
lopment embracing all parts of (3). It first rose in (4) in the (5) century. 4 Ezra Pounds lifelong endeavor had been devoted to the writing of (6). w


1、lopment embracing all parts of 3. It first rose in 4 in the 5 century. 4 Ezra Pounds lifelong endeavor had been devoted 。

2、frock S io credesse che mia risposta fosse A persona che mai tornasse al mondo, Questafiama staria senzapiu scosse. Mape。

3、ses6. The Hairy Ape7. Women in Love8. The Pit9. Death in the Afternoon10. Babbitt11. Adam Bede12. Burmese Days13. The In。

4、Notebook9. The Art of Fiction10. Wessex Tales11. North and South12. The Zoo Story13. Beyond the Horizon14. The Prelude15。

5、 The People of the Abyss9. Ash Wednesday10. The American ScholarII. The Book of Snobs12. Robinson Crusoe13. The Purloine。

6、s7. The Vicar of Wakefield8. Man and Superman9. To Have and Have not10. V.11. Decline and Fall12. Animal Farm13. The Nak。

7、e Forsyte Saga5. Herzog6. Dubliners7. The Vicar of Wakefield8. Man and Superman9. To Have and Have not10. V.11. Decline 。

8、e Love Song of J. Alfred PrufrockS io credesse che mia risposta fosseA persona che mai tornasse al mondo,Questafiama sta。

9、 TellTale Heart8. The Golden Notebook9. The Art of Fiction10. Wessex Tales11. North and South12. The Zoo Story13. Beyond。

10、reat God Brown7. Rob Roy8. The People of the Abyss9. Ash Wednesday10. The American ScholarII. The Book of Snobs12. Robin。

11、 Tread4. Song of Myself5. Ulysses6. The Hairy Ape7. Women in Love8. The Pit9. Death in the Afternoon10. Babbitt11. Adam 。

12、ece.分数:2.00填空项 1:3.The Renaissance was an epoch of social and cultural development embracing all parts of 3. It first ro。

13、Ma perciocche giarnmai di questo fondoNon torno vivo alcun, sIodo il veroSenza tema dinfamia ti rispondo.Let us go then。

标签 > 国际关系学院英美文学[编号:187999]

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