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1、1二、转换词汇类(2015江苏)People select news in expectation of a reward.This reward may be either of two kinds.One is related to what Freud calls the Pleasure Principle,the other to what he calls the Reality Principle.For want of better names,we shall call these two classes immediate reward and delayed reward

2、.In general,the kind of news which may be expected to give immediate reward are news of crime and corruption,accidents and disasters,sports,social events,and human interest.Delayed reward may be expected from news of public affairs,economic matters,social problems,science,education,and health.News o

3、f the first kind pays its rewards at once.A reader can enjoy an indirect experience without any of the dangers or stresses involved.He can tremble wildly at an axe-murder,shake his head sympathetically and safely at a hurricane,identify himself with the winning team,laugh understandingly at a warm l

4、ittle story of children or dogs.News of the second kind,however,pays its rewards later.It sometimes requires the reader to tolerate unpleasantness or annoyanceas,for example,when he reads of the threatening foreign situation,the mounting national debt,rising taxes,falling market,scarce housing,and c

5、ancer.It has a 2kind of “threat value”It is read so that the reader may be informed and prepared.When a reader selects delayed reward news,he pulls himself into the world of surrounding reality to which he can adapt himself only by hard work.When he selects news of the other kind,he usually withdraw

6、s from the world of threatening reality toward the dream world.For any individual,of course,the boundaries of these two classes are not stable.For example,a sociologist may read news of crime as a social problem,rather than for its immediate reward.A coach may read a sports story for its threat valu

7、e:he may have to play that team next week.A politician may read an account of his latest successful public meeting,not for its delayed reward,but very much as his wife reads an account of a party.In any given story of corruption or disaster,a thoughtful reader may receive not only the immediate rewa

8、rd of indirect experience,but also the delayed reward of information and preparedness.Therefore,while the division of categories holds in general,an individuals tendency may transfer any story from one kind of reading to another,or divide the experience between the two kinds of reward.What News Stor

9、ies Do You Read?Division of news storiesPeople expect to get 71.rewards/rewarded from reading news.News stories are roughly divided into two classes.Some news will excite their readers instantly while others wont.News of immediate reward will seemingly take their readers to the very frightening scen

10、e without actual 73.involvement.Readers will associate themselves closely with what happens in the news stories and 74.share similar feelings with those involved.72.Explanations of the two classesNews of delayed reward will make readers suffer,or present a 75.threat to them.3News of delayed reward w

11、ill induce the reader to 76.prepare for the reality while news of immediate reward will lead the reader to 77.withdraw from the reality.Unstable boundaries of the two classesWhat readers expect from news stories are largely shaped by their 78.profession(s)/intention.Serious readers will both get exc

12、ited over what happens in some news stories and 79.adapt themselves to the reality.Thus,the division,on the whole,80.depends on the reader.考场思维模式第一步:读表格,填出较简单的概括词汇题文章标题是“你读什么样的新闻故事?” ,然后分三部分进行了分析。其中第 72题是概括性词汇,根据其右表信息可知是“两类新闻故事的解释(说明)” ,故第 72题填Explanations。注意首字母要大写。第二步:定位、定词、定性、定形任务型阅读表格高度概括了原文信息,为了

13、节约时间并且提高解题的针对性,先读表格内容,然后在原文中进行定位。定位后进行定词。定词后要定性(如名词、动词、形容词、副词),最后定形(如单复数、非谓语形式、大小写等)。1原文词汇类75根据原文第四段中的“It has a kind of threat value. ”可知应填 threat。77根据原文第四段中的“When he selects news of the other kind,he usually withdraws from the world of threatening reality toward the dream world.”可得到暗示,应填 withdraw。7

14、9此句是对最后一段倒数第二句的转换。这可从第四段中的“he pulls himself into the world of surrounding reality to which he can adapt himself only by hard work”得到暗示,填 adapt。2转换词汇类71原文 reward出现了多次。第一段有 a reward,第三段有 rewards,因此可以知道reward是可数名词。此空只能填一个词,因此填 rewards。另外 reward也可用作动词,还4可填 rewarded,表示被动,意思是“获得奖赏” 。73根据表格内容可以将信息定位在原文第三段中

15、的“A reader can enjoy an indirect experience without any of the dangers or stresses involved.”。其中关键信息是without any of the dangers or stresses involved,关键词是 involved。原文 involved作后置定语,而此空前面是 without actual,后面要填名词形式 involvement。74此题是将原文第三段中“He can tremble wildly at an axe-murder,shake his head sympatheti

