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1、1阶段检测三 九年级(时间:120 分钟 满分:120 分)第一部分 选择题(70 分).单项选择(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.How do you study English so well? reading aloud every day. A.With B.InC.By D.Over答案:C解析:由问句句意“你怎样把英语学得这么好?”可知答案为 C 项,意为“通过”,表方式。2.Are you the dark? Oh, yes. I always go to sleep with the

2、 light on.A.used to B.afraid ofC.interested in D.good with答案:B解析:beafraidof“害怕”。3.She realized she was wrong and the argument. A.cheered up B.put upC.took up D.gave up答案:D解析:句意:她意识到自己错了,放弃了争论。cheerup“欢呼”;putup“搭起,支起”;takeup“从事,占据”;giveup“放弃”。故选 D 项。4.(2018四川眉山中考)Lets go to play soccer, Peter.Im afra

3、id we cant. Ill need one more hour before my homework . A.has finished B.finishedC.will be finished D.is finished答案:D解析:在有 before 的句子中,主句用一般将来时,从句应用一般现在时。5.(2018呼和浩特中考)The woman over there looks like our English teacher.It be her. Shes having a meeting in Beijing now. A.may not B.mustntC.shouldnt D.

4、cant答案:D解析:由答语句意“她现在正在北京开会。”可知那个人不可能是他们的英语老师。cant“不可能”,故选 D 项。26.Both Kate and I ready for the new high school life. A.am B.is C.are D.be答案:C解析:both.and.作主语,谓语动词用复数形式。7.The movie we saw last night was fantastic. A.whose B.whoC.that D.what答案:C解析:句意:我们昨晚看的电影非常棒。因先行词 themovie 指物,故用关系代词 that 引导定语从句。8.Hi

5、s uncle would rather the old bike than a new one. A.repair; to buy B.to repair; buyC.repair; buy D.to repair; to buy答案:C解析:句意:他叔叔宁愿修理旧自行车也不愿意买一辆新的。wouldratherdosth.thandosth.“宁愿做某事而不愿做某事”,故选 C 项。9.Our plane is in a few minutes. Please be seated and keep your safe belt fastened. A.turning off B.takin

6、g offC.putting off D.getting off答案:B解析:turnoff“关掉”;takeoff“起飞,脱下”;putoff“推迟,拖延”;getoff“下车”。由第一句句意“我们的飞机几分钟后将要起飞”可知选 B 项。10.When we hurried to the theater, the concert for five minutes. A.had been on B.had begunC.had begun on D.began答案:A解析:根据前句可知此动作发生在前,即“过去的过去”,用过去完成时;又由 forfiveminutes 可知需要延续性动词或表状态

7、的动词,故答案为 A 项。11.Would you like to go out to play football with me? , but I should finish my homework first. A.Yes, I do B.I likeC.Of course not D.Yes, Id love to答案:D解析:“Wouldyouliketodosth.?”的肯定回答为“Yes,Idloveto.”,否定回答为“No,Iwouldntloveto.”。故选 D 项。12.The talk show on TV is very popular. It often makes

8、 people . 3A.laugh B.laughingC.to laugh D.laughed答案:A解析:makesb.dosth.“让某人做某事”。13.I go to sleep early, but now I staying up. Its not good for my health. A.am used to; am used to B.used to; am used toC.used to; used to D.am used to; used to答案:B解析:由 now 可知前边说的是“过去”的事情,故第一空选 usedto,usedtodosth.“过去常常做某事”

9、;由“Itsnotgoodformyhealth.”可知现在“习惯于”熬夜了,故第二空选amusedto,beusedtodoingsth.“习惯于做某事”。14.This kind of T-shirt looks and sells . A.nice; well B.nice; goodC.well; well D.good; nice答案:A解析:look 是连系动词,其后跟形容词;sellwell“畅销,卖得好”,主动形式表达被动意义。故选 A项。15.My wife often forgets the door, but she remembered it when she left

10、 yesterday. A.closing; to close B.to close; closingC.closing; close D.to close; close答案:B解析:forgettodosth.“忘记去做某事”,rememberdoingsth.“记得做过某事”。根据句意可知选B 项。16.Can you tell me to travel to Dalian? About two hours by plane.A.how much it costs B.what I should takeC.how long it takes D.which is the best sea

