【考研类试卷】考博英语-80 (1)及答案解析.doc

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1、考博英语-80 (1)及答案解析(总分:110.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BPart Vocabula(总题数:20,分数:20.00)1.Mrs Smith thought her children went to the movies; _, they went to the zoo.(分数:1.00)A.in generalB.or ratherC.on the contraryD.so to speak2.A haphazard knowledge of several styles of a language may be worse than useless if we do

2、 not know the type of occasion on which each is appropriate or if we do not know when we are sliding from one of another.(分数:1.00)A.causalB.disorganizedC.systematicD.unplanned3.Some one has said that a mans history begins about one hundred and fifty years before his birth, or words _.(分数:1.00)A.in a

3、ny caseB.to that effectC.in a senseD.to the contrary4.Mario was awarded the medal for displaying professional _ of the highest order in the rescue attempts two weeks ago.(分数:1.00)A.solutionB.supervisionC.intelligenceD.competence5.Mary and John took a long time in saying good night in order to postpo

4、ne the _ of parting.(分数:1.00)A.jealousyB.reliefC.anguishD.appreciation6.Ted got a better job and left the school before Mrs. Wolcox had him expelled.(分数:1.00)A.disgracedB.degradedC.executedD.ejected7.Before sitting for the entrance examination for post-graduate students, many candidates try to famil

5、iarize themselves with the formula of the exam by doing _ tests.(分数:1.00)A.imitatedB.simulatedC.stimulatedD.illustrated8.One of Nikes founders, Phillip Hampson Knight had been a top athlete when he was at the University of Oregon and he moved on to become a student at Stanford Business School, but r

6、etained his interest in sport.(分数:1.00)A.remainedB.preservedC.continuedD.restrained9.I contend, quite bluntly, that marking up a book is not an act of mutilation but of love.(分数:1.00)A.respectationB.possessionC.dominanceD.destruction10.James is very set in his ways, but Mark has a more _ attitude to

7、 life.(分数:1.00)A.tolerantB.flexibleC.cautiousD.defensive11.It is reported that a conference on world communications and transportation will be _ by the British government next month.(分数:1.00)A.subscribed toB.given outC.presided overD.put on12.He was so mean that he couldnt bear to _ the smallest sum

8、 of money for the charity appeal.(分数:1.00)A.let outB.pay upC.give inD.part with13.Gaining acknowledgement from fellow workers and managers gives a person a sense of importance in society.(分数:1.00)A.admittanceB.permissionC.recognitionD.denial14.You may make good grades by studying only before examina

9、tions, but you will succeed eventually only by studying hard every day.(分数:1.00)A.in due courseB.in the long runC.in the mainD.in the first place15.You should be relieving me of duty at 10: 30, but dont hurry if its inconvenient; Ill hang on till you arrive.(分数:1.00)A.turn onB.look overC.keep onD.ta

10、ke over16.Recent border confrontations between the two countries lead credence to tile rumors of an impending war.(分数:1.00)A.conflictsB.consequencesC.conferencesD.enterprises17.Coach Green allowed John to join the basketball team although, _, he was not tall enough.(分数:1.00)A.economicallyB.technical

11、lyC.methodicallyD.intellectually18.Realizing that many readers find long descriptive passages uninteresting, Bruce began his story with an exciting conflict.(分数:1.00)A.melancholyB.tediousC.incredibleD.offensive19.Mr. Bridges mentioned briefly several other subjects in the course of his talk but most

12、ly kept himself to the main topic.(分数:1.00)A.touched offB.touched downC.touched onD.touched up20.The birchbark canoe is not as _ as it appears; it is built to withstand long journeys over rough waters.(分数:1.00)A.solidB.fragileC.toughD.sturdy二、BPART Grammar(总题数:10,分数:10.00)21.Now that in scientific c

13、ommunities the use of computers is widespread, and supposing that there is sufficient time, there exist no complicated problem _ can be addressed with some hope of resolution.(分数:1.00)A.andB.butC.asD.which22.Their proposal is better than ours, _.(分数:1.00)A.all things consideringB.all things consider

14、edC.all things are consideredD.all considered things23.The traffic was very heavy, _, and so we arrived after the start of the program.(分数:1.00)A.this was completely unexpectedB.which was completely unexpectedC.that was completely unexpectedD.it was completely unexpected24.None of the days transacti

15、ons, _ sales or delivery, came off well.(分数:1.00)A.fromB.it beingC.be itD.was it25.A good indication of _ he followed the teachers advice was that he failed.(分数:1.00)A.what littleB.however littleC.how littleD.whatever little26._, he never alters a decision.(分数:1.00)A.What may comeB.May what comeC.Co

