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1、1话题晨背全辑 十 个人情况第一组1ordinary adj. 普通的;平常的2plain adj. 朴素的;简单的3handsome adj. 英俊的;帅的4pretty adj. 漂亮的;俊俏的5ugly adj. 丑陋的;难看的6pale adj. 苍白的;灰白的7figure n. 体形;身材8overweight adj. 超重的9facial adj. 面部的10satisfied/content adj. 满意的第二组11pleased/delighted adj. 高兴的12desperate adj. 绝望的;渴望的;不顾一切的13blank adj. 茫然的;空虚的14in

2、different adj. 冷漠的15character n. 品格;特点16personality n. 个性;性格17outgoing adj. 爱交际的;外向的18straightforward adj. 简单的;坦率的19aggressive adj. 侵略性的;咄咄逼人的20violent adj. 暴力的2第三组21stubborn adj. 固执的;倔强的22virtue n. 美德;品行23talent n. 天才;天赋24intelligent adj. 聪明的;机智的25outstanding adj. 杰出的26competent adj. 能胜任的27weep v.

3、哭泣;流泪28warmhearted adj. 热心的29grateful adj. 感激的30sympathetic adj. 同情的;赞同的;讨人喜欢的第一组1be of medium height 中等身材2below average 低于平均水平3be considered as/to be. 被认为是4be in fashion 在流行中5be out of fashion 落伍的6follow the fashion 赶时髦7be satisfied/content with 对满意8be curious about 对好奇9be relaxed with/get on well

4、with 与相处融洽10be independent of 独立于第二组11be active in 某方面很积极12be devoted to 致力于;专注于13be responsible for 对负责14be enthusiastic about 对热心15have a talent/gift for 有才能16be skilled in 在方面熟练17be qualified for 适合;胜任18be punctual for 守时19speak highly of 高度评价20be popular with 受欢迎31So poor was his family that he

5、had to drop out at the age of 12.他的家庭如此贫困以至于他十二岁时就不得不辍学。2Owing to the fact that he can do whatever he has chosen to do with great perseverance,he has made great achievements in many fields.由于他能够坚持不懈地做他所选择做的事情,所以他在很多领域都取得了巨大成就。3His charming personality lies in a simple fact that he never hesitates to

6、 help others.他的人格魅力在于一个简单的事实:对帮助别人他从不犹豫。4Although he has won countless honors,he never shows any signs of pride.尽管获得了无数的荣誉,他却从未有过任何骄傲的迹象。5She was quite optimistic and energetic.She brought me a lot of happiness and courage.I learned something precious from herbelief in life.她非常乐观且有活力。她给我带来了许多快乐和勇气。我从她身上学到了一些宝贵的东西要对生活有信心。


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