2、o reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-HDBK-1197ABSTWCTlhishandbook provides basic design guidance on aircraft engine runupsound suppressors. It is intended for use by experienced architects andengineers and contains a review of model-scale and full-scale sound suppr
3、essedaircraft runup enclosure tests. The review provided the present checkout testdata handbook.Although it covers both model-scale and full-scale test data, it focuseson full-scale data with model-scale results included for comparison. The testdata are presented in such a way as to make them readil
4、y applicable in adesign situation.-.,. ., ;iiiProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-HDBK1197FOREWORDThis military handbook has been developed from an evaluation of facilities inthe shore establishment, from surveys of the availability o
5、f new materisls andconstruction methods, and from selection of the best design practices of theNaval Fsci1ities Engineering Command (NAVFACENGCOM), other Governmentsgenciea, and the private sector. It uses to the maximum extent feasible,nationsl professional society, association, and institute stand
6、ards.Deviations from this criteria, in the planning, engineering, design, andconstruction of Naval shore facilities cannot be made without prior spprovalof NAVFACENGCOMRQ Code 04.Design cannot remain static sny more than cen the functions it serves or thetechnologies it uses. Accordingly, recommenda
7、tions for improvement areencouraged and should be furnished to Naval Facilities Engineering Command,Southern Division, Code 406, P. O. Box 1006g, Charleston, S.C. 29411-006s,telephone (803) 743-0458.ivTHIS HANDBOOK SHALL NOT BE USED AS A REFERENCE DOCUMRNT FOR PROCUREMENT OFFACILITIES CONSTRUCTION.
9、 IHS-,-,-MIL-HDBK-1197CONTENTSE!seSection 11.11.2Section 33.1Section 55.1Section 8 “ 8.1.3Section 99.19.2INTRODUCTIONBackground 1Full-Scale Test Emphasis 1DESCRIPTION OF TES
10、T PROGIUMSMiramar No. lHuah-House 3Miramar No. 2 and El Toro Hush-House 4NARF Norfolk Depot Test Cell Diagnostic Tests . 4NATCPatuxent River Hush-House 4Test Cell Emissions Study . 4Miramar Hush-House Augmenter Failure Study 4MCAS Cherry Point Pegasus Remountable Cell Tests 5AV-8 Harrier Hush-House
11、Model Tests . 5NASDallas Test Cell 5AIRCRAFT AND ENGINE DATAAircraft Propulsion Systems and Geometrical Data 7HUSH-HOUSE AND TEST CELL GEOMETRICAL DATA ANDINSTRUMENTATION DEFINITIONHush-HouseGeometrical Data 10Pressure/Temperature Instrumentation 10Postconatruction Noise Data.Collection 10CHECKOUT D
12、ATA SUMMARYPostconstruction Facility Checkout Data . 17AUGMENTER.MASS FLOW RATE 20Augmenter Mass Flow Correlations 20Exhaust Data from Augmenter Center 20Correlation for Bare J-79 Engines and F-79 Powered F-14 20Effect of Engine Centerline Offset 20Augmenter Length Selection 20ENCLOSURE INTERIOR FLO
13、W CONDITIONSEnclosure Interior Conditions . 25Interior Pressure . 25Interior Velocity . 25Interior Flow Patterns . 25AUGMENTER WALL TEMPERATUREWall Temperature Measurement . 34Wall Temperature with OutwardSplayed.Exhaust . 34Wall Temperature with Aircraft Misalignment . 34Wall Temperature/Engine-Noz
14、zle Distance”Correlation . 38AUGMSNTER EXIT VELOCITYExit Velocity Limits 42Exit Velocity Test Results 42Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CONTENTSSection 1010.110.2Section 1111. 1212.
