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1、翻译硕士英语学位 MTI 考试-16 及答案解析(总分:99.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Multiple choice(总题数:30,分数:90.00)1.APEC (分数:3.00)_2.ASEAN (分数:3.00)_3.CFO(Chief Financial Officer)财务 (分数:3.00)_4.CPI (分数:3.00)_5.ENS (分数:3.00)_6.FBI (分数:3.00)_7.GPS (分数:3.00)_8.IPO (分数:3.00)_9.NATO (分数:3.00)_10.International Monetary Fund (分数:3.00)_11.mo

2、st favored nations (分数:3.00)_12.Intellectual Property Rights (分数:3.00)_13.Certified Public Accountant (分数:3.00)_14.European Free Trade Association (分数:3.00)_15.International Atomic Energy Agency (分数:3.00)_16.按揭货款 (分数:3.00)_17.保健食品 (分数:3.00)_18.保税区 (分数:3.00)_19.不正之风 (分数:3.00)_20.春运 (分数:3.00)_21.第三产业

3、(分数:3.00)_22.法治国家 (分数:3.00)_23.国际惯例 (分数:3.00)_24.货到付款 (分数:3.00)_25.亏损企业 (分数:3.00)_26.减员增效 (分数:3.00)_27.联合兼并 (分数:3.00)_28.留职停薪 (分数:3.00)_29.特别提款权 (分数:3.00)_30.市场准入 (分数:3.00)_二、Part Translation(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Source Text 1(总题数:1,分数:-1.00)31.A physician starCs playing a harsh mental tape in her head e

4、very time a new patient calls: What if I make the wrong diagnosis? I“m a terrible doctor. Haw did I get into medical school? An executive loses his jab despite 25 productive years, he tells himself: I“m a loser. I can“t provide far my family, and I“ll never be able to do it again. If these real-life

5、 examples sound familiar, you may have a caustic commentary running in your head, too. Psychologists say many of their patients are plagued by a harsh Inner Critic-including some extremely successful people who think it“s the secret to their success. An Inner Critic can indeed raust you out of bed i

6、n the morning, get you an the treadmill (literally and figuratively) and spur you to finish that book or symphony or invention. But the desire to achieve can get hijacked by harsh judgment and unrelenting fear. Unrelenting self-criticism often goes hand in hand with anxiety, and it may even predict

7、depression. Self-criticism is also a factor in eating disorders, and body disorderthat is, preoccupation with one“s perceived physical flaws. Many people“s Inner Critic makes an appearance early in life and is such a constant companion that it“s part of their personality. Psychologists say that chil

8、dren, parCicularly those with a genetic predisposition to depression, may internalize and exaggerate the expectations of parents or peers or socIety one theory is that selt-criticism is anger turned lnward, when sufferers are filled wlth hostllIty but too atraid and lnsecure to let it out. Other the

9、ories hoId that people who scoId themseIves are acting out guilt or shame or subconsciousIy shieIding themseIves against criticism from others: Y0u can“t tell me anything l don“t aIready tell myself, even in harsher terms. Techniques from cognitive behavioraI therapy can be heIpfuIin changing patter

10、ns of thought that have become painful. There are many patients, such as doctors, lawyerswho beIieved that if they didn“t flog themseIves, they wouldn“t be successful. And part of psychologists“work is to break through that belief by telling the patients that they usuaIIy succeed in spite of their i

11、nner Critics, not because of them(360 words) Key words depression 抑郁症 cognitive behavioral therapy 认知行为疗法 (分数:-1.00)_四、Source Text 2(总题数:1,分数:10.00)32.农业是多哈谈判的核心。发达国家和发展中国家都面临压力,但富国和穷国的压力是不同的。在全球26 亿农民中,发展中国家有 25 亿,而且大多数处在贫困状态。即使发展中国家有雄心、有诚意去推进贸易自由化,也不能不顾及几千万甚至几亿农民的基本生计。如果让那些已处于贫困线上的农民遭受更大的冲击,将引发灾难,

