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1、- 1 -Unit 4 Dont eat in class. 课时 第一课时 Section A(1a-2d)课 题Unit 4 Dont eat in class. 课型 New知识目标1. 学习并掌握下列词汇: rule, arrive, late, hall, dining hall, listen, listen to, fight, sorry 2. 掌握以下句型: Dont eat in class. You must be on time. Eat in the dining hall. Can we listen to music, Cindy? We cant listen

2、to music in the hallways, but we can listen to it outside. And we always have to wear the school uniform. 能力目标1. 熟练掌握祈使句和情态动词 can, must和 have to的用法。2. 听懂有关谈论规则的对话教学目标情感目标理解没有规矩不成方圆; 无论是在学校时还是在家庭中以及以后走上社会都应当遵守规则, 按规则办事。教学重点1. Words, phrases and sentences. 2. Grasp the uses of can, must and have to. 教

3、学难点The uses of can, must and have to. 课前预习Preview the new words教学 Situational approach; Listening and speaking approach; Communicative - 2 -方法 approach 教学过程教学环节教师活动 学生活动 备课札记Step 1 Warm up and work on 1a1. Play a game. Ask students to do actions as what the teacher tells. Please stand up/ sit down.

4、Close the door, please. Look at me and listen to me. Dont open your books. 2. Then write the sentences on the blackboard and ask students to find out the usages of imperatives. 3. Work on 1a. Let Ss look at the picture on their textbook. Each of the students is breaking one of these rules. Let Ss wr

5、ite the number of the rule next to the student. 4. Let Ss read the school rules loudly. 1. Do actions according to the instructions. 2. Watch the sentences and find out the usages of imperatives. 3. Write the number of the rule next to the student. 4. Read loudly. 以做游戏的方式调动学生的学习热情, 自然地导入新课。Step 2Lis

6、tening (1b)1. Read the three names after the teacher. 2. Play the tape of 1b and let Ss find out what rules these students are breaking. Write the numbers after the names. 1. Read the names after the teacher. 2. Ss listen and write the numbers after the names. 3. Check the answers. 在语境中呈现和导入目标语言。- 3

7、 -Step 3Practice (1c)First let Ss read the conversation in 1c. Then ask them to make similar conversations. Ss first read the conversation in pairs, then make similar conversations. 通过两人小组对话, 让学生练习所学的语言知识, 同时训练他们的口语能力。Step 4 Listening (2a, 2b)1. Work on 2a. Let Ss read the activities in the box in 2

8、a first. 2. Play the tape of 2a. 3. Work on 2b. Let Ss listen to the tape again and circle can or cant. 1. Read the activities in the box in 2a first. 2. Listen and check the activities Alan and Cindy talk about. 3. Listen to the tape again and circle can or cant. 4. Check the answers. 通过听力练习和完成表格听力

9、任务, 训练学生的听力能力。续表教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 备课札记Step 5 Oral Practice (2c)1. Let Ss talk about the rules in 2a in pairs according to 2c. 2. Let some students act out the conversations. 1. Work in pairs. 2. Some pairs show their conversations. 通过利用“信息差”进行口语结对活动, 在交流信息过程中, 进行真实的交际问答活动。Step 6 Role-Play (2d)1. Let Ss

10、 read the conversation for the first time and answer two questions. Is it Johns first day at school? 1. Ss read the conversation and answer the questions. 2. Ss read the conversation and find the school rules. 在听力练习和小对话口语练习的基础上, 进行角色对话表演 , 开展有实际意义的交际运用活动。- 4 -Yes, it is. How many rules are there at

11、school? Four. 2. Let Ss read the conversation again and find the school rules. (Dont be late for school. Dont bring music players to school. You always have to wear the school uniform. You have to be quiet in the library. ) 3. Let Ss read the conversation together after the tape. 4. Explain the diff

12、iculties. 5. Let Ss read in pairs. 6. Let several pairs of students role-play the conversation in front of the class. 3. Ss read the conversation after the tape. 4. Role-play it. Step 7SummarizeGuide the students to summarize the structures of imperatives and the uses of can, must and have to. Summa

13、rize the structures of imperatives and the uses of can, must and have to培养学生探究、归纳总结能力。- 5 -Step 8Consolidation教师设置巩固检测练习: 1. 你可以在音乐室里听音乐。You can listen to music in the music room. 2. 请按时到校。Please get to school on time. 3. 现在他必须回家吗? Does he have to go home now? 4. 请不要坐在这儿。Please dont sit here. 5. 上课迟

