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1、1Unit 1 Art李仕才一、阅读理解。Old FossilsScientists have found what they think is probably the oldest fossil on Earth, a remnant of life from 3.7 billion years ago when Earths skies were orange and its oceans green.In a newly melted part of Greenland, Australian scientists found the leftover structure from a

2、 community of microbes(微生物)that lived on an ancient seafloor. Based on their analysis of the fossils, the researchers determined that they are 220 million years older than those discovered in Western Australia, which were 3.48 billion years old.The discovery shows life may have formed quicker and mo

3、re easily than once thought, about half a billion years after Earth formed. And that may also give hope for life forming elsewhere, such as Mars, said study co-author Martin VanKranendonk of the University of New South Wales and director of the Australian Center for Astrobiology. It gives us an idea

4、 how our planet evolved and how life gained a foothold, VanKranendonk said.Scientists had thought it would take at least half a billion years for life to form after the molten Earth started to cool a bit, but this shows it could have happened quicker, he said. Thats because the newly found fossil is

5、 far too complex to have developed soon after the planets first life forms, he said.In an outcrop of rocks that used to be covered with ice and snow which melted after an exceptionally warm spring, the Australian team found stromatolites(叠层石), which are layered structures that are often produced by

6、a community of microbes. The stromatolites were about 1 to 4 centimeters high. It is like the house left behind made by the microbes, VanKranendonk said. Scientists used the layers of ash from volcanoes and tiny zircon( 锆石) with uranium and estimated that they date back to 3.7 billion years ago.The

7、dating seems about right, said Abigail Allwood, a NASA astrobiologist who found 2the previous oldest fossil, from 3.48 billion years ago, in Australia. But Allwood said she is not completely convinced that what VanKranendonks team found once was alive. She said the evidence wasnt conclusive enough t

8、hat it was life and not a geologic quirk( 地质巧合) . It would be nice to have more evidence, but in these rocks thats a lot to ask, Allwood said in an email.1. The underlined words gained a foothold in Paragraph 3 mean_.A.continued B.changedC.increased D.Started2. We can learn from Paragraph 4_.A.the f

9、ossil appeared soon after the birth of the earthB.the fossil formed soon after the earths first lifeC.life formed earlier than the newly found fossilD.life appeared about half a billion years ago3. What is Abigail Allwoods attitude towards the newly found fossil?A.Neutral. B.Sceptical.C.Objective. D

10、.Supportive.4. According to the passage, _.A.the previous fossils are a geologic quirkB. the previous fossils are made up of stromatolitesC. the newly found fossils come from Western AustraliaD. the newly found fossils have a history of 3.7 billion years【语篇解析】文章介绍科学家发现距今 37亿年前的化石。1. D【解析】词义猜测题。根据文章第

11、三段的句子It gives us an idea how our planet evolved这让我们了解 星球是怎么形成的,下文是生命是怎么开始的。可知,gained a foothold 意为开始。故选 D。3. B【解析】 观 点 态 度 题 。 根 据 文 章 最 后 一 段 的 句 子 She said the evidence wasnt conclusive enough that it was life and not a geologic quirk(地 质 巧 合 ). 可 知 ,Abigail Allwood 对 于 新 发 现 的 化 石 态 度 是 怀 疑 的 。 故

12、 选 B。34. D【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第一段的句子remnant of life from 3.7 billion years ago和第二段的句 子the researchers determined that they are 220 million years older than those discovered in Western Australia, which were 3.48 billion years old.可知,新发现的化石有 37亿年历史。故选 D。二、单句语法填空1The local government has taken some effective

13、 measures, _ (aim) at cutting down the cost during the tough economy.答案:aimed/aiming2The present situation is very complex, so I think it will take me some time to figure_ its reality.答案:out3Im writing a letter, expecting your newspaper to appeal to the public _ (pay) more attention to environmental

14、 protection.答案:to pay4The boys made an attempt _ (leave) for camping but were stopped by their parents.答案:to leave5The book written by Mr. Jackson appealed to people in all walks of life, _ (make) it the bestseller in England.答案:making6Without your timely help, I couldnt _ (finish) the task ahead of

