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1、武 汉 纺 织 大 学2017 年 招 收 硕 士 学 位 研 究 生 试 卷科目代码632科目名称跨文化交际考试时间2016年12月25日上午报考专业1、试题内容不得超过画线范围,试题必须打印,图表清晰,标注准确。2、试题之间不留空格。3、答案请写在答题纸上,在此试卷上答题无效。题号一二三四五六七八九十十一得分得分本试卷总分150分,考试时间3小时。一、TranslatetheFollowingFamousSayingsintoChinese(10x4=40)1、Azebra does not despise its stripes.2、Lack of communication has g

2、iven rise to differences in language, in thinking, insystems of belief and culture generally. These differences have made hostility amongsocieties endemic and seemingly eternal.3、In every conceivable manner, the family is a link to our past and a bridge to ourfuture.4、The particular human chain we a

3、re part of is central to our individual identity.5、Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Yourwords become your actions. Your actions become your habits.Your habits becomeyour values. Your values become your destiny.6、Language shapes the way we think,and determines what

4、we think about.7、There are times when silence has the loudest voice.8、If we spoke a different language, we would perceive a somewhat different world.9、Live together like brothers and do business like strangers.10、You will never know a man till you do business with him.共页第页共2页;第1页二、TranslatetheFollow

5、ingTermsintoChineseorEnglish(10x2=20)1、globalization 2、stereotyping3、cure-all 4、identity5、world-view 6、网络幻想身份7、偏见8、替罪羊9、种族主义10、民族中心主义*以下各题(含三、四、五)用中英文答题均可三、DefinetheFollowingTerms(4x5=20)1、extended family2、nonverbal communication3、co-culture4、culture shock四、SupplyBriefAnswerstotheFollowingQ uestions

6、(5x6=30)1、What are the obstacles in using cultural patterns?2、What are the dominant US cultural patterns?3、What is human nature orientation & nature orientation?4、What are the principles of communication?5、What are the language variations?五、CaseStudy(1x40=40)I have invited an American friend to my h

7、ome several times, and he invited me to hisone day. He told me to arrive at 3 pm. I thought we could chat and have a meal together. Igave him a Chinese calendar, a womans scarf and a bottle wine. He treated me with a dish ofnuts, bread and a bottle of wine. After two hours chat, I found there was no hint of a mealand I said good-bye to him. He gave me a box of chocolate. After I got home, I found the boxhad already been opened. I was very surprised.Expain why I was surprised in no less than 300 words from the perspective ofintercultural communication.共2页;第2页


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