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1、2016 年对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士英语真题试卷及答案解析(总分:102.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Vocabulary(总题数:20,分数:40.00)1.Chinese officials and scholars argued that the United States abuses its monetary freedom and passes on the costs to the rest of the world in the form of currency_and financial instability.(分数:2.00)A.appropriationB.defl

2、ationC.depreciationD.deposition2.Despite some dire predictions at the weekend, financial markets have been remarkably _ in the face of the Paris attacks, which may just cause a short-term disruption to economic life.(分数:2.00)A.negativeB.sanguineC.pessimisticD.optimum3.Online sales have reached such

3、a point that it really has _ any need for stores _ on Thanksgiving.(分数:2.00)A.frustrated; closingB.supplemented; to closeC.supported; to openD.negated; to be open4.The wearables market is still_, with only three percent of the U. S. population aged 16 and up owning a smartwatch or a smartband.(分数:2.

4、00)A.in its infancyB.infantC.infantileD.infantry5.In less than four months, 1,700 asylum seekers, _civil wars, dire economic conditions and systematic repression, have perished in the sea.(分数:2.00)A.fledB.fleeingC.fled fromD.fleeing to6.The immorality of a limited number of senior citizens has broke

5、n social trust and forced many to turn a blind eye to the suffering of aged people_being blackmailed.(分数:2.00)A.in regard toB.in caseC.in terms ofD.for fear of7.Banks in Italy fared better during the financial crisis than many of their peers, _Italian taxpayers the bailouts their counterparts in oth

6、er countries had to shoulder.(分数:2.00)A.allowingB.sparingC.depending onD.preventing8.No one was in immediate danger, but closure of the park and evacuation was a_measure.(分数:2.00)A.precautionB.precautiousC.precautionaryD.conscious9.Developing countries where the costs of labor and raw materials are

7、low will continue to _ the advanced nations in the production not only of basic industrial goods, but relatively sophisticated products, ranging from consumer electronics to automobiles.(分数:2.00)A.have a competitive advantage overB.take advantage ofC.avail themselves ofD.make full use of10.JPMorgan

8、then followed up with a letter seeking assurances that all transfers were done _applicable rules and regulations.(分数:2.00)A.in accordance toB.with accordance toC.with according toD.in accordance with11.Whatever the _thinks of Turkeys actions, it cannot distance itself from its _without jeopardizing

9、the integrity of its obligations.(分数:2.00)A.ally; allianceB.alliance; allyC.ally; alliancesD.alliance; allies12.Children of parents working _schedules or outside standard daytime working hours are likely to have lower cognitive skills and more behavioral problems.(分数:2.00)A.unprecedentedB.unprofitab

10、leC.unproductiveD.unpredictable13.Courts are overflowing with lawsuits over whether companies have misclassified “employees“ as “independent contractors“, resulting in a _of criteria and definitions.(分数:2.00)A.profusionB.probationC.profferD.prohibition14.Though there are eight million blacks living

11、in Europe, there is little debate about the _of people of color, who have lived and worked here for generations yet rarely attain positions of power.(分数:2.00)A.underachievementB.underdevelopmentC.understatementD.underrepresentation15._it may seem, gun ownership is declining over all in the United St

12、ates nearly a third of American households having an adult with a gun, which is down from nearly half of households in 1973.(分数:2.00)A.Surprising thoughB.Surprisingly asC.Surprise althoughD.Surprisingly as though16.When Greece faced_, Germany helped mobilize emergency_, even though the European Unio

13、n treaty explicitly forbids bailouts.(分数:2.00)A.debt; paymentB.default; loansC.loans; interestsD.crisis; aids17.Jobs in traditionally masculine sectors are in steady decline, and as girls outscore boys in the classroom and women outnumber men in American colleges, men face poorer_in employment, in w

14、ages and even in efforts to form relationships.(分数:2.00)A.perspectivesB.perceptionsC.prospectsD.perplexities18.America is a sticky economic superpower whose capacity to influence the world economy will linger and even strengthen in some respects, _its economic weight in the world is declining.(分数:2.

