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NAVY MIL-P-82691 A-1989 PROPELLANT GRAIN IGNITER《火箭推进剂点火》.pdf_第1页
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1、MIL-P-Zb73A 33 m 7777706 0346334 m L INCH-POUND 1 MIL-P-S2691A(OS) ,12 December 1989 SUPERSEDING MIL-P-8269110S) 23 July 1980 and Amendment-1 21 August 1981 MILITARY SPECIFICATION PROPELLANT GRAIN, IGNITER This specification ic approved for use by the Ncivctl Sea Systems Command, Department of the N

2、avy, and is available or USEI by all. Departments and Agenc:ie5 uf the Department of Defense. i. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This specification covers the requirement for the propellant grain to be used in the Mark 272 Mod (:i Igniter. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Government documents. 2.1.1 Specifications, sta

3、ndards and handbooks. The following specifications, standard and handbooks form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise speci- fied, the issues of these dbcuments are those listed in the issue of the Department of De+ence Inde:.: of Specifications and Stan- dards (DO

4、DISSI and supplement thereto cited in the solicitation (see 6.2). SPECIFICfiTIONS MILITARY MIL-P-116 MIL-P-23482 Preservation, Methods of Propel 1 ant Grain , Rocket Motor, Mark 30 Mods 1, 2, 3, and 4 Beneficial comments, recommendations, additions, deletions and any pertinent data which may be of u

5、5e in improving this document should be addressed to: Commanding Officer, Naval Ord- nance Station, Standardization Branch (573:) Indian Head, Mary1 and 20640-000, by using the self -addressed Ctandardi za- tion Document Improvement Froposal (DD Form 14%) appearing at the end of this document or by

6、letter. AMSC NIA FSC 1340 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: bpproved for pub1 i c release? distribution is unlimited. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-Zb7LA 13 77777Ob OL4bL15 b MI L-P-8269 1 A (OS) STANDARDS MILITARY M 1 t-STD- i O5 MTt

7、-GTD-i29 MIL-STD-414 Samping Procedure and Tables far Inspection by kttiici butes Marking for Shipment and Starage Sampl ing Procedure and Tab1 es for Inspection by Variables for Percent Defective MIL-STD-453 Inspection,Radiographic (Unless otherwise indicated, copies o+ .Federal and military spe- c

8、:ifications, standards, and handbooks are available from the ? iani zed liirbDer (Application for copies shauld De addressed to American Society far Testiiij and Mateiialt=, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, FA i$?:)3. 2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a can+lict between the text o+ this docume

9、nt and the references cited herein, the text nf thi dacttnent takes precedence. Nothing in this document, how- ever, supersedes a.pplicabfe law and regulations cmless a speci- f ic exemption fias teen obtained. 3. REQU I REMENTS 3.1 First article. When specified (see 6.2)9 a sample shall be furnishe

10、d for first article inspection and approval (see 4.4 and 6.5) II 3.2 Grain configuration. The grain shall t=ar?form with the requ- irements of the drawinc;s citec! herein. 3.3 Chemical composition. The propellant shall have the compasi- tion specified in MIL-P-29482. 3.4 Physical properties. The phy

11、ical properties shall conform ta Table I. 3.5 Radiographic examination. The igniter propellant grain shall exhibit no evidence of porosity, cracks, fissures or foreign material and shall contain na more than cine hole whose largest dimension exceeds 1/16 inch and no more than two hole5 whose largest

12、 dimension exceeds 1/32 inch. There shall be no more than two high density areas whose largest dimension exceeds 1/16 inch. 3.6 Ballistic properties . The igniter as shown on DL SA 2785411 shall demonstrate the ballistic characteristics shown in Table II when tested at 10 deg. and 1X) deg. F. Provid

13、ed by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-82671A 13 W 7777906 O146117 T W M I L-p-8269 1 A (OS 1 TABLE II. Ballistic properties. Property Mi ri Burn time (sec) n 31 1 Avg. presstitre (psi) 822 Ma:.: e presscire (psi 1 I - Ma :.: Min Ma :.: I _-

14、 I 2576 5.7 Workmanship. The. material shall be cini$arni in quality and shall be free a+ voids, crncl.:sl $i;sccrec; or ather defecks that could adversely affect its tc,i. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Ilnl.e+s otherwise specified in the cnntract ur purchase order,

15、 the contractar is responsible far the per-farmance of a1.l inspection requirements lesaminations and tests) a8 specified herein. Exctipt ac; atherwic;e %peci+ied in the contract. or purchase arder, t.he contractor may cise his awn ar any other facilities suitabXe far the performance of the inspecti

16、an requirements speci-fied herein, unless disappruved by the Gaver- nment. The Government reserves the right to perform any nf the inspections set forth in this speciqicatian where stch inspectians are deemed neriiest;ary to ensure supplies and services canform to prescribed requirements (sec-, 6.2)