12、届时发达国家也不得安宁。因此,应立即给予最不发达国家免关税、免配额的待遇,应该给予发展中国家“特殊产品”和“特殊保障机制”的待遇。 在推动世界贸易自由化的过程中,关键是要照顾大多数,要让广大发展中成员能跟上前进的步伐。因此,要给予所有发展中成员特殊和差别待遇,并力争在香港会议期间就棉花等问题作为阶段性成果达成共识。让发展中成员“早期收获”,获得看得见、摸得着的好处,才能增强多数成员对多哈谈判的信心。(344 words) (分数:10.00)_翻译硕士英语学位 MTI 考试-16 答案解析(总分:99.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Multiple choice(总题数:30,分数:90.0

13、0)1.APEC (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:亚太经贸合作组织2.ASEAN (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:东南亚国家联盟3.CFO(Chief Financial Officer)财务 (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:首席财务官4.CPI (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:消费价格指数5.ENS (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:邮政特快专递6.FBI (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:联邦调查局7.GPS (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:全球定位系统8.IPO (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:首次公开募股9.NATO (分数:

14、3.00)_正确答案:()解析:北大西洋公约组织10.International Monetary Fund (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:国际货币基金组织11.most favored nations (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:最惠国12.Intellectual Property Rights (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:知识产权13.Certified Public Accountant (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:注册会计师14.European Free Trade Association (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:欧州自

15、由贸易联盟15.International Atomic Energy Agency (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:国际原子能机构16.按揭货款 (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:mortgage loan17.保健食品 (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:heaIthcare food18.保税区 (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:the bonded zone19.不正之风 (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:bad(harmful) practice; unhealthy tendency20.春运 (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:(passenge

16、r)transport during the Spring Festival21.第三产业 (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:tertiary industry; service sector22.法治国家 (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:a state with an adequate legal system23.国际惯例 (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:international common practice24.货到付款 (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:cash on delivery25.亏损企业 (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:enterpr

17、ises running in the red/under deficit26.减员增效 (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:downsizing for efficiency; cut payroll to improve efficiency27.联合兼并 (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:conglomeration and merger of enterprises28.留职停薪 (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:retain the jOb but suspend the salary29.特别提款权 (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:special drawi

18、ng rights(SDR; SDRs)30.市场准入 (分数:3.00)_正确答案:()解析:market access二、Part Translation(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Source Text 1(总题数:1,分数:-1.00)31.A physician starCs playing a harsh mental tape in her head every time a new patient calls: What if I make the wrong diagnosis? I“m a terrible doctor. Haw did I get into med

19、ical school? An executive loses his jab despite 25 productive years, he tells himself: I“m a loser. I can“t provide far my family, and I“ll never be able to do it again. If these real-life examples sound familiar, you may have a caustic commentary running in your head, too. Psychologists say many of

20、 their patients are plagued by a harsh Inner Critic-including some extremely successful people who think it“s the secret to their success. An Inner Critic can indeed raust you out of bed in the morning, get you an the treadmill (literally and figuratively) and spur you to finish that book or symphon

21、y or invention. But the desire to achieve can get hijacked by harsh judgment and unrelenting fear. Unrelenting self-criticism often goes hand in hand with anxiety, and it may even predict depression. Self-criticism is also a factor in eating disorders, and body disorderthat is, preoccupation with on

22、e“s perceived physical flaws. Many people“s Inner Critic makes an appearance early in life and is such a constant companion that it“s part of their personality. Psychologists say that children, parCicularly those with a genetic predisposition to depression, may internalize and exaggerate the expecta

23、tions of parents or peers or socIety one theory is that selt-criticism is anger turned lnward, when sufferers are filled wlth hostllIty but too atraid and lnsecure to let it out. Other theories hoId that people who scoId themseIves are acting out guilt or shame or subconsciousIy shieIding themseIves

24、 against criticism from others: Y0u can“t tell me anything l don“t aIready tell myself, even in harsher terms. Techniques from cognitive behavioraI therapy can be heIpfuIin changing patterns of thought that have become painful. There are many patients, such as doctors, lawyerswho beIieved that if th