15、.412.2.512.2.612.2.712.2.812.312.4123456789mVISIBLE EMISSIONSStudies on Minimizing Visible Emissions .“ 45Model-Scale Test Conclusions 45ENCLOSURE INTERIOR NOISEIntroduction 46Enclosure Interior Noise Sources 46Enclosure Interior Noise in FullScale Test Facilities 46Typical Interior Noise Level Spec
16、tra 46Enclosure Interior Studies Utilizing Scale Models . 56EXTERNAL NOISEIntroduction . 60Principal Paths of Noise Radiation 60Pathl 60Path 2 60Path 3 60Path4 . 61Path 5 61Path6 61Source Receiver Patha . 61Effect of Gaometry Change on Noise 62External Noise of Full-Scale Test Facilities 62External
17、Noise Studies Utilizing Scale Models . 62TABLESList of Symbols 2Aircraft Engine Data . 8Aircraft snd Enclosure Geometry Data . 9Hush-House and Test Cell Geometrical Information . 11Baaic Checkout Data with Aligned Aircraft 1sOpen Air Jet Opacities . 45Summary of Far-Field and Interior Noise Levelsof
18、 Full-Scale Test Facilities 47Objectives and Key Acoustic Results of Model Studies . 51Location of Standard Microphone Positions forMeasuring Interior Noise . 55viProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-HDBK-1197FIGURES1234567891011121314
19、15161718192021222324Mirsmar Layout Showing Thermocouple Locations El Toro Layout Showing Thermocouple Locations Mirsmar No. 2 end El Toro AugmenterCrossSections Showing Rake Locations Patuxent River Layout Showing ThermocoupleLocationa . Dallas Layout Showing Thermocouple Locations .Augmenter Mass F
20、low Correlationwith Engine Centered end Aligned .Augmenter Mass Flow Correlation forJ-79 Engine and J-79 Powered F-4 .Augmenter Msss Flow Correlationwith SignificantEngine Centerline Offset snd Misalignment Cell Depression Versus Primsry InletFlow Rste for Various Facilities .Cell Depression Versus
21、Primary Inlet SpecificMass Flow Rate for Various Facilities Enclosure Interior Velocity Versus PrimsryMass Flow Rste for Vsrious Facilities Enclosure Interior Velocity Versus PrimaryInlet Specific Msas Plow Rate for VariousFacilities Enclosure Interior Velocity versus DoorOutlet Specific Mass Flow R
22、ate .El Toro Internal Flow Patternswith the A-6 Aircraft Patuxent River Internal Flow Patternswith the S-3A Aircraft .Cherry Point Engine Test Cell Internal FlowPatterns with the Pegasua Engine .Augmenter Wall Temperature Distributions for VariousFacilities with Centered end Aligned Engine Augmenter
23、 Wall Temperature Distributions for Various Facilitieswith J-79 Powered F4 (Single Engine Operation) Augmenter Wall Temperature Distribution for Varioua FacilitiesShowing the Effect of Significant Engine Centerline LateralOffset and Misalignment (Single Engine Operation) .0.Augmenter!Sidewall Temper
24、ature Distribution for F-14A Operationwith One Engine in A/B AT Various Degreea of AircraftMisalignment (Sidewall Nearest Operating Engine) .Maximum Augmenter WA1l Temperature Parsmeter forVarioua Facilities Showing the Effect of EngineCenterline Lateral Offset and Misalignment (Single Engine) Axial
25、 Location of Maximum Augmenter Wall Temperature inVarious Facilities for Aligned and Intentionally MisalignedAircraft Mirsmar and El Toro Augmenter Exit Velocity Distributions NAS Dallals Engine Test Cell Augmenter Exit VelocityDistributions Mw121314151621222326272s29303132333536373940414344viiProvi
26、ded by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-HDBK-1197FIGURES (Centinued)E 3300” R, X 2, DA= 12.5 in., LA=72 in. .3267Power Baaed Iniertion Loss, PWL FOR 12.inchSection of Augmenter with BBN Linet at VariousPositions in the 60-in. Hard-Walled Augme
27、nter with 45”RemP: F_14 position, TTN = 3300” R, XIF 2, N =4 in. . 681 BIBLIOGIUPHY . 69”REFERENCES . 70viiiProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-HDBK-1197Section 1: INTRODUCTIONl.l Background. Since 1973, the U. S. Navy has been involv
28、ed in theaero-thermo and acouatic design of dry-cooled jet runup facilities.Initially, this involved only complete aircraft runup facilities (hush-house);but more recently engine test cells have been included. After construction,troubleshooting teets will be performed on a number of runup facilities
29、 aawell as model-scale teata. The data from the model- and full-scale checkouttests constitute a significant source of design information. Consequently,this handbook was developed to summarize the results of all Navy runuPfacility tests. The tests can be subdivided as follows:a) Full-scale tests:(1)
30、post-constructionfacility checkout(2) diagnostic tests (troubleahootins)b) Model-scale tests:(1) general (design) data(2) configuration verification1.2 Full-Scale Teat Emuhaais. In this handbook the main emphasis is onfull-scale test results with model-sc”aleresults presented for comparison.Table 1
31、contains a comprehensive definition of symbols pertinent to hush-housework.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-HDBK1197Table 1List of SymbolsAAAAdoorAencl eff%et2netA(A5)AIRCRAUGMBarCpaircPCpaugm exhDE.P.R.gPPenclPIP2TN(PT8)pTqT or Te
32、mpTmbTpTwallTTTT#T8)vexitinletinterioror vintvengineor WEWIwWITPctrYPArea - ft2Augmenter crosssectional areaHush-House door outlet flow areaEnclosure effective flow area (Adoor in huah-houae case)House-House door inlet minimum flow areaHush-House secondary inlet minimum flow areaEngine nozzle throat