14、到是不对的。Its not right to be late for class. 独立完成检测练习, 进行自我评价。通过检测练习, 便于学生了解自己对本节课的词汇、句型、语法等的掌握情况。Step 9Homework1. Recite new words and phrases. 2. Recite 2d. 板书设计Section A (1a-2d)1. New words and phrases : rule, arrive, late, hall, dining hall, listen, listen to, fight, sorry 2. Structures: Dont eat i

15、n class. You must be on time. Eat in the dining hall. Can we listen to music, Cindy? We cant listen to music in the hallways, but we can listen to it outside. - 6 -And we always have to wear the school uniform. 教学反思在本节课的教学活动设计, 能够创设丰富的语境, 设置循序渐进的学习任务, 充分发挥学生的主体作用, 引导学生合作学习、自主探究, 重视“预习展示练习反馈”的学习过程。-

16、7 -课时第二课时 Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)课 题 Unit 4 Dont eat in class. 课型 New知识目标掌握以下句型: Dont run in the hallways. What are the rules? We must be on time for class. Can we eat in the classroom? No, we cant, but we can eat in the dining hall. Does he have to wear a uniform at school? Yes, he does. / No,

17、he doesnt. What do you have to do? We have to be quiet in the library. 能力目标熟练掌握祈使句和情态动词 can, must和 have to的用法。教学目标情感目标遵守校规、家规等规章制度, 建立规则意识。教学重点1. Sentences. 2. Grasp the uses of can, must and have to. 教学难点The uses of can, must and have to. 课前预习Preview the new words教学方法Situational approach; Task appr

18、oach; Communicative approach 教学过程- 8 -教学环节教师活动 学生活动 备课札记Step 1Warm upShow some pictures and let the Ss say out what rule each student in the pictures is breaking. Say sentences according to the pictures. 看图说句子, 既能复习所学的句型, 又能激发学生的兴趣。Step 2Grammar Focus1. Let Ss read the sentences in Grammar Focus2. S

19、um up: (1)祈使句的构成: 肯定句: 动词原形+其他否定句: Dont+动词原形+其他(2)have to意为“必须; 不得不”, 后接动词原形。其第三人称单数形式是 has to+动词原形。其一般疑问句应用助动词 do或 does来帮助构成。1. Ss read the sentences in Grammar Focus first. 2. Ss listen and take notes. 培养学生探究、归纳总结能力。Step 3Writing (3a)1. Look at 3a. Let Ss discuss the pictures and make some rules.

20、2. Let some students read their rules aloud. 3. Check the answers with the class. 1. Ss discuss the pictures and make some rules. 2. Some Ss read their rules aloud. 小组合作讨论, 更好地发挥学生的自主学习能力。Step 4Practice (3b)1. Use the words to make questions about the rules. Then write answers according to your scho

21、ol. 2. Let some pairs read their 1. Write down their answers. 2. Some pairs read their answers. 通过练习, 更好地掌握重点句型的用法, 同时让两个同学合作展示他们的答案, - 9 -answers. 又训练了他们的口语表达能力。Step 5Practice (3b)Game 1. Students work in groups and discuss what rules are in their dream school. 2. Let each group write down their ru

22、les on a piece of paper. 3. Let some students read their rules aloud. 4. See whose school is the coolest? 1. Work in groups and discuss what rules are in their dream school. 2. Write down their rules on a piece of paper. 3. Some students read their rules aloud. 小组合作讨论, 发挥他们的想象力, 更好地发挥学生的自主学习能力。续表教学环

23、节 教师活动 学生活动 备课札记Step 6SummarizeGuide the students to summarize the structures of imperatives and the uses of can, must and have to. Summarize the structures of imperatives and the uses of can, must and have to培养学生探究、归纳总结能力。Step 7Consolidation教师设置巩固检测练习: 句型转换1. Can you ride your bike at school? (作否定回

24、答)No, I cant. 2. We cant be late for school. (改为同义句)We cant arrive late for school. 独立完成检测练习, 进行自我评价。通过检测练习, 便于学生了解自己对本节课的词汇、句型、语法等的掌握情况。- 10 -3. Mary has to help her mother with cooking. (改为一般疑问句)Does Mary have to help her mother with cooking? 4. They have to do some cleaning on Friday. (对画线部分提问)Wh

25、at do they have to do on Friday? 5. You cant wear a skirt at school. (改为祈使句)Dont wear a skirt at school. Step 8HomeworkWrite down your class rules. 板书设计Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)Structures: Dont run in the hallways. What are the rules? We must be on time for class. Can we eat in the classroom? No,