17、 II 4. 1. 1 Responsibility for compliance. All items shall meet al 1 requirement o+ sectims 3 and 5. The inspection set forth in this specification shall become a part nf the cantractorp overall incpection system or.quality praqram. The absence af any inspection requirements in the specification sha

18、ll nat relieve the contractor of the respansibility of ensuring that all products or supplies submi tted to the Government for acceptance camply with all requirements uf the contract. Sampling inspection, as part of manLi-Facturing operations, i an acceptable practice ta ascertain conformance to req

19、uirements, however, this does nat authorize iiubmisciion of known defectiva material, either indicated ar actual, nor does it commit the Government to accept detective material. 4.2 Classification of inspections. The inspection requirements specified herein are classified as fallows: a. First articl

20、e inspectin (see 4.41. b. Quality conformance inspection (see 4.5). 4.3 Inspection conditions. Unless atherwise specified (ce .2), all inspection shall be performed under the following conditions: a.Temperature: 18 ta SS deg. C (65 to 95 deg. FI b. Altitude: Sea level 4 O f i O ! . O Provided by IHS

21、Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-c. Vibration: Na requirement d. Humidity: Normal raom t.o 95% max. 4.4 First article inspection. Un1,ess otherwise speciS.ied in the contract first article inspectian is required and shall be pri- +nt-med at an activi

22、ty designated by the acquiring activity. First article inspection chal! be prrfarmed on sample units pro- di.ced wi kh eqtii pment and pracedures normal L y ctsed i n praduction The firt article sample shall comply with all the r-equirement specified herein kn be accepted. Otherwise the sample shall

23、 be rejected (see 3.1, 4.4.1 and 6.3). 4.4.1 Sample size. The sample shall cunsit nf tweriky Faw igniter propellant grains in accordance with Drawing 2217185. 4.4.2 Inspection routine. Unless otherwise spaci-Fied, the -First article :;ample shall be sub jectetj ta al. 1 the quality conformanc:e test

24、s specified herein see 6.2) 4.3 Quality conformance inspection. Quality conformance inspec-. tion for acceptance of material shall consist of all the examina- tions o+ 4.6 and the tests of 4.7. 4.5.1 Sampling. Physical properties sampling. Fhysical properties samples shall be selected in acc

25、ordance with the contract. (see 6.2 and 6.4 ), The sampling plan shall be applied ta the billet grain lengths. The selected grains shall be citir to .furnish the speci- mens for the test. Ballistics sampling. Ballistics sampling shall be as specified in the contract (see 6.2 and 6.5). 4.9.2

26、Incipection lot. The inspection lot shall consist of all grains presented for acceptance at One time produced in a single mani.if acturi ng run under I-iomogeneocis condi tions of rnanu-facture, and made from a single batch of propellant. 4.6 Examinations. 4.6.1 Visual. Measure each grain for compli

27、ance with 3.2. Select a sample of grains a5 specified in the contract and visually dE?terniine compliance with 3.7. 4.6.2 Radiographic. The radiographic inspection shall be in acca- rdance with MIL-STD-453 for compliance with the requirements of 3.5. 4.6.3 Preparation for delivery. The packaging sha

28、ll be examined for conformance to the requirements of 5. 4.7 Test procedures. 4.7.1 Performance properties tests. 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- i I I I II Il Il II II Il II Il II II - I I- “A“ MIL-F-8269iA(OS) 4.7. i. 1 Specific

29、gravity test. The speci+Bc gravity of the cured pr-ape2 lant shall br; determined by the 61 nI:-f i ciat test Zinc chloride so!.Litianc; shall be izied in this determinaticm in O.C!02 increments. The value csf the specific gravity a+ the cured prape- Ilank shall he the speci+ied gravity of the zinc

30、chloride suiu- tim in which “Lhe eiacnp:. 0.6 propellant just +laatr.,. Ultimate strain and yield stress tests. A minimcim ci+ two .teet specimens skia1 i be cut .From cack prupi? lant sample. Each cipecimeri -.hall be Sive inc:!es mininuni iri length and Ci. iOO(:).(35Ci inch in thickness a

31、s shnwn in FIGURE IA. Using Die C tif ASTM IM12, cut dumb-be1.1.s +ram the specimens as shown in FIGURE 13. Three thickness measurements shall agree wi thir! (1). (:;I(:) inch for acceptable sprc:imensi. !?eject. any specimen that hac; surface imrier- fcctions ar is darnaged. Replace ui-iac=cepkalni

32、le %amples firam the same propellant samgle. The testin3 nachine shall have a. -emtily far static testing in accorance with drawing SA DL 2785411 less the nozzle assembly. The samples shall be conditioned at 1045deg. F and 12025 deg. F as, applicable (see 4.5.1) for a minimum of one hour prior to te

