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NAVY MIL-M-22447-1963 MOTOR-TACHOMETER GENERATOR《发动机转速表发电机》.pdf_第1页
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NAVY MIL-M-22447-1963 MOTOR-TACHOMETER GENERATOR《发动机转速表发电机》.pdf_第5页
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1、_- - MMDR-TACHETEZi GENEZUTOR This spec-ification has been approved by the Bureu of Naval Weapons, Depe;rtment of the Navy. c 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. - This specification describes the requirements for Tachonieter Generators consist of a two-phase induction motor and a drag-cup induction generator U1AIP

2、ED CLASSIFICATION COMMITPEE PUBLICATION Consolidated Freight Classification Ruies (Application for copies should be addressed to the Consolidated Class- ification Committee, 22 Chicago Union Station, Chicago 6, Ill.) AMERICAN TRUCmG ASSOCIArcION, INC. PUBLICATION * Motor height Classification Rules

3、(Application for copies should be addressed to the Issuing Officer, Anierican Trucking Association, nc., i424 16th Street, N.W., Washington 6, D. C.) 3. m-s 3.1 General requirements . 3.1.1 -M-22447(Wep ) 3.2.11 Eropical environment. - Tropical environnient is defined as conditions of high humidity,

4、 high temperature, and spore exposure, which present See Pitch dianieter run-out. - When masured in accordance with, the pitch dianieter run-out shall not exceed 0.001 inch total indicator reading. See, the total composite error for each mounting diet

5、er shall meet the requirenients of the applicable BUWEPS drawing. Total composite error. - When nieasured in accordance with See Center distance. - When measured in accordance with, the center distance for each mounting diameter shall met the requirernents of

6、 the applicable BUWEPS drawing. See 3.3.2 Electrical requirements. Dielectric strength and insulation resistance . Dielectric strength. - When tested in accordance with, the Motor-Tachonieter Generator shall withstand the dielectric test voltage specified in 4.

7、 without damage,arcing, or breakdown. See c- 8 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-M-22447 12 I 7379706 0302388 O m, MIL-M-22447( Wep ) Insulationrresistance. - When nieasured in accordance with, t

8、he insulation resistance between e-ach winding and the housing and betweeneach winding and each other wind- shall be 25 megohms minimum. See . Direction of rotation, and polarity. Direction of rotation. - When checked in accordance with, the direction of rotati

9、on shall be as specified on the ap- plicable BUWEPS drawing. See Polarity. - When checked in accordance with, the polarity of the tachometer generator shall be as specified on the applicable BUWEPC drawing. See the -F-18870, shall function during and - Sinus

10、oidal, with crest factor of 1.41 plus 400-cycle motor power supply. - A 400-cycle, two-phase (a) Volt-amperes per phase. - 25 minimum, (b) Volts per phase. - il5 volts plus or minus 1 percent for one fixed phase, and continuously adjustable from O to 44 volts minimum for $he other phase. The

11、 adjustable voltage shall lead the fixed voltage by 90 plus or minus . (c) Phase angle between voltages of fuqdssiental frequency. - 5 degrees, or minus 10 percent, form factor of 1.11 plus or minus 5 percent, and harmonic content not greater than 5 percent of the voltage of fundasiental frequency.

12、single-phase power supply having the following characteristics : - - (a) Frequency. - 400 plus or minus 5 cycles per second, (e) Waveform. - Sinusoidal, with crest factor of 1.41 plus 60-cycle tachonieter generator power supply. - A 60-1e, (a) Volt-amperes. - 15 minimum, (b) Volts. - 6.3 plu

13、s or minus i percent, (c) Frequency. - 60 cycles per second plus or piinus 0.1 (a) Waveform. - Sinusoidal, with harmonic, content not greater percent, than 0.1 percent of the voltage of fundamental frequency. single -phase power supply having the. following characteristics : 400-cycle tachom

14、eter generator power sqply. - A 4OO-cycle, (a) Voit-asrperes. - 15 minimum, (b ) Volts . - 115 plus or minus 1 percent, (c) Frequency. - 400 cycles per second plus or minus 0.1 percent, (a) Waveform. - Sinusoidal, with harmonic content not greater than 0.1 percent of the voltage of fundamntal freque

15、ncy, 15 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-HIL-M-22 of phase, or approximately in phase. The voltage,between the gray lead and the brown lead . Ikcanical noise. - With the Motor-Tachomter Generator connected in accordance with fi

16、gure 2, and raked voltage as specified oh the applicable BWEPS drawing applied to the motor fixed field, motor control field, and tachonieter generator input field, the unit shall be checked for freedom from abnormal niechanical noise such as knocking or intermittent scraping sounds for both dtrecti

17、ons of shaft rotation in the horizontal, vertical - shaft up, and vertical - shaft down positions to determine compliance with the requirenients of Single phasing. - With the Motor-Tachonieter Generator con- nected in accordance with figure 2 except that the tachonieter generator in

18、put field shall not be energized, aud rated voltage as specified on the applicable BUWEPS drawing applied to the motor fixed field and motor control field, switch S1 shall be opened while observing the pinion after . the unit has attained full no-load speed. peated for the other position of switch S

19、 .instead of switch S1 (for both position o?switch S3) to determine com- pliance with the requirements of This procedure shall be re- and for switch Ss opened Starting voltage. - With the Motor-Tachometer Generator connected in accordance with figure 2, and rated voltage as specifi

20、ed on the applicable BUWEPS drawing applied to the motor fi applicable drawings and other documents; selec- tions of applicable levels of packaging and packing; nuniber of unit containers per pack; and guarantee clause (see 6.4). Quality Assurance Provisions and options in Specification MIL-P-i16 an

21、d to par. 4.6. 6.2.1 The attention of the contracting officer is invited to the 6.3 Criteria for use of proper level of preservation, packaging, and packing shall be as follows: For Level A. - This level shall be used for those items which are to be shipped to indeterminate destinations or stored un

22、der inde- terminate conditions for redistribution anywhere. For kvel B. - This level shall be used only when it is definitely known that the item w5ll be held in covered storage in overseas locations for 6 months or less or in doniestic locations for an indefinite period. For Level C. - This level s

23、hall be used only when it is definitely known that the packaged item is to be shipped to do, and the fact that the Governnient may have formulated, furnished, or in any way supplied the said drawings, specifications, or other data is not to be regarded by im- plicaton or otherwise as in any mer lice

24、nsing the holder or any other person“or corporation, or conveying any rights or permission to manufac- ture, use, or sell any patented inventions that may in any way be related thereto. I I 28 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ri p: w3

25、orlo 29 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Motor-Taohometer . Generator TSD e +.o01 +. 002 +.O50 Inch Inches Inches A -.o00 B -.o02 c -.o50 1.375 0.876 0.626 4.30 3.20 Diameter B concentric with Diameter A I Plate Diameter A centered on

26、1 C PA - I l Drill and Tap 3 holes equally spaced on Diameter B for 3 - 56 Thread Material: Aluminum, flat sheet, temper T3, Specification QQ-A-355 Fini8h: Black Anodised I, III, IV II I I I I I 1 Figure 1. Motor-Tachometer Generator Heat Sinks Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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