15、00)A.in spiteB.except forC.as thoughD.even though19.Americas _of the commanding heights of global finance and the world monetary system has risen.(分数:2.00)A.prevalenceB.predominantC.dominanceD.dominate20.The euro-zone crisis has transitioned from an_phase to a_one. At just this moment the fear that

16、market panic might one or several economies out of the single currency is low.(分数:2.00)A.acute; chronicB.alert; silentC.anxious; sensitiveD.urgent; prolong二、Reading Comprehensio(总题数:4,分数:40.00)Liverpool city council want to clear the city of fat pigeons. They say that people are feeding the birds, w

17、hich makes them fat. The pigeons get bigger because their normal diet would consist of seeds and insects, not high-fat junk food they are eating in the city centre. The council want people to know that everyone who feeds the pigeons is responsible for the streets being so crowded with these birds. T

18、hey hope to encourage the birds to move away from the city centre and into parks and open spaces. Ten robotic birds have been brought into the city centre to scare the pigeons away and visitors are asked not to give the pigeons any food. The mechanical birds known as “robops“ will sit on the roofs o

19、f buildings. They can be moved around to different locations. They look like a peregrine falcon, which is a bird that kills pigeons. They even make noises and flap their wings to scare the pigeons. They hope that the pigeons will go away before the city becomes the European Capital of Culture in two

20、 years.(分数:10.00)(1).Pigeons in Liverpool get fat because they eat seeds and insects.(分数:2.00)A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Mentioned(2).According to the council, everyone is to blame for the numbers of pigeons.(分数:2.00)A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Mentioned(3).They want the pigeons to move out of the city centre.(分数:2.

21、00)A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Mentioned(4).The robotic birds can move around the city centre.(分数:2.00)A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Mentioned(5).Liverpool is the European Capital of Culture.(分数:2.00)A.TrueB.FalseC.Not MentionedChina is losing ground to other emerging markets including Brazil in the drive to learn Engl

22、ish, according to a study ranking worldwide proficiency in the international language of commerce. English proficiency is at a premium as the balance of power between China and English-speaking countries such as the UK and US shifts and Beijing seeks to carve out a more powerful leadership role on t

23、he world stage. On last months state visit to the UK, first lady Peng Liyuan impressed with her fluent English although her husband, Xi Jinping, depended upon translators. Despite this, some regional governments in China have recently opted to cut the time spent teaching and testing English in Chine

24、se public high schools, lowering the weighting of English in the national university entrance exam, the gaokao. The study, due for public release on Tuesday, shows China fell 10 places to 47th in a ranking of 70 countries compiled by EF Education First, which based its rankings on test data from mor

25、e than 900, 000 adults sitting online tests. EF said most of the countries that moved ahead of China this year were from Latin America. “These Latin American countries have kicked off ambitious national initiatives focused on English-language training, including Brazils English Without Borders progr

26、amme and Mexicos Project 100, 000,“ EF said in a statement. “The Chinese government, on the other hand, has questioned how much emphasis should be placed on English training in the public education system. The education group said China had initially scaled the top ranks by devoting plenty of class

27、time to English instruction, whereas continued improvement would require “more sophisticated approaches focused on communicative mastery rather than testing abilities“ . But some would-be students are also querying the value of studying overseas, hitherto a popular choice. Employees bearing postgrad

28、uate degrees from overseas command similar salaries to their peers who stayed home, according to Jennifer Feng, chief human resources expert at 51 job, the leading Chinese employment agency. That may explain the slowdown in growth of the number of Chinese enrolled in US higher education. Last year t

29、he expansion in their numbers was the slowest in seven years, according to the Institute of International Education and the US state department. China remains the biggest country of origin for international students at US universities. The US Council of Graduate Schools said late last year that the

30、number of Chinese first-time enrolments at postgraduate level had fallen for the first time in at least a decade.(分数:10.00)(1).Which developing country followed Brazil on the list?(分数:2.00)A.RussiaB.IndiaC.ChinaD.Thailand(2).Which of the following statements is Correct?(分数:2.00)A.Peng Liyuan is not

31、good at English.B.Peng Liyuans oral English is good.C.Peng Liyuans husband is good at oral English.D.Peng Liyuans husband did not depend upon translators.(3).Chinese government should pay more attention to_on English training.(分数:2.00)A.learning time at schoolB.exchange student programC.public educa

32、tion systemD.weighting of English in gaokao(4).Why are some people questioning about THOSE studying overseas?(分数:2.00)A.Because they get similar salaries to their peers studying domestically.B.Because they make no improvement in English.C.Because they move too far away from their hometown.D.Because

