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1、La I INCH-POUND I MIL-STD-2198 2LEmwum MILITARY STANDARD DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR META1 ELECTRICAL BACKPLANE ASSEMBLIES MSC N/A FSC 5998 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for pub1 IC release: distributlon is unlimited. a : Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-STD-2LSB 53 77737LL O087334 T MI

2、 L-STD- 2 198 FOREWORD le This military standard is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 2, Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: of the Navy,

3、 Washington, DC 20362-5101, by using the self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command (SEA 5523), Department li Licensed by Information Handling ServicesI E MIL-STD-2198 57 7797733

4、 OO7135 3 W - . . I 2% *- 3 . DEFINITIONS 5 3.1 Metal electrical backplane assembly . 5 3.2 Solderless wrapped electrical connection . 5 3.3 Ground plane . 5 3.4 Voltage plane 5 3.5 Backplane 5 3.6 Keying pegs . 5 . MIL-STD- 2198 CONTENTS PARAGRAPH . PAGE 1 . SCOPE . 1 1.1 Scope 1 1.1.1 Applicabilit

5、y 1 1.2 Classification 1 2 . APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2 2.1 Government documents . 2 2.1.1 Specifications and standards . 2 2.2 Non-Government publications . 3 2.3 Order of precedence 4 4 . GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 6 4.1 Design requirements 6 4.1 . 1 Metal electrical backplane assembly design requirements .

6、 . . . . o . . . . o . o o 6 4.2 Metal electrical backplane assembly drawing 6 4.2.1 Conflict . 7 5 . DETAILED REQUIREMENTS . 8 5.1 Purpose . 8 5.2 Backplane assembly construction. 8 5.2.1 Material 8 Components . 8 Backplane. type 1 . 8 Backplane. type 2 e . . e . . + I 8 5.2

7、.1.4 Material finish 9 Backplane. type 1- 9 Backplane. type 2 9 5.2.2 Hole pattern 9 Hole pattern accuracy . 9 iii Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL- STD-2198 CONTENTS . Continued e PARAGRAPH . PAGE 5.3 Assembly . 10 5.3.1 Components . io Wrappost tail

8、tip position . 10 Replacement . 10 Insulation resistance . 10 Dielectric withstanding voltage 10 Capacitance between layers (type 2) 10 5.3.3 Mechanical requirements 11 Bow and twist . 11 Contact and bushing retention . 11 Contact torque . 11 5

9、.3.3.4 Keying peg retention 11 Engaging and separating forces . 11 Standard contacts 11 5,3,3.5.2 Low Insertion Force (LIF) contacts 11 . LIF normal force 11 5.3.4 Environmental requirements . 12 Durability . 12 Salt spray . 12 5.3.4,3 Shock . 12 Hum

10、idity 12 Temperature cycling 12 .5.3. 4.6 Vibration . 12 5.4 Marking 12 5.4.1 Marking ink 12 5.3.2 Electrical requirements . e . . . . e 10 Backplane to contact resistance (type 2) . 10 6 . NOTES. 13 6.1 Intended use . 13- 6. 2 Issue of DoOISS . 13 6.3 Data requirements 13 6.3.1 Data

11、 for program managers 13 6.4 Subject term (keyword) listing 14 IV Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL- STD- 2 198 CONTENTS - Continued. FIGURE - PAGE 1. Cross sectional view of a metal backplane assembly . . . 15 2. Two layer backplane showing mounting holes . . . . . . . 18 3. Typical hole

12、 pattern . . . , . . . . . . I . . . o 19 V Licensed by Information Handling Services-. c t MI L- STD - 2 198 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope, The purpose of this document is to establish general design requirements for metal electrical backplane assemblies of al uminum sheet or sheets on which separately manufa

13、ctured component parts, qual ified in accordance with MIL-C-28754, have been added. 1.1.1 Appl icabil i ty, The metal backpl anes of these assembl les are used to provide physical support and location for electronic contacts. The two layer metal electrical backplane assembly may also be used to dist

14、ribute power or ground throughout the backplane. The electronic module blade contacts engage the tuning fork receptacles in the backplane and are interconnected to other electronic modules vi a the solder1 ess wrap wire located on the side opposite the contacts on the backplane. 1.2 Classification.

