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1、单元主题写作六,单元主题写作六,话题分析,本单元以“谈论人们正在做什么”为话题,要求同学们能描述家人、朋友在不同的地点正在做的事情,以及根据所给图片或汉语提示,描述某个场景中人们正在做的事情, 并且适当谈及活动气氛与人们的感受。,单元主题写作六,写作要求: 1能灵活运用现在进行时描述人们的活动,注意be动词与主语保持一致。 2能灵活运用现在进行时的否定句及疑问句描述人们的活动场景。,单元主题写作六,典型例题,今天是星期天,天气很好,很多人在公园玩耍。有的在喝茶,有的在玩球,有的在浇树,有的在遛狗。请根据提示,写一篇50词左右的短文,描述公园里人们的活动。,单元主题写作六,思路点拨,素材积累,单

2、元主题写作六,单词 1洗 _ 2. 房子 _ 3喝;饮料 _ 4. 茶;茶叶 _ 5在明天;明天;未来 _ 6使用;运用 _ 7游泳池;水池 _ 8. 超市 _,wash,house,drink,tea,tomorrow,use,pool,supermarket,单元主题写作六,9学习;研究 _ 10幼小的;年轻的 _ 11怀念;思念 _ 12. 希望 _ 13可口的;美味的 _ 14购物;商店 _ 15. 儿童 _,study,young,miss,wish,delicious,shop,child,单元主题写作六,短语 1看电影 _ 2看报纸 _ 3做汤 _ 4出去吃饭 _ 5端午节 _,

3、go to the movies,read a newspaper,make soup,eat out,Dragon Boat Festival,单元主题写作六,6美国 _ 7喝茶 _ 8客厅 _ 9通过电话交谈 _ 10在星期一 _,the United States,drink tea,living room,talk on the phone,on Monday/Mondays,单元主题写作六,11做晚饭 _ 12明天晚上 _ 13备考 _ 14每周六 _ 15观看足球赛 _,make dinner/supper,tomorrow evening,study for the test,e

4、very Saturday,watch a soccer game,单元主题写作六,句型 根据括号中的英文提示词,将下列句子翻译成英语。 1艾丽斯正在家帮妈妈洗衣服。(wash clothes) _ 2听!杰克正在唱歌。(sing) _,Alice is helping her mom (to) wash clothes at home.,Listen! Jack is singing.,单元主题写作六,3“你祖母在看电视吗?”“不,她在看书。”(read books) _ 4“他们在做什么?”“他们在踢足球。”(play soccer) _,Is your grandma/grandmoth

5、er watching TV?No, she is reading books.,What are they doing?They are playing soccer.,单元主题写作六,5我们每天晚上锻炼,但现在我们在使用电脑。(exercise) _ 6戴夫没在喝茶,他在做汤。(drink tea) _,We exercise every day, but we are using the computer now.,Dave isnt drinking tea. He is making soup.,高分模版,单元主题写作六,Its Sunday today. Its fine. The

6、re are many people in the park. Two women are drinking tea under a tree. A woman is walking her dog. Two boys are playing with a ball. A man and a woman are watering the trees. They all feel very happy.,名师点评,单元主题写作六,1文章结构清晰,开头描述了天气情况。然后运用现在进行时描述了人们正在公园进行的活动。 2现在进行时运用得当,be动词与主语保持一致,句子结构完整通顺。 3文章结尾谈及人

7、们进行活动的感受。,小试身手,单元主题写作六,今天是星期六,天气很好,很多人在公园玩耍。请根据图片提示,写一篇50词左右的短文,描述公园里人们的活动。,单元主题写作六,One possible version:Its Saturday today and the weather is fine. There are many people in the park. John is drawing a picture. Mrs. Lee is sitting on the grass and drinking. Mr. Lee is lying on the grass and sleeping. Tom is flying a kite. The kite is flying high in the sky. Tony is swimming in the lake. Susan and Sam are running in the park. Peter and Paul are taking a walk. Mary and Lily are riding their bikes along the road. They all feel happy.,


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