25、ey didn“t flog themseIves, they wouldn“t be successful. And part of psychologists“work is to break through that belief by telling the patients that they usuaIIy succeed in spite of their inner Critics, not because of them(360 words) Key words depression 抑郁症 cognitive behavioral therapy 认知行为疗法 (分数:-1

26、.00)_正确答案:()解析:一位内科医生每次给新病人看病时脑子里就会响起一个刺耳的声音:我要是诊断错了该怎么办?我是个蹩脚的医生。当初我是怎么混进医学院的?一位高管失业了,虽然此前有过 25 年的辉煌职业生涯,他还是不断地告诉自己:我是个失败者。我没法赡养家人,以后也都不能够了。如果这些真实的事例对你来说非常地熟悉,那么你的头脑里可能也有那么一个严厉的声音在回荡。心理学家称,很多病人都备受苛刻的自我怀疑的折磨一包括一些非常成功的人士,他们认为这正是自己成功的秘诀。 自我怀疑的确能在清晨把你从床上唤起,敦促你快马加鞭地干活,尽快去完成手头那本书、那支曲子或是那项发明。不过对于成功的渴求也许会为

27、严苛的评判及无休止的恐惧所阻挠。无休止的自我批评通常会带来焦虑,甚至会导致抑郁症。自我批评也会导致进食失调、身体机能紊乱,即总是想象自己的身体有缺陷。很多人在幼年时期便有了自我怀疑的倾向,之后这个声音便常伴他们左右,成了他们性格的一个部分。心理学家称,儿童,尤其是那些先天易患抑郁症的儿童,可能会内化并夸大父母、同辈或社会对自己的期望。有一个说法认为,自我批评其实就是冲自身发泄怒气,这类人内心充满了敌对情绪,但是太过忧虑、太没有安全感,不敢把这种情绪发泄出来。还有一些说法则认为,那些责备自己的人是在表达自己的负罪感 或羞辱感,或者是下意识里保护自己免遭他人的责备:你不能再来责备我了,我自己已经责

28、备:你不能再来责备我了,我自己已经责备过自己了,用的词比我还要严厉呢。各种认知行为疗法有助于改变给人带来痛苦的思维模式。经常有一医生、律师类的病人,他们相信如果他们对自己没有那么苛刻,就不会有现在的成功。心理学家的部分工作内容就是打破那种成见,并告诉他们很多时候他们是因为突破自责获得了成功,而并不是因为自责而成功的。四、Source Text 2(总题数:1,分数:10.00)32.农业是多哈谈判的核心。发达国家和发展中国家都面临压力,但富国和穷国的压力是不同的。在全球26 亿农民中,发展中国家有 25 亿,而且大多数处在贫困状态。即使发展中国家有雄心、有诚意去推进贸易自由化,也不能不顾及几千

29、万甚至几亿农民的基本生计。如果让那些已处于贫困线上的农民遭受更大的冲击,将引发灾难,届时发达国家也不得安宁。因此,应立即给予最不发达国家免关税、免配额的待遇,应该给予发展中国家“特殊产品”和“特殊保障机制”的待遇。 在推动世界贸易自由化的过程中,关键是要照顾大多数,要让广大发展中成员能跟上前进的步伐。因此,要给予所有发展中成员特殊和差别待遇,并力争在香港会议期间就棉花等问题作为阶段性成果达成共识。让发展中成员“早期收获”,获得看得见、摸得着的好处,才能增强多数成员对多哈谈判的信心。(344 words) (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:Agriculture is the cente

30、rpiece of the Doha Round negotiations. Although both developed and developing countries are faced with pressures, the nature of their difficulties is very different. Of the 2.6 billion farming population in the world, 2.5 billion reside in the developing countries, and the majority of them are living below poverty lines. Even if some developing countries were willing to embark on the road of trade liberalization, they would have to take into account the basic livelihood of millions or even billions of their farmers. To expose those poor farmers to further external shocks could tri


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