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1、考博英语-67 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Vocabulary(总题数:40,分数:100.00)1.Because of her dual nationality in the United States and Mexico, Maria was almost required to pay taxes in both countries until her accountant _ with a satisfactory solution for both countries.(分数:2.50)A.interceptedB.interactedC.inte

2、rpretedD.intervened2._ was given by the committee to all of those who donated money.(分数:2.50)A.RecognitionB.AttentionC.TributeD.Acknowledgement3.Most of the waiters are _ in their work because the owner of the restaurant does not pay them on time.(分数:2.50)A.rackB.tackC.slackD.stack4.It was their _ d

3、ecision to leave their country, and as a result, they lost their citizenship.(分数:2.50)A.compulsoryB.deliberateC.carefreeD.modest5.She _ scarlet fever when she was a baby and lost her eyesight.(分数:2.50)A.distortedB.contractedC.subtractedD.distracted6.She is _ to sprain her ankle because it is weak fr

4、om 3 previous pains.(分数:2.50)A.proneB.disposedC.boundD.destined7.Little boys seem to enjoy _ train sets more than little girls.(分数:2.50)A.captureB.departureC.fixtureD.miniature8.Many skiers _ around the fire and drink hot chocolate in the evenings.(分数:2.50)A.padB.packC.squeezeD.cluster9.A stateless

5、young man may have felt _ after having been denied asylum and right of residence by many countries.(分数:2.50)A.intriguedB.initiatedC.indicatedD.intimidated10.The doctor“s _ is that she“ll soon be as good as new if she takes insulin and watches her diet.(分数:2.50)A.agnosticismB.anticipationC.diagnosisD

6、.prognosis11._ springs not out of true and deep admiration, but more often out of a self-seeking wish to identify with someone important or famous.(分数:2.50)A.A complimentB.An adulatoryC.FlatteryD.Praise12.Leaving for work in plenty of time to catch the train will _ worry about being late.(分数:2.50)A.

7、rule offB.preventC.avoidD.obviate13.People suffering from _ prefer to stay shut in their homes and become panic-stricken in large public buildings and open fields.(分数:2.50)A.acrophobiaB.agoraphobiaC.claustrophobiaD.xenophobia14.All normal human beings are _ at least to a degreethey get a feeling of

8、warmth and kinship from engaging in group activities.(分数:2.50)A.segregatedB.congregationalC.gregariousD.egregious15.He is _ drinker, who has been imbibing for so long that he has figuratively speaking, grown old with the vice.(分数:2.50)A.an inveterateB.an incorrigibleC.a chronicD.an unconscionable16.

9、We listened dumb-struck, full of _, to the shocking details of the corruption of the president of the company.(分数:2.50)A.incredulityB.ingenuityC.ingenuousnessD.incredibility17.Too much _ can possibly lead to unhappiness, even to thoughts of suicide as few people have the courage to analyze themselve

10、s objectively and minutely.(分数:2.50)A.retrospectB.introspectionC.perspicacityD.perspicuity18.He could hardly _ his temper when he saw the state of his office.(分数:2.50)A.hold inB.hold upC.hold offD.hold out19.The statesman was evidently _ the journalist“s questions and glared at him for a few seconds

11、.(分数:2.50)A.put downB.put outC.put acrossD.put away20.He seemed reluctant to send his troops in an effort to discourage the _ peasants.(分数:2.50)A.animatedB.rebelliousC.creasedD.impassive21.The company will _ to its agreement, no matter how cosily the process may be.(分数:2.50)A.retainB.alterC.abandonD

12、.adhere22.The drug store at the corner of our street sells aspirins and _ penicillin prescriptions.(分数:2.50)A.dispensesB.disposesC.dispersesD.dispatches23.The houses in this area were all erected in _ of housing regulations.(分数:2.50)A.complianceB.defianceC.allianceD.obedience24.He had wanted a 25% r

