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1、1七选五 记叙文精选大题A【2017全国卷】If anyone had told me three years ago that I would be spending most of my weekends camping, I would have laughed heartily. Campers, in my eyes, were people who enjoyed insect bites, illcooked meals, and uncomfortable sleeping bags. They had nothing in common with me. _1_The fri

2、ends who introduced me to camping thought that it meant to be a pioneer. _2_ We slept in a tent, cooked over an open fire, and walked a long distance to take the shower and use the bathroom. This brief visit with Mother Nature cost me two days off from work, recovering from a bad case of sunburn and

3、 the doctors bill for my sons food poisoning.I was, nevertheless, talked into going on another funfilled holiday in the wilderness. _3_ Instead, we had a popup camper with comfortable beds and an air conditioner. My natureloving friends had remembered to bring all the necessities of life. _4_ We hav

4、e done a lot of it since. Recently, we bought a twentyeightfoot travel trailer complete with a bathroom and a builtin TV set. There is a separate bedroom, a modern kitchen with a refrigerator. The trailer even has matching carpet and curtains. _5_ It must be true that sooner or later, everyone finds

5、 his or her way back to nature. I recommend that you find your way in style.AThis time there was no tent.BThings are going to be improved.CThe trip they took me on was a rough one.DI was to learn a lot about camping since then, however.EI must say that I have certainly come to enjoy camping. FAfter

6、the trip, my family became quite interested in camping.GThere was no shade as the trees were no more than 3 feet tall. 【答案】1-5 DCAFE【解析】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了三年前,作者对露营一无所知,也不认为自己会喜欢露营。然而有过几次露营的经历后,作者和他的家人开始爱上了露营,甚至为露营购买了设备齐全的野营车。作者认为露营是回归大自然的一种方式,也建议读者找到适合自己的回归自然的方式。21. 上文“They had nothing in common with me

7、”说明作者原来认为他不会成为野营者。而下文主要描述的是“我”从最开始进行“rough travel”到有了“pop-up camper”再到有了“ trailer”的过程,在这过程中作者对野营的好感逐步增加,对野营的相关知识也在逐步增长,上下文呈转折关系。D 项意为“然而在那之后我将会学到关于野营的很多知识”,起到转折作用,引出下文,符合语境。故正确答案为 D。2. 由下文“We sleep in a tent, cooked over an open fire, and walked a long distance to take the shower and use the bathroo

8、m”可知,“我”的野营条件非常艰苦。C 项意为“他们带我去的旅途非常艰苦”,引出下文,符合语境。故正确答案为 C。3. 由下文“ Instead,we had a pop-up camper with comfortable beds and an air conditioner”可知,空格处是与下文形成转折的内容,而“我”此次旅行用了展开式营房。A 项意为“这一次没有帐篷”,与下文形成转折,符合语境。故正确答案为 A。4. 由第三段第一句“ going on another fun-filled holiday”可知,“我”对这次旅行非常满意,而由下文“We have done a lot

9、of it since”可知,“我们”都爱上了野营。F 项意为“从这里旅行后,我全家都对野营产生了巨大的兴趣”,承上启下,符合语境。故正确答案为 F。5. 由下文 “sooner or later,everyone finds his or her way back to nature”可知,“我”希望每个人都能找到回归自然(也就是野营)的个性化选择。形成这一观点的前提是“我”自己已经爱上了野营。E项意为“我必须承认我已经开始享受野营了”,引出下文,符合语境。故正确答案为 E。B【湖南省邵阳市 2018届高三第二次模拟考试】I used to roll my eyes many times b

10、efore I could get up. Recently, things have changed after I read stories like this one, “Getting up early changed my life”. Here are the benefits Ive seen so far from changing my workout routine.I have more energyAs I said, Ive been a sleepy person while I still love sleeping. I now have an extra bu

11、rst of energy. Im less weak in the office, and my brain is more attentive and ready to work. Once, 6 , not even coffee could get me ready for the day. But now a good workout can.I have more confidenceThe enough energy rolled into more confidence. I feel better after a workout. Also, after getting es

12、pecially sweaty, I have to take time to shower, of course. 7 .8 .Getting up earlier and using my energy earlier make me so unbelievably ready for bed by the end of the day. My old routine would consist of getting up at the last possible minute before work and being absolutely exhausted to try to fal

13、l asleep. Have you ever felt so tired that you cant fall asleep? 9 .3I have more time10 . Now that Ive shifted my schedule, I have a little more time after work to take care of myself, whether thats spending time with friends, cooking a healthier meal, reading and studying, or even just watching a m

14、ovie.A. I sleep betterB. Im more consistentC. It sound ridiculous, but it happensD. Id have to skip my workout in favor of a social lifeE. I had a hard time to try to wake up physically and mentallyF. Speaking of that old routine, my days used to consist of work and sleepG. This means I go through m

