IEEE 323-2003 en Qualifying Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations《核电站1E级设备的考核》.pdf

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1、IEEE Std 323-2003(Revision of IEEE Std 323-1983) IEEE Standards323TMIEEE Standard for QualifyingClass 1E Equipment for NuclearPower Generating StationsPublished by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA23 January 2004IEEE Power Engineer

2、ing SocietySponsored by theNuclear Power Engineering CommitteeIEEE StandardsPrint: SH95169PDF: SS95169IEEE Std 323-2003 (R2008)(Revision ofIEEE Std 323-1983)IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating StationsSponsorNuclear Power Engineering Committeeof theIEEE Power

3、 Engineering SocietyReaffirmed 25 September 2008Approved 11 September 2003IEEE-SA Standards BoardAbstract: The basic requirements for qualifying Class 1E equipment and interfaces that are to beused in nuclear power generating stations are described in this standard. The principles, methods,and proce

4、dures described are intended to be used for qualifying equipment, maintaining andextending qualification, and updating qualification, as required, if the equipment is modified. Thequalification requirements in this standard, when met, demonstrate and document the ability ofequipment to perform safet

5、y function(s) under applicable service conditions including design basisevents, reducing the risk of common-cause equipment failure.Keywords: age conditioning, aging, condition monitoring, design basis events, equipmentqualification, harsh environment, margin, mild environment, qualification methods

6、, qualified life,radiation, safety related function, significant aging mechanism, test plan, test sequence, typetestingThe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USACopyright 2004 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.Al

7、l rights reserved. Published 23 January 2004. Printed in the United States of America.IEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent +1 978 750 8400. Permission to photocopy portions of any individual standard for educationalclassroom use can also be obtained through the Copyright Clearance Cente

8、r.Note: Attention is called to the possibility that implementation of this standard may require use of subject mat-ter covered by patent rights. By publication of this standard, no position is taken with respect to the existence orvalidity of any patent rights in connection therewith. The IEEE shall

9、 not be responsible for identifying patentsfor which a license may be required by an IEEE standard or for conducting inquiries into the legal validity orscope of those patents that are brought to its attention.ivCopyright 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved.Introduction(This introduction is not part of I

10、EEE Std 323-2003, IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Equipment for NuclearPower Generating Stations.)IEEE Std 323-2003, a revision of IEEE Std 323-1983, is the result of a review of IEEE Std 323-1983 andpresent practices in equipment qualification. This revision incorporates current practices and

11、 lessons learnedfrom the implementation of previous versions of this standard by the nuclear industry.Several issues are clarified or changed in this revision: This standard defines the methods for equipment qualification when it is desired to qualifyequipment for the applications and the environmen

12、ts to which it may be exposed. This standard isgenerally utilized for qualification of Class 1E (safety-related electric) equipment located in harshenvironments, and for certain post-accident monitoring equipment, but it may also be utilized for thequalification of equipment in mild environments. Th

13、e documentation requirements are, however,more rigorous for equipment located in a harsh environment. The term design basis eventhas been generally used instead of the acronyms DBE, DBA, LOCA,and HELB, and the term design basis accidentin order to reduce the complexity of the text. Seismic events ar

14、e identified as design basis events. The test margins have been updated to better identify the parameters that achieve test margin ondesign basis event profiles. Since quantitative margin can be adequately identified by increases intemperature, pressure, radiation, and operating time, the performanc

15、e of two transients is no longerrecommended. New digital systems and new advanced analog systems may require susceptibility testing for EMI/RFI and power surges, if the environments are significant to the equipment being qualified. Sinceexisting instrument and control (I design basis events are not

16、included. 3.2 Class 1E:The safety classification of the electric equipment and systems that are essential to emergencyreactor shutdown, containment isolation, reactor core cooling, and containment and reactor heat removal, orare otherwise essential in preventing significant release of radioactive ma