13、aise in pay, but after talking to his boss, he decided that a 5% raise would have to _.(分数:2.50)A.sufficeB.satisfyC.gratifyD.delight25.The two delegates had an in-depth exchange of views on how to enhance their _ cooperation.(分数:2.50)A.ethicalB.bilateralC.mandatoryD.subsidiary26.It is agreed that al

14、l nations should take measures against terrorism on the basis of the UN _ and other international laws.(分数:2.50)A.CharterB.ConstitutionC.ConcordanceD.Custody27.When we credit the successful people with intelligence, physical strength or good luck, we are making excuses for ourselves because we fall

15、_ in all three.(分数:2.50)A.rareB.lackingC.shortD.scarce28.Three weeks after the suicide bombing, the police were still hunting for bombers for they believe more were _.(分数:2.50)A.on the vergeB.on the slyC.on the spotD.on the loose29.The two newspapers gave different _ of what happened.(分数:2.50)A.vers

16、ionsB.editionsC.productionsD.texts30.Some people think it“s _ to smoke with a cigarette holder.(分数:2.50)A.flexibleB.sophisticatedC.versatileD.productive31.The degree of economic growth is an _ of the level of living.(分数:2.50)A.indexB.advantageC.accessD.aspect32.I want to talk about all these points

17、in _ order of importance.(分数:2.50)A.decliningB.descendingC.plungingD.falling33.Efforts to reach the injured men have been _ because of a sudden deterioration in weather conditions.(分数:2.50)A.enforcedB.intensifiedC.confirmedD.strengthened34.I don“t understand why people _ such a beautiful garden with

18、 cans and bottles.(分数:2.50)A.locatedB.providedC.protectedD.littered35.I“ve never _ the theory that people are more important than animals.(分数:2.50)A.subscribed toB.hung onC.engaged inD.indulged in36.He reminded me of what I should have forgotten. _(分数:2.50)A.moreoverB.otherwiseC.neverthelessD.notwit

19、hstanding37.City officials are considering building a path to give the public _ to the site.(分数:2.50)A.recreationB.excessC.excursionD.access38.President Bush“s visit was planned to _ 30th anniversary of President Nixon“ s visit to China.(分数:2.50)A.depend onB.adhere toC.coincide withD.cling to39.The

20、people for the experiment were chosen completely _.(分数:2.50)A.at lengthB.in essenceC.at randomD.in bulk40.You were _ by your absence yesterday.(分数:2.50)A.mercifulB.conscientiousC.conspicuousD.impartial考博英语-67 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Vocabulary(总题数:40,分数:100.00)1.Because of her dual nationality i

21、n the United States and Mexico, Maria was almost required to pay taxes in both countries until her accountant _ with a satisfactory solution for both countries.(分数:2.50)A.interceptedB.interactedC.interpretedD.intervened 解析:解析 本题中,D 项“intervened 插入,干预”符合题意,如:I shall leave on Sunday if nothing interve

22、nes. (如果没有别的事,我星期天动身)。其他三项“intercepted 截取”,“interacted相互作用”,“interpreted 翻译,解释”都不正确。所以,本题选 D。2._ was given by the committee to all of those who donated money.(分数:2.50)A.RecognitionB.AttentionC.TributeD.Acknowledgement 解析:解析 本题空格处是说委员会表示感谢。D 项“Acknowledgement 感谢”符合题意。其他三项“Recognition承认”,“Attention 注意

23、”,“Tribute 礼物”都不正确。所以,本题选 D。3.Most of the waiters are _ in their work because the owner of the restaurant does not pay them on time.(分数:2.50)A.rackB.tackC.slack D.stack解析:解析 本题空格处是说多数的侍者在松松散散地工作。C 项“slack 松散的,疏忽的”符合题意,如:She was shocked at the slack discipline in the school(对于学校松弛的纪律她感到震惊)。其他三项“rack

24、行李架”,“tack 大头针”,“stack 一堆”都不正确。所以,本题选 C。4.It was their _ decision to leave their country, and as a result, they lost their citizenship.(分数:2.50)A.compulsoryB.deliberate C.carefreeD.modest解析:解析 本题空格处是说离开他们的国家是他们深思熟虑的决定。B 项“deliberate 深思熟虑的”符合题意,如:taking deliberate action(采取谨慎的行动)。其他三项“compulsory 义务的”