15、Metal electrical backplane assembl les shall be of the following types: (a) Type 1: one layer. (b) Type 2: two layer. e 1 .i . Licensed by Information Handling Services- _ MIL-STD-2198 59 9999933 0087134 4 M I L - STD- 2 198 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Government document s. 2.1.1 Specifications and

16、 standards. The following specifications and standards form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those 1 isted in the issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (DoDISS) and supplement ther

17、eto, cited in the solicitation (see 6.2). SPEC IF ICATIONS FEDERAL L - P-509 Plastic Sheet, Rod and Tube, Laminated, QQ-A-250/8 QQ-A-250/11 Thermosetting , Al uminum Al 1 oy 5052, P1 ate and Sheet. Al uminum Alloy 6061, P1 ate and Sheet. MILITARY MIL-C-5541 MI L-A-8625 MIL-P-13949/12 Plastic Sheet,

18、Laminated, Materials (For Printed Chemi cal Convers i on Coat i ngs on Al umi num and Al umi num Al 1 oys Anodic Coatings, for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys. Wiring Boards), GF Base Material, Glass Fabric, Woven, Majority Difunctional Epoxy Resin Preimpregnated (8-Stage) o Layer, General Speci fi cat

19、 i on for. General Specification for. Keying Pegs. MIL-A-24741 Assemblies, Metal Electrical Backplane, One and Two MIL-C-28754 Connectors, Electrical Modul ar, and Component Parts, MIL-C-28754/39 Connectors , Electrical , Modul ar, Connector, Type I I I , MIL-1-43553 Ink, Marking, Epoxy Base. 2 Lice

20、nsed by Information Handling ServicesMI L - STD- 2 198 STANDARDS MI L I TARY DOD-STD-100 Engineering Drawing Practices. MIL-STD-1130 Connections, Electrical , Solderless Wrapped. (Unless atherwise indicated, copies of federal and military specifications and standards are available from the Naval Pub

21、1 ications and Forms Center, (ATTN: NPODS), 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19120-5099.) 2.2 Non-Government publications. The following documents form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. specified, the issues of the documents which are DoD adopted are those listed in the issu

22、e of the DoDISS cited in the solicitation. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of documents not listed in the DoDISS are the issues of the documents cited in the solicitation (see 6.2). Unless otherwise AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE (ANSI) ANSI Y14.5 ANSI Y32.16 Standard Reference Designa

23、tions for Electrical and Dimensi oni ng and To1 eranci ng Electronics Parts and Equipments. (Application for copies should be addressed to the American National Standards Institute, Inc, 1430 Broadway, New York, New York 10018.) AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) ASTM B209 Standard Sp

24、ecification for Aluminum and Aluminum- Alloy Sheet and Plate. (Application for copies should be addressed to the American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103.) (Non-Government standards and other pub1 ications are normally available from the organiza

25、tions that prepare or distribute the documents. These documents also may be available in or through libraries or other informational services,) 3 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMI L-STD-2 198 2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this document and the refe

26、rences clted herein, the text of the applicable MIL-C-28754 specification sheet and this document shall take precedence in that order. appl icable 1 aws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes 4 Licensed by Information Handling Ser

27、vicesMI L - STD- 2 198 3 DEFINITIONS 3.1 Metal electrical backplane assembly. The backplane assembly is an interconnection wiring panel into which functional circuit modules or cable connectors, bui 1 t in accordance wl th MIL-C-28754, are pl ugged and secured. The assembly has tuning fork connector

28、 receptacles on one side and contact post ends (solderless wrapped connections) on the other side. The component parts are descri bed in MIL-C-28754. The solder1 ess wrapped wires provide paths for electrical interconnections external to the backplane. The two 1 ayer metal electrical backpl ane asse

29、mbl i es may al so distribute voltages or - grounds in each layer. z 3.2 Solderless wrapped electrical connection. This connection consists of a helix of continuous, solid, uninsulated wire tightly wrapped around the wrappost of a solderless wrapped contact to produce a mechanically, environmentally

30、, and electrically stable connection. The number of turns required will depend on the gage of wire used. The requirements of MIL-STO-1130 apply. 3.3 Ground plane. A conductive layer (usually a continuous sheet of 0 metal with suitable ground plane clearances) used as a common reference point for cir

31、cuit returns, shielding or heat sinking. . 3.4 Voltage plane (VCC. A conductor or portion of a conductor layer on or in a board which is maintained at other than ground potential. also be used as a common voltage source for heat sinking or for shielding. It can 3.5 Backplane. An interconnection devi

32、ce having terminals (such as solderless wrapped connections) on one side and having connector receptacles on the other side, used to provide point-to-point electrical connections. 3.6 Keying pegs. In accordance with MIL-C-28754/39, these inserts are required in each connector assembly al 1 owing spe

33、cific module connectors to be mated. 5 Licensed by Information Handling Services-. - MIL-STD-2378 57 9 7777733 0087343 O 9 MIL - STO- 2 198 4. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 4,l Design requirements. The design requirements of this standard are for the assembly of connector tuning fork component parts into an

