1、MS25277D NOTICE 1 MS25277 REV D NOTICE I h2 9999932 0033483 9 m NOTICE OF INACTIVATION FOR NEW DESIGN I INCH-POUND I - _ ._ 29 MAY 1992 MILITARY STANDARD LIGHT, BEACON, ANTI-COLLISION, AIRCRAFT This notice should be fiTed in front of MS25277D dated 13 March 1987. MS25277D is inactive for new design.
2、 Strobe type anti-collision lights conforming to MIL-L-85314 and associated detail specification sheets shall be used for new design, Preparing Act vi ty : Navy - AS (Project No, 6220-1055) AMSC N/A FSC 6220 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Licensed by Information Handling Services