33、 area (total area atmaximum power)AircraftAugmenterBarometric pressure - inchee of mercury absoluteConstant pressure specific heat of air - Btu/lb”Constant pressure specific heat of engineexhauat - Btu/lb” FConstant resaure specific heat of mixed flow%leavina t e augmenter Btu/lb” FFEngine-nozzle hr
34、oat diameterExhauat nozzle pressure ratio(pTN(8 /Bar)iAcceleration of gravity at eea leve - 32.2 ft/sec2Static pressure - psi, inches of water, etc.Hush-House enclosure internal pressureStatic pressure at door inlet minimum areaStatic pressure at secondary inlet minimum areaExhaust nozzle total pres
35、sureStagnation pressure or total pressureDynamic pressure (1/2 PV2)Temperature - “ F or “ RAmbient air temperatureAugmenter wall temperature parameter,Tp = (Tva-Tmb)/(TTTmb) (dimensionless)Augmenter wall temperatureStagnation temperature or total temperatureEngine nozzle exit total temperatureVeloci
36、ty - ft/aecAugmenter exit velocity - ft/secVelocity at door inlet minimum area - ft/secVelocity approaching aircraft inside of hush-houseMaaa flow rate - lbm/secTotal engine mass flow rate - lbmlaecDoor inlet masa flow rate - lbm/aecSecondary inlet maas flow rate - lbm/secTotal inlet mass flow rate
37、- lbm/secAir density - slugs/ft3Lateral distance from augmenter centerline toaugmenter wall - ftLateral offset parameter, Yp=(Yctr-Y)/Y=tr(dimensionless)2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-RDBK-1197Section 2: DESCRIPTION OF TSST PROG
38、RAMS2.1 MIRAMAR #1 Hush-House. In 1973, a joint Navy-industry team wasformed to determine the feasibility of developing a complete aircraftenclosure (hush-house) for the F-14A with a dry-cooled, sound suppressingexhaust system. The team reviewed available literature (refer to Aero-Thermaland Acousti
39、cal Data from the Postconatruction Checkout of the Miremar #2 ElToro Hush-House, J.L. Grunnet end 1.L. Ver 11) pertinent to dry-cOOledaxhauat systems end visited existing European dry-cooled hush-houses.Diagnostic tests on an F-4 semi-enclosure type of axhauat sound suppressor(refer to Observation o
40、f Fluidvnsmic Performance of Mirsmar NAS F-4.Acoustical Enclosure end Recommendations for Improvement, J.L. Grunnet 2)and recommendations were a part of the teems initial responsibility.Modifications to the augmenter entrance, the waterspray pipes, the augmentertube, and the perforated diffuser were
41、 recommended to improve pumping andreduce the recirculation of hot exhaust gasea within the semi-enclosure. Thedesign of the initial F-14A hush-house at NAS Miremar, California was thenundertaken. Typical of most of the aircraft end engine runup enclosures thatthe team designed, the design was to me
42、et the following criteria:a) Theb) TheC) Theflsd) Thefacility must accept a variety of aircraft/engines.facility exhaust system is to be dry-cooled.engine inlet approach velocity shall be no greater than 50(15.24 tiS).maximum noise level around the aircraft/engine shall be nogreater than 2 dBA above
43、 the corresponding noise during openfield runup over a concrete pad or apron.e) The exterior noise level shall be no greater then 85 dBA at 250ft (76.2 m) from the engine nozzle exit, with one engine atmaximum afterbumer or two engines at military power.f) The msxim exhaust ayatam material temperatu
44、re shall not exceed800 F (427 C).After the design of the first F14A hush-house (Miremar No. 1) was complete, a1/15 scale model test program was initiated to both verify the Mirsmarhush-house exhauat aystam design end provide general design information (referto Aerodvnsmic and Acoustic Tests of a l/1
45、5-Scale Model Drv-Cooled JetAircraft Ouasar Noise Sutmressions Svstem, J.L. Grunnet end I.L. Ver 3).The model included a properly scaled acoustical treatment. Teets were run ata model exhaust total temperature of 3000 F (1649” C) giving meaningfulaero-thermo and acoustic data. The results indicated
46、that the outdoor noiselimit of 85 dBA at 250 ft from the nozzle exits would be met with one F-14engine in maximum afterburner; however, even with en aligned aircraft, theaugmenter wall temperature will reach 1000 F (538 C). Theee predictionswere subsequently verified in the 1975 full-scale checkout
47、of the Mirsmar No.1 hush-house, according to this research. The higher than specified augmenterwall temperature necessitated a structural review of the augmenter design toverify that it can withstand local wall temperature of 1000” F.3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permit
48、ted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-HDBK1197II2.2 Miramar No. 2 and El Toro Hush-Houses. Next, designs for the secondN.A.S. Miramar F-14 hush-house (Miramar No. 2) and an F-4, A-6 hush-house forMCAS El Toro, California were completed. The important changes betweenMiramar No. 1 and No. 2 included better faring of the door air inlet, a doorOUtlet screen to reduce flow separation on the turning vanes, sound absorptivepanels surrounding the augmenter inlet and nonperforated inconel panels inthe hotteat locations on the