
布勒东_。9 哈罗德品特_。10 下面这句经典的评论是英国作家本琼生对哪一位伟大作家的评价?“他不只属于一个世纪,而是属于所有世纪。”_。11 威塞克斯系列小说12 社会主义现实主义13 路得记14 巴尔扎克笔下的葛朗台与果戈理笔下的泼留希金两个形象有何异同?15 为什么说 TS艾略特的长诗荒原中


1、 布勒东_。
9 哈罗德品特_。
10 下面这句经典的评论是英国作家本琼生对哪一位伟大作家的评价?“他不只属于一个世纪,而是属于所有世纪。
11 威塞克斯系列小说12 社会主义现实主义13 路得记14 巴尔扎克笔下的葛朗台与果戈理笔下的泼留希金两个形象有何异同?15 为什么说 TS艾略特的长诗荒原中,“死而复生” 和“寻找圣杯” 是两个具有核心意义的原型?16 任举莎士比亚的戏剧作品为例,论述其剧作中爱情关系的政治内涵。
2012 年南开大学研究生入学考试(外国文学史)真题试卷答案与解析一、填空题请完成下列各题,在各题的空处填入恰当的答案。
1 【正确答案】 赫西俄德2 【正确答案】 托马斯马洛礼3 【正确答案】 巴尔扎克4 【正确答案】 劳伦斯5 【正确答案】 卡尔维诺6 【正确答案】 未来主义7 【正确答案】 新小说派8 【正确答案】 超现实主义9 【正确答案】 荒诞派戏剧10 【正确答案】 莎士比亚11 【正确答案】 是指 19 世纪末英国批判现实主义小说家和诗人哈代创作的一系列以英国西南部威塞克斯广大农村地区为背景的小说。


3、8 阿斯图里亚斯_。
9 骑士文学10 拜伦式英雄11 巴别塔神话故事12 试比较圣经旧约中扫罗王与大卫王的形象。
13 谈安娜卡列尼娜的经典性。
14 任举一部作品为例,说明意识流小说对传统小说观念与小说艺术的革新。
15 举例论述中国现代文学在接受西方现代主义文学时是如何进行文化过滤的。
16 论魔幻现实主义文学的魔幻性。
2011 年南开大学研究生入学考试(外国文学史)真题试卷答案与解析一、填空题请完成下列各题,在各题的空处填入恰当的答案。
1 【正确答案】 阿里奥斯托2 【正确答案】 格里美尔斯豪森3 【正确答案】 威廉福克纳4 【正确答案】 艾萨克巴什维斯辛格5 【正确答案】 自然主义6 【正确答案】 象征主义7 【正确答案】 超现实主义8 【正确答案】 超现实主义、魔幻现实主义9 【正确答案】 中古欧洲的一种封建世俗文学,它鲜明地反映了封建主阶级的意识,繁盛在 1213 世纪。


5、llss last literary attempt to predict the future ( B) a novel depicting life in a completely authoritarian state ( C) a Blake-like poem replete with apocalyptic vision ( D) an account of an atomic war 3 The experience which William Shakespeare, Sir Philip Sidney and Edmund Spenser had in common was the following:_. ( A) They all wrote poems on the subject of Venus and Adonis ( B) They all wrote sonnet sequence ( C) They all dedicated poems to the earl of Southampton ( D) They all wrote t。

6、nd_, which has been regarded as Americas “Declaration of Intellectual Independence“. 6 _, _,_ and_are generally regarded as Shakespeares four great tragedies. 7 British novel came of age in_. 8 John Donne and his followers wrote what would later be called_ poetrycomplex, highly intellectual verse filled with metaphors. 9 The English great write Geoffrey Chaucer was born in 1343 and died in 1400. his most important work is_, a long poem made up of a gene。

7、 poem by Sir Philip Sidney.Sonnet 31With how sad steps, O Moon, thou climbst the skies!How silently, and with how wan a face!What, may it be that even in heavenly placeThat busy archer his sharp arrows tries?Sure, if that long-with-love-acquainted eyesCan judge of love, thou feelst a lovers case;I read it in thy looks; thy languished graceTo me that feel the like, thy state descries.Then, even of fellowship, O Moon, tell me,Is constant love deemed there but want of wit?Are beautie。

