UL 698A-2018 UL Standard for Safety Industrial Control Panels Relating to Hazardous (Classified) Locations (Fourth Edition).pdf

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2、N FROM ULUL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL UL Standard for Safety for Industrial Control Panels Relating to Hazardous (Classied) Locations, UL 698A Fourth Edition, Dated August 21, 2018 Summary of Topics This new edition of ANS

3、I/UL 698A is being issued to include the following changes in requirements: Revisions to 1.2 and 1.3 to clarify what is and what is not covered by these requirements. Revisions to Section 4 to clarify existing denitions and to add new denitions. Revisions to Section 5 to clarify that it contains Gen

4、eral industrial panel requirements for panels relating to hazardous locations. Revisions to Section 6 to clarify applicable standards (UL 60079-0, UL 60079-11 and UL 120202). Revisions to 6.3 to clarify that the power to the barriers can be suitably limited by means of either an isolating transforme

5、r within the panel, or by means of the rated input to the panel. Revisions to 6.4 to correct the reference. Revisions to Section 7 to clarify the requirements for the selection of apparatus for connection to the intrinsically safe outputs of the panel, either in the eld or at the panel manufacturers

6、 facility. Revisions to Section 8 to clarify the applicable wiring and wiring terminal requirements in addition to UL 508A. Revisions to Section 9 to clarify the general requirements for separation of circuits. Revisions to 9.2 to harmonize the separation by distance requirements with the comparable

7、 requirements of UL 913 and UL 60079-11. Revisions to 9.3 to harmonize the separation by partitions requirements with the comparable requirements of UL 913 and UL 60079-11. Revisions to Section 11 to harmonize the mechanical test with the comparable requirements of UL 913 and UL 60079-11. Revisions

8、to Section 12 to clarify the application of internal markings and that an internal transformer relied upon to provide the required Um to the barrier is a component whose substitutions may impair intrinsic safety. Revisions to Section 13 to clarify the application of external markings. Revisions to S

9、ection 14 and 15 to clarify the documentation required for each panel with specic clarication regarding the required content of the panel control drawing. AUGUST 21, 2018 UL 698A tr1UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL Clarication

10、 of other miscellaneous requirements and editorial corrections. The new and revised requirements are substantially in accordance with Proposal(s) on this subject dated May 25, 2018. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in an

11、y form by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior permission of UL. UL provides this Standard as is without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or tness for any purpos

12、e. In no event will UL be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages, including loss of prots, lost savings, loss of data, or any other damages arising out of the use of or the inability to use this Standard, even if UL or an authorized UL representative has been

13、advised of the possibility of such damage. In no event shall ULs liability for any damage ever exceed the price paid for this Standard, regardless of the form of the claim. Users of the electronic versions of ULs Standards for Safety agree to defend, indemnify, and hold UL harmless from and against

14、any loss, expense, liability, damage, claim, or judgment (including reasonable attorneys fees) resulting from any error or deviation introduced while purchaser is storing an electronic Standard on the purchasers computer system. AUGUST 21, 2018 UL 698A tr2UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR F

15、URTHER REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL AUGUST 21, 2018 1 UL 698A Standard for Industrial Control Panels Relating to Hazardous (Classied) Locations First Edition April, 1999 Second Edition May, 2008 Third Edition September, 2012 Fourth Edition August 21, 2018 This ANSI/UL Stan

16、dard for Safety consists of the Fourth Edition. The most recent designation of ANSI/UL 698A as an American National Standard (ANSI) occurred on August 21, 2018. ANSI approval for a standard does not include the Cover Page, Transmittal Pages, and Title Page. Comments or proposals for revisions on any

17、 part of the Standard may be submitted to UL at any time. Proposals should be submitted via a Proposal Request in ULs On-Line Collaborative Standards Development System (CSDS) at https:/. ULs Standards for Safety are copyrighted by UL. Neither a printed nor electronic copy of a Standard should be al

18、tered in any way. All of ULs Standards and all copyrights, ownerships, and rights regarding those Standards shall remain the sole and exclusive property of UL. COPYRIGHT 2018 UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC. ANSI/UL 698A-2018UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTI


