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1、Unit 3 Amazing people,基础自测,内容索引,要点探究,达标检测,课文预读,Period Four Project,基础自测,1. n.航行;(尤指)航海,航天 2. n.轨道vt.沿轨道运行,围绕运动 3. n.愿望,欲望,渴望vt.渴望,期望 4. vi.申请vt.使用,应用 5. n.候选人;申请人,voyage,orbit,desire,apply,candidate,.重点单词,6. n.幸存,存活v.生存,挺过(难关) 7. n.地位,身份 8. n.上级,上司adj.更好的,更高的 9. n.品质;质量 10. adj.乐观的,抱乐观看法的 11. adv.的确

2、,确实,survival,survive,status,superior,quality,optimistic,indeed,1. 掌管,控制(某物) 2. 载入(历史),流传下去 3. 为感到骄傲 4. 敬佩 5. 实现某人的梦想,.重点短语,be in control (of sth. ),go down,be proud of,look up to,live ones dream,1.not only.but also.不但而且 They required to be an astronaut,_and all about how spaceships and rockets are b

3、uilt. 他们不仅学习成为宇航员所必修的全部科目,而且还学习生存技巧,以及关于飞船和火箭制造的所有知识。,.重点句式,not only studied all the subjects,but,also learnt survival skills,2.强调句型 Although Yang did not get the best scores on every single test,_finally won him the status of Chinas first astronaut. 虽然杨利伟并非在每个单项测试中都得了最高分,但他各项心理测试所得的高分最终为他赢得了中国首位宇航员

4、的身份。,it was his,high scores on the psychological tests that,课文预读,答案,1.The sentence “He had worked towards this achievement for many years.” in the first paragraph is used . A.to tell us his hard work as an astronaut B.to generalize the main idea of the first paragraph C.as an introduction sentence t

5、o the following paragraphs D.as a suggestion that hard work leads to success,.课文阅读理解,1,2,3,4,答案,2.What do we know about Yang Liwei? A.He wasnt good at science lessons as a child. B.He became an astronaut upon graduation from flight school. C.He worked as a pilot after his graduation. D.Yang Liwei go

6、t the best scores in each test before the space adventure.,1,2,3,4,3.The author mentions “Yuri Gagarin and Alan Shepard” (in the last paragraph) in order to show . A.Yang Liweis high success B.Yang Liwei made the greatest contributions to space C.Yuri Gagarin was the first astronaut to fly into spac

7、e D.Alan Shepard was the first astronaut to fly into space,答案,1,2,3,4,4.The author writes this passage in order to . A.tell us the experiences as an astronaut B.give us another example of an astronaut C.teach us how to be an astronaut D.show us how Yang Liwei achieved success,答案,1,2,3,4,.课文阅读填空,astr

8、onaut,desired,voyage,applied,success,joined,trained,pride,adventure,optimistic,要点探究,He always had a strong desire to learn how to fly. 他总是怀着强烈的愿望想学习如何飞行。,desire n.欲望,愿望;vt.渴望,期望,向往 have a/no desire for sth. /to do sth. 有/没有得到某物/做某事的愿望 satisfy ones desire满足某人的愿望 desire to do sth. 渴望做某事 desire sb. to

9、do sth. 想要某人做某事 注意:desire后接同位语从句或宾语从句时,从句中的谓语动词用“(should)do”。,重点词汇,(1)He has a strong desire for power. 他有强烈的权力欲望。 (2)We in peace with our neighbours. 我们希望与邻居和平相处。 (3)She desired her daughter . 她希望女儿当老师。 (4)We desire that you the work within 45 days. 我们希望你在45天内完成这项工作。,desire to live,to be a teacher,

10、(should) complete,(5)Sometimes,while living in a foreign country,one a special dish from home. A.wishes B.desires C.cooks D.brings,解析 句意为:有时,当一个人住在国外时,就会渴望吃到家乡的特色菜。wish表示“希望,想要”,是不及物动词;desire渴望;cook烹饪;bring带来。根据句意选B。,单项填空,答案,解析,In 1998,he applied to be a member of Project 921,which is now called She

11、nzhou. 1998年,他申请成为“921计划”(现名“神舟计划”)的成员。,(1)apply vi.申请;vt.使用,应用 apply (to sb. ) for sth. (向某人)申请某物 apply sth. to sth. 把应用于 apply oneself to (doing) sth. 致力于/专心于(做)某事 (2)application n.申请,(1)She plans to apply for a job in that company. 她计划在那个公司申请一份工作。 (2)We should our knowledge . 我们应该把我们的知识应用于工作中。 (3