11、son答案:C解析:由答语句意“乘飞机大约两个小时”可知是询问时间段的,故答案为 C 项。howlong“多久,多长时间”。17.(2017乌鲁木齐中考)Wild animals will have to live if humans still trees. A.wherever; cut down B.anywhere; will cut downC.everywhere; will cut down D.nowhere; cut down答案:D解析:句意:如果人类依然砍伐树木,野生动物将没有地方居住了。故答案:选 D 项。418.The bridge is made stone. It

12、 was built two hundred years ago. A.from B.with C.of D.into答案:C解析:bemadeof“由制成”,其后跟可以看得出的原材料,故选 C 项。19.Bob promises to join in the football match he has to help his parents on the farm. A.if B.asC.unless D.because答案:C解析:句意:鲍勃答应参加足球比赛,除非他必须帮助父母在农场里干活。unless“除非”,引导条件状语从句。故选 C 项。20.Why not a dictionary

13、 from Ben? He it to Tom already. A.lend; has borrowed B.borrow; has lentC.borrowed; lent D.lend; has borrowed答案:B解析:Whynotdosth.?是固定句型,borrow.from.“从借”;由 already 可知用现在完成时,故选 B 项。.完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)阅读下列短文, 从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Are you nervous when you stand in front of the public?

14、 Are you afraid to make a speech? Li Jun, a middle school boy, felt shy when he was making a speech the other day. Li had thought it might be quite easy to speak in front of 21 classmates. “I was wrong. It was very different and much 22 than talking to my classmates during playtime,” Li said.“I trie

15、d, but it was really difficult to speak. I felt like a mute (哑巴) and wanted to leave the classroom 23 .” Li is not alone. Many middle school students now have the same 24 : they can talk about their ideas freely 25 their best friends after class, but cant speak in public. According to Zhou Hong, a t

16、eacher from a university, the main reason is that schools in China pay more attention to writing instead of 26 . Zhou hopes schools can give students more chances to open their 27 , such as speech competitions, English corners and class discussions. Students can join in any one they want to. 28 he a

17、lso gives some advice to students.“During your free time you should 29 more. When youre speaking in public, take it easy. Just imagine youre talking to nobody and speak up your ideas clearly,” Zhou said.“That 30 a fine public speech and youll feel confident.” 21.A.her B.my C.your D.his5答案:D解析:由上文“Li

18、Jun,amiddleschoolboy”可知选 D 项。his“他的”,形容词性物主代词作定语。22.A.harder B.easierC.better D.later答案:A解析:由下文“Itried,butitwasreallydifficulttospeak.”可知答案为 A 项。hard“困难的”。23.A.slowly B.quicklyC.sadly D.happily答案:B解析:由上文几乎说不出话来,可推知想“立刻”离开教室,故选 B 项,quickly“迅速地”。24.A.answer B.subjectC.problem D.question答案:C解析:李军不敢在同学们

19、面前讲话这一事实其实是很多中学生面临的“问题”。故选 C 项。25.A.except B.besideC.from D.with答案:D解析:联系上下文可知是“和”最好的朋友,故选 D 项。26.A.listening B.speakingC.reading D.singing答案:B解析:联系上文可知应选 speaking,speak“讲话,发言”。27.A.mouths B.eyesC.minds D.hearts答案:A解析:联系上文的 speak 可知要张开嘴,故答案为 A 项。mouth“口,嘴”。28.A.But B.So C.And D.Or答案:C解析:根据“also”可知前后

20、是并列关系,故选 C 项。29.A.play B.practiceC.write D.watch答案:B解析:由于该问题与 speak 有关,故选 B 项。practice“练习(说)”。30.A.reports B.keepsC.hears D.makes答案:D解析:由上文可推知大量的练习可以成就好的演讲,故选 D 项。make“形成”。.阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)6阅读下列短文, 从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。A“How are you?” is a nice question. Its a friendly way that

21、 people in the USA greet each other. But “How are you?” is also a very unusual question. Its a question that often doesnt need an answer. The person who asks “How are you?” hopes to hear the answer “Fine.”, even if the persons friend isnt fine. The reason is that “How are you?” isnt really a questio

22、n and “Fine.” isnt really an answer. They are simply other ways of saying “Hello.” or “Hi.”Sometimes, people also dont say exactly what they mean. For example, when someone asks “Do you agree?”, the other person might think “No, I disagree. I think youre wrong .” But it isnt very polite to disagree

23、so strongly, so the other person might say “Im not sure.” Its a nicer way to say that you dont agree with someone.People also dont say exactly what they are thinking when they finish talking with other people. For example, many talks over the phone finish when one person says “I have to go now.” Oft