15、y full morning routine instead of just rolling out of bed【答案】6-10 EGACF【解析】本文为记叙文,作者介绍了早起锻炼给自己带来的好处。6. 根据下文 “not even coffee could get me ready for the day. But now a good workout can.”(即使是咖啡也不能让我一整天都精神抖擞。但是现在一个好的锻炼就可以。)故可推知,我曾经有一段时间,在身体和精神上都提不起劲。故选 E。7. 根据上句“I feel better after a workout. Also, aft

16、er getting especially sweaty, I have to take time to shower, of course.”(锻炼后我感觉好多了,尤其是出汗后,当然,我得花点时间洗澡。)可知,这意味着要完成早上满满的日程安排而不只是从床上爬起来。此处 G项中的“this”是指上句提到的锻炼和洗澡,上下句衔接紧密。8. 此处是一个小标题,根据上下标题,这里应该是以“I”开头的句子。根据下文“Getting up earlier and using my energy earlier make me so unbelievably ready for bed by the en

17、d of the day.”(早点起床,更早地使用我的能量,这会让我在一天结束的时候就已经准备好睡觉了。)可知,A 项“I sleep better”(我睡得更好)符合本段内容。9. 根据上句“Have you ever felt so tired that you cant fall asleep?”(你是否曾经感到如此疲倦以至于你无法入睡呢?)按常理,累了就应该很快睡着,哪来的无法入睡,这听起来很可笑。所以 C项“It sound ridiculous, but it happens”(这听起来很荒谬,但确实发生了)与上文相匹配。10. 根据下文 “Now that Ive shifted

18、 my schedule, I have a little more time after work to take care of myself”(现在我已经改变了我的时间表,我有更多的时间来照顾自己。)由此推知,上句说的应该是以前的事情。所以 F项“Speaking of that old routine, my days used to consist of work and sleep”(以前的日子是由工作和睡觉组成的)与下文匹配,形成对比。4模拟精做A【武汉市武昌区 2018届高三年级元月调研考试】On December 22nd, 2016, I landed in the lan

19、d of the “American Dream.” 1 Here is one of the things Ive struggled with during my almost one year in the States.2 My uncle and aunt joked that I brought rain from Saigon to America. Saigon, where I come from, is the old name of Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. Vietnam is a tropical country where it ra

20、ins most of the year. Before going to the U.S., actually, I had no idea what to expect about its weather, but the big rain on my arrival gave me the first expectation of what the weather here might be like.California is known for having a great climate more sunshine, cooler in summer and warmer in w

21、inter. _3 However, having been here for a pretty long while now, I have experienced various forms of climate in California.4 Most of the time I was living in Silicon Valley, where the weather is a bit colder than where I study in Orange County. But I was really surprised to find chill-to-the-bone we

22、ather in San Francisco a big shift from Silicon Valley in only about an hours drive. How strange!5 The worst is that I get a runny nose whenever I wake up in the morning. Because I am allergic to the cold and windy weathers, I keep sneezing badly, and even more badly if I get caught in the cold. I t

23、hink that my body needs more time to get used to this climate, but as many people said, I am luckier to be in California where I dont have to fight with extreme weathers as in other states.A. I am sensitive to weather change.B. Such strange weather has affected my health.C. So the amount of rain thi

24、s year is considered unusual.D. LAX airport in California welcomed me with a big rain.E. So I quickly get used to the unchangeable climate in California.F. The weather varies widely depending on where you are in the state.G. Since then, I have discovered tons of dilemmas about life in America. 【答案】1

25、-5 GDCFB【解析】本文为记叙文,主要讲了作者从越南迁到美国后对于所居住的各州各种气候变化的感受。51.根据空格后“Here is one of the things Ive struggled with during my almost one year in the States.”提到下面是作者在美国近一年来一直在努力解决的问题之一,可以判断出作者初到美国遇到很多问题,故选 G。2.根据空格后“My uncle and aunt joked that I brought rain from Saigon to America”叔叔婶婶开玩笑说我把越南胡志明市的雨带到了美国,可以判断出

26、作者到加州洛杉矶国际机场时,美国下雨了,故选D。3.根据空格前“California is known for having a great climate more sunshine, cooler in summer and warmer in winter.”得知加州气候适宜阳光充足,冬暖夏凉,可以判断出美国加州今年的雨量多得有点反常,故选 C。4.根据空格后“Most of the time I was living in Silicon Valley, where the weather is a bit colder than where I study in Orange Cou

27、nty. But I was really surprised to find chill-to-the-bone weather in San Francisco a big shift from Silicon Valley in only about an hours drive.”得知这里举例仅有一个小时车程的硅谷(加利福尼亚州)和圣弗朗西斯科州两个地方气候差异就很大,可以判断出句首是指出天气的变化取决于你所处的州,故选 F。5.根据空格后“The worst is that I get a runny nose whenever I wake up in the morning. B

28、ecause I am allergic to the cold and windy weathers, I keep sneezing badly, and even more badly if I get caught in the cold.”提到自己到美国后经常流鼻涕,可以判断出多变的气候影响自己的健康,故选 B。B【山东省泰安市 2018届高三第一轮复习质量检测】When I was younger I was fascinated with stories of magic. I was absorbed in books where wizards(男巫) and fighter

29、s battled the powers of darkness in strange worlds. I was delighted when they won bringing peace and happiness to their lands.6 I wanted to be able to magically make my pain disappear, to make my problems go away.As I got older, however, I realized that there was no such thing as magic.7 I had daily

30、 pain from a back injury that never healed(治愈)right. I still sometimes dreamed of magic but in time even that faded away.8 This magic grew stronger in my heart, soul, and mind day by day. It was called LOVE. This magic connected me to my own highest self and to all of the other souls in this world.

