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1、1Topic 1 You should brush your teeth twice a day. Material analysis本节课主要活动是1a,1b, 3 和教师根据教材以及学生的需要自行设计的判断题和问答题。通过复习、看图、回答问题等活动引入Section C 的文本学习。通过本节课的学习,学生能够综合运用Section A Section D的重点知识,以及学会复述课文、写请假条。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims能够掌握并应用新学习的有关疾病、建议、运动的新词:while, skateboard, cry, taxi, X-ray, seriou

2、s, pill, check, care, take care of, sincerely等。能够用Section B中学习的有关提建议的句型以及本节课中学习的新的表达方式来提出意见:Whats wrong with you? You should; You need to; You had better 2. Skill aims能够运用skimming和scanning两大阅读技巧来读懂课文理解文章并完成Section C的任务型阅读;能够灵活运用should, shouldnt, had better, had better not对句子进行改写;能够根据图片提示来完成对Section

3、C课文的复述;能够效仿课文,编写询问他人身体状况、给出意见的对话;能够根据课文的内容写出请假条。3. Emotional aims培养学生自我保护与安全课外活动的意识,注重身体健康。2. The key points and difficult points1. Key points正确使用情态动词进行提建议:You should? / You can/ You need to正确使用skimming/ scanning两个阅读策略进行任务型阅读 2. Difficult points正确使用情态动词 should能够根据所学来复述短文. Learning strategiesSkimming

4、 和scanning是完成任务型阅读的两大有效技巧。. Teaching aids教材、多媒体、黑板。. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternsStudent activity Teacher activityIntroduction(5minutes)1. The whole class work.2.The whole class work.1. Students reply: Good afternoon, Miss Huo.2. Students read the sentences on PPT together.1.The teach

5、er greets with students: Class begins. Good afternoon, boys and girls.2. The teacher shows somesentences on PPT and asksstudents read and say33. The whole class work.4.The whole class work.3. Say the Chinese words in English together.4. Read the title together.together Such as “ Where there is a wil

6、l, there is a way”; “ What day is it today?”; “Whats the date today?”3. Teacher checks students study of the new words.4. Teacher introduces the new topic to students.Pre-reading(7minutes)1.The whole class work.2.The whole class work1. Follow the teachers activity and answer the question of these pi

7、ctures.2.The student answers the 1. Teacher guides Ss toreview the key points andsentences in last lesson bytalking about some pictures.E.g. Whats the matter with her?.43.The whole class work.4.Individual work and whole class work.question: He3.Answer the question: Michael fell down from the skatebo

8、ard and hurt his leg and arm.4. Two students write the number on the blackboard and the other students do on their books.2. Teacher shows a picture about this topic and asks students “whats the matter with Michael?”3. Teacher plays a flash to students and requires them to talk about what happened to

9、 Michael after the flash.4. Teacher shows six pictures on PPT, and asks students number these pictures in the correct order according the flash and their knowledge.While- 1. Individual 1. Students read 1. Teacher asks students5reading(15minutes)work.2. Individual work.the passage and answer the true

10、 or false individually.2.Students do it by themselves and answer individually.read passage and mark thesentences true or false. Thenteacher checks.E.g. Michael played on the skateboard and wanted to try something new.2. Teacher asks students read the passage again and answer the questions. Then chec

11、k. E.g. What was the whether like that day?.Post-Reading(10minutes)1.Individual work.1.Listen and do the tasks on page 32 of 1b.Three students do the exercise on the blackboard and the other do on their 1. Listening tasks. Teacher asks students listen to the passage and correct the phrases to show w

12、hat people did on page 32.62.The whole class work.3.The wholeclass work.textbook.2.Listen carefully to the teacher and take notes. Answer the teachers questions.3.Do 3 on page 32.2.Teacher shows the key points of the passage on the PPT and explains to students.3. Exercise. Teacher shows a note, and

13、asks students help Michael compete the note for leave. Then checksSummary and Homework(3minutes).1.Group work. 1.Students answer the teachers question. I have learnt1. Teacher guides studentsto summarize the lesson by asking some questions, e.g. what do you learn in this lesson?2.Assign homework:ret

14、ell the story to your friends and do the exercise 7of Section C. Blackboard designw*ww.zz 4. You need totwo weeks leave = a two-week leave 4. Take/ have some pills.5. return to sp. 教学反思。本节课是一节阅读课,为Unit 2 Topic 1 Section C的内容。通过本节课的学习来进一步深化学生对提建议知识的学习,以及培养学生的阅读技巧。8本节课从学生的陪喝酒角度来讲是比较成功的,学生能够积极配合老师,踊跃回答问题,课文氛围非常活跃。本节课从教师角度来讲,也是顺利的一堂教学公开课。从课件设计到教材的使用情况,都能符合学生的实际需要与认知的发展。教学活动课前准备充足,教学活动联系学生实际,活动与活动间联系紧密,过渡自然。但由于时间有限,在有些活动中可能会比较赶时间。总的来说这节课符合教学目标,比较好的完成了教学任务。


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