24、en, the person who wants to hang up gives an excuse, “Someone is at the door.”“Something is burning on the stove.” The excuses might be real, or not. Perhaps the person who wants to hang up simply doesnt want to talk any more, but it isnt polite to say that. The excuse is more polite, and it doesnt

25、hurt the other person.Whether they are greeting each other, talking about an idea, or finishing a talk, people dont say exactly what they are thinking. Its an important way that people try to be nice to each other, and its part of the game of language.根据短文内容, 判断下列句子的正 (A)、误(B)。31.“How are you?” is a

26、nother way of saying “Hello.” or “Hi.”答案:A解析:由文章第一段最后一句可知,“Howareyou?”在一些情况下实际是打招呼的另一种说法。32.It is polite to say “No, I disagree. I think you are wrong .” if you dont agree with others.答案:B解析:由第二段可知用非常强硬的方式表示不同意对方的意见是不礼貌的。33.When someone says “I have to go now.” on the phone, it means he wants to go

27、on talking.答案:B解析:由第三段可知人们想挂断电话时经常说一些可能不真实的理由。34.“Someone is at the door.” may be an excuse for finishing a phone call.答案:A7解析:由第三段中的“Often,thepersonwhowantstohangupgivesanexcuse,Someoneisatthedoor.mightbereal,ornot.”可知。35.Sometimes people dont say exactly what they are thinking about just because t

28、hey try to be nice to each other.答案:A解析:通读文章可知人们不直接说不想说的事实或理由的目的是“Itsanimportantwaythatpeopletrytobenicetoeachother,anditspartofthegameoflanguage.”。BNot all inventions were made by scientists. Do you think so? Many clever kids could also make history with their own inventions.Frank Epperson invented

29、 the Popsicle in 1905 when he was only 11 years old. It was called the Epsicle at that time. Frank left his drink outside the house overnight with a stick(棍) in it. That night the temperature dropped and froze (冻住) Franks drink. That didnt stop him from tasting it, so today we can eat Popsicles.In 1

30、926, the state flag of Alaska was designed by the 13-year-old Bennie Benson. His design was chosen in a flag-designing competition. In 1959 it became the official (官方的) flag. Bennie won $1, 000 and a watch for winning the competition.In 1642 Blaise Pascal designed the first counting machine when he

31、was 18.The machine was for his father to make his job easier. Blaise named it the Pascaline. He made about 50 of them, but nobody was interested in it. People thought it would take their jobs away. 300 years went by, and the calculator finally became a success. In 1968, the programming language, Pas

32、cal, was named after him.36.What does the underlined word “Popsicle” mean in Chinese? A.冰茶 B.汽水C.冰柜 D.冰棒答案:D解析:本段内容主要介绍了弗兰克埃珀森发明冰棒的过程,Popsicle 在此应为“冰棒”。37.How old was Bennie Benson when he designed the state flag of Alaska? A.13. B.18.C.26. D.39.答案:A解析:由句子“In1926,thestateflagofAlaskawasdesignedbythe

33、13-year-oldBennieBenson.”可知本尼本森设计国旗时才 13 岁,故选 A 项。38.Why did Blaise Pascal invent the calculator? A.To use it in a test.B.To sell it for money.8C.To know how much money he should pay.D.To make his fathers work easier.答案:D解析:由句子“Themachinewasforhisfathertomakehisjobeasier.”可知答案为 D 项。39.Why were peopl

34、e not interested in the Pascaline at first? A.Because it cost much money.B.Because they thought it was difficult to use.C.Because there were no programming languages then.D.Because they thought it could make many people lose their jobs.答案:D解析:由句子“Peoplethoughtitwouldtaketheirjobsaway.”可知人们不喜欢计算器的原因是

35、因为人们怕失去工作机会,故选 D 项。40.The passage mainly tells us about . A.the most important inventionB.three inventions made by kidsC.how to make historyD.how to become a successful inventor答案:B解析:由文章第一段第三句“Manycleverkidscouldalsomakehistorywiththeirowninventions.”可知本文主要说明了孩子也能发明东西。CThe meaning of shaking heads

36、is not always the same in different countries. Maybe some visitors would be surprised when they first came to India. When they talked to an Indian, he would often shake his head. The visitors might think that the Indian didnt like what they said. But, in fact, they were completely wrong.Indians alwa