26、we cant, but we can eat in the dining hall. Does he have to wear a uniform at school? Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt. What do you have to do? We have to be quiet in the library. 教学反思在本节课的教学活动设计, 能够创设丰富的语境, 设置循序渐进的学习任务, 充分发挥学生的主体作用, 引导学生合作学习、自主探究, 重视“预习展- 11 -示练习反馈”的学习过程。- 12 -课时 第三课时 Section B(1a-1d)

27、课 题Unit 4 Dont eat in class. 课型 New知识目标1. 掌握以下词汇out, practice, dish, before, go out, do the dishes 2. 掌握以下句型: Can Dave go out on school nights? No, he cant. 能力目标利用 can、must、have to 和祈使句谈论家规, 听懂谈论家规的对话。教学目标情感目标理解没有规矩不成方圆; 无论是在学校还是在家庭中以及以后走上社会都应当遵守规则, 按规则办事。教学重点1. Words, phrases and sentences 2. Liste

28、n and understand the conversation about house rules. 教学难点Listening practice课前预习Preview the new words. 教学方法Situational approach; Listening and speaking approach; Communicative approach 教学过程教学环节教师活动 学生活动 备课札记Step 1Warm up and 1. Free talkLet Ss talk about their house 1. Ss say out their house rules. 谈

29、论自己家中的规则, 会引起学- 13 -work on 1a rules. 2. Work on 1a. Read the rules in the chart in 1b, then match the pictures with the rules. 2. Read and match. 生的共鸣, 从而激发他们的学习热情。Step 2Listening(1b, 1c)1. Let Ss read the rules in 1b first. 2. Play the tape of 1b for the students to listen and put an for things Da

30、ve cant do and a for things he has to do. 3. Let Ss read the phrases in the box of 1c. 4. Let Ss listen again, then write when Dave has to follow the rules in the chart in 1b. Choose from the phrase in the box in 1c. 5. Play the tape again for the students to listen and check. 1. Listen to the tape

31、and finish 1b and 1c. 2. Check the answers. 通过听力练习和完成听力任务, 练习学生的听力能力。Step 3Practice(1d)1. Let Ss talk about the rules in Daves house according to 1c and 1d in pairs. Can Dave go out on school nights? No, he cant. 2. Let some pairs show their conversation. 1. Work in pairs. 2. Some pairs show their c

32、onversation. 两人对话, 进行口语交际, 在交流信息过程中, 训练学生的口语表达能力同时辅助写的练习, 训练学生的综合能力。- 14 -Step 4SummarizeGuide the students to summarize the new words, phrases and sentences, and how to talk about house rules. Summarize the new words, phrases and sentences, and how to talk about house rules. 培养学生探究、归纳总结能力。续表教学环节 教师

33、活动 学生活动 备课札记Step 5Consolidation教师设置巩固检测练习: 完成句子1. 有时我们晚上出去吃饭。Sometimes we go out to eat dinner. 2. 我经常帮妈妈做早饭。I often help my mom make breakfast. 3. 晚餐后玛丽得清洗餐具。Mary has to do the dishes after dinner. 4. 不要在上学期间的晚上外出。Dont go out on school nights. 5. 妈妈, 放学后我可以和同学一起打篮球吗? Mom, can I play basketball with

34、 my classmates after school? 独立完成检测练习, 进行自我评价。通过检测练习, 便于学生了解自己对本节课的词汇、句型、语法等的掌握情况。Step 6HomeworkWrite a small passage about Daves house rules. - 15 -板书设计Section B (1a-1d)1. Words: out, practice, dish, before, go out, do the dishes 2. Sentences: Can Dave go out on school nights? No, he cant. 教学反思在本节课

35、的教学活动设计, 能够创设丰富的语境, 设置循序渐进的学习任务, 充分发挥学生的主体作用, 引导学生合作学习、自主探究, 重视“预习展示练习反馈”的学习过程。- 16 -课时 第四课时 Section B(2a-Self Check)课 题Unit 4 Dont eat in class. 课型 New知识目标1. 学习并掌握下列词汇: dirty, kitchen, more, noisy, relax, read, terrible, feel, strict, remember, follow, luck, keep, hair, learn, make ones bed, be str

36、ict with sb. , follow the rules 2. 掌握以下句型: Dont leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen. After that, I run to school because I cant be late. After dinner, I cant relax, either. We have to follow the rules. 能力目标读懂有关规则的短文, 同时练习学生的写作能力。教学目标情感目标理解没有规矩不成方圆; 无论是在学校还是在家庭中以及以后走上社会都应当遵守规则, 按规则办事。教学重点1. Grasp t