8、age of The Canterbury Tales.From The Canterbury Tales Speaking of his equipment, he(the knight)possessed Fine horses, but he was not gaily dressed. He wore a fustian tunic stained and dark With smudges where his armor had left mark.6 1. What does the fact that the knight owns fine horses indicate?7 2. What does the clothes he wears indicate?8 3. What does Geoffrey Chaucer want to show through these details? 9 Question 4 is based on the following passage of The Canterbury Tales.From The Canterbur。

9、ieval period. 6 John Donne and his followers wrote what would later be called_, highly intellectual verse filled with metaphors. 7 The publication _ by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge marked the beginning of the Romantic Age in English literature. 8 A very influential book to come out of the postwar world is a novel by J.D.Salinger entitled_. 9 _by Joseph Heller is the representative novel of black humor. 三、问答题 9 Read the following poem and answer the questions。

10、 his works二、分析题5 Questions 1 to 6 are based on the following poem by Edmund Spencer.Sonnet 75 from AmorettiOne day I wrote her name upon the strand,But came the waves and washed it away:Again I wrote it with a second hand,But came the tide, and made my pains his prey.“ Vain man,“ said she, “ that does in vain assay.A mortal thing so to immortalize,For I myself shall like to this decay,And also my name be wiped out likewise. “ Not so,“ said I, “ let baser things deviseTo die in dust, but you sha。

11、2.old English, middle English and modern English(分数:2.00)_3.Realism(分数:2.00)_4.sonnet(分数:2.00)_5.alliteration(分数:2.00)_二、分析题(总题数:2,分数:20.00。

12、m(分数:2.00)_3.medieval romances in England(分数:2.00)_4.foot(分数:2.00)_5.humanism(分数:2.00)_二、分析题(总题数:2,分数:20.00)Questions 1 to 6 are based on the fo。

13、ndentalism(分数:2.00)_3.American Naturalism(分数:2.00)_4.English Romanticism(分数:2.00)_二、填空题(总题数:5,分数:10.00)5. 1conquered England on October 14, 106From then on began the medieval period.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_6.John Donne and h。

14、2.the five-act structure of Shakespeare“s plays(分数:2.00)_3.denotation and connotation(分数:2.00)_4.gothic novels(分数:2.00)_5.Ralph Waldo Emerson and his works(分数:2.00)_。

15、four is_.(分数:2.00)A.H. G. Wells“s last literary attempt to predict the futureB.a novel depicting life in a completely authoritarian stateC.a Blake-like poem replete with apocalyptic visionD.an account of an atomic war3.The experience which William Shakespeare, Sir Philip Sidney and Edmund Spenser had in common was the following:_.(分数:2.00)A.They all wrote poems on the subject of Venus and AdonisB.They all wrote sonnet sequenceC.They all dedicated poems to the earl of SouthamptonD.They all。

16、2.00)_3.Imagism(分数:2.00)_4.Regionalism(分数:2.00)_二、填空题(总题数:5,分数:10.00)5.Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote 1, which has been called “the Manifesto of American Transcendentalism,“ and 2, which has been regarded as America“s “Declaration of Int。

17、tion and connotation(分数:2.00)_3.Ezra Pound and The Cantos(分数:2.00)_4.British neoclassicism(分数:2.00)_5.Imagism(分数:2.00)_二、分析题(总题数:3,分数:20.00)Ques。

18、ould not Stop for Death Because I could not stop for Death He kindly stopped for me The Carriage held but just Ourselves And Immortality.We slowly droveHe knew no haste, And I had put away My labor, and my leisure too, For his CivilityWe passed the School, where Children strove At Recessin the Ring We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain We passed the Setting SunOr rather, He passed Us The Dews drew quivering and chill For only Gossamer, my Gown My tippetonly tulleWe paused before a Ho。

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