1、 IEC 61869-6 Edition 1.0 2016-04 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Instrument transformers Part 6: Additional general requirements for low-power instrument transformers IEC 61869-6:2016-04(en) colour inside THIS PUBLICATION IS COPYRIGHT PROTECTED Copyright 2016 IEC, Geneva, Switzerland All rights reserved. Unl
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9、td.iec.ch/glossary 65 000 electrotechnical terminology entries in English and French extracted from the Terms and Definitions clause of IEC publications issued since 2002. Some entries have been collected from earlier publications of IEC TC 37, 77, 86 and CISPR. IEC Customer Service Centre - webstor
10、e.iec.ch/csc If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication or need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: csciec.ch. IEC 61869-6 Edition 1.0 2016-04 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Instrument transformers Part 6: Additional general requirements for low-power instrument tra
11、nsformers INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ICS 17.220.20 ISBN 978-2-8322-3330-6 Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission Warning! Make sure that you obtained this publication from an authorized distributor. colour inside 2 IEC 61869-6:2016 IEC 2016 CONTENTS FORE
12、WORD. 6 1 Scope 10 2 Normative reference 10 3 Terms and definitions 13 3.1 General terms and definitions 13 3.2 Terms and definitions related to dielectric ratings and voltages 17 3.3 Terms and definitions related to current ratings . 17 3.4 Terms and definitions related to accuracy . 21 3.5 Terms a
13、nd definitions related to other ratings 26 3.7 Index of abbreviations and symbols . 26 4 Normal and special service conditions 28 4.2 Normal service conditions . 28 4.2.3 Vibrations or earth tremors . 28 4.2.601 Partially outdoor LPIT 28 5 Ratings 28 5.3 Rated insulation levels and voltages 28 5.3.5
14、 Insulation requirements for secondary terminals . 28 5.3.601 Rated auxiliary power supply voltage (U ar ) . 28 5.4 Rated frequency 29 5.5 Rated output . 29 5.5.601 Rated burden (R br ) 29 5.5.602 Standard values for the rated delay time (t dr ) . 29 5.6 Rated accuracy class 30 6 Design and construc
15、tion 30 6.7 Mechanical requirements . 30 6.11 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) 30 6.11.3 Requirements for immunity . 30 6.11.4 Requirement for transmitted overvoltages . 32 6.11.601 Emission requirements . 32 6.13 Markings . 33 6.601 Requirements for optical transmitting system and optical output
16、 link . 33 6.601.1 General . 33 6.601.2 Optical connectors . 33 6.601.3 Fibre optic terminal box 33 6.601.4 Total cable length 33 6.602 Requirements for electrical transmitting system and electrical wires for output link . 33 6.602.1 Connectors 33 6.602.2 Earthing of the output cable 34 6.603 Signal
17、-to-noise ratio 34 6.604 Failure detection and maintenance announcement . 35 6.605 Operability 35 6.606 Reliability and dependability 35 6.607 Vibrations . 35 7 Tests . 36 7.1 General . 36 IEC 61869-6:2016 IEC 2016 3 7.1.2 List of tests 36 7.2 Type tests . 37 7.2.1 General . 37 7.2.2 Temperature-ris
18、e test . 37 7.2.3 Impulse voltage withstand test on primary terminals 37 7.2.5 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) tests 37 7.2.6 Test for accuracy . 41 7.2.601 Low-voltage component voltage withstand test . 43 7.3 Routine tests . 44 7.3.1 Power-frequency voltage withstand tests on primary terminals
19、 44 7.3.4 Power-frequency voltage withstand tests on secondary terminals 45 7.3.5 Test for accuracy . 45 7.3.601 Power-frequency voltage withstand test for low-voltage components . 45 7.4 Special tests . 45 7.4.601 Vibration tests 45 601 Information to be given with enquiries, tenders and orders 46
20、601.1 Designation . 46 601.2 Dependability 46 Annex 6A (normative) LPIT frequency response and accuracy requirements for harmonics . 47 6A.1 General . 47 6A.2 Requirements for noise and distortion 47 6A.3 Anti-aliasing filter requirements for LPIT using digital data processing 47 6A.4 LPIT accuracy
21、requirements for harmonics and low frequencies . 49 6A.4.1 General . 49 6A.4.2 Measuring accuracy classes . 49 6A.4.3 Accuracy class extension for quality metering and low bandwidth d.c. applications . 50 6A.4.4 Protective accuracy classes . 51 6A.4.5 Special high bandwidth protection accuracy class
22、 . 51 6A.4.6 Special accuracy classes for d.c. coupled low-power voltage transformers 52 6A.5 Tests for accuracy versus harmonics and low frequencies 52 6A.6 Test arrangement and test circuit. 53 6A.6.1 Test for accuracy for harmonics and low frequencies 53 6A.6.2 Type test for proper anti-aliasing
23、53 Annex 6B (informative) Transient performances of low-power current transformers . 55 6B.1 General . 55 6B.2 Short-circuit currents in power systems 55 6B.3 Conventional current transformer equivalent circuit 58 6B.4 Types of current transformers 60 6B.4.1 Types of conventional CTs . 60 6B.4.2 Typ
24、es of low-power current transformers 61 6B.5 Transient performance of current transformers . 62 6B.5.1 Transient performance of conventional current transformers . 62 6B.5.2 Transient performance of low-power current transformers . 63 6B.6 Summary 64 Annex 6C (informative) Transient performances of
25、low-power voltage transformers . 65 6C.1 Overview 65 4 IEC 61869-6:2016 IEC 2016 6C.2 General . 65 6C.2.1 Defining primary and secondary voltages 65 6C.2.2 Normal service conditions of the network 65 6C.2.3 Abnormal service conditions of the network 66 6C.2.4 Rated secondary voltages 66 6C.2.5 Stead
26、y-state conditions 66 6C.3 Transient conditions 66 6C.3.1 Theoretical considerations . 66 6C.3.2 Definition of transient error . 73 6C.3.3 Test of transient performance . 73 Annex 6D (informative) Test circuits . 78 6D.1 Test circuits for accuracy measurements in steady state for low-power current t