17、terial to the environment.NOTEThe terms Class 1E equipmentand safety-related electric equipmentare synonymous.3.3 components:Items from which the equipment is assembled, e.g., resistors, capacitors, wires, connec-tors, transistors, tubes, switches, and springs.3.4 condition-based qualification: Qual

18、ification based on measurement of one or more condition indica-tors of equipment, its components, or materials for which an acceptance criterion can be correlated to theequipments ability to function as specified during an applicable design basis event.3.5 condition indicator:A measurable physical p

19、roperty of equipment, its components, or materials thatchanges monotonically with time and can be correlated with its safety function performance under designbasis event conditions.3.6 design basis events:Postulated events used in the design to establish the acceptable performancerequirements for th

20、e structures, systems, and components.3.7 design life: The time period during which satisfactory performance can be expected for a specific set ofservice conditions.3.8 end condition:Value(s) of equipment condition indicator(s) at the conclusion of age conditioning.3.9 equipment:An assembly of compo

21、nents designed and manufactured to perform specific functions.3.10 equipment qualification:The generation and maintenance of evidence to ensure that equipment willoperate on demand to meet system performance requirements during normal and abnormal service condi-tions and postulated design basis even

22、ts.NOTEEquipment qualification includes environmental and seismic qualification. 3.11 harsh environment:An environment resulting from a design basis event, i.e., loss-of-coolant accident(LOCA), high-energy line break (HELB), and main steam line break (MSLB). 3.12 interfaces: Physical attachments, mo

23、unting, auxiliary components, and connectors (electrical andmechanical) to the equipment at the equipment boundary.3.13 margin:The difference between service conditions and the conditions used for equipmentqualification.3.14 mild environment:An environment that would at no time be significantly more

24、 severe than the envi-ronment that would occur during normal plant operation, including anticipated operational occurrences.3The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the bibliography in Annex A.IEEEFOR NUCLEAR POWER GENERATING STATIONS Std 323-2003Copyright 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved.33.15

25、 qualified condition:The condition of equipment, prior to the start of a design basis event, for whichthe equipment was demonstrated to meet the design requirements for the specified service conditions.3.16 qualified life:The period of time, prior to the start of a design basis event, for which the

26、equipmentwas demonstrated to meet the design requirements for the specified service conditions.3.17 service conditions:Environmental, loading, power, and signal conditions expected as a result ofnormal operating requirements, expected extremes (abnormal) in operating requirements, and postulatedcond

27、itions appropriate for the design basis events of the station.3.18 service life:The time period from initial operation to removal from service.3.19 significant aging mechanism:An aging mechanism that, under normal and abnormal service condi-tions, causes degradation of equipment that progressively a

28、nd appreciably renders the equipment vulnerableto failure to perform its safety function(s) during the design basis event conditions.4. Principles of equipment qualification4.1 Qualification objectiveThe primary objective of qualification is to demonstrate with reasonable assurance that Class 1E equ

29、ipmentfor which a qualified life or condition has been established can perform its safety function(s) without experi-encing common-cause failures before, during, and after applicable design basis events. Class 1E equipment,with its interfaces, must meet or exceed the equipment specification requirem

30、ents. This continued capabilityis ensured through a program that includes, but is not limited to, design control, quality control, qualifica-tion, installation, maintenance, periodic testing, and surveillance. The focus of this standard is on qualifica-tion, although it affects the other parts of th

31、e program.For equipment located in a mild environment for meeting its functional requirements during normal environ-mental conditions and anticipated operational occurrences, the requirements shall be specified in the design/purchase specifications. A qualified life is not required for equipment loc

32、ated in a mild environment andwhich has no significant aging mechanisms. When seismic testing is used to qualify equipment located in amild environment, pre-aging prior to the seismic tests is required only where significant aging mechanismsexist (see A maintenance/surveillance program bas

33、ed on a vendors recommendations, which maybe supplemented with operating experience, should ensure that equipment meets the specified requirements.4.2 Qualified life and qualified condition Degradation with time followed by exposure to environmental extremes of temperature, pressure, humidity,radiat