31、It didnt abolish my poverty but it made every day of my life feel richer. 9 There is such a thing as magic in this world. There is such a thing as magic in each one of us.This magic is called LOVE. 10 Also, I hope you use it to help others, to heal this world, 6and to build a bridge to souls of ever

32、ybody.A. I struggled through a long period of poverty.B. I was not eager to have any power that controlled the world.C. Then one day I started to discover a different kind of magic.D. May you choose it, share it, and live in it every single day of your life.E. It didnt get rid of my pain but it help

33、ed me deal with it so much better.F. It helped me see them as the beautiful, loving and joyful souls they truly are.G. Most of the readers like me secretly wished for magical powers for themselves.【答案】6-10GACED 【解析】本文是一篇记叙文。作者通过这篇文章向我们介绍了爱是一种神奇的魔法,有了爱我们生活会变得更加的美好。6. 根据后句 “I wanted to be able to magi

34、cally make my pain disappear,to make my problems go away.” 提示可知,前句应为大多数读者像我一样,也希望自己也能够有魔力。故选 G。7. 根据后句 “I had daily pain from a back injury that never healed(治愈)right.”以及下一段的“It didnt abolish my poverty but it made every day of my life feel richer.”提示可知,我经历过很长一段时间的贫困生活。故选 A。8. 根据后句“This magic grew s

35、tronger in my heart,soul,and mind day by day.”提示可知然而,一天我发现了另一种魔力。故选 C。9. 根据前句“It didnt abolish my poverty but it made every day of my life feel richer.”与上一段的“I had daily pain from a back injury that never healed(治愈)right.” 提示可知,后句应相互对应,虽然它没有使我疼痛消失,但它帮我感觉好受一些。故选 E。10. 根据前句 “This magic is called LOVE.

36、”和后句“Also,I hope you use it to help others,to heal this world,and to build a bridge to souls of everybody.”提示可知,和后文一样,表示愿你选择它,分享它,和它度过你生命中的每一天。故选 D。C【云南省师范大学附属中学 2017届高考适应性月考】This habit was picked from my teacher back in 1988. Back then it seemed trivial(琐碎)and not likely to make any significant inf

37、luence on my life.11 The habit that has made the greatest influence on my life is scheduling. In my mind, it is the tiny daily habit that indeed can be life-changing. Scheduling is not just about the ordering of tasks throughout the day. 12 If you are able to design the right schedule and follow it,

38、 you are able to gain massive rewards for your work.713 However, everything is likely to boil down to the most precious asset(财富), namely time. If you are able to master your time and follow the schedule, you will not lose any minute doing things that do not matter or add no value. The tiny daily ha

39、bit of scheduling your day is important. In the short term, it might seem boring and inefficient. 14 It can provide you with the greatest opportunity possible.15 A. Master your time.B. Only time will tell.C. Forming tiny daily habit is not an easy task for us.D. However, a few years later I realized

40、 its true power.E. It is about the proper allocation and usage of your time and effort.F. One can endlessly argue about the things that have the biggest value in our lives.G. However, in the long run, the habit of scheduling your tasks and plans will pay off.【答案】11-15 DEFGA 【解析】本文为记叙文。制定时间表对作者的生活产生很

41、大影响,借此呼吁我们为自己的工作和计划制定时间表以掌握自己的时间。11. 根据横线前一句话“Back then it seemed trivial(琐碎)and not likely to make any significant influence on my life”当时它看起来很琐碎也不可能对我的生活产生任何有意义的影响,根据下文可知,几年之后我认识到它的力量,故选 D。12. 根据“Scheduling is not just about the ordering of tasks throughout the day”行程安排不仅仅是一天工作的顺序,它是正确的分配和时间精力的使用,

42、故选 E。13. 根据横线后一句话“However, everything is likely to boil down to the most precious asset(财富), namely time.”然而,(所争论的)每一件事(东西)中最有可能被归结为最珍贵的财富,那就是时间,F 选项:一个人可能无止境地在争论,我们一生中什么才是最重要的事情(东西),符合文章内容,故选 F。14. 根据“In the short term, it might seem boring and inefficient.”短时期内,它或许看起来无聊的并且没有效率,但是长远来看,为你的工作和计划列时间表的习惯终会有所回报,故选 G。15. 文章主要讲了讲述行程安排的重要性,时间是很宝贵的,所以我们要掌握自己的时间,故选 A。8


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