, BRU-10 and 11 series, Aero

11、 20A series and ERU-119 ejector type bomb racks using either the 14 inch or 30 inch suspension lugs. racks the adapter shall accept either the LAU-7/A series or AERO 3A series guided missile launcher for mounting to its bottom surface. Interconnec- tion of adapter electrical cables and launcher elec

12、trical cables shail be. made manually. “he adapter shall satisfy all performance requirements when subjected to the following tests: Mounted on any of these ejector bomb (a) Examination . (4-6.1) (b) Electrical Continuity (4.6.2) (c) Operational Tests (4.6.3) (d) Shock Tests (4.6.4) (e) Electrical C

13、haracteristics (4.6.5) (f) Static Tests (4.6.6) (g) Vibration Test (4.6.7) (h) Salt Spray Test (4.6.8) 3,7 Interchangeability - All parts having the same part number shall be directly and completely interchangeable with each other with respect to installation and performance. shall be governed by th

14、e drawing number requirements of MIL-STD-100. Changes in part number 3.8 Identification of parts - All parts used in the adapter shall be marked with the manufacturers code number in accordance with MIL-STD-130. 3.9 Workmanship - The workmanship displayed in fabrica- tion and assembly of the adapter

15、 shall be such as to assure, within design limitations, ability of the adapter to meet performance requirements under all applicable environmental conditions specifiedherein. repair, welding, heavy burrs, or parts assembled by introduction of high stresses not prescribed in design, are typical signs

16、 of hferior workmanship and shall be cause for rejection. The standards of workmanship exhibited in the approved first article sample, subject to any qualification stated in the Governments notice of approval, shall be determinative of the re- quirements of the contract relative to workmanship. requ

17、irements of MIL-E-5400, Unauthorized All electrical compo- . nents and wiring shall be installed in accordancewith the workmanship I -d$ 3 - - . .-. . -. _._-. - - -_., _ . . . *.a ,- . , -_ ,- _- -. ._ F - p.- I .-?-. inspections - A random sampling shall be selected by the procuring activity from

18、each production lot in accordance with Table III and shall be subjected to the inspections listed in Table II, Group 1 and Group 2. Group 1 inspections shall be conducted prior to Group 2 inspections. Failure of any sample to pass any one of these inspec- tions shall be cause for rejection of the en

19、tire lot. TABLE II QUALITY CONFORMANCE INSPECTION AND SEQUENCE - i/ TESTS Group 1 - Individual Tests Examination, adapter Electrical continuity Group 2 - Lot Sample Tests Operational tests Shock tests g/ Electrical characteristics Static tests 2/ Vibration tests - 2/ Sait sprax - 2/ PARA NO. 4.6.1 4

20、.6.2 4.6.3 4.6.4 4.6.5 4.6.6 4.6.7 4.6.8 A 1 2 SAMPLE - B - 1 2 - 3 4 X X X 5 - C 1 2 - 3 4 5 6 X X - - D 1 2. - 3 4 X X X X - -. - i/ Test sequence is indicated by the numbers in the sample coXumn. indicates test not required. -Prii x - 2/ Repeat the electrical continuity test after this test (see

21、4.6.2). Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-BL7LB LO W 777770b 0433277 O W ITEM Adapter MIL-A-81918 (AS) PRODUCTION NO. OF SAMPLES LOT SIZE TO BE TESTED 100 or less 2 101 to 200 3 201 to JO0 4 i TABLE III SAMPLING INSPECTION I I I 4

22、.5 Inspection conditions - Unless otherwise speci- fied, all inspections shall be performed under the following conditionst a. Room temperature - room ambient of 25 510C (77 fl8P). b. Any ejector bomb rack specified in paragraph 3.6 and either the UU-i/A series or AERO-3A series launcher shall be us

23、ed for mounting and loading the ADU-299A/A adapter for any of the required tests, lugs shall be used to attach the adapter to the bomb rack. During all applicable tests the bomb rack sway braces shall be adjusted such that they impose not more than 500 pounds per brace direct loading on the adapter.

