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1、1Unit 4 Cyberspace.七选五 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(2018 吉林实验中学考前模拟)We were high in the mountains of Xishuangbanna, as far south as you can get in Yunnan, skirting the borders of Myanmar and Laos. The drive was typical, textbook beauty: mountains thick with rubber tree forests, pure tea

2、 plantations, banana palms and tiny Dai villages. Hidden among the fields of green, I spotted an odd collection of wooden boxes near a tent on the side of the road. 1 We run into the current home of Wei Dajing, a 17-year-old apprentice (学徒) bee-keeper who was manning his hives. Wei was fresh to the

3、bee-keeping life, and had been on the job for just two months and was here to learn from a master bee-keeper. Their tent and hive set-up is always temporary. 2 “This particular spot was stationed at a sunny patch of yellow flowers. Once these flowers die, the rubber trees will be flowering, so we wi

4、ll move toward them,” he told Sam. Like thieves in the night, the bee-keepers will stealthily pack up their hives in the dark once the bees go to sleep. “They are most active around midday when they are collecting their nectar (花蜜). 3 ” Wei explained. The hives were humming, and bees were invasively

5、 buzzing around Wei as he spoke to us. Pieces of fruit laid drying among the hives, used to feed the bees and give them an extra boost of energy once Wei bottled up their hard-earned honey. Sam, who also had a couple 2of his own small hives in his backyard, told us you must always leave a little bit

6、 of honey in the hive. 4 We waved goodbye to Wei. Back at Sams house, he gave us a bowl of local honey. 5 Lacking the usual sweetness of honey but instead rich with a more savory, spiced flavor, it tasted just like China. A.It was smooth, thin and runny.B.Wei skillfully collected honey from the hive

7、s.C.Otherwise the bees would get fed up and abandon you.D.Maybe it is the flowers that give such unique taste to the honey.E.By 10 pm they are asleep in their hives, which is when we move.F.I asked our excellent guide and new best friend, Sam, to pull over.G.Wei and his master move their camp as the

8、 flowers bloom and die.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 答案 语篇解读 我来到了美丽的西双版纳,领略了这里迷人的风景,也认识了一位养蜂人。1.F 我看到了路边一个帐篷附近有很多木箱子。出于好奇,于是我让我们优秀的导游也是我们新交的好朋友 Sam 靠边停车(我去看看)。2.G 这个帐篷蜂箱的搭建是临时性的,因为这里有大片的黄花。等这些花凋谢了他们就走了。由此可知答案为 G 项。3.E 此处描述蜜蜂的活动规律:白天特别是正午它们采蜜最活跃,到了晚上蜜蜂睡着后养蜂人开始悄悄地收拾蜂巢。到了夜里 10 点蜜蜂睡着了,他们就开始行动了。故选 E 项。4.C Sam 告诉我们,一定要在

9、蜂房里给蜜蜂留下少许蜂蜜,否则(留的太多)蜜蜂吃饱了就会抛弃你的。故选 C 项。5.A 空格前:回到 Sam 家,他给了我们一碗当地的蜂蜜,它很光滑、很淡也很松软(描述蜂蜜的样子)。故选 A 项。.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(2018 河南中原名校预测金卷)Emergency on the Mountain3Anna was a 12-year-old girl living in the mountain. Her 1 was to become a village nurse like Leta, her nei

10、ghbor. She spent almost all her spare time reading the 2 book by herself. This morning, Leta went to Santiago to 3 a short-term training class by a group of volunteer doctors for first aiders to learn medical skills. Before she left, Anna begged Leta to take her along but Leta 4 , saying that Anna w

11、as too 5 to learn anything important. Anna was very 6 this morning, so she decided to wander around to refresh herself. On the hillside, she saw Rafi standing on a donkeys bare back, some kids around him. Rafi was only 13, but he was always doing something to get 7 . “No wonder adults dont 8 kids wi

12、th anything important,” Anna said to herself. She had just turned away 9 she heard a few screams and Rafi fell off the donkey. Anna ran to where Rafi was lying and 10 that one of his legs bent a little sideways between the knee and the ankle and that all the other kids were 11 not knowing what to do

13、. She 12 what the first-aid book said about 13 legs. “Vin!” Anna called to one of the boys.“Go and get Rafis mama and find someone with a truck.”She turned 14 the other kids. “Give me your shirts. We need something to 15 his leg to so it doesnt move around.” Anna found a strong, straight stick, whic

14、h shed use to 16 his leg. She carefully wrapped the boys shirts around his leg and the stick. When Anna was done, Rafi came back to himself. Anna 17 comforted him until Rafis mama came over. Behind her was a neighbor in a pickup truck. They lifted Rafi into the truck, and then 18 down the dusty hill

15、side toward the hospital. The next day, Leta came to Annas home. “I heard what you did,” Leta said.“You kept your head in a(an) 19 . Thats an important skill.” Annas face burned. “Now, listen. The volunteer doctors are coming here tomorrow with vaccines (疫苗). We need some extra 20 . Can you help?” A