20、ION 6 Barriers 7 7 Selection of Apparatus for Connection to Intrinsically Safe Outputs .8 7.1 General .8 7.2 Suitability of simple apparatus to be determined in the eld8 7.3 Suitability of intrinsically safe apparatus to be determined in the eld .9 7.4 Suitability of simple apparatus determined at t

21、he panel manufacturers facility .9 7.5 Intrinsically safe apparatus selected at the panel manufacturers facility 11 8 Additional Wiring and Wiring Terminal Requirements .12 8.1 General 12 8.2 Additional eld wiring terminal requirements 13 9 Separation of Circuits 13 9.1 General 13 9.2 Separation by

22、distance .13 9.3 Separation by partitions 16 9.4 Combination of separation by partitions and separation by distance .18 10 Barrier Ground Terminal .20 PERFORMANCE 11 Mechanical Tests .20 MARKINGS 12 Internal Markings .20 13 External Markings.20 PANEL DOCUMENTATION 14 General21 15 Panel Control Drawi

23、ng 21 AUGUST 21, 2018 UL 698A 3UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL INTRODUCTION 1 Scope 1.1 These requirements cover industrial control panels intended for general industrial installation and use in unclassied locations with intr

24、insically safe circuit extensions into the following hazardous (classied) locations in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC), NFPA 70: a) Class I, Division 1; b) Class I, Zone 0 and Zone 1 AEx; c) Class II, Division 1; d) Class III, Division 1; and e) Zone 20 and Zone 21 AEx. 1.2 The in

25、dustrial control panels covered by these requirements may include: a) electrical (entity) parameters, only if referenced on the control drawing for barriers that are part of the panel; b) external interconnection to non-specic simple apparatus, identied only by generic type and not by manufacturer o

26、r model number, but only if referenced in this manner on the control drawing for barriers that are part of the panel; c) external interconnection to specic simple apparatus and specic intrinsically safe apparatus, identied by manufacturer and model number, but only if referenced in this manner on ei

27、ther the control drawing for barriers that are part of the panel or on the panel control drawing; d) eldbus intrinsically safe concept (FISCO) applications, if referenced on the control drawing for barriers that are part of the panel; and. e) internal interconnection of multiple barriers, only if re

28、ferenced on the control drawing for the barriers that are part of the panel. 1.3 The industrial control panels covered by these requirements do not include electrostatic devices, circuits or systems, gas or vapor analysis equipment, or equipment having a process line brought into the panel. 1.4 The

29、industrial control panels covered by these requirements are assemblies consisting of components such as motor controllers, overload relays, fused disconnect switches, and/or circuit breakers and related control devices such as pushbutton stations, selector switches, pilot lights, timers, switches, c

30、ontrol relays and the like with associated wiring terminals. In all cases, the enclosure is provided as part of the assembly. AUGUST 21, 2018 UL 698A 4UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL 1.5 These requirements cover equipment for

31、 use under the following atmospheric conditions: a) An ambient temperature not exceeding 40C (104F); b) An oxygen concentration not greater than 21 percent by volume; and c) A nominal barometric pressure of one atmosphere. 2 Undated References 2.1 Any undated reference to a code or standard appearin

32、g in the requirements of this standard shall be interpreted as referring to the latest edition of that code or standard. ANSI/NFPA 70, National Electrical Code UL 913, Intrinsically Safe Apparatus and Associated Apparatus for Use in Class I, II, and III, Division 1, Hazardous (Classied) Locations UL

33、 60079-0, Explosive atmospheres Part 0: Equipment General requirements UL 60079-11, Explosive Atmospheres - Part 11: Equipment Protection by Intrinsic Safety i UL 60079-25, Explosive Atmospheres - Part 25: Intrinsically Safe Electrical Systems UL 120202, Recommendations for the Preparation, Content,

34、 and Organization of Intrinsic Safety Control Drawings 3 Units of Measurement 3.1 Values stated without parentheses are the requirement. Values in parentheses are explanatory or approximate information. 4 Glossary 4.1 For the purpose of this Standard, the following denitions apply. 4.2 BARRIER The d