25、,“carefree欠考虑的”,“modest 谦虚的”都不正确。所以,本题选 B。5.She _ scarlet fever when she was a baby and lost her eyesight.(分数:2.50)A.distortedB.contracted C.subtractedD.distracted解析:解析 本题空格处是说当她还是个婴儿时就感染上了猩红热。B 项“contracted 感染”符合题意。其他三项“distorted 使扭曲”,“subtracted 减去”,“distracted 使分心”都不正确。6.She is _ to sprain her an

26、kle because it is weak from 3 previous pains.(分数:2.50)A.prone B.disposedC.boundD.destined解析:解析 本题空格处是说她易于扭伤脚踝。A 项“prone 易于”符合题意,如:children who are prone to mischief. (孩子们很容易淘气)。其他三项“disposed 有倾向的”,“bound 一定要”,“destined 注定”都不正确。7.Little boys seem to enjoy _ train sets more than little girls.(分数:2.50)

27、A.captureB.departureC.fixtureD.miniature 解析:解析 本题是说小男孩看上去比小女孩更喜欢小型的火车装置。D 项“miniature 缩小的”符合题意。其他三项“capture 捕获”,“departure 出发”,“fixture 固定设备”都不正确。8.Many skiers _ around the fire and drink hot chocolate in the evenings.(分数:2.50)A.padB.packC.squeezeD.cluster 解析:解析 本题空格处是说许多滑雪者成群地围在火堆边。D 项“cluster 丛生,成

28、群”符合题意,如:The boys and girls clustered together round the camp fire telling stories and singing songs. (孩子们成群地围着营火堆讲着故事唱着歌)。其他三项“pad 加上垫衬”,“pack 包装”,“squeeze 压榨”都不正确。9.A stateless young man may have felt _ after having been denied asylum and right of residence by many countries.(分数:2.50)A.intriguedB.

29、initiatedC.indicatedD.intimidated 解析:解析 本题空格处是说一个无国籍的年轻人会感到威胁。D 项“intimidated 胁迫”符合题意,如:He said he would never be intimidated by big names and authorities(他说他决不会被名人、权威所吓倒)。其他三项“intrigued 激起兴趣”,“initiated 开始”,“indicated 指出,象征”都不正确。10.The doctor“s _ is that she“ll soon be as good as new if she takes i

30、nsulin and watches her diet.(分数:2.50)A.agnosticismB.anticipationC.diagnosisD.prognosis 解析:解析 本题空格处意为“医生预断她将很快好起来”。prognosis 意为“(对病情的)预断”,符合句意。其他三项“agnosticism 不可知论”,“anticipation 预期,预料”,“diagnosis 诊断”都不正确。11._ springs not out of true and deep admiration, but more often out of a self-seeking wish to

31、identify with someone important or famous.(分数:2.50)A.A complimentB.An adulatoryC.Flattery D.Praise解析:解析 本句的意思是“奉承话并非出自真诚的、深刻的仰慕,更多情况下是出自一种利己主义的期望,期望自己被某个重要人物或名人认同”。flattery 意为“奉承话,谄媚的举动”,是贬义词。如:He is above flattery(他讨厌别人向他谄媚)。“compliment 称赞,褒扬,褒义词”,“adulatory 谄媚的,吹捧的”,“praise 赞扬,歌颂”都与句意不符,因此只有 C项为正确

32、答案。12.Leaving for work in plenty of time to catch the train will _ worry about being late.(分数:2.50)A.rule offB.preventC.avoidD.obviate 解析:解析 本句空格处意为“消除对迟到的担忧”。obviate 意为“消除、排除(危险、障碍、担忧等)”;rule off意为“画线隔开”;prevent 意为“防止,预防”;avoid 意为“避免”。四个选项中只有 D项符合句意。13.People suffering from _ prefer to stay shut in