16、nna didnt hesitate. “I would love to and Ill bring my first-aid book,” Anna said excitedly. 41.A.dream B.hobby C.plan D.addiction2.A.science B.first-aid C.biology D.handcraft3.A.attend B.give C.learn D.follow4.A.agreed B.promised C.refused D.allowed5.A.weak B.sensitive C.selfish D.young6.A.upset B.r

17、elieved C.cold D.different7.A.connection B.attention C.distinction D.education8.A.bother B.present C.trust D.provide9.A.when B.after C.until D.since10.A.stated B.predicted C.explained D.noticed11.A.annoyed B.confused C.frozen D.excited12.A.memorized B.submitted C.remembered D.considered13.A.wounded

18、B.broken C.bleeding D.swollen14.A.to B.down C.against D.on15.A.add B.cover C.tie D.bend16.A.carry B.fix C.raise D.lift17.A.warmly B.quickly C.politely D.gently18.A.rode B.drove C.walked D.marched19.A.protection B.emergency C.accident D.difficulty20.A.medicine B.lessons C.offers D.hands答案 语篇解读 一个住在山上

19、的小女孩有一个梦想:成为一名乡村护士,一个偶然的机会让她展示了自己在这方面的天赋。1.A 考查名词。Anna 的梦想(dream)就是像她的邻居 Leta 那样成为一名乡村护士,所以她在空闲时间都在阅读这方面的书籍。hobby 嗜好,业余爱好;plan 计划;addiction 瘾;嗜好。2.B 考查名词。根据第 3 空后的 for first aiders to learn medical skills 和文章最后一句中的Ill bring my first-aid book 可知,她是在自学有关急救方面的书。science 科学;biology 生物;handcraft 手工,手艺。3.A

20、 考查动词。今天早上 Leta 要去圣地亚哥参加一个短期培训班。attend a class 上课;听课。故选A 项。54.C 考查动词。Anna 想跟着 Leta 一块去听课,可是 Leta 拒绝(refuse)了她。根据语境和转折连词but 可知答案为 C 项。5.D 考查形容词。文章第一句话告诉我们 Anna 只有 12 岁,所以 Leta 认为她太小(young),所以拒绝带她去听课。6.A 考查形容词。由于自己的请求被拒绝,所以 Anna 感到很沮丧(upset)。7.B 考查名词。句意:Rafi 只有 13 岁,可他总是做些事情来获得关注(attention)。此处指他站在驴背上来

21、吸引人们的注意力。connection 联系,连接;distinction 区别,卓越;education 教育,培养。8.C 考查动词。难怪大人不能把任何重要的事情交给孩子们!trust sb. with sth.托付;托交。9.A 考查连词。句意:Anna 正想离开就在这时(when)她听到了几声尖叫声,Rafi 从驴背上掉了下来。when 作并列连词,表示“这时,就在这时”。10.D 考查动词。句意:Anna 跑到了 Rafi 躺着的地方,她注意到 Rafi 的一条腿。state 陈述,声明;predict 预测,预言;explain 解释,说明。11.C 考查形容词。此处指其他的孩子都

22、愣住,不知所措了。frozen 吓呆,惊呆;annoyed 恼怒;confused 困惑的;excited 激动的;兴奋的。12.C 考查动词。句意:Anna 记起了急救书上有关腿骨折的说明。memorize 记住,熟记;submit 提交,顺从;remember 记起;consider 考虑。13.B 考查形容词。根据上文第 10 空后的描述可知,Rafi 的一条腿在膝盖和脚踝之间已经弯曲变形,由此可知他是骨折了,broken legs 骨折的腿。wounded 受伤的;bleeding 流血的;swollen 肿胀的。14.A 考查动词短语。turn to sb.转向某人求助。15.C 考

23、查动词。句意:给我你们的衬衫,我需要把他的腿给绑到某件东西上。tie 系上;栓。符合语境。16.B 考查动词。她找到了一根笔直、结实的木棍来固定 Rafi 的腿。fix 在此处意为:使牢固;使固定。17.D 考查副词。Rafi 醒了过来,Anna 温柔地(gently)安慰着 Rafi 直到 Rafi 的妈妈过来。18.B 考查动词。他们把 Rafi 抬到卡车里,然后沿着尘土飞扬的道路往医院驶去。drive 驾驶。19.B 考查名词。你能在紧急情况(emergency)下保持头脑冷静,这是非常重要的技巧。此处指面对小伙伴突然骨折这种紧急情况,故选 B 项。20.D 考查名词。我们需要一些帮手(

24、hands)。你能帮忙吗?.语法填空 6阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(2018 河南中原名校预测金卷)More than 700 years ago, a 17-year-old Italian youth followed his father and uncle on a journey to the East, dreaming about the mysteries of China. The three set 1 on a path that might have frightened even the most ambitious trav

25、elers. The young adventurer was Marco Polo. Having a talent for languages, Marco Polo learned to speak Mongolian and Chinese. Later under the orders of Kublai Khan, he 2 (travel) far and wide across China. Along the way, he stopped 3 (record) detailed notes about the local customs, geography and val