34、aluminum backplane. The tuning fork component parts of the connector have been. specifically designed to accommodate the blade component part of the connector specified in MIL-C-28754. Figure 1 is a pictorial illustration of this assembly and incorporates the required dimensions of the assembly. Int

35、erpret in accordance wlth ANSI-Y14,5. u 4.1.1 Metal electrical backplane assembly design requirements. The design requirements of the metal electrical backplane assembly shall be in accordance with MIL-A-24741 and this standard. II 4.2 Metal electrical backplane assembly drawing. The metal electrica

36、l backplane assembly drawing shall include separately manufactured connector component parts. The metal electrical backplane assembly drawing shall be in accordance with DOD-STD-100, and should include, as a minimum, the fol 1 owi ng : (a) Location and identification of all connector component. part

37、s, (b) Appl i cab1 e orderi ng data. (c) Electrical clrcuitry test requirements. (d) Clean1 iness requirements. (e) Marking requirements. (f) Number of layers. (9) Mounting plate size and shape. (h) Mounting and tooling hole location. -6 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL- STD- 2 198 4.2.1

38、 Conflict. In the event of any conflict between the metal electrical backplane assembly drawing, hereafter called backplane assembly drawing, and the requirements of this standard, a copy of the backplane assembly drawing shall be submitted to the government program manager, prior to release to manu

39、facturing or procurement, with information justifying the deviation(s) from this standard, and with a request for approval of the devlation(s) If approvals for deviations from this standard have been given, the deviations shall be indicated on the backplane assembly drawing. Licensed by Information

40、Handling Services-_I q_l MIL-STD-2LS 57 SSS77LL OOL45 4 9 MI L- STD- 2198 5, DETAILED REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Purpose. This section contains information necessary for the construction of the metal electrical backplane assemblies. 5,2 Backplane assembly construction. The metal electrical backplane assembly,

41、 consisting of a metal backplane per MIL-A-24741 and components per MIL-C-28754, shall be constructed by pressing the cmponents Into the metal backplane, Other components from MIL-C-28754, such as keying pegs, shall be added as required by the backplane assembly drawing. As required by the backplane

42、 assembly drawing, keying pegs in accordance with MIL-C-28754 shall be inserted into the keying bushing in the proper orientation and made a permanent part of the keying bushing by suitable processes which may include bonding or heat staking. The components for type II backplanes shall be designed s

43、uch that the tuning fork contacts engage only the layers intended. d D 5,2,1 Material. The type of material shall be as specified herein. Acceptance or approval of any constituent material shall not be construed as acceptance of the finished product. a 5.2 1.1 Components , The components shall be qu

44、al if i ed in accordance with MIL-C-28754 and be listed on its Qualified Products List (QPL) or approved for listing at time of award. Backplane, type 1. The material for the type 1 backplane shall be aluminum alloy sheet material in accordance with QQ-A-250/8, or QQ-A-250/11. 5020iD3 Backpl

45、ane, type 2. The material for the type 2 backplane shall be as follows: (a) The aluminum sheet shall be aluminum alloy 6061, temper T6 in accordance with QQ-A-250/11 or ASTM 8209. (b) The insulation layer, insulation sheet, and insulated areas (when specified on the drawing) shall be fabricated from

46、 plastic sheet conforming to L-P-509, .type IV, gkade G-10 (see figure 2). The layer thickness shall be 0.020 plus or minus 0.004 Inch (0.508 plus or minus O. 102 mm) e 8 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMI L-STD-2198 (c) The adhesive material shall be preimpregnated glass cloth conforming t

47、o MIL-P-13949/12, type P-GFN-1080-R-28-XX-XX. Je1 1 time and resin content are vendor options. The thickness shall be as required to meet the 0.180 plus 0.010, minus 0.005 inch (4.57 plus 0.25, minus 0.12 mm) overall thickness (see figure 2). Material finish. The type of material finish shal

48、l be as specified herein. Acceptance or approval or any substitute finish shall not = be construed as an acceptance of the finished product. Backplane, type 1. The finish for the type 1 backplane shall be anodize in accordance with MIL-A-8625, type II, black seal or chemically treated in a

49、ccordance with MIL-C-5541, class 3. Backplane, type 2. The finish for the type 2 backplane shall be as follows: (a) The aluminum ground plane shall be in accordance with MIL-C-5541, class 1A or 3, or MIL-A-8625, type II, black seal, after final machining. Depending on electrical requirements, the outside surface of the ground plane may be insulated with plastic sheet conforming to L-P-509, type IV, grade G-10, The overall thickness shall be in accordance with figure 2. a (b The VCC (power .plane shall be anodized aluminum in accordance with MIL-A-8625, type II,


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