35、evice that provides the intrinsically safe circuit. 4.3 BARRIER CONTROL DRAWING A drawing or other document provided by the manufacturer of each intrinsically safe barrier used in the panel that details the allowed interconnections to each barrier. 4.4 INTRINSICALLY SAFE APPARATUS Electrical equipme

36、nt in which all the circuits are intrinsically safe circuits. 4.5 INTRINSICALLY SAFE CIRCUIT A circuit in which any spark or thermal effect, produced either normally or under specied fault conditions, is incapable of causing ignition of a mixture of ammable or combustible material in air in the mixt

37、ures most easily ignitable concentration. AUGUST 21, 2018 UL 698A 5UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL 4.6 INTRINSICALLY SAFE FIELD WIRING Conductors to be installed by others to connect the intrinsically safe eld wiring terminal

38、s of the industrial control panel to external simple apparatus or intrinsically safe apparatus. 4.7 INTRINSICALLY SAFE INTERNAL WIRING The wiring between the intrinsically safe eld wiring terminal blocks and the terminals on the barrier. 4.8 NON-INTRINSICALLY SAFE FIELD WIRING Conductors to be insta

39、lled by others to connect the non-intrinsically safe eld wiring terminals of the industrial control panel to external sources of supply, control devices, and loads. 4.9 NON-INTRINSICALLY SAFE INTERNAL WIRING The wiring between the non-intrinsically safe eld wiring terminal blocks and all non-intrins

40、ically safe wiring, circuits and terminals, including the non-intrinsically safe terminals on the barriers. 4.10 PANEL CONTROL DRAWING A drawing or other document provided by the manufacturer of the panel that details each barrier within the panel and the connections to simple apparatus or intrinsic

41、ally safe apparatus in the eld. 4.11 PARTITION A metallic or non-metallic material used to maintain required separation between intrinsically safe and non-intrinsically safe equipment and wiring. 4.12 SIMPLE APPARATUS An electrical component or combination of components of simple construction with w

42、ell-dened electrical parameters that does not generate more than 1.5 volts, 0.1 amperes, and 25 milliwatts or a passive component that does not dissipate more than 1.3 watts and is compatible with the intrinsic safety of the circuit in which it is used. NOTE 1 Examples of simple apparatus include pa

43、ssive components such as LEDs pilot lights, resistors, RTDs, junction boxes, and electromechnical switches and sources of generated energy such as thermocouples and photocells which do not generate more than 1.5 volts, 0.1 amperes and 25 milliwatts. NOTE 2 Simple apparatus in accordance with this de

44、nition intentionally excludes sources of stored energy, such as capacitors and inductors, unless identied on the barrier control drawing. 4.13 Um The maximum voltage (rms, ac, or dc) that can be applied to a non-intrinsically safe connection facilities of the barrier without invalidating the type of

45、 protection. AUGUST 21, 2018 UL 698A 6UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL 5 General 5.1 The industrial control panels covered by this Standard shall be of the enclosed-type and shall comply with the applicable requirements in the

46、 Standard for Industrial Control Panels, UL 508A. 5.2 When conicting requirements exist, the requirements of this Standard shall supersede the requirements of the Standard for Industrial Control Panels, UL 508A. 5.3 Except as indicated in 5.4, a component of a product covered by this standard shall

47、comply with the requirements for that component. 5.4 A component is not required to comply with a specic requirement that: a) Involves a feature or characteristic not required in the application of the component in the product covered by this standard; or b) Is superseded by a requirement in this St

48、andard. 5.5 A component shall be used in accordance with its rating established for the intended conditions of use. 5.6 Specic components are incomplete in construction features or restricted in performance capabilities. Such components are intended for use only under limited conditions, such as cer

49、tain temperatures not exceeding specied limits, and shall be used only under those specic conditions. CONSTRUCTION 6 Barriers 6.1 Barriers shall comply with the following requirements based on the intended area: a) For Division 1 hazardous (classied) locations: the Standard for Intrinsically Safe Apparatus and Associated Apparatus for Use in Class I, II, and III, Division 1, Hazardous (Classied) Locations, UL 913. b) For Zone 0 and Zone 1 AEx hazardous (classi

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