NAVY MIL-T-82726-1984 TORPEDO TUBE SURFACE VESSEL MARK 32 MOD 14《32号14模水面舰船鱼雷发射管》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-T-82726-1984 TORPEDO TUBE SURFACE VESSEL MARK 32 MOD 14《32号14模水面舰船鱼雷发射管》.pdf_第1页
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1、- MIL-T-8272b LO m 77777Ob 03b2675 I m FEL-T-82726 (OS) 16 January 1984 MI LI TAFiY SPE CIF I CAT ION TORPEDO TUBE, SURFACE VESSEL, MARK 32 ?IOD 14 This specificatlon is approved for use by the Naval Sea Systems Command, Department of the Navy, and is available for use by all Departments and Agencie

2、s of the Departnent of Defense. 4 I. SCOPE 1.1 This specification established the requirements for the procurement of d Torpedo Tube Assembly Mk 32 Mod 14 for use on surface vessels. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2. I Government documents 2.1.1 Specifications and standards. TTnless otherwise specified, th

3、e following specifications and standards of the issue listed in that issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (DonISS) specified in the solicitation form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS Mi lit ary MIL-C-I O4 Crates, Wood; Lu

4、mber and Plywood Sheathed, Nailed and Bolted tfIL-P-1 I6 MIL-S-901 STANDARDS Federal FED-STD-H28 Preservation, Yethods of Shock Tests, H.I. (High-Impact): Shipboard Yachinery, Equipment and Systems, Requirements for Corrosion Preventative Compound, Solvent Cutback, Cold-AFplication Screw-Thread Stan

5、dards for the Federal Service Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which maybe of use in improving this documents should be addressed to: Commanding Officer, Naval Ordnance Station, Standard- ization/Documentation Division (524) Indian Head, ?ID 20640 by

6、 using the self-addressed Standardisation Document Inprovement Proposal (DD Form I 426), appearing at the end of this docunent, or by letter. F THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS PAGES. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-2726 LO 777790b 03b2b9

7、6 3 m MIL-T-82726 (OS MIL-STD-1 29 MIL-STD-1 67 Marking for Shipment and Storage Mechanical Vibrations of Shipboard Equipment (Type I - Environmental and Type II Internally Excited) MIL-STD-81 O Environmental Test Methods 2. 1. 2 Other Government documents, drawings and publications. The following o

8、ther Government documents, drawings and publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein: Naval Ordnance Systems Command LD 632022 Torpedo Tube, Surface Tressel, ?% 32 Mod 14 (Assembly), Index to List of Drawings Torpedo Tube, Surface Vessel, I B 115 vacc 60 Hz A 7 Curre

9、nt (Max) 30 mA 30 mA 5mA 3A 60 mA 2.75 A 2.75 A 3A 2A 2A 2A - - - i . Input Connector Pin 530 l-R J301-W TB1-7 TB1-19 TB1-19 TB1-13 TB2-13 TB3-13 TB1-16 TB2- 16 TB3-16 TB1-20 TB2-20 TB3-20 TB1-4 TB2-4 TB3-4 TB1-11 TB2-11 TB3-11 TB1-10 TB2-1 0 TB3- 1 0 J303-A J303-G 5303-5 Provided by IHSNot for Resa

10、leNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-82726 LO 77777Ob 0362702 5 MIL-T-(OS) TABLE 1. Inputs to Starboard Torpedo Tube Mk 32 Mod 14 (continued) Function Train Motor Power Train Motor Power Train Motor Power BMCB Power BMCB Power Emergency Squib Fire 35 VAC Emerg

11、ency Squib Fire 35 VACC Signal Characteristics Voltage 115 vac 60 Hz A 115 vac 60 Hz B 115 vac 60 Hz c 115 vac 60 Hz A 115 vac 60 Hz B 35 vac 60 Hz 35 vacc 60 Hz Current (Max) 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 2A 2A Connector Pin J202-C J202-E J202-D J202-H J202-A TB 1 05- 7 TB102-8 8 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo r

12、eproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-82726 LO m 7777906 0362703 7 m IL-T-82726( OS) TABLE II. Outputs from Starboard Torpedo Tube Mk 32 Mod 14 Function Tube Ready 1, 3, and 5 Gyro Sense 1, 3, and 5 Search Depth Sense 1, 3, and 5 Tube Loaded 1, 3, and 5 Continuity Bf

13、onitor 1, 3, and 5 Open Door Close Door Door Common Firing Sector Clear BMCB In Remote Barken Ship Signal Characteristics Voltage 26 vdc O - 26 vdc O - 26 vdc 26 Va6 26 vdcc 115 vac 60 Hz B 115 voc 60 Hz B 115 vac 60 Hz A 26 vdc 26 vdc 26 vdc Current (Max) output Connector Pin TB1-6 TB2-6 TB3-6 TB1-

