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1、1Topic 3 The school sports meet is coming授课日期及时段 Unit 1 topic 3 Section B教学目标 掌握重点单词和重点句型重点难点 重点句型的掌握教学内容exciting /ksat/ adj.令人激动的,使人兴奋的relay /rle/ race 接力赛shall /l/ 好吗?要不要?message /mesd/ 信息,消息theater / t/ n.剧场,戏院line /lan/ 线,电话线路modern /md()n/ adj.现代的Olympics 奥林匹克运动会motto /mt/n.箴言,格言ring /r/ n.环形物(

2、如环,圈,戒指等);电话,铃声;v.打电话;(钟.铃)响symbol /smb()l/ n.象征,标志Review of Unit 1really /rli/真正地cup /kp/ 杯子another /n/ 另一事物或人break /brek/ 使破,碎,打破(记录)freestyle 自由泳swimmer 游泳者record /rekd/n.记录,唱片v.记录,记载successful /sksesfl/获得成功的male /mel/ 男性的,男的Jamaican 牙买加的widely /wadli/ 普遍的3stand /stnd/ 站立 ,位于,忍受stand /stnd/ for 代

3、表,象征least /list/ n.最少;最少量at /t/ least 至少,不少于nowadays /nadez/ 现今,现在compete /kmpit/ 竞争,对抗chance /tns/ 机会,机遇host v.举办,主办;做主人招待;n.主人;节目主持人beginning /bgn/ 开始,开端whether /hwe/ 是否gold /ld/ 金子,金色的medal /med()l/ 奖章,勋章badly /bdli/ 差,很able /ebl/ 能够,有能力的regard /rgd/ 将认为,把视为111一、 学习目标 Aims and Demands11. 复习打电话用语。

4、2. 继续学习用 will 表达的一般将来时。3. 学习表达“约定”的功能项目用语。二、学法指导 How to study1. 预习 Unit 1 Topic 3 SectionB,并对语言点、难点做出标记;2. 学习学案,并完成学案上的练习题。三、 自主预习 Preparation.英汉互译下列单词并标上词性。1.yeah _( ) 2. shall _( )3. pick _( ) 4. theater _( )5. stick _( ) 6. hit _( )7. congratulation _( ) . 在课本中找出下列短语划在书上并翻译1. 运动鞋 _ 2. 摘苹果_3. 去看电影

5、_ 4. 爬山_5. 照相_ 6. 把传给_. 翻译并熟记下列句子.1.-我们什么时候见? _-让我们定在六点半吧。_2. -我带上相机怎么样? _-好主意.。_3. 我们会带上运动衣和运动鞋。_4. 我们要带些什么? _15. 我们什么地方见? _6. 今天下午还有一场令人激动的接力赛。 _. 听 1a 录音, 回答下列问题。1. Will they take any water?_2. When and where will they meet? _. 知识链接 (在文中找到以下知识点,同时在书上标出并批注在书本空白处。1、 shall 的用法【课文原句】When shall we mee

6、t?译文:_【课文原句】Shall I take my camera?译文:_【导学点拨】 shall 同 I 和 we 连用, 表示“将来, 将会” , 后接动词原形。如:下周这个时候我就应该在英国了。At this time next week I shall be in England. 否定 shall not = shant, 过去式 should。如我们不去那儿。We shant go there.我说过我乐意帮忙。I said I should be glad to help. 在疑问句中与 I/we 连用,表示提出或征求意见。我带上我的相机怎么样?_我们在哪见面? _12、 m

7、ake it half past six 把时间定在六点半【课文原句】_译文:_【分析点拨】make it half past six 把时间定在六点半。make 在此处的意思是“定,约定” 。-我们什么时候见面?_-让我们定在六点吧。_3、 at 用法 at 表示空间 “在,在上” ,后常接小地点。at my house 在我家 at the school gate 在学校门口 at the theater 在剧院 at the train station 在火车站 at 表示时间“在时” at 6:00 在六点钟 at night 在夜间4、 【课文原句】Congratulations!译