37、ys shake their heads when they talk to others. But it does not have the same meaning as our “No”. If someone wants to visit India, he should know this, or it will give him some trouble.One day, a foreign officer went to India on business. He hired an Indian to drive his car. When he told the driver

38、to send him to his office, the Indian shook his head at once. The officer said again, but the driver shook his head again. At last, the officer, of course, got angry.“How dare you refuse my order?”he shouted.“Drive me to my office at once!”The driver answered in a quiet voice, “Yes, sir!” But to the

39、 officers surprise, the driver shook his head at the same time.The car started, and the foreign officer was too surprised to say a word. He thought about it for a while, and then he nodded with a smile,“No means Yes here! ” 941.The passage mainly tells us about the . A.custom B.languageC.trouble D.f

40、estival答案:A解析:通读全文可知本文主要讲述了印度的风俗习惯中的一个特别的例子。42.An Indian will shake his head when he . A.gets angry B.agrees with othersC.disagrees D.gets terrified (害怕)答案:B解析:由全文及最后一句话可知印度人摇头表示赞同。43.The foreign officer was surprised that the driver . A.shook his head as he said “Yes”B.couldnt understand himC.refus

41、ed his orderD.shouted loudly答案:A解析:由倒数第二段可知这位司机在说“同意”的时候还摇头,这让这位外国官员很吃惊。44.The underlined sentence “No means Yes here!”suggests that . A.in India the words “Yes” and “No” have the same meaningB.Indians dont say “No” when they disagree with each otherC.we shake our heads to say “No” while Indians do

42、so to mean “Yes”D.Indians dont usually use the word “Yes” as much as “No”答案:C解析:由短文可知印度人摇头表示赞同,与我们所说的“Yes”是同义的。45.Which of the following sentences is NOT true? A.In India the word “No” means “Yes”.B.In China shaking the head means “No”.C.In India, people often shake their heads while talking to othe

43、rs.D.When an Indian shakes his head, he really means “Yes”.答案:A解析:从本文可知当印度人摇头时表示赞同,但并未提及“No”表示同意,故答案为 A 项。D10Earthquakes usually come without warning. What should you do if this happens to you? An earthquake is dangerous, but there are still things you can do to protect yourself.Stay calm as the ear

44、th begins to shake. Your chances of survival (幸存, 存活) in an earthquake go up if you can keep calm. 46. 47. You need to have something strong around you to protect you from falling objects. Do not stand near walls or windows and stay out of the kitchen. The kitchen is dangerous because of many glass

45、objects. 48. Stay away from buildings and trees. If you are in a car, pull over to a place where there are no trees or tall buildings and stay in the car. If you are close to the sea, try to get as far away from the water as possible. Earthquakes can cause huge waves that can really harm the people

46、nearby. 49. For example, gas fire often comes with an earthquake. If you see a fire, quickly move outdoors to an open area. Remember to always hope for the best but prepare for the worst.阅读以上短文, 从文后表格中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 使文意通顺、正确。根据短文内容回答第 50 小题。A.If you are outside, get to an open area as fast as you ca

47、n.B.Staying calm is not easy, but it can save your life.C.If you are inside when the earthquake starts, get under a table or a bed.D.When the earthquake is over, there is still plenty of danger.50.What is the passage mainly about? A.The ways to protect yourself when an earthquake happens.B.The ways

48、to stay away from tall buildings.C.The ways to stay calm.D.The ways to move outdoors to an open area.答案:详解46.B 解析:本段讲述的是在地震来临时保持镇定的重要性,结合语境可知 B 项符合语境。47.C 解析:从本段后面的“protectyoufromfallingobjects”以及后面提到的厨房,表明是在家里。故选 C 项。48.A 解析:由本段的句子“Stayawayfrombuildingsandtrees.”可以看出是在外面,故选 A 项。49.D 解析:由本段的语境可以判断,本

49、段主要讲述地震结束了,还有很多危险。由排除法同样也可以选出答案。50.A 解析:主旨大意题。纵观全文可知,本文主要是介绍当地震来临的时候保护自己的方法,其他选项都太片面,故选 A 项。第二部分 非选择题(50 分).词汇(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)(A)根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1151.He is an h boy, and he never tells lies. 答案:honest52.The girl s a lot of time volunteering at the local hospital every month. 答案:spends53.There was a fire in the building yesterday.L , the firemen arrived in time and all the people were saved. 答案:Luckily54.It is very important to get e sle


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