16、cally and safely at a hurricane,identify himself with the winning team,laugh understandingly at a warm little story of children or dogs.”信息转换成题目中的“share similar feelings with those involved” 。76根据原文第四段中的“It is read so that the reader may be informed and prepared.”可得到暗示,填 prepare。80最后一段主要讲了这两种分类不是一成不

17、变的,也就是说这取决于读者,故填depends。3概括词汇类78文章最后一段提到的 sociologist,coach,politician 都是不同的职业,或者说不同的划分取决于不同的目的,故填 profession(s)/intention。第三步:复查并将答案填在答题卡上复查完确认没有修改之后,将试卷上所写答案填在答题卡规定区域,注意要认真书写,不能潦草。转换词汇类是典型的二次加工题型,需要考生有基本的构词法知识,对句子成分和词性的对应关系要明确。做题时,不但要找到与试题相关的句子信息,还要根据词法和句法知识以及上下文的逻辑关系进行加工,从而提炼出新词。要求考生对已锁定的关键句进行知识重

18、组,运用多种表达方式,考查考生是否具有遣词造句的能力。常见的转换词汇题可分为:词形转换、同义(反义)表达、句型转换等。1词形转换词形转换题即用不同的方式表达文中的意义,由于表达的方法不同,被考查单词在原文和试题中充当的句子成分不同。有时所采用的词性会有所变化。如,动词与名词的转换、动词与动名词的转换、形容词与副词的转换、名词与形容词的转换等,有时还涉及短语搭配的考查。5(1)Social isolation is an objective condition in which people have little communication with others.Social isolati

19、on means that people hardly communicate with others or stay alone.(2)Its also important for every student to set high academic goals so as to be able to build a good career.Students who want to build a good career should attach importance to setting high academic goals.2同义(反义)表达同义(反义)表达是指用不同的词组表达同一个

20、意思或是相反的意思。这主要考查考生灵活运用英语的能力。此项考查要求我们对同义/反义词(组)互换,单个动词与动词短语的互换,单个副词与短语的互换等。(1)The use of these resources cannot go on indefinitelywe would run out.The vast majority of resources cant be replaced and they would be used up.(2)But they say its far from clear that social isolation,not loneliness,is always

21、 the real cause of increased death rate.It was still unclear/vague/ambiguous that social isolation rather than loneliness is the real cause of higher death rate.(3)You are expected to know that every step counts and that setting up goals is easy,but following them on a consistent basis is difficult.

22、You should be aware/conscious that its difficult to follow your goals consistently.3句型转换句型转换题指的是用不同的句式表达同一意思。有时是主动语态与被动语态的互换,有时是采用另外一种句式表达。答题时要抓住核心词汇,对这些词汇表达进行句式转换,一般为高中阶段常用句式。(1)When something is thrown away,we lose the natural resources,the energy and the time which have been used to make the prod

23、uct.The natural resources,the energy and the time used to make the product become 6lost when something is thrown away.(2)Researchers have found that older people with fewer human contacts are more likely to die.Social isolation may increase/raise older peoples risk of death.(3)Setting goals for comp

24、leting the daily schedule helps an employee to finish the assigned tasks and targets in a timely manner.By setting goals,an employee can increase output and performance instead of delaying completing his or her tasks.Marketers have more options in todays increasingly multilingual societya variety of

25、 electronic and print media can address groups of consumers in different languages.Various factors influence the choice of media and language.In some cases,its simply practical to advertise in the consumers native language,particularly if many of the consumers in this group are primarily monolingual

26、.In other cases,by advertising on,say,a Spanish television channel in the US,an advertiser may earn the respect of the consumer by addressing him in his native language,as well as develop positive associations with the medium and its unique content.Now,marketers have another factor to consider when

27、deciding where to advertise and in what language.A paper.Do bilinguals have two personalities? A special case of cultural frame switching published by researchers at the University of Texas,shows that bilingual individuals exhibit different personality characteristics when speaking different languag

28、es.Lead researcher Nairan Ramirez-Esparza,tested individuals who were bilingual in English and Spanish for various personality traits,and found that the subjects answered the questions differently when asked in English and Spanish.The new work built on past research that showed the values of subject

29、s changed when they were surrounded by stimuli from different cultures.How can marketers take advantage of “cultural frame switching”? It may 7sound challenging without specific research,but at least for Spanish,English bilinguals in the US,there is now some hard data on the language-related persona