15、 time.答案:have finished7On the one hand, I am dying for the job; _ the other hand, I am not willing to give up my present one.答案:on8My father smokes heavily; as _ consequence, he coughs frequently, which makes the whole family worried.答案:a9In the far south _ (lie) Stewart Island, the largest of New Z

16、ealands many smaller islands.答案:lies10My father encouraged me in painting, but he never loved to see any of my works _ (exhibit) in public.4答案:exhibited三、完形填空。From childhood to old age, we all use language as a means of broadening our knowledge of ourselves and the world around us. When humans first

17、 _1_, they were like newborn babies, unable to use this _2_ tool. Yet once language developed, the possibilities for humankinds future _3_ and cultural growth increased. Many linguists believe that evolution is _4_ for our ability to produce and use language. They _5_ that our highly evolved brain p

18、rovides us _6_ an innate language ability not found in lower _7_. Proponents(支持者)of this innateness(天赋)theory say that our _8_ for language is inborn, but that language itself develops gradually, _9_ a function of the growth of the brain during childhood. Therefore there are critical _10_ times for

19、language development. Current _11_ of innateness theory are mixed, however, evidence supporting the existence of some innate abilities is undeniable. _12_ , more and more schools are discovering that foreign languages are best taught in _13_ grades. Young children often can learn several languages b

20、y being _14_ to them, while adults have a much harder time learning another language once the _15_ of their first language have become firmly fixed. _16_ some aspects of language are undeniably innate, language does not develop automatically in a vacuum. Children who have been _17_ from other human

21、beings do not possess language. This demonstrates that _18_ with other human beings is necessary for proper language development. Some linguists believe that this is even more basic to human language_19_ than any innate capacities. These theorists view language as imitative, learned behavior. _20_,

22、children learn language from their parents by imitating them. Parents gradually shape their childs language skills by positively reinforcing precise 5imitations and negatively reinforcing imprecise ones.1. A. generated B. evolved C. born D. combined【答案】B【解析】此处意为:当人类刚刚开始进化,他们如同新生儿一样不会运用语言这种工具。evolved

23、逐渐发展进化,符合题意。generated 生殖,发展;born (bear 的过去分词)不能作谓语动词;combined 联合,结合。2. A. valuable B. appropriate C. convenient D. favorite【答案】A【解析】根据语法分析,答案应用来修饰语言的。valuable 珍贵的;appropriate 合适的,适当的;convenient 方便的,便利的;favorite 最喜欢的。语言并不是人类选择的结果,而是人类在进化过程中慢慢发展起来的,对人类来说,应当是珍贵的。3. A. achievements B. convenience C. ent

24、ertainments D. appearance 【答案】A【解析】此处意思是:语言的发展增加了人类取得未来的成就和文化进步的可能性。achievements成就;convenience 方便;entertainments 娱乐;appearance 外观,外貌。4. A. essential B. available C. reliable D. responsible【答案】D【解析】此处意为:许多语言学家认为进化使人们产生和具备了语言的能力。固定短语be responsible for对负责,是的原由。其它选项不与 for搭配。5. A. confirm B. inform C. cl

25、aim D. convince6【答案】C6. A. for B. from C. of D. with【答案】D【解析】固定搭配 provide sb. with sth.意为“向(人)提供(物)” 。 句意:他们断言,我们高度发达的大脑,为我们提供了一种天生的、还没有在低等生物体身上发现的语言能力。7. A. organizations B. organisms C. humans D. children【答案】B【解析】根据上文的叙述,显然,这里是把人和低等动物相比较。因此选 organisms有机体,生物体。8. A. potential B. performance C. prefe

26、rence D. contribution【答案】A【解析】此句意思是:人类的语言能力是与生俱来的,但语言本身也在逐渐发展,所以这种能力应该是潜在的。potential 潜力;performance 履行;preference 偏爱;contribution贡献。9. A. as B. just as C. like D. unlike【答案】A【解析】此句句意是:语言本身作为童年时期大脑生长的一种功能,其发展是缓慢的。as (作为,当作)合乎题意。like 作为介词的意思是“像一样” 。 10. A. consistent B. biological C. social D. psychol