26、ues of the people, so as to report back to Khan. Marco Polo returned to Venice 24 years later. With 4 (count) treasures brought back from the East, he became 5 wealthy man overnight. 6 he had witnessed in China aroused much interest among his countrymen. Marco Polos journey to China and the contents

27、 of his 7 (vivid) written book, The Travels of Marco Polo, which 8 (think) to be a fairy tale in Europe at the time, triggered a wave of European interest in the Orient. Marco Polos story is both one about an explorers search for riches and a Westerner 9 (follow) his dream to reach China. More than

28、700 years later, China, the once mysterious Oriental nation, is igniting the Chinese dream of many modern Marco Polos, attracted by its rapid 10 (develop) and its growing importance in the world. 答案 语篇解读 本文描述了马可波罗在中国生活的经历和马可波罗游记对西方的影响。1.off/out 考查动词短语。句意:三个人踏上了一条有可能让那些最有雄心壮志的旅行者们望而却步的道路。set off/out

29、动身;出发。2.travelled/traveled 考查动词时态。这里描述的是过去的动作,所以用一般过去时。3.to record 考查非谓语动词。空格处是非谓语动词作状语,表示目的。stop to do sth.停下来去做某事。4.countless 考查形容词。他从东方带着无数的金银财宝回到了威尼斯。空格处应该用形容词修饰后面的名词,countless adj.无数的。75.a 考查冠词。他一夜之间成了一个富有的人。考查不定冠词表示泛指。6.What 考查主语从句。句意:他在中国的所见所闻激起了他的同胞对中国的很大兴趣。空格处引导的是主语从句,在主语从句中充当主语,所以要用 what 引

30、导。7.vividly 考查副词。written 为形容词,所以空格处要用副词形式修饰形容词:his vividly written book 他的写得惟妙惟肖的书。8.was thought 考查动词的时态和语态。在当时这本书被认为是一部神话传说。空格处在定语从句中作谓语,与主语之间是被动关系,时态为一般过去时,所以答案为 was thought。9.following 考查非谓语动词。此处表达:一个追求梦想来到中国的西方人。空格处作后置定语,与其所修饰的名词 a Westerner 之间是主动关系,所以要用 v.-ing 形式。10.development 考查名词。空格前的形容词 rap

31、id 修饰空格处的名词:rapid development 快速发展。.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号()并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。This term I joined in the Chinese painting club in our school.

32、 The members of our club met once a week. We have difference activities and I enjoy all of it. Weve invited some well-known painters to a club to talk about the history of Chinese painting but teach us the basic techniques of drawing. At the weekend, we usually go to visit art galleries, where we st

33、udy the masterpieces of famous artist and discuss what we understand the works. I am very glad that our club getting more and more attractive. And Im sure that our schoolmates will get to love our great traditionally culture and art.答案 1.第一句:去掉 joined 后的 in 此处表达:加入/参加了学校的绘画俱乐部(某个组织)。join in 表示参加某项活动

34、。82.第二句:metmeet 此处应用一般现在时。3.第三句:differencedifferent 句意:我们有不同的活动而且我喜欢所有的活动。形容词different 修饰名词 activities。4.第三句:itthem 此处指代的是前面的复数名词 activities,所以要用 them。5.第四句:athe 我们已经邀请了一些知名的画家来到我们的俱乐部。club 是第三次出现,应该用定冠词 the 表示特指。6.第四句:butand 他们谈论了中国的绘画历史,也教了我们一些基本的绘画技巧。前后是并列关系,要用 and 连接。7.第五句:artistartists artist 是

35、可数名词,没有限制词修饰时要用复数形式。8.第五句:whathow 此处指讨论了我们是如何理解这些作品的。discuss 后是宾语从句,引导词在从句中不是主语也不是宾语(表语),而是方式状语,所以要用 how 引导。9.第六句:getting 前加 is 句意:我很高兴我们的俱乐部正变得越来越有魅力。that 引导宾语从句,从句中缺少谓语动词,且为现在进行时,所以要用 is getting。10.第七句:traditionallytraditional 此处应该用形容词修饰后面的名词:traditional culture and art 传统文化和艺术。.书面表达(2018 吉林长春一模)假

36、设你是校学生会主席李华,想邀请外教 Henry 先生一起参加学校举办的中秋节晚会。请给他写封邮件,内容包括:1.介绍写邮件的目的;2.晚会时间、地点:9 月 30 日晚 6 点、学校报告厅;3.晚会内容:同学们表演节目、吃月饼、赏月。注意:1.词数 100 左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Mr. Henry,9Yours sincerely,Li Hua答案 One possible version:Dear Mr. Henry, Im Li Hua, chairman of Students Union. Its a great hon

37、our for me, on behalf of my fellow union members, to invite you to attend our party. The Mid-Autumn Festival is around the corner, which is a time for family members and loved ones to get together.To celebrate this Chinese traditional festival, a party will be held at the lecture hall of our school at 6 pm. on Sep.30th. At the party there will be a lot of performances and we will enjoy a variety of delicious foods, including mooncakes, watermelons, grapes and so on, while admiring the fullest and roundest moon.We cant wait to see you!Yours sincerely, Li Hua


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