30、lity shift.Extrapolating to other language combinations may be possible,too.Since the Spanish/English bilingual results seem to be in agreement with testing of monolingual Spanish and English speakers,language-specific testing of bilingual subjects may not be essential to get an idea of what kind of

31、 cultural frame switching might occur in other bilingual combinations.Rather,comparing known personality differences for each language/culture would give an indication of the differences bilingual individuals would exhibit.I think it would be a mistake to over-emphasize this phenomenon over other cr

32、iteria affecting the selection of appropriate media and language to reach a target market.Clearly,the major considerations of demographics(人口统计资料),perception of the medium,language fluency,etc.should remain major factors.Besides,the language-driven cultural frame switching may not make much differen

33、ce to many products or services.If the product does attract one cultural personality more,though,it may make sense to exploit that differences of the other decision criteria are more or less equivalent.The researchers point out that the differences arent great.Even if slight,though,the differences a

34、re noticeable.Cultural Frame Switching:Different Language,Different PersonalityConcept of cultural frame switchingCultural frame switching refers to the phenomenon of shifting from one cultural mindset to another when people are 71. to their new cultural environment.Cultural frame switching is a fac

35、tor marketers now take into 72. to reach target customers.Applications of cultural frame switchingPersonality shift proves to be 73. for Spanish/English bilinguals,which makes it not 74. 8to do language-specific testing of bilingual subjects.Looking for the known personality differences between each

36、 language/culture would give marketers a better 75. of how bilingual individuals would 76. in two different cultures.Its wrong to put too much 77. on the functions of cultural frame switching.Compared with other criteria,the language-driven cultural frame switching simply plays a (n) 78. role in mar

37、keting success.Facts about cultural frame switchingProviding that a product 79. to a certain cultural personality more,the difference is worth employing.ConclusionThe effect different languages have on personality is 80. but noticeable.语篇解读 在当今日益多元化的社会中,营销人员有更多的选择。各种各样的电子和印刷媒体可以用不同的语言对话消费者群体,现在市场营销人

38、员开始考虑文化框架转换的因素。71答案 exposed解析 转换词汇题。根据第二段最后一句“The new work built on past research showed the values of subjects changed when they were surrounded by stimuli from different cultures.”可知,文化框架转换指的是当面临全新的环境时,人们从一种文化心态转向另一种文化心态的移位现象。be exposed to 暴露于。72答案 account/consideration解析 转换词汇题。根据第一段最后四句可知,现在市场人员开

39、始考虑文化框架转换的因素。take.into account/consideration是固定短语,意为“考虑到” ,故填account/consideration。973答案 existent解析 概括词汇题。根据第二、三段的内容可知,性格转换这种现象是存在的。故填existent。74答案 necessary/essential解析 原文词汇题。根据第三段中的“language-specific testing of bilingual subjects may not be essential to get an idea of what kind of cultural frame s

40、witching might occur in other bilingual combinations”可知,双语科目的特定语言测试可能不是必要的。故填 necessary/essential。75答案 understanding/idea解析 转换词汇题。根据第三段最后一句“Rather,comparing known personality differences for each language/culture would give an indication of the differences bilingual individuals would exhibit.”可知,比较每

41、种语言/文化的已知个性差异可以对双语个体会表现出的差异给出提示。此处用近义词 give a better understanding/idea来表示,故填 understanding/idea。76答案 behave解析 转换词汇题。参考上题解析。exhibit 在这是“展览;显示;提出(证据等)”的意思,故填 behave。77答案 stress/emphasis解析 转换词汇题。根据第四段开头“I think it would be a mistake to over-emphasize this phenomenon over other.”可知,不应过分强调文化框架转换。put str

42、ess/emphasis on意为“强调” ,故填 stress/emphasis。78答案 minor/unimportant解析 转换词汇题。根据第四段中的“Besides,the language-driven cultural frame switching may not make much difference to many products or services.”可知,语言驱动的文化框架转换对很多产品影响不大。形容词修饰名词,故填 minor/unimportant。79答案 appeals解析 转换词汇题。根据第四段末句“If the product does attra

43、ct one cultural personality more,though,it may make sense to exploit that difference of the other decision criteria are more or less equivalent.”可知,假如一个产品更吸引某种文化个性,那这种区别就值得采用。attractappeal to,故填 appeals。1080答案 slight解析 原文词汇题。根据最后一段“The researchers point out that the differences arent great.Even if slight,though,the differences are noticeable.”可知,研究人员发现不同语言对个性的影响虽然轻微,但是这些不同是显而易见的。故填 slight。


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