
following chart shows source distribution of vocational school graduates. Look at the chart carefully and write your response in about 200 words, in w


1、following chart shows source distribution of vocational school graduates. Look at the chart carefully and write your res。

2、 products are very harmful, but they still enjoy great popularity. They have brought about a lot of social problems. Why。

3、ld we slow down the pace of life This has been intensely discussed for years. The following are the supporters and oppon。

4、r graduating from colleges, most graduates have to face a difficult choice of where to find a job. Should university gra。

5、ntly, more and more food scandals such as poisonous milk power and illegal cooking oil are exposed to the public. What m。

6、ld we become vegetarians This issue has been intensely discussed for years. The following are the supporters and opponen。

7、rchoosing has long been a hot issue for university students. Some people believe that it is not proper to ask students t。

8、 carefully the following excerpt on Internet connections arguments in the US, and then write your response in NO LESS TH。

9、days, advertisement plays an important role in the television industry and marketoriented economy. In order to better at。


11、的路程相等E.t1.5 s时,AB 两质点的振动速度相同2如图所示,置于空气中一透明正立方体截面 ABCD,BC面和 CD面均镀银,PMQN 分别为 AB边BC边CD 边AD 边的中点.从光源 S发出一条光线 SP与 PA面的夹角成 30。

12、2.Saving Land for Endangered Animals1. 为濒危动物留出生存空间的重要性;2. 具体论述为濒危动物留出土地的原因;3. 总结观点分数:106.003.Effects of Financial Crisis。

13、门 K的容积不计的细管连通,两轻质活塞用刚性轻杆相连,可在汽缸内无摩擦地移动,两活塞面积分别为 SA0.8 m2和 SB0.2 m2.开始时阀门 K关闭,A 中充有一定质量的理想气体,B 内为真空,汽缸中的活塞与缸底的距离 ab30 cm。

14、左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数;2文中不得出现真实的地名校名人名等信息.2参考答案You raise me up. I will be with you in your life. You are an important person i。

15、249; se trouve la poste.分数:2.00填空项 1:3. Mettre 1 un timbre sur lenveloppe, il jette la lettre la bote. Ayant mis分数:2.00填。

16、raits sexercer 1 la boxe chinoise.分数:1.00填空项 1:3. Hier, le facteur ma apport un colis contenant des livres franais que m。

17、ers par une voiture traverser la rue.分数:1.00填空项 1:3.On vous prviendra ds quune dcision tre 1prise.分数:1.00填空项 1:4. Hier s。

18、2如图所示,一身高 H1.4 m 的游泳者竖直站立在水平池底上,水池水深 h0.8 m.一束太阳光斜射到池水面上,与水面夹角 37,游泳者在池底的影长 l1.4 m.已知 sin 370.6,cos 370.8.求:太阳光射入水中的折射角 。

19、emple sur lexploitation ptrolire de Daqing分数:1.00填空项 1:3.Le camarade Wang prendre 1 froid hier soir en rentrant chez lui。

20、2如图所示,一身高 H1.4 m 的游泳者竖直站立在水平池底上,水池水深 h0.8 m.一束太阳光斜射到池水面上,与水面夹角 37,游泳者在池底的影长 l1.4 m.已知 sin 370.6,cos 370.8.求:太阳光射入水中的折射角 。

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