14、15 TB2- 15 TB3-15 TB1-18 TB2- 18 TB3-1 8 TB1-14 TB2- 14 TB3-14 TB1-8 TB2-8 TB3-8 J303-D J303-B J303-C J302-C 530 2-R J302-X 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-_ MIL-T-82726 10 m 777790b O362704 7 MIL-T-8 2726 ( OS ) TABLE II. Outputs f

15、rom Starboard Torpedo Tube Mk 32 Mod 14 (continued) Torpedo Reference Common 26 VDCC Gyro Drive Search Depth Drive Squib Fire Torpedo Reference 26 VDC Fire Order Tube 1, 3, and 5 Fire Order Common Tube 1, 3, and 5 Torpedo Reference Sense Common Signal Characteristics Vol tage 26 vdcc 26 vdc 26 vdc 2

16、6 vdc/ 35 vac 26 vdc 115 vac 60 Hz 0c 115 vac 60 Hz OB 26 vdcc Current (Max) 3A 2.75 A 2.75 A 2A 3A 2A 2A 60 mA output Connector Pin J301-A J301-E 530 1-K J301-Y J301-N 530 1-C J301-D 530 1-J J301-G 530 1-H J301-P 530 1-L Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without l

17、icense from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-2726 LO 7777706 0362705 O MIL-T- 82 726 ( OS ) 3.3.20 Torpedo exit velocities. The minimum exit velocities of dummy Torpedo bk 46 Mod I (508 plus or minus 8 pounds) for each barrel of the torpedo tube assembly shall be 40 feet per second for each test. (see 3.3.21

18、 Electrical continuity. Electrical continuity of Torpedo Tube Assembly 3.3.22 Lanyard retainers. The spring-loaded retainers shall be capable of 14k 32 Mod I4 shall be in accordance with NAVSEA Dwg 3022834 and being depressed easily by hand and shall be capable of a lanyard wire of 0.069 m

19、inimum diameter. accepting and securing (see 3.3.23 Bulkhead mounted control box. The Bulkhead Mounted Control Box shall be capable of selecting either REMOTE or LOCAL operation of the torpedo tube and firing door. 3.4 Environmental requirements 3.4. I Vibration 3 e h. I . I Vibration, non

20、operating. The torpedo tube assembly, less packing or packaging, shall be capable of meeting all quality conformance tests after being subjected to vibration test of MIL-STD-167 for Type I vibrations in the three mutually perpendicular axes. ( 4.5.1 .I ) 3.4. I .2 Vibration, standby condition. The t

21、orpedo tube assembly, loaded with three dummy torpedoes and containing breech assemblies pressurized to 1500 psig, shall be capable of meeting all quality conformance tests during and after being subjected to the vibration test of MIL-STD-167 for Type I vibrations in the three mutually perpendicular

22、 axes. ( 4.5.1 .2) 3.4.2 Shock Shock nonoperating. The torpedo tube assembly, less packing or P packaging, shall be capable of meeting all quality conformance tests after being subjected to the shock impulses of the magnitude and number specified in IILL-S-901 for medium weight equipment. (

23、4.5.2, I ) Shock, loaded condition. The torpedo tube, loaded with three dummy torpedaes, shall be capable of meeting all quality conformance tests after being subjected to the shock impulses of the magnitude and number specified in MIL-S-901 for medium weight equipment. ( 4 e 5 o 2.2) 3.4.3

24、Temperature and humidity High temperature operation. When conditioned and tested in accord- ance with, the torpedo tube shall meet all the performance requirements and product characteristics of this specification and shall show no corrosion or damage. il . d . - - . , .- ,i . Provid

25、ed by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-82726 10 974770b 03b2706 2 MIL-T-82726( OS) 3.5 Cleanup. Prior to and after.fina1 assembly, all parts and components shall be thoroughly cleaned of all loose, spattered, or excess solder, netal chips, a

26、nd other foreign material. flashinp shall be removed. All burrs and sharp edges as well as 3.6 Workmanship. The equipment, including all parts and accessories, shall be constructed and finished in a manner to ensure compliance with all require- ments of this specification. and thorughness of solderi

27、ng, wiring, impregnation of coils, marking of parts and assemblies, plating, riveting, machine screw assemblage, welding, brazing, and freedom of parts from burrs and sharp edges. The standards of workmanship exhibited in any approved preproduction sample, subject to any qualification stated in the

28、Governments notice of approval, shall be determinative of the requirements of the contract relative to workmanship insofar as not specifically covered by applicable specifications. Particular attention shall be paid to neatness 4. QUALITY ASSUI1ANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unle

29、ss otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the contractor is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise spec- ified in the contract or order, the contractor nay use his om or other facil- ities suitable for the performance o

30、f the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed oecesgary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements. ITnlees otherwise specified in

31、the contract or order (see 6.2), the Government reserves the right to conduct any or all of the tests and examinations of this specification after installation of the torpedo tube aboard a Naval vessel. The Government reserves the 4.2 Classification of inspection. The inspection requirements specifi