33、 their homes and become panic-stricken in large public buildings and open fields.(分数:2.50)A.acrophobiaB.agoraphobia C.claustrophobiaD.xenophobia解析:解析 本句的意思是“患的人宁愿呆在家里,因为在空旷的公共场所或室外会使他们感觉无比的痛苦”。根据句意,“agoraphobia 空旷恐怖症”是正确答案。其他三项“claustrophobia 幽闭恐怖症”,“acrophobia 恐高症”,“xenophobia 仇外症”都不正确。14.All norma

34、l human beings are _ at least to a degreethey get a feeling of warmth and kinship from engaging in group activities.(分数:2.50)A.segregatedB.congregationalC.gregarious D.egregious解析:解析 本句空格处意为“通常人们群居在一起”。gregarious 意为“社交的,群居的”,如:gregarious bird species(群居的鸟类)。其他三项“segregated 被隔离开的”,“congregational 公众的

35、”,“egregious 异乎寻常的,惊人的”都与句意不符。因此正确答案为 C。15.He is _ drinker, who has been imbibing for so long that he has figuratively speaking, grown old with the vice.(分数:2.50)A.an inveterateB.an incorrigible C.a chronicD.an unconscionable解析:解析 本句的意思是“他是个无药可救的酒鬼,酒龄这么长,以致他都形象地说他将和恶习一起变老”。incorrigible 意为“无药可救的”,如:a

36、n incorrigible criminal(一个不可挽救的罪犯)。其他三项“inveterate 成癖好的”,“chronic 慢性的”,“unconscionable 不合理的,过度的”都与句意不符。16.We listened dumb-struck, full of _, to the shocking details of the corruption of the president of the company.(分数:2.50)A.incredulityB.ingenuityC.ingenuousnessD.incredibility 解析:解析 本句空格处意为“充满怀疑地”

37、。incredibility 意为“不能相信(事实)”,与句意相符。其他三项“incredulity 怀疑(不确知的事情)”,“ingenuity 独创性”,“ingenuousness 坦白,直率”都不正确。17.Too much _ can possibly lead to unhappiness, even to thoughts of suicide as few people have the courage to analyze themselves objectively and minutely.(分数:2.50)A.retrospectB.introspection C.pe

38、rspicacityD.perspicuity解析:解析 本句的意思为“过多的反省有可能带来不开心,甚至想到自杀,因为很少有人有勇气来客观地、仔细地分析自己”。introspection 意为“内省,反省”;retrospect 意为“回顾”;perspicacity意为“敏锐”;perspicuity 意为“明白”。只有 B项符合句意。18.He could hardly _ his temper when he saw the state of his office.(分数:2.50)A.hold in B.hold upC.hold offD.hold out解析:解析 本句意为“当他看

39、到办公室的情形时止不住地发脾气”。“hold in 约束,抑制”符合句意。其他三项“hold up 举起,继续下去”,“hold off 拖延,不接近”,“hold out 伸出,提供,维持”都不正确。19.The statesman was evidently _ the journalist“s questions and glared at him for a few seconds.(分数:2.50)A.put downB.put out C.put acrossD.put away解析:解析 本句意为“政治家显然被记者问烦了,带着怒意盯着记者好几秒钟”。“put out 打扰,麻烦”

40、符合句意。其他三项“put down 放下,拒绝,镇压”,“put across 圆满完成,使被接受”,“put away放好,处理掉,放弃”都不正确。20.He seemed reluctant to send his troops in an effort to discourage the _ peasants.(分数:2.50)A.animatedB.rebellious C.creasedD.impassive解析:解析 本题意为“他似乎不太愿意用他的军队去阻止起义的农民”。rebellious 的意思是“反叛的,反抗的”,如:a rebellious behaviour(反叛行为)