24、 The 14 inch suspension C. Unless otherwise specified a sidewinder 1C . (AIM-9D) Simulated missile shall be used as the test store. A simulated configuration having the same center of gravity location snd sidewinder 1C type mounting lugs cau be used as an alternate test stare, 6 Provided by IHSNot f

25、or ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-BLSLB LO W 777770b 0433278 2 W MIL-A-81918 (AS) I -1. 4.6 Test methods - 4.6.1 Examination, adapter - Each adapter shall be thoroygh$y. . examined to dt6ine Eonforiiiance 60 all of fication and applicable documents.

26、requirements of this speci- The adapters shall be examined to ascertain that the preparation for delivery conforms to this specification. 4.6.2 Electrical continuity - Electrical circuit continuity After the of the ADU-299A/A adapter shall be checked in accordance with the applicable wiring

27、and electrical schematic drawings 564AS103 and 67A71C8. adapter is completely assembled all electrical cable wiring shall be tested for continuity, Continuity failure shall be cause for rejection. 4.6.3 Operational teste - Bomb rack mounting - Install two (2) 14 inch bomb sus- pension lugs (

28、MS3314) into the proper adapter mounting holes (see dwg 564AS100). suspension hooks of an applicable ejector bomb rack (see 3.6). rack sway braces in accordance with 4.5be suspension lugs and installing two (2) 30 inch bomb suspension lugs (54A46C358) into the proper adapter mounting holes. Verify t

29、hat the adapter shall latch securely on the 14 inch Adjust bomb Repeat test removing 14 inch Launcher mounting - A LAU-7A or AERO-3A launcher shall be firmly mounted (165-200 ft lbs torque) against the bottom mounting pads of the ADU-299A/A adapter. the 30 inch spaced launcher mounting bolts

30、 which are tightened into the 30 inch spaced adapter nuts (see dwg 67A71B5). launcher to the adapter, electrical cables shall be manually interconnected with their corresponding mating connectors. This mounting shall be accomplished by uaing During attachment of the 4.6.4 Shock tests - This test sha

31、ll be conducted in accordance - with the shock test of MIL-T-7?43 except for changes specified herein. shock tests specified in MIL-T-7743 shall be niodified where necessary so that the tests are accomplished in each of the six direction8 parallel ta. the three.principa1 axis OP the adapter. be loca

32、ted at the AERO-7A bomb rack/ADU-299A/A adapter interface. The exact location shall be on the bomb rack adjacent to each adapter lug. the adapter mounted on an AERO 7A bomb rack (14“ suspension) and supporting a LAU-7IA or AERO-% launcher, and a sidewinder 1C missile, or equivalent,. the load factor

33、s (“G“ values) shall be in accordance with Table V. The The control accelerometers shall With. . -_ Yfel - .- shock loads are 1.15 times the values shown in Table IV. .- 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MXL*A-81918 (Al), a. . DIRECTI

34、ON Vertical up Vertical down TASE 3 LOAD FACTORS (Gr) - 7.1 I 12.5 TABLE. OF LMT SE16C.K LOAD8 (Ooz MIL-A-83938 10 W 9999906 0433277 4 W Longitudinal forward Longitudinal aft I 9.8 9.8 5.2 I 5.2 Transverse port Tranrveree etarboard -. 7 Only the following shock treta epocificd ia MIL-T-7743

35、are to be conducted on the adapter: a. No load conditioa - Shocked once in each of tho six (6) directionr to 25 +2.5C for 30-100 millicreconde, b. Yield load condition - Shocked mico in each of the six (6) directions ao par Tabla IV for 30-100 milli- second6. - 4.6.5 Electrical characteristic - Insu

36、lation reristancc testo shall be performed on the adapter in accordance with ML-T-7743. 4.6.6 Static teste - Static load tart8 rhall br conducted in accordance with the static tests of MIL-T-7743 except for tho changer eprci- fied herein. Table V contains the loads that shall br used for the teet wh

