
hat is alien.(2003 年春季电子科技大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.insaneB.infectiousC.foreignD.poisonous2.It is impossible to _ whether shell be well enough to come home fr


1、hat is alien.(2003 年春季电子科技大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.insaneB.infectiousC.foreignD.poisonous2.It is impossible to _ whether shell be well enough to come home from the hospital next month.(2004 年湖北省考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.foreseeB.inferC.fabricateD.inhibit3.She said some bad things about me, but I have_her for that.(分数:2.00)A.releasedB.freedC.forgivenD.regretted4.Boris Yeltsin, Russias _ present, died. His funeral in Moscow was attended by a bevy of world leaders past and present.(2009 年北京。

2、分数:2.00)A.conventionalB.compactC.compatibleD.concise2.He had always considered her an ideal _ for his brother.(分数:2.00)A.companyB.accompanimentC.companionD.companionship3.Havent I told you I dont want you keeping _ with those awful riding-about bicycle boys?(2002 年中国科学院考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.companyB.acquaintanceC.friendsD.place4.Being granted a yearly bonus can be considered _ to getting a raise in pay.(分数:2.00)A.sameB.nextC.comparableD.accessible5.They were often _to wo。

3、00)A.glanceB.glimpseC.gazeD.stare2.To survive in the intense trade competition between countries, we must_ the qualities and varieties of products we make to the world market demand.(2010 年厦门大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.improveB.enhanceC.guaranteeD.gear3.The steam can_ electricity by turning an electric generator.(分数:2.00)A.causeB.growC.generateD.rouse4.He made such a_contribution to the university that they are naming one of the new buildings after him.(分数:2.00)A.generousB.minimumC.modestD.。

4、2.00)A.appointedB.appeasedC.nicknamedD.nominated2.When I took his temperature, it was two degrees above _.(分数:2.00)A.averageB.ordinaryC.regularD.normal3.As a lawyer _ for his good judgment and eloquence, he is often invited to those grand banquets and meets those distinguished people from all circles.(2007 年中国矿业大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.notoriousB.notableC.nastyD.notified4.Another popular misconception is the_that great talent is usually highly specific.(2003 年南开大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.notionB.。

5、mousD.weird2.An old woman was badly hurt in _the police describe as an apparently motiveless attack.(2003 年复旦大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.thatB.whichC.whatD.whatever3.He thought I was lying, _ I was telling the truth.(分数:2.00)A.hithertoB.henceforthC.whereasD.nevertheless4.I did not dare to speak aloud or even _to Alison what was in my mind.(分数:2.00)A.murmurB.whistleC.whisperD.hum5.The new law allows you to _ payment if you think a bill is incorrect.(2003 年上海交通大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.withholdB。

6、ameC.chargeD.accusation2.The local authorities seemed to _ for the accident taking place last week. (2002 年上海交通大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.shareB.takeC.criticizeD.blame3.When Tom was doing his French translation, he left _ for all the words he did not know.(分数:2.00)A.vacanciesB.bracketsC.spacesD.blanks4.You cant leave the city: all the roads are_by snow.(分数:2.00)A.coveredB.blockedC.filledD.burdened5.Trees that _ the view of the oncoming traffic should be cut down.(2003 年上海交通大学考博试题。

7、a milestone. And there will be more milestones ahead. Fourteen years from now, there are expected to be 8 billion people on the planet. Most of the growth will occur in the worlds poorer countries. Proportionally, Europes population will decline, while Africas will increase. At around the same time, India will overtake China as the most populous nation on Earth. The growing global population is just one side of the coin. A recent report from the World Health Organization signaled 。

8、c contribution to the family, there was no liability for damages. In contrast, less than a century later, in 1979, the parents of a three year old sued in New York for accidental-death damages and won an award of $ 750, 000. The transformation in social values implicit in just a posing these two incidents is the subject of Viviana Zelizers excellent book, Pricing the Priceless Child. During the nineteenth century, she argues, the concept of the “useful“ child who contributed to the family e。

9、e allowed to happen again. This urge is understandable and noble: thousands have lost virtually all their retirement savings with the demise of Enron stock. But making sure it never happens again may not be possible, because the sudden impoverishment of those Enron workers represents something even larger than it seems. Its the latest turn in the unwinding of one of the most audacious promise of the 20th century. The promise was assured economic security even comfort essentially everyone 。