12、)You will pass your exams if you . 如果专心学习你就会通过考试。 (4)His was rejected,which made him very sad. 他的申请被拒绝了,这使他很难过。 (5)We applied our minds to a solution to our problem. 我们致力于找到解决问题的办法。,apply,apply yourself to studying,to work,application,finding,Yang was described by his superiors as hard-working and a

13、lways in control of himself. 杨利伟的上司将他描述为一个勤奋刻苦、始终能够自控的人。,superior n.上级,上司;adj.更好的,更高的,品质优良的;高傲的 be superior to.比高明/高级 be superior in.在方面占优势 注意:superior本身含有比较的意味,因此无比较等级,如表示比较,后面加介词to。,(1)Your computer is far superior to mine. 你的电脑比我的好多了。 (2)The enemy numbers. 敌人在数量上占优势。,were superior in,in control o

14、f.掌管,控制 in the control of.由掌握/控制 under control(被)控制住,处于控制之下 beyond control无法控制 out of control不受控制 lose control of失去对的控制,(3)Only an experienced teacher could get the children . 只有一位有经验的老师才能管教住这些孩子。 (4)The government has the situation. 政府已经无法控制形势了。 句型转换 (5)The nurse is in control of the patient. The p

15、atient is the nurse.,lost control of,under control,in,the,control,of,单项填空 (6)The car was and knocked into a tree. A.in control B.out of control C.in the control D.under control,解析 be out of control失去控制。故选B项。,答案,解析,Because of these qualities,they were optimistic he would be successful. 因为这些品质,他的领导对于他

16、将会成功持乐观态度。,(1)quality n.质量;品质;品德 of high/good/top quality质量高 of low/bad/poor quality质量差 (2)quantity n.数量,(1)Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables and high quality oil are used for cooking. 每天他确保新鲜蔬菜和高质量的食用油用于烹调。 (2)What matters is quality rather than quantity. 重要的是质量而不是数量。 (3)Our products ar

17、e . 我们的产品质量好。 (4)This product looks nice,but poor . 这种产品表面看起来很好,质量却很差。,in quality,of high/good/top quality,(5)We should be optimistic about our future no matter what happens. 不管发生什么事情,我们都应该对未来持乐观态度。 (6)The experts we will succeed. 专家对我们的成功持乐观态度。,optimistic adj.乐观的,乐观主义的,are optimistic that,be optimi

18、stic,about.对持乐观态度 that.是乐观的,The people of China can be proud of Yang Liwei,and young people all over the world can look up to him as an example of a man who managed to live his dream. 中国人民以杨利伟而自豪,全世界的年轻人也会把他视为努力实现梦想的榜样。,look up to尊敬,仰慕;仰望 look up (某人的情况、生意等)好转,改善;(低头看某物时)抬头往上看(from.) look sb. up(尤指在

19、久别之后)看望;拜访某人 look sth. up查阅;检查 look down on/upon轻视;瞧不起 look forward to盼望;期盼 look back on回顾,(1)The scientist is very great and all Chinese look up to her. 这位科学家非常了不起,所有的中国人都尊敬她。 (2)Be careful!Dont always the sky. 小心!别老是抬头看天。 (3)On my way home,I . 在回家的路上,我去看望了他。 (4)Im your reply. 我盼望你的回复。,look up to,l

20、ooked him up,looking forward to,单项填空 (5)Dont him just because he hasnt been as successful as you. A.look down on B.look down for C.look up D.look up to,答案,解析,解析 句意为:不要仅仅因为他不如你成功就看不起他。look down on看不起,符合题意。,live ones dream实现某人的梦想(live在此为“实践,身体力行”之意) live a(n).life过着的生活 live by.靠(手段、方式)生活 live on.以为生;以

21、为主食 live up to遵守,实践(诺言、原则)等;符合,不辜负(期望),(6)Now,after winning an Olympic gold medal,he has lived his dream.现在,他赢得了一枚奥运金牌,已经实现了自己的梦想。 (7)In order that my child can ,I have to work more. 为了让我的孩子过得更好,我得多干点。 (8)Sheep grass. 羊以吃草为生。 (9)Dont expect others to their promises and you wont be disappointed. 别指望别