37、ere applicable The loadi rhall be applied at tho centor of gravity of the launcher/missile combination (see para. 4.5) combination shall be mounted to the adaptar ata per The adapter/ launcher misrile combination shall be mounted uring 14 suiepension on the AERO-IA bomb rack. cauma for t53;

38、utio. The LAU-7A launcher/misoilo Permanent deformation, cracks or rupture shall be f:. c I 466e6.1 Tarit conditiono - a, Load A, 8, and C applird am egocifiad ia Table V. b, toada A and C epplird a8 ipecifod in Tablr V and with load B applied ia rhr aft diroctioa. J I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleN

39、o reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-flIL-A-BL7L LO 7777906 0431280 O LOAD A STATZC LOU TESTEI LOAD TEBTI 2400 pound (ultimate) applied in a direction parallel to the launcher mounting bolte and vith the miseile below the launcher in a downward direc- tioa. B 3000 poun

40、d (ultimate) applied in a forward direction along the longitudinal axis of the miseilm. 6000 pound (ultimate) applied perpetidicular to loads A and B. I 4.6.7 Vibration test, resonance -. This test shall be conducted in accordance with the resonance vibration teste of MIL-T-7743 except for changes s

41、pecified herein. The vibration testing shall consist of only the resonance portion of the tests specified in MIL-T-7743. of vibration for each resonance search shall be 20 minutes unloaded and 20 minutes loaded. Release and transfer at resonance vibration is not appli- cable to this adapter except t

42、hat the 5 minute period of vibration at each resonant point as specified in MIL-T-7743 shall be accomplished. resonance or complex motion occurs the test configuration shall be vibrated at 50 cps. The basic bomb rack/adapter/launcher/misgile test cnf iguration shall ce as specified in paragraph 4.5

43、and 4.6.6 except as modified by test criteria. Minimum time period I If no All vibration frequencies shall be +2X and amplitudes +5%. i I 4.6.8 Salt epray - This teet shall be conducted in accordance with the salt opray teat of MIL-T-7743 axcept for changes specified herein, After exporurr of the ad

44、opter to the basic salt spray for the 50 hour and the 48 hour drying prrlod the rdrpter rhall be virurlly examined and testad for elec trical cont$uuity (rec 4 . 6.2) 5.1 packaBing - The adapter rhall be pre- served. and packaged in accotdaqce with MfL-STO-P94, leval B. 9.2 O?cklng -

45、 The adapter rhail be packed in accordance with MIL-STO-794, level B, 9 .Y Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-191 10 9777706 OY31281 2 W e vr MIL-A-81918(AS ) 5.3 Marking and labeling - ? 5.3.1 Unit packages - Each unit package sha

46、ll-be durably and legibly marked or labeled with the following information and in accordanc - with the requirements of MIL-STD-129. Adapter, Launcher, Aircraft, ADU=299A/A Military Specification No. MIL-A-81918(&3) Preserved (Date) Domestic or Export Packed (as .pplicable) Government Order No. (or C

47、ontract No. if order no. is not assigned) Names of Supplier (and name of Manufacturer if not the same) 5.3.2 Markinq - All shipping containers shall be marked in accordance with applicable requirements of MIL-STD-129. 6. NOTES 6.1 Intended use - The adapter established by this speci- fication is int

48、ended to be suspended from aircraft ejector bomb racks to permit the mounting of LAU-7/A or AERO-3A missile launchers at the same bomb rack stations. 6.2 Information for contracting officer - Contracts or orders shall specify the following: a. Title, number and date of this specification. b. Selecti

49、on of applicable levels of preservation, packaging and packing required (see 5.1 and 5.2). c. Samples subjected to sampling inspection shall not be considered or accepted as part of the contract or order (see 4.4.2). d. e. Determine sampling test selection (see 4,4.2). Items of data required (see6.4), f. Name and location of approved Government Test Lab or at ory . - 6.211 Contract or o

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