34、ion, vibration and, if applicable, chemical spray and submergence resulting from a design basis eventcondition can precipitate common-cause failures of Class 1E equipment. For this reason, it is necessary toestablish a qualified life for equipment with significant aging mechanisms. The qualified lif

35、e determinationmust consider degradation of equipment capability prior to and during service. Inherent in establishing aqualified life is that a qualified condition is also established. This qualified condition is the state of degrada-tion for which successful performance during a subsequent design

36、basis event was demonstrated.4.3 Qualification elements The essential elements of equipment qualification include the following: a) Equipment specification including definition of the safety function(s) IEEEStd 323-2003 IEEE STANDARD FOR QUALIFYING CLASS 1E EQUIPMENT4Copyright 2004 IEEE. All rights

37、reserved.b) Acceptance criteria c) Description of the service conditions, including applicable design basis events and their duration d) Qualification program plan e) Implementation of the plan f) Documentation demonstrating successful qualification, including maintenance activities required tomaint

38、ain qualification. The equipment user is responsible for specifying performance requirementsand verifying that the documentation demonstrates that the requirements have been satisfied.4.4 Qualification documentation The result of a qualification program shall be documented to demonstrate the equipme

39、nts ability to performits safety function(s) during its qualified life and applicable design basis events. The documentation shallallow verification by competent personnel, other than the qualifier, that the equipment is qualified.5. Qualification methodsMethods for acquiring data in support of equi

40、pment qualification are listed in 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.1.3, and 5.1.4.Equipment is generally qualified by a combination of methods.5.1 Initial qualification 5.1.1 Type testing A type test subjects a representative sample of equipment, including interfaces, to a series of tests,simulating the effects of s

41、ignificant aging mechanisms during normal operation. The sample is subsequentlysubjected to design basis event testing that simulates and thereby establishes the tested configuration forinstalled equipment service, including mounting, orientation, interfaces, conduit sealing, and expectedenvironment

42、s. A successful type test demonstrates that the equipment can perform the intended safetyfunction(s) for the required operating time before, during, and/or following the design basis event, asappropriate.5.1.2 Operating experience Performance data from equipment of similar design that has successful

43、ly operated under known service con-ditions may be used in qualifying other equipment to equal or less severe conditions. Applicability of thisdata depends on the adequacy of documentation establishing past service conditions, equipment perfor-mance, and similarity against the equipment to be qualif

44、ied and upon which operating experience exists. Ademonstration of required operability during applicable design basis event(s) shall be included in equipmentqualification programs based on operating experience, when design basis event qualification is required. 5.1.3 Analysis Qualification by analys

45、is requires a logical assessment or a valid mathematical model of the equipment to bequalified. The bases for analysis typically include physical laws of nature, results of test data, operatingexperience, and condition indicators. Analysis of data and tests for material properties, equipment rating,

46、and environmental tolerance can be used to demonstrate qualification. However, analysis alone cannot beused to demonstrate qualification.IEEEFOR NUCLEAR POWER GENERATING STATIONS Std 323-2003Copyright 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved.55.1.4 Combined methods Equipment may be qualified by combinations o

47、f type test, operating experience, and analysis. For example,where type test of a complete assembly is not possible, component testing supplemented by analysis may beused.5.2 Extension of qualified life Initial environmental qualification may yield a qualified life that is less than the anticipated

48、service life ofthe equipment. For example, the qualified life may be limited due to the use of moderate aging accelerationfactors to achieve more realistic simulation of degradation in service during available testing time. Suchmoderate aging acceleration factors could result in the equipments condi

49、tion being excessively far from itsend-of-life condition. The methods for extension of the qualified life are as follows:a) Retain and continue aging the test sample from the initial program or begin aging a new samplewhile the qualified equipment is in service. Subsequent demonstration of equipment safety functionperformance during applicable design basis event(s) increases the qualified life by the additional lifesimulated.b) Install additional equipment in identical service conditions, remove before the end of the qualifiedlife of equipment in service, and type te

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