27、ogical【答案】B【解析】此句句意为:语言的发展有一个关键期,人体的成长是生物变化的过程。7biological生物的;consistent 一致的;social 社会的;psychological 心理的。11. A. reviews B. reference C. reaction D. recommendation【答案】A【解析】此处意为:目前人们对“先天论”评论观点不一,但是支持某些天生能力的证据却是确凿无疑的。reviews 评论;reference 参考;reaction 反应;recommendation推荐。12. A. In a word B. In a sense C

28、. Indeed D. In conclusion【答案】C13. A. unique B. different C. the higher D. the lower【答案】D【解析】此处意思是:越来越多的学校发现在什么年级学外语较容易,根据常识(低年级学外语较容易)以及后文的 Young children often can learn several languages by being 14 to them, while adults可以选定答案。14. A. revealed B. exposed C. engaged D. involved【答案】B【解析】此处意为:通过接触多种语言

29、,孩子们可以学会好几种语言。be exposed to是固定搭配,接触到。reveal(显露)sth.to sb,不合题意,因本题中的 them指 languages。其余选项不与 to搭配。engage in 从事;be involved in 参与。15. A. regulations B. formations C. rules D. constitutions【答案】C8【解析】此句意思是:一旦母语的规则被深深印入脑海中,成年人就很难再学好另一种语言。rules 规则,规律;regulations 规定;formations 构成,构造;constitutions宪法,章程。16. A

30、. Although B. Whether C. Since D. When【答案】A【解析】分析上下文的逻辑关系,应为让步关系。句意:虽然语言的一些因素是天生的这无可争辩,但语言却不能脱离实际而自动发展。17. A. distinguished B. difficult C. protected D. isolated【答案】D【解析】此句句意为:与人隔绝的儿童是不能掌握好一门语言的。isolated 孤立的,与人隔绝的;distinguished 区别的,杰出的;different 不同的;protected 受到保护的。18. A. exposition B. comparison C.

31、 contrast D. interaction【答案】D19. A. acquisition B. appreciation C. requirement D. access【答案】A【解析】根据分析,本句中的“this”和“even more basic”分别指代上句的“interaction with other human beings”和“necessary” ,此处所填词对应上文中的 language development。也就是说,language acquisition 语言习得。appreciation欣赏,感激;requirement 要求;access 入口,通路,路径

32、。20. A. As a result B. After all C. In other words D. As a whole【答案】C【解析】本句功能是以另一种方式解释前文中的“imitative, learned behavior.(模仿性的后天行为)” 。in other words 换言之,换句话说;as a result 结果是;9after all毕竟;as a whole 总的来说,总体上看。这些语言学家视语言为一种模仿的学习性行为。也就是说,孩子通过模仿父母的语言来进行学习。父母们通过鼓励准确的模仿和改正不正确的模仿,逐渐塑造了他们的孩子的语言技能。四、单句改错1Beijin

33、g was quite different from that I had expected. _ 答案:thatwhat2Does the young man standing there have possession of the company?No. The company is in possession of his father._ 答案:in 后加 the3He is always very rude, that is why people tend to avoid him. _ 答案:thatwhich4For the one thing, you must make a

34、 promise; for another, you should act at once. _ 答案:去掉 the5There was a time when he had nothing to do, wandering aimless in the street all the day. _ 答案:aimlessaimlessly五、单元语法虚拟语气()1(2018安徽马鞍山二中、安师大附中联考)Had the weather been more favorable, the crops _ (grow) still better now.答案:would/might/could gro

35、w2(2018湖南怀化模拟) Sorry,I am too busy now. If I _ (have) time,I would certainly go for an outing with you.答案:had3(2018天津七校联考)I was ill that day; otherwise I _ (take) part in the sports meet.答案:would have taken4(2018江苏扬州中学月考)He _ (intend) to return today, but he postponed the trip due to the unpleasant weather.答案:had intended105(2018江苏启东中学阶段检测)Ive been told Jimmy is here waiting for me.If you _ (come) earlier, you would have met him. He just left half an hour ago.答案:had come

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