1、MIL-C-21215A (OS) AMEND-. 1 22 November 1978 MILITARY SPECIFICATION CRATES , PALLETS , AMMUNITION This amendment forms a part of Military Specification MIL-C-21215A(OS), dated 9 June 1976. PAGE 1 At the bottom of page add the following: II Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions)
2、and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: Commanding Officer, Naval Ordnance Station, Standardization Division (Code 6111, Tndfan Head, MD 20640 by using the self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at t
3、he end of this document or by letter. 1.2, Add, Line 6: “Size 4-42 by 45 1/2 by 36 1/2 inches.“ PAGE 3 3.4, Line 1: Delete “and 3“ and substitute “3 and 4“. 3.5, Add, Line 7: “Size 4 - 290 pounds“. Custodian: NAVY - OS Preparing Activity : NAVY - OS Project Number: 8140-N427 , 3 Licensed by Information Handling Services