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1、1广西南宁市第二中学 2018-2019 学年高一英语上学期期末考试试题(扫描版)23456789南宁二中 2018 级高一上期考英语答案 (2019.1.22)听力:1-5. CBCCB 6-10. ACABB 11-15. AACCB 16-20. ACACA阅读理解:21-23 DCC 24-26 DBC 27-30 BBAD31-35 七选五 DFGBE完形填空:36-40 B C D A B 41-45 A B C C A 46-50 B D D C C 51-55 A B D A B语法填空:56. what 57. angry 58. going 59. the 60. prob

2、ably61. argument 62. will say 63. to make 64. are 65.with 课文知识填空:66. setting 67. which 68.that 69.Devoted 70.belonging71. solution 72. before 73. competitor 74. be applied 75. appreciate 短文改错76.删掉 been 77.house 改为 houses 78.lie 改为 lay79.when 改为 where80.the 改为 a81.serious 改为 seriously82.very 改为 so83.

3、fish 改为 fishing84.them 改为 it85.live 后加 in书面表达:【参考范文】Dear Officer, 10My classmates and I have been doing some research on endangered animals.We especially focus on polar bears and find that the habitat of polar bears is disappearing because the global temperature is getting higher and the ice cap at

4、the North Pole is becoming increasingly smaller. I worry that when the ice totally disappears, there will be nowhere for polar bears to live. After discussion, we have some suggestions on saving polar bears.First, I suggest we should be very careful with the energy we use. We could think about trave

5、lling by bus or by train instead of using our cars. These means of transport are more environmentally friendly. Second, we should punish those who do harm to polar bears. Anyone who hunts polar bears must be heavily fined and even be put in prison. Besides, we can raise money to help save the habita

6、t of polar bears so that they can live happily and peacefully.I hope you will support us in our fight to save polar bears. Yours Sincerely,Li HuaW: Hmm, I had bread and an egg for breakfast. What did you have, Fred?M: I wasnt hungry this morning. I had some fruit. I had a banana and an apple.(Text 2

7、)W: Jane, you seem to like to stay with people who are a lot more outgoing and confident than you are.M: Yeah. Im kind of shy and quiet myself, so I let them do the talking.(Text 3)W: What time should I pick you up?M: Lets see. I should be home by 6:00, but I need some time to get ready. How about a

8、 quarter to seven?W: Well, I have to prepare dinner for my son. Ill be there at 7:30.11(Text 6)M: Ashley, will you deliver this document to Green Mamas by 3 oclock or should I ask Rebecca?W: Im sorry, Peter. I am scheduled to meet a customer at 2 oclock, and I dont know how long the meeting will las

9、t. Also, Rebecca wont be back until 4:00.M: What should I do? Victor just started working here yesterday so he isnt familiar with things around here.W: Why dont you ask him? Ill draw a map and explain to him how to get there. M: OK. Thanks.(Text 7)M: Hi, Victoria. Its Eric from the clinic. I know yo

10、ure not scheduled to work today, but do you think you can come in? Were getting very busy over here.W: Im afraid I cant, Eric. Im presenting at the patient care workshop this morning.M: Oh, I didnt realize you were a presenter. Well good luck with that. Im sure youll do great.W: Hey, why dont you ca

11、ll Greg? Im sure hell be happy to come in.(Text 8)W: Hi, John, you know the music festival thats starting this Saturday?12M: Um someone mentioned it. Is it any good?W: Its great! Mostly small folk groups, but they have well-known bands too. Some of us go every yearyou want to join us?M: But isnt it

12、too late to get tickets.W: Well, the way it works isabout 6 a.m. on Friday, people start lining up in the park. We all bring something to sit onand foodso the wait is not bad. As long as youre at the park by six, youll get a ticket.M: OK. I think I can get there by six. Ill go!(Text 9)M: Hello, Jenn

13、y. This is Mike. I thought you were coming over to study.W: Yeah, I know, but my mother has to go out for the morning and my father has gone to work today, so I have to stay with my sister. Sorry.M: Oh, that means you cant come over, right?W: I guess so. Can we do it later today? How about in the af

14、ternoon? My mother will be back in the afternoon.M: I cant. My aunt and uncle are coming to visit for the weekend. They will arrive at about 5:00 p.m. and then well eat out in the evening.W: We really need to get our project finished. Hey, could you come over here?M: What a great idea! I should have

15、 thought about that. Sure, when can I come?W: Right now, if you want to. You can take the No. 6 bus here. We can take a break at noon and I can make us sandwiches for lunch and then we can continue to work in the afternoon. Im sure we can finish it before 4:00 p.m.M: Ill tell mom and ride over on my

16、 bike. See you in an hour.(Text 10)W: Welcome to Newtown, boys and girls. Now let me introduce the main shopping places in Newtown. There are two supermarkets: Coopers, selling all kinds of food, is only five minutes walk from the college and has a large car park; Shopsmart, on the edge of town, is

17、bigger and usually has the most competitive 13prices, but is difficult to get to. It is best to buy fresh fruit and vegetables in the market, which is held every day apart from Sunday.In Bridge Street, there are four bookshops, where youll find a good range of dictionaries. For those on a tight budg

18、et, there is Massa huge shop selling study materials, where you can buy everything from files and pens to software. There is a small bookshop in the college, which also sells basic things like paper.Newtown doesnt have as many souvenir shops as London, but the castle has its own shop, and so does the museum. Anyway, I hope this talk will be useful for you and I wish you a pleasant stay.


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