33、sting. 5. PACKAGING 5.1 Packaging and packing. Lnless otherwise specified in the contract the packaging and packing shall be in sccorciance with 49 CFF.; lN)-Y.77 and MIL-P-1 It, method I Ib (see 6.2). 5.2 Marking. ilnlesc; atherwise specified in the contract (see 6.2) and in addition to any special

34、 mark:inq required by stich contract, unit packages and shipping containers shall be marb:ed ir; accorda- nce with requirements of MIL STD-129 and 49CFR icX)-177 and CFR 178-149. Marking shall incltide, but not be limited to the follo- wing: (a) Manufacturer 5 narr:= (b) Material trade name (c) Gros

35、s and nst weights (d) Lot number, serial numbers, and date of manufacture (e) Number and revision letter of this specification and acceptance drawings If) Hazard notice (g 1 Unusual storage reqcii rements 6. NOTES (This -section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that may be hel

36、pful, but is not mandatory.) 6,l Intended use. The propellant covered by this specification is intended for use in the Mark 272 Mod 0 Igniter for the Mark 3:) Rocket Motor in accordance with MIL-R-23481- 6.2 Acquisition requirements. Acquiition documents should specify the following: a. Title, numbe

37、r, revision letter of this specification b. Issue of DODISS to be cited in the solicitation and, if required, the specific issue of individual documents referenced (see 2.1 and 2.2). c. Whether a first article sample is required (see 3.1, 4.4 and 6.,3) 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction

38、or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-d. e. f. - h. i. 20 I: . G!ctal i ty acceptance test f aci 1 i ty (see 4.1) Inspection conditions (see 4.5) First article test facility and any additional tests (SE?# 4.4 and 4.4.2) Sampling plans for acceptance tests (see 4.5.1. i, 4,5.1.2, 6.4 a

39、nd 0.5) Maximum lot size (see 4.5.2) Any special packaging and packing (see 5.1) Any special niat-king (see 5.2) Safety precautions (see 6.7) 6.3 First article. When a first article inspection is required9 the caneracting officer shauld provide specific guidance ta a-f-fe- ror5 whether the items sho

40、uld be a preprnductian sample, a first article sample, a first productian item, a sample selected from the first pt-aductian itemci, a standard production item from the contractors current inventory (see 3. 1! , and the number of items tu be ,tested as specified in 4.4. A first article sample is req

41、uired from each supplier whn has not produced the MI.: 3C) Mod 1, 2, 3 and 4. If igniter grain praducticsn has been interrupted Car more than 6 months or changes are requested in production met- hods, a first article sample may be required. The contracting officer should alsu include specific instru

42、ctions in acquisition documents regarding arrangements for examinations, approval af first article test results, and disposition of -first article. Invitations far bids should provide that the Government reserves the t-ight ta waive the requirement for samples far. first article inspection ta those

43、bidders o-ffering a product which has been previuusly acquired or tested by the Government, and that bidders offering such prodtctci, who wish to rely on such production ur test, must furnish evidence with the bid that prior Government approval is presently appropriate for the pending contract. Bid-

44、 ders should not submit alternate bids cmles specifically reques- ted t-a do so in the zmlicitation. 6.4 Physical property sampling. In the past sampling for conformance to the requirements of 3.4 hac, been based on MIL-STD- 1C6, inspection level S-2, single sampling, normal inspection with an AQL o

45、f 1.3 percent (see 6.5 Eallistic properties sampling. In the past, sampling far ballistic testing was per.farmed in accordance with MIL-STD-414, inspection level I, normal inspection, single specification limit Table Ei, and an AQL of 4.0 percent (ee 8 Provided by IHSNot for Resa

46、leNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-a . 9 a I P a MIL-P-2b73A lr3 E 94Y47Ob 0346322 3 W MIL-P-82691A(OS) 6.6 Definitions. 6.6.1 Burn time. The burn time is defined a the interval between the point where the motar pressure first attains I(:) percent of its rnmimtm e

47、quifibrium value to the tangent point at cutoff. 6.6.2 Average pressure. The average ?ressure is defined as the integrai of the pressure-time curve over the hurn time interval divided by the bckn time, 6.6.3 Maximum pressure. The maximum pressure is definec? ari the highest pressure value attained d

48、uring the burn time interval 6.6.4 Batch. A batch is defined as that quantity of propellant manufactured in me continuous operation at une time under hama- geneous conditions by une manufacturer. A batch is equal to O le55 khan a lut. 6.7 Safety precautions. The safety precautions requirements af th

49、e “Contractors Safety Manual for Ammunition, Exp1osives;and Related Dangerour; Material. I (DClD-4145.26M) are applicable and should be specified in the contract ar, required by the Federal Aczqui5ition Regulation (FAR) 1-523. Note: When this specification is used as part af the descriptian of work to be accnmplished by a Government activity, the safety precaution requirements o+ “Ammunition and


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