33、they spend more time on study than those studying domestically.(5).What constitutes the best title for this passage?(分数:2.00)A.Studying domestically is a good choiceB.Studying overseas is a good choiceC.The level of English proficiency in China is rising rapidlyD.China cedes ground to Brazil in Engl

34、ish proficiency rankingsThe following passage has five paragraphs I V. Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below. Note there are more headings than paragraphs, so you will not use them all. Write the correct number A E on the answer sheet (10 points, 2 points each

35、)List of HeadingsA Guess the invention and checkB Make your own inventionsC Sell the inventionD Inventions presentationsE Inventions for and against【R1】Paragraph I_【R2】Paragraph II_【R3】Paragraph _【R4】Paragraph V_【R5】Paragraph VI_Paragraph I The most fun and speaking-intensive way of tackling inventi

36、ons is for students to make up their own in pairs or small groups and then present them to the class or try to sell them to their partner ( see below for details of those later stages) . You can add language and help give them ideas by giving them: -objects that they should invent replacements for -

37、actions that they could make their invention do -words they could use to describe their invention (materials, shape, types of power, actions, positive adjectives, etc)Paragraph II Either with their own inventions or ones they have been given (pictures and/ or descriptions), students roleplay trying

38、to sell them to each other. This can be made more involved and fun by giving them roleplay cards such as “You are very conservative and dont like anything new“ , “The last thing that this sales representative sold to you was quickly discontinued“ and “Price is the most important thing to you“ .Parag

39、raph As in real life, presenting inventions makes a lot of sense. This can be their own inventions, real inventions (including from the past or near future), or science fiction inventions. People listening can ask questions , argue that it wont be a good idea or work, or just vote at the end on who

40、has the best idea (apart from their own).Paragraph IV Students read or listen to descriptions, perhaps from their classmate or teacher, and guess what invention is being talked about.Paragraph V Inventions is perhaps the best of all topics to do the TEFL classic of guessing things from the photo and

41、 then reading to check. This works best with very old inventions, prototypes of things coming up or inventions in science fiction that dont exist yet.Paragraph VI It can be quite amusing and a good test of their argumentative powers to get students to argue that inventions have made or are likely to

42、 make life worse, e. g. that the computer has made working life more intolerable. It is also possible to find articles and blog posts on this topic by searching the internet for topics such as “How mobile phones have made life worse“. Its quite difficult to come up with opinions on inventions, so to

43、 make debates work it is generally a good idea to give them roles like “You distrust all technology“ and “You work for the health and safety inspectorate“.(分数:10.00)(1).【R1】(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.E.(2).【R2】(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.E.(3).【R3】(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.E.(4).【R4】(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.E.(5).【R5】(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.E.

44、Uber is focusing more funds and firepower on beating local competition in China, with the tax-booking app confirming it has raised $ 1. 2bn in a round that included investment from Chinese search engine Baidu. The San Francisco start-up, which has been valued at $ 50bn, raised the additional funding

45、 for Uber China shortly after it was reported that local rival Didi Kuaidi had raked in $ 3bn in a recent cash call. The fundraising gives Uber China, which is a separate company, a $7bn pre-money valuation, according to a person familiar with the matter.【R6】_. Uber confirmed the investment, first r

46、eported in an interview with Travis Kalanick, chief executive, on Chinese website Sina.【R7】_ Uber has dominated the taxi-booking app market in hundreds of cities globally and is expanding beyond ferrying people into also delivering packages. 【R8】_, where many US internet companies, including Google

47、and Amazon, have stumbled. Didi Kuaidi, formed from a merger between Didi Dauche and Kuaidi Dauche this year, raised $ 2bn at a valuation of about $ 15bn in July. But the round has not closed and may increase. 【R9】_Uber says it has about 50 per cent of the taxi-booking market, but Didi Kuaidi says i

48、t has 80 per cent.【R10】_by subsidizing trips, with Uber saying it will spend $ 1 bn in China this year. Uber had suggested that Uber China could eventually be spun off with its own initial public offering in the country. Mr Kalanick said the San Francisco-based start-up could take investment from a

49、Chinese “national brand“. Choose the following sentences marked A to E to complete the above article. Mark your answers on the answer sheet.A But it has not yet won the battle for the Chinese marketB The round has not closed and could raise hundreds of millions more dollarsC It is hard to tell exactly how the Chinese market is dividedD Both sides are using their large fundr


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