32、ed herein are classified as follows: a. b. c. First article inspection (see 4.3 and 4.5) Periodic production inspection (see 4.3 and 4.5) Quality conformance inspection (see 4.3 and 4.4) 4.3 Sampling 4.3.1 assembly, manufactured in accordance with 3.2.1 and preserved, packaged and First article samp

33、le. A first article sample of one torpedo tube packed as specified tests detailed in 4 (see 6.2) 4.3.2 Lot size. each shipment of un and may differ from in the contract or order, shall be subjected to the 5, at an activity designated by the procuring activity. Unless otherwise specified in the contr

34、act or order, ts of product shall be a separate “inspection lot“ the quantity specified in the total order or contract. In any event, all units f a single “inspection lotft shall be made to the same design, with the same materials and manufacturing techniques, and shall be part of one continuous pro

35、duction run. 12 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-82726 LO W 7777906 0362707 4 I-T-82726( OS) 4.3.3 -amsample. From each succeeding lot of 50 or less, a periodic production sample of one torpedo tube assembly shall be selected at

36、random and submitted to an activity designated by the procuring activity (see 6.2) for periodic production inspection. compliance with the requirements of the contract, specification and drawings and tested in accordance with 4.5. Failure o% the sample to comply with any requirements shall result in

37、 the rejection of the lot as determined by the procuring activity. (see 6.2) The sample shall be examined for O . 4.3.4 Quality conformance sampling. The tests and examinations detailed in 4.4 should be conducted un each torpedo tube assembly to be delivered; theref ore there shall be no sampling fo

38、r quality conformance. -Defective units shall be rejected. 4.4 Quality conformance inspection. Each torpedo tube Mk 32 Yod 14 to be delivered under contract shall be subjected to the tests and examinations of this section. 4.4.1 Test conditions. Unless otherwise specified, the torpedo tubes shall be

39、 sujected to quality conformance tests under the following conditions: 4.4. I. I Test sequence, The sequence of testing procedures presented herein is suggested only. the most practical and economical use of manpower and equipment. The tests nay be performed in any order that will permit Tem

40、perature. bom ambient 65 degrees Fahrenheit (F) to 95 degrees P (I8 degrees centigrade (C) to 35 degrees C). 4.4. I. 3 Altitude. Kormal ground atmospheric pressure. 4.4. I. 4 Vibration. None 4.4. I .5 Humiditg. 4.4.2 Test results. bom ambient to 95 percent relative maximum. !hen specified in the con

41、tract or order (see 6.2), test results shall be recorded, or verification noted, as required, opposite corresponding Paragraph numbers on the Quality Conformance Inspection Rata Sheet (Aogendix) for each torpedo tube assembly inspected (see 5.4). 4.4.3 Acceptance criteria. Failure of Torpedo Tube Mk

42、 32 Yod 14 to pass any examination or test of this section shall be cause for rejection. 4.4.4 1 facilities . The manufacturer shall furnish and maintain all necessary test equipment and facilities and shall provide personnel for performing all quality conformance tests. equipment shall be adequate

43、in quantity and, when definite requirements are not specified, shall be of sufficient accuracy and quality to permit performance of the required quality conformance test. items of test equipment, or equivalent, are required: The test To perform the tests, the following 4.4.4.I A means for producing

44、a hydrostatic pressure of 4500 psig. a Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. MIL-T-2726 LO W 7979906 03b2708 b W - FIIL-T-82726 (OS ) A water pressure gage capable of reading 4500 psig with an accuracy A 0-3000 psig high p

45、ressure air source, equipped with an air line of plus or minus t percent. filter, to remove water, oil, and dirt, which shall not pass particles larger than 50 microns. An air pressure gage of O to at least 3000 psig with an accuracy of plus or minus 6 percent at 2500 psig. A iiGoii

46、gage for the barrel in accordance with J?wg 2320787. Standard high potential test equipment capable of an output of 1000 volts, 60 to 100 HZ. Megohm bridge, 500 volts dc, with a range of 0.1 to 1,000,000 megohms. 4. h 4.8 Multimeter, Simpson model 260 or equivalent. A power s

47、ource capable of supplying: ac, 60 Hz, single phase; the voltage must be capable of being varied from at least 102 to 124 volts ac, (b) 115 Vac 60 Hz 3 phase and (c) 26 to 28 Tdc. h. 4.4. I O Test cabinet/power supply (continuity/operational tests). (a) 115 plus or minus 0.5 volts . accurac

48、y of at least plus or minus 1.125 volts. An ac voltmeter capable of measuring 102 to 124 volts ac with an A means for measuring the angle of rotation of the training gear to the nearest 2 degree. A pull scale with a memory pointer and a capacity of at least 155 pounds, with a maxim

49、um error of plus or minus 10 percent of the reading. A test circuit capable of supplying 102 to 124 volts, 60 Hz ac from the power supply of to the solenoid for the period of 400 milliseconds maximum. Can be included in the test cabinet ( O) . Current capacity shall be at least 2 amperes. Dummy Torpedo Mk 46 Mod I (Dwg 2652289) (weight: 508 plus or 4.4.41

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