16、me what mayD.May come whatever27._, he finds the work interesting.(分数:1.00)A.Though he is computer expertB.A computer expert he isC.As computer expertD.Computer expert as he is28.We had to go miles to find a restaurant, it _a holiday.(分数:1.00)A.beingB.wasC.to beD.is29.Out of the elementary plane geo

17、metry developed by the Greeks _ we use today.(分数:1.00)A.the theoretical geometry evolutionB.evolved the theoretical geometryC.the evolution of theoretical geometry cameD.the theoretical geometry came30.“The car ran out of gas!“That _ the cause. I filled the tank this morning.“(分数:1.00)A.mustnt beB.m

18、ust have beenC.can beD.cant have been三、BSection B/B(总题数:10,分数:10.00)31.As Christmas approached, with people (crowded) department stores, restaurants, theaters and movie houses, the downtown area (was), (as always), the (busiest).(分数:1.00)A.crowdedB.wasC.as alwaysD.busiest32.The Mercandiser widget is

19、 (so) named because it (is believed) (to be discovered) by Albert Mercandiser, a Dutchman (by) birth.(分数:1.00)A.soB.is believedC.to be discoveredD.by33.The (five-year) project would (expose) (educational) disadvantaged students to (experiences) both creative and enriching.(分数:1.00)A.five-yearB.expos

20、eC.educationalD.experiences34.So far (the story) is from being true that (I was surprised) anyone (could have believed) it (was)so.(分数:1.00)A.the storyB.I was surprisedC.could have believedD.was so35.(Mind you), under no circumstances (you are) to allow your (child) to change (broken) bulbs by himse

21、lf.(分数:1.00)A.Mind youB.you areC.childD.broken36.Although the city acquired modernizations of (a more recent) kind during the twentieth century, (its) 15resent appearance (took shapes) during (the nineteenth).(分数:1.00)A.a more recentB.itsC.took shapesD.the nineteenth37.(For) the grounds that fiction

22、 is not (objectively) true, there (are) those who (object) to it.(分数:1.00)A.ForB.objectivelyC.areD.object38.Today, I firmly (believe), they (deliver) the new television, and if they (do), I (shall) help you set up the cable stations.(分数:1.00)A.believeB.deliverC.doD.shall39.At the museum, I saw vario

23、us exhibits of (ape family) members, (and was) particularly (struck) by one group (they had faces) resembling humans.(分数:1.00)A.ape familyB.and wasC.struckD.they had faces40.As she (grew) older her vision (began) sporadically to fade, so that intermittent times she (seldom) knew what she (was lookin

24、g) at.(分数:1.00)A.grewB.beganC.seldomD.was looking四、BPart Cloze/(总题数:1,分数:20.00)BDirections:/B Choose as your answer the word that best fits the blank. On your answer sheet, circle the corresponding letter.There is no question but that Newton was a highly competent Minister of the Mint. It was mainly

25、 through his effortsU (41) /Uthe English currency was put onU (42) /Usatisfactory basis at a difficult time. U(43) /Udiscovered a relationship between prices andU (44) /Uamount of money in circulation, whichU (45) /Ulater formalized in the so-called “qualityU (46) /U“of money: if the amount ofU (47)

26、 /Uin circulation is doubled-other thingsU (48) /Uthe same-then prices also willU (49) /Udouble. This is a simple applicationU (50) /Uthe principle that it is impossibleU (51) /U. get something for nothing, but apparentlyU (52) /Utook someone like Newton to discover it. ThereU (53) /Uan obvious comp

27、arison with Copernicus, whoU (54) /Uthe Polish government on currency questionsU (55) /Uin doing so discovered another importantU (56) /U(usually known as Greshams Law): whenU (57) /U money is accepted as legal tender,U (58) /Umoney will be driven out ofU (59) /U. Copernicus anticipated Gresham in t

28、he formulationU (60) /Uthis law.(分数:20.00)A.whichB.whyC.thatD.forA.aB.veryC.theD.mostA.ItB.HeC.WasD.WeA.anB.theirC.theD.bigA.tooB.wasC.theyD.hasA.theoryB.themC.thesisD.proposalA.coinsB.currencyC.billsD.goldA.stayB.muchC.remainingD.beA.comeB.seemC.multiplyD.approximatelyA.forB.ofC.callingD.byA.ourB.t