27、ransformers 78 6D.2 Test circuits for accuracy measurements in steady state for low-power voltage transformers . 81 Annex 6E (informative) Graph explaining the accuracy requirements for multi-purpose low-power current transformer . 84 Bibliography . 85 Figure 601 General block diagram of a single-ph
28、ase LPIT. 10 Figure 602 Primary time constant T p19 Figure 603 Duty cycles, single energization 20 Figure 604 Duty cycles, double energization . 21 Figure 605 Examples of subassembly subjected to EMC tests Usual structure used in HV AIS applications 38 Figure 606 Examples of subassembly subjected to
29、 EMC tests Usual structure used in MV applications 39 Figure 607 Examples of subassembly subjected to EMC tests Usual structure used in HV GIS applications 39 Figure 608 Temperature cycle accuracy test . 42 Figure 6A.1 Digital data acquisition system example . 48 Figure 6A.2 Frequency response mask
30、for metering accuracy class 1 (f r= 60 Hz, f s= 4 800 Hz) . 49 Figure 6B.1 Illustration of a fault in a power system 56 Figure 6B.2 Short-circuit current a.c. and d.c. components . 56 Figure 6B.3 Symmetric fault current . 57 Figure 6B.4 Asymmetric fault current 57 Figure 6B.5 Equivalent electrical c
31、ircuit of a conventional CT 58 Figure 6B.6 Flux-current characteristic for a conventional CT without remanence representation 59 Figure 6B.7 Representation of hysteresis and remanent flux for a conventional CT . 60 Figure 6B.8 Comparison of flux-current characteristics for gapped and gapless CTs . 6
32、2 Figure 6B.9 Secondary current distorted due to the CT saturation . 63 Figure 6B.10 AC component for non-saturated and saturated CT 63 Figure 6C.1 Schematic diagram explaining the trapped charge phenomena . 69 Figure 6C.2 Voltages during trapped charges phenomena 70 Figure 6C.3 Modelization example
33、 of a simplified low-power voltage transformer . 72 IEC 61869-6:2016 IEC 2016 5 Figure 6C.4 Testing arrangement for short time constant 76 Figure 6C.5 Testing arrangement for long time constant . 77 Figure 6C.6 Typical waveform of e(t) during test . 77 Figure 6D.1 Test circuit for analogue accuracy
34、measurements in steady state . 78 Figure 6D.2 Test circuit for analogue accuracy measurements in steady state (alternative solution) . 79 Figure 6D.3 Test circuit for digital accuracy measurements in steady state 80 Figure 6D.4 Test circuit for analogue accuracy measurements in steady state . 81 Fig
35、ure 6D.5 Test circuit for analogue accuracy measurements in steady state (alternative solution) . 82 Figure 6D.6 Test circuit for digital accuracy measurements in steady state 83 Figure 6E.1 Accuracy limits of a multi-purpose low-power current transformer . 84 Table 601 Secondary terminal and low vo
36、ltage component withstand capability . 28 Table 602 Immunity requirements and tests 30 Table 603 Connectors 34 Table 10 List of tests 36 Table 6A.1 Anti-aliasing filter . 48 Table 6A.2 Measuring accuracy classes . 50 Table 6A.3 Accuracy classes extension for quality metering and low bandwidth d.c. a
37、pplications 50 Table 6A.4 Accuracy classes extension for high bandwidth d.c. applications . 51 Table 6A.5 Protective accuracy classes 51 Table 6A.6 Accuracy classes for special high bandwidth protection . 52 Table 6A.7 Accuracy classes for special d.c. coupled low-power voltage transformers . 52 Tab
38、le 6A.8 Accuracy classes for harmonics 53 Table 6B.1 Protective CTs . 61 Table 6C.1 Primary short circuit . 71 Table 6C.2 Trapped charges 71 Table 6C.3 Limits of instantaneous voltage error for protective electronic voltage transformers in case of trapped charges reclose 71 6 IEC 61869-6:2016 IEC 20
39、16 INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION _ INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS Part 6: Additional general requirements for low-power instrument transformers FOREWORD 1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising all national electrotechnica
40、l committees (IEC National Committees). The object of IEC is to promote international co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. To this end and in addition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications, Te
41、chnical Reports, Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) and Guides (hereafter referred to as “IEC Publication(s)”). Their preparation is entrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interested in the subject dealt with may participate in this preparatory work. International, govern
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43、r agreements of IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, an international consensus of opinion on the relevant subjects since each technical committee has representation from all interested IEC National Committees. 3) IEC Publications have the form of recommendations for internationa
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47、. 6) All users should ensure that they have the latest edition of this publication. 7) No liability shall attach to IEC or its directors, employees, servants or agents including individual experts and members of its technical committees and IEC National Committees for any personal injury, property d
48、amage or other damage of any nature whatsoever, whether direct or indirect, or for costs (including legal fees) and expenses arising out of the publication, use of, or reliance upon, this IEC Publication or any other IEC Publications. 8) Attention is drawn to the Normative references cited in this p
49、ublication. Use of the referenced publications is indispensable for the correct application of this publication. 9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this IEC Publication may be the subject of patent rights. IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. International Standard IEC 61869-6 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 38: Instrument transformers. This