41、。其他三项“animated 活泼的,生动的”,“creased有折痕的”,“impassive 冷漠的”都不符合题意,因此正确答案为 B。21.The company will _ to its agreement, no matter how cosily the process may be.(分数:2.50)A.retainB.alterC.abandonD.adhere 解析:解析 本题意为“该公司将信守协议,不论这一过程的代价有多大”。adhere 的意思是“坚持”,与 to构成常用词组,如:I will adhere to this opinion until contrary

42、facts appear(如果没有相反的事实,我将坚持我的意见)。其他三项“retain 保持,保留”,“alter 改变”,“abandon 放弃,遗弃”都与题意不符,因此 D项为正确答案。22.The drug store at the corner of our street sells aspirins and _ penicillin prescriptions.(分数:2.50)A.dispensesB.disposes C.dispersesD.dispatches解析:解析 本题意为“街角上的药店出售阿斯匹林和青霉素的处方。dispose 的意思是“处理”,如:we have

43、to dispose of this pile of old papers and magazines(我们得把这堆旧报纸和杂志处理掉)。其他三项“dispense 分配,分发”,“disperse(使)分散,(使)分开”,“dispatch 分派,派遣”都与题意不符,因此 B项为正确答案。23.The houses in this area were all erected in _ of housing regulations.(分数:2.50)A.complianceB.defianceC.allianceD.obedience 解析:解析 本题意为“这一地区的房子都是按照建房规定建盖的

44、”。obedience 的意思是“服从,顺从”,如:He acted in obedience to the orders of his superior(他是遵照他的上级指示行动的)。in obedience of的意思是“遵守,依照”;Compliance 的意思是“依从”,in compliance 的意思是“符合,依据”;defiance 的意思是“挑衅,蔑视”;alliance 的意思是“联盟,联合”。四个选项中只有 D项符合题意。24.He had wanted a 25% raise in pay, but after talking to his boss, he decide

45、d that a 5% raise would have to _.(分数:2.50)A.suffice B.satisfyC.gratifyD.delight解析:解析 本题意为“他本想得到 25%的工资涨幅,但在同老板谈话后,他认为他不得不满足于 5%的涨幅”。suffice 的意思是“使满足,表示带有无奈情绪的满足”,如:Fifty dollars will suffice me(50美元足够我用)。satisfy 的意思是“满足,主语为人;gratify 的意思是“使满足,表示超出预想的满足”;delight 的意思是“(使)高兴,(使)欣喜”。四个选项中只有 A项符合题意。25.Th

46、e two delegates had an in-depth exchange of views on how to enhance their _ cooperation.(分数:2.50)A.ethicalB.bilateral C.mandatoryD.subsidiary解析:解析 本题意为“两位代表就如何深入加强双边合作交换了意见”。bilateral 的意思是“双边的”,如:a bilateral agreement(双边协定)。其他三项“ethical 道德的”,“mandatory 强制的,托管的”,“subsidiary 辅助的,补充的”都与题意不符,因此正确答案为 B。2

47、6.It is agreed that all nations should take measures against terrorism on the basis of the UN _ and other international laws.(分数:2.50)A.Charter B.ConstitutionC.ConcordanceD.Custody解析:解析 本题意为“各国达成协议,所有的国家都应以联合国宪章和其他国际法为基础来反对恐怖主义”。charter 的意思是“宪章”,the UN Charter 的意思是“联合国宪章”;constitution 的意思是“宪法,章程,惯例”

48、;concordance 的意思是“和谐”;custody 的意思是“保管”。四个选项中只有 A为正确答案。27.When we credit the successful people with intelligence, physical strength or good luck, we are making excuses for ourselves because we fall _ in all three.(分数:2.50)A.rareB.lackingC.short D.scarce解析:解析 本题意为“当我们把成功人士的成功归因于聪明、体力或好运的时候,我们也是在为我们自己找借口,因为我们在所有这三个方面都落后了”。fall short 表示“落后”;rare 表示“罕见的”;lacking表示“缺乏的,不足的”;scarce 表示“缺乏的”。四个选项中只有 C项符合题意。28.Three weeks after the suicide bombing, the police were still hunting fo


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