37、he new words, phrases and sentences2. Consolidate the uses of imperatives and can, must and have to. 3. Develop Ss reading and writing skills 教学难点1. The uses of imperatives and can, must and have to. 2. How to develop the ability of reading and writing 课前预习Preview the new words教学方法Situational approa

38、ch; Task approach; Communicative approach - 17 -教学过程教学环节教师活动 学生活动 备课札记Step 1Warm up1. Check Ss preparations2. Correct Ss pronunciation3. Free talk. T: Do you think the rules in your family are all right? Why or why not? Let Ss discuss it in groups, and then ask several students to show their opinion

39、s. 1. Ss read the words: dirty, kitchen, more, noisy, relax, read, terrible, feel, strict, remember, follow, luck, keep, hair, learn2. Read the words after the teacher. 3. Discuss in groups and some Ss show their opinions. 教师结合学生读的状况, 适当领读, 并帮助学生正音。教师根据构词法知识, 帮助学生识记单词。听写单词反馈利用构词法再记忆。Step 2Reading(2b

40、, 2c, )1. Fast reading. Let Ss read the letter and find the answer to this question: What does Molly feel about the rules? 2. Careful reading. (1)Let Ss read the passage quickly and underline the rules of Molly. (2) Read Dr. Knows letter and answer this question: What does he think of the 1. Read th

41、e passage of 2b quickly and answer the question. 2. Read the letter carefully and underline the rules of Molly. 3. Read Dr. Knows letter and answer this question. 4. Read the letters again and finish 2c. 通过分层阅读, 让学生对整篇短文有一个整体的理解, 再通过大声朗读, 找出重要的语言点和难点, 培养学生的自主学习能力。Let Ss read the passage carefully an

42、d answer the questions. - 18 -school and home rules? He thinks parents and schools are sometimes strict, but they make rules to help us. We have to follow them. (3) Let Ss read the letters again and finish 2c. Is Molly happy? Why or why not? No, she isnt. Because there are too many rules in her hous

43、e. 续表教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 备课札记Step 2Reading(2b, 2c, )3. Loud Reading(1) Let Ss read the passage carefully and find out the importance and their difficulties. (2)Let Ss read after the tape. (3) Let Ss read the passage aloud by themselves, and then check some Ss reading. 5. Read the passage carefully and fi

44、nd out the importance and their difficulties. 6. Read after the tape and then read the passage aloud by themselves. 7. Some Ss show their reading. When does she have to get up every morning? At six a. m Can she play basketball after school? Why? No, she cant. Because she has to do her homework. Can

45、she watch TV on school nights? Yes, she can. When can she play? - 19 -On weekends. Step 3Language points1. too many 太多too many意为“太多”, 修饰可数名词复数too much意为“太多”, 修饰不可数名词much too意为“极其; 非常”, 相当于 very, 常用来修饰形容词或副词2. remember v. 记住; 记起【自主归纳】renember 动词, 意为“记住; 记起”, 后接名词、代词、动名词或动词不定式作宾语。 remember to do sth.

46、记着要去做某事(事情还未做)相当于 dont forget to do sth. remember doing sth. 记着做过某事(事情已做过)Remember to do your homework on time. 记得按时做作业。I remember meeting him sometime last month. 我记得在上个月的某个时间遇见过他。Listen to the teacher carefully and take notes通过对语言点的讲解, 解决学生在学习中的困难, 使学生更好地理解和掌握所学的短文。Step 4 1. Let Ss read Zhao Peis

47、1. Read and complete 通过这一练习, - 20 -Practice 3a letter and complete it using have to/must, can or cant. 2. Check the answers. the letter. 2. Some Ss read their answers. 更好地锻炼学生的阅读能力。续表教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 备课札记Step 5Writing(3b have to/must; dont have to. 1. Finish the exercises in Self Check. 2. Share the a

48、nswers. 通过做练习, 更好地掌握本单元的内容。- 21 -2. Tell students they should use “can/cant; have to/must; dont have to” to write about the rules at school. Write two sentences for each rule. 3. Let some students read their answers aloud. Correct any mistakes they have. Step 7SummarizeGuide the students to summariz

49、e the useful expressions and how to use imperatives and can, must and have to to talk about rules. Summarize the useful expressions and how to use imperatives and can, must and have to to talk about rules. 培养学生探究、归纳总结能力。Step 8Consolidation教师设置巩固检测练习: . 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Alice is learning to cook (cook) from her mother. 2. I dont want to stay outside. Its too noisy (noise). 3. I am happy that I always have a relaxing (relax) weekend. 4. Remember to tell (tell)


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