22、人遵守诺言,这样你就不至于失望。,live a better life,live on,live up to,They not only studied all the subjects required to be an astronaut,but also learnt survival skills and all about how spaceships and rockets are built. 他们不仅学习成为宇航员所必修的全部科目,而且还学习生存技巧,以及关于飞船和火箭制造的所有知识。,经典句式,not only.but (also).表示“不但而且”。其用法如下: (1)语法

23、功能:连接平行结构名词、代词、动词(短语)、非谓语动词、介词短语、句子等。 (2)主谓一致:它连接的两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词与but (also)后的成分在人称和数上保持一致。 (3)倒装:not only位于句首时,其后的分句要用部分倒装,but (also)后的分句保持不变。,(1)The area was not only hit by a heavy rain,but (also) struck by a powerful earthquake. 这个地区不仅遭遇了一场大雨,而且还发生了强烈的地震。 (2) you she to attend the ceremony. 不只是你

24、,她也必须参加典礼。,Not only,but (also),has,单项填空 (3)Not only a writer but he was an artist for a time. A.he is B.he was C.is he D.was he,解析 not only放在句首时,其后的分句要用部分倒装结构,又由于后面用的是过去时态,前面的谓语需和后面的时态保持一致,因此选D。,答案,解析,达标检测,.单词拼写 1.His only chance of was a big operation. 2.He stood as a (候选人) in the local elections.

25、3.How many satellites have been put into around the earth? 4.Doctors have high in most countries. 5.For products, is more important than quantity. 6.He has no (欲望) to go abroad at this time. 7.Im going to complain to your (上级). 8.The (航海) took them three days to America.,survival,candidate,orbit,sta

26、tus,quality,desire,superior,voyage,9.I think he the job. 10.Do you believe we are our destiny? 11.He will in history as a great statesman. 12.They all him as their leader. 13.Most people in that country rice.,.选词填空,is fit for,in control of,look up to,live on,look up to,go down,in control of,be fit f

27、or,go down,live on,.完成句子 14.这位老人一直致力于帮助无家可归的人。 The old man . 15.只工作不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻。 All work and no play . 16.这是那位老师推荐的书吗? Is this the book ? 17.我不仅认识她,还是她最好的朋友。I know her, her best friend. 18.是詹姆斯要去上海出差。Shanghai on business.,has been applying himself to helping the homeless,makes Jack a dull boy,recom

28、mended by the teacher,Not only do,but (also) I am,It is James that/who is leaving for,.单项填空 19.The computer was used in teaching.As a result,not only ,but students became more interested in the lessons. A.was teachers energy saved B.saved was teachers energy C.teachers energy was saved D.was saved t

29、eachers energy,解析 当not only.but(also).连接两个并列句且not only用于句首时,not only后的分句需用部分倒装结构,故选A。,答案,解析,20.You should the situation before taking action. A.take control of B.in control of C.lose control of D.under the control of,解析 句意为:在采取行动之前你应该控制局面。 此处填谓语,排除了B、D两项; take control of控制;lose control of失去控制。根据句意选A

30、项。,答案,解析,21.After 15 years in the USA,he has finally decided to American citizenship. A.concentrate on B.apply for C.look out for D.appeal to,解析 由句意“他最后决定申请美国国籍”可知,选B项。apply for申请。,答案,解析,22.Beethoven is my favourite musician.I regard him as other musicians. A.superior to B.more superior C.more super

31、ior than D.superior,解析 考查superior的用法。be superior to优于,比更好。选A。,答案,解析,23.When I my achievements,I couldnt help feeling excited. A.look back on B.cut back on C.go back on D.date back to,解析 句意为:当我回顾我的成就时,我禁不住感到兴奋。look back on回顾,符合句意。,答案,解析,.微写作 写作素材 (关于求职申请) 1.我想申请这份工作因为我渴望改变一下工作环境。 2.尽管我对我目前的工作很满意,但我想挑战我自己。 3.我开朗自信,希望我能满足你们的要求。 提示:加颜色部分用本单元词汇表达。,补全短文,I want to 24. the job because I 25. to change my working conditions.Though Im 26. my present job,I want to challenge myself.I am 27. and confident and I hope I can satisfy your 28. .,apply for,content with,outgoing,desire,requirements,


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