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1、1Unit 1 Whats the matterSectionA(3a-4c)知能演练提升.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1.An accident (发生) while I was walking in the park. 2.Did she enjoy h at the party last weekend? 3.To my s , she was a mother of two children. 4.At last the bus stopped and all the p got off. 5.Some people often do not help others becaus

2、e they dont want to get into t . .单项选择1.Dont the bus until it stops. A.turn off B.put onC.get off D.set up2.I think drinking milk every morning is good our health. Yes. I agree you. A.to; to B.with; toC.at; with D.for; with3.Who taught English last year? Nobody. She taught . A.him; her B.her; hersel

3、fC.she; herself D.him; himself4.Hi, John. ? Its Lucy, my daughter. Her leg was hurt.A.How are youB.Whats the matterC.Whos thatD.Whats Lucy like5. her teacher, she has become a famous writer. A.Thanks to B.BecauseC.Thanks for D.With the help.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.Miss Brown had an accident and (hit) another

4、car. 2.Tom (have) a cold yesterday so he didnt come to school. 3.On my way home I saw a snake (lie) on the road. 24.He jumped into the river to save the boy without thinking (two). 5.We expect her (arrive) tomorrow. .完成句子,每空一词1.你做决定前, 要认真思考。You must before you make a decision. 2.咱们下一站下车吧。Lets at the

5、 next stop. 3.爸爸同意给我买个新篮球。My father a new basketball for me. 4.他不想陷入麻烦。He doesnt want to . 5.她什么也没有说, 只想着挽救生命。She said nothing and only a life. 参考答案.1.happened 2.herself 3.surprise 4.passengers5.trouble.1.C 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.A.1.hit 2.had 3.lying 4.twice 5.to arrive.1.think twice 2.get off 3.agreed to buy 4.get into trouble 5.thought about saving3


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