10、drawn between them. But we have realized only recently that the identity of each sex is not so easy to pin down, and that definitions evolve in accordance with different types of culture known to us, that is, scientific discoveries and ideological revolutions. Our nature is not considered as immutable, either socially or biologically. As we approach the beginning of the 21st century, the substantial progress made in biology and genetics is radically challenging the roles, responsibilities and sp。

11、he most cloud-free regions of the planet, the solar constant cannot be measured precisely. Gas molecules and dust particles in the atmosphere absorb and scatter sunlight and prevent some wavelengths of the light from ever reaching the ground. With the advent of satellites, however, scientists have finally been able to measure the Suns output without being impeded by the Earths atmosphere. Solar Max, a satellite from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA), has been meas。

12、roducing and experiencing particular emotions before these emotions can be modified through learning. Psychologists have found that there are two basic processes by which learning takes place. One kind of learning is called “classical conditioning“. This occurs when one event or stimulus is consistently paired with, or followed by, a reward or punishment. It is through classical conditioning that a child learns to associate his mothers face and voice with happiness and love, for he learns t。

13、 We do not realize that waving goodbye is the way to summon a person from the Philippines to ones side, or that in Italy and some Latin-American countries, curling the finger to oneself is a sign of farewell. Those private citizens who sent packages to our troops occupying Germany after World War II and marked them GIFT to escape duty payments did not bother to find out that “ Gift“ means poison in German. Moreover, we like to think of ourselves as friendly, yet we prefer to be at least 3 。

14、ild had made no real economic contribution to the family, there was no liability for damages. In contrast, less than a century later, in 1979, the parents of a three year old sued in New York for accidental-death damages and won an award of $ 750, 000. The transformation in social values implicit in just a posing these two incidents is the subject of Viviana Zelizers excellent book, Pricing the Priceless Child. During the nineteenth century, she argues, the concept of the “useful“ child who。

15、siologically be capable of producing and experiencing particular emotions before these emotions can be modified through learning. Psychologists have found that there are two basic processes by which learning takes place. One kind of learning is called “classical conditioning“. This occurs when one event or stimulus is consistently paired with, or followed by, a reward or punishment. It is through classical conditioning that a child learns to associate his mothers face and voice with happine。

16、e are understood by everyone. We do not realize that waving goodbye is the way to summon a person from the Philippines to ones side, or that in Italy and some Latin-American countries, curling the finger to oneself is a sign of farewell. Those private citizens who sent packages to our troops occupying Germany after World War II and marked them GIFT to escape duty payments did not bother to find out that “ Gift“ means poison in German. Moreover, we like to think of ourselves as friendly, yet。

17、e sexes and the distinction drawn between them. But we have realized only recently that the identity of each sex is not so easy to pin down, and that definitions evolve in accordance with different types of culture known to us, that is, scientific discoveries and ideological revolutions. Our nature is not considered as immutable, either socially or biologically. As we approach the beginning of the 21st century, the substantial progress made in biology and genetics is radically challenging the ro。

18、es the Earth. Yet, even in the most cloud-free regions of the planet, the solar constant cannot be measured precisely. Gas molecules and dust particles in the atmosphere absorb and scatter sunlight and prevent some wavelengths of the light from ever reaching the ground. With the advent of satellites, however, scientists have finally been able to measure the Suns output without being impeded by the Earths atmosphere. Solar Max, a satellite from the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis。

19、everyone agrees must never be allowed to happen again. This urge is understandable and noble: thousands have lost virtually all their retirement savings with the demise of Enron stock. But making sure it never happens again may not be possible, because the sudden impoverishment of those Enron workers represents something even larger than it seems. Its the latest turn in the unwinding of one of the most audacious promise of the 20th century. The promise was assured economic security even c。

20、 better and worse, its a milestone. And there will be more milestones ahead. Fourteen years from now, there are expected to be 8 billion people on the planet. Most of the growth will occur in the worlds poorer countries. Proportionally, Europes population will decline, while Africas will increase. At around the same time, India will overtake China as the most populous nation on Earth. The growing global population is just one side of the coin. A recent report from the World H。

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