8、文:_【分析点拨】congratulation n. 祝贺、恭祝、贺词 用于向某人表示祝贺,复数为 congratulations.如:-我们赢了! -We are the winners!-祝贺你们! -Congratulations!congratulations on sth.就某事向某人祝贺。祝贺你成功。Congratulations on your success!5、 excited 兴奋的 exciting 令人兴奋地【课文原句】_ 译文:_1【课文原句】_译文:_【导学点拨】excited adj. 意为“激动的, 对感到兴奋”主语通常是人我们很兴奋。We are very e

9、xcited.exciting adj. 意为“令人兴奋地”主语通常是物。类似的词还有 interested 和interesting,tired 和 tiring。 这个消息令人兴奋。The news is exciting.【小试牛刀】excited / exciting我们赢了比赛,同学们很兴奋。We won the game and the classmates are very _.这是个令人兴奋的消息。It is a piece of _ news.interested / interesting我对英语很感兴趣。I am very _ in English.这个故事很有趣。Thi

10、s story is very _.四、课堂导学与风采展示1.根据自主预习的内容,组内核对并相互提问重点短语,句子以及用法2. 风采展示1). 分角色朗读 1a, 完成 1b。2). 根据 1c 便条上的内容编出与 1a 相似的对话进行联系。3). 听听力完成 2,核对答案。4). 跟读 3 并在文中划出重点知识点。 五、 目标检测 Practice 1、根据汉语提示完成句子。1. -when shall we meet? -_ _ _(定在) half past five?2. -Hello, _ _ (您是) Mr. Wang? -Yes, speaking.3. _ _ _ (将有) a

11、nother exciting basketball game.4. We can also _ _ (照相).5. We will meet _ _ _ (在操场上).6. Please _ the box _ (把递给)Lily.、完型填空。Do you know the Olympic Games? The Olympic Games are held every 1 years. Many players 2 all over the world take part in the Olympic Games. The old Olympic Games began around the

12、 year 776 BC(公元前) in Greece(希腊) and the modern games came from the 3 ones. Many of the sports were 4 as they are now,but women were not allowed(允许) to take part in the games at that time.The Olympic Games stopped for a long time. But people couldnt 5 the Olympic Games. The first Olympic Games in mod

13、ern times were held in 1896. They were held in Greecethe games were born in this 6 . In the 1896 games, there were 311 players from just 13 countries. After that, 7 countries took part in the games. In the 27th Sydney Summer Olympic Games in 2000, the Chinese team got 28 gold medals.One of the great

14、 competitions 8 not for a medal. Its the competition among countries to hold the Olympic Games. 9 the Olympics is a great prize for a country. In 2008,Beijing will 10 the 29th Summer Olympic Games. We are all proud of our great country.( ) 1. A. four B. three C. five D. two( ) 2. A. from B. in C. at

15、 D. to( ) 3. A. new B. old C. good D. nice( ) 4. A. same B. a same C. the same D./( ) 5. A. forgetting B. forgot C. forgotten D. forget1( ) 6. A. town B. city C. village D. country( ) 7. A. less than B. more or less C. more than D. more and more( ) 8. A. are B. is C. were D. was( ) 9. A. To hold B.

16、Hold C. Holds D. Held( )10. A. held B. holds C. holding D. hold、选用方框中所给句子完成对话,并根据对话内容写一个电话留言。Lucy: Hello! Lucy speaking.Betty: Hello, Lucy. Its Betty. _Lucy: Oh, its nice of you._Betty: Its about animals in danger and what the government is doing to protect them.Lucy: _ What time does it start?Betty

17、: At five oclock. _Lucy: OK. Lets go earlier. _Betty: Lets meet outside the cinema.Lucy: OK, see you.Betty: Bye.A、Lets make it half past five.B、That sounds interesting.C、Would you like to see a movie tonight?D、What is it about?E、Where shall we meet then?1根据对话内容写一个电话留言记录。From: _To: _Message: _Time: _Meeting place: _

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