29、oC.forD.weA.theyB.hadC.itD.heA.isB.comesC.beD.withA.talkedB.advisedC.formedD.createdA.fromB.butC.andD.byA.trueB.legendC.themeD.lawA.muchB.foreignC.hadD.lawfulA.goodB.muchC.badD.someA.workB.functionC.marketingD.circulationA.forB.byC.ofD.to五、BPart Reading (总题数:5,分数:30.00)BDirections:/B Read each passa

30、ge and answer all the questions that follow the passage. On your answer sheet, circle the letter that best answers the question.BPassage One/BThere is little question that substantial labor-market differences exist between men and women. Among the most researched difference is the male-female wage g

31、ap. Many different theories aroused to explain why men earn more than women. One possible reason is based on the limited geographical mobility of married women Robert Frank, 1978. Family mobility is a joint decision in which the needs of the husband and wife are balanced to maximize family welfare.

32、Job-motivated relocations are generally made to benefit the primary earner in the family. This leads to a constrained job search for the secondary earner, as he or she must search for a job in a limited geographic area. Since the husband is still the primary wage earner in many families, the job sea

33、rch of the wife may suffer. Individuals who are tied to a certain area are labeled “tied-stayers,“ while secondary earners, who move for the benefit of the family are labeled “tied-movers“ Jacob Mincer, 1978.The wages of a tied-stayer or tied-mover may not be substantially lower if the family lives

34、in or moves to a large city. If a large labor market has more vacancies, the wife may locate a wage offer near the maximum she would find with a nation-wide search. However, being a tied- stayer or tied-mover can lower the wifes wage if the family lives in or moves to a small community. A small labo

35、r market will reduce the likelihood of her finding a job that utilizes her skills, As a result she may accept a job for which she is overqualified and thus earn a lower wage. This hypothesized relationship between the likelihood “of being overqualified“ and SMSA size is termed “differential overqual

36、ification.“ Frank 1978 and Haim Ofek and Yesook Merrill 1994 provide support for the theory of differential overqualification by finding that the male-female wage gap is grater in smaller SMSAs.While the results are consistent with the existence of differential overqualification, they may also resul

37、t from other situations as well. Firms in small labor markets may use their monopsony power to keep wages down. Local demand shocks are found to be a major source of wage variation both across and within local labor markets Robert Topel, 1986. Since large labor markets are generally more diversified

38、, a demand shock can have a substantial impact on immobile workers in small labor markets. Another reason for examining differential overqualification involves the assumption that there are more vacancies in large labor markets. While there is little doubt that more vacancies exist in large labor ma

39、rkets, there are also likely to be more people searching for jobs in large labor markets, if the greater number of vacancies is offset by the larger number of searchers, it is unclear whether women will be more likely to be overqualified in small labor markets. Instead of relying on wages to determi

40、ne if differential overqualifieation exists, we consider an explicit form of overqualifieation based on education.(分数:6.00)(1).In the authors opinion, the male-female wage gap _.(分数:1.00)A.is the most important difference.B.is justified.C.has important repercussions on family life.D.represents a sex

41、ist attitude toward women.E.is simply one of a considerable number of labor-market differences.(2).“Geographic mobility“, as used in the text, refers to _.(分数:1.00)A.the way in which Americans tend to move from job to job.B.the penchant wage-earners have to maximize family welfare.C.the necessity to

42、 relocate in order to increase wages.D.all of the above.E.none of the above.(3).In the authors opinion, which of the following statements is true?(分数:1.00)A.The term “secondary earner“ does not depend on gender.B.If A will earn more money than B, family welfare is maximized if A agrees to relocate.C

43、.If B will earn more money than A, family welfare is maximized if A agrees to relocate.D.All of the above are true.E.None of the above are true.(4).The difference between a “tied-stayer“ and a “tied-mover“ is that _.(分数:1.00)A.the former is the husband and the latter is the wife.B.the primary earner

44、 is forced to search for work in a specific area while the secondary earner is freer to roam about.C.the former is obliged to remain in an area while the latter is not.D.the former is the wife and the latter is the husband.E.the latters salary is of secondary importance to the formers salary.(5).Wit

45、h which of the following statements would the author agree?(分数:1.00)A.The size of the labor market determines recompense.B.The size of the labor market determines acquired skills utilization.C.The size of the labor market determines the probability of matching skills with appropriate wage level.D.Th

46、e author would agree with all of the above.E.The author would agree with none of the above(6).The names and dates between parentheses _.(分数:1.00)A.refer to bibliographical entries.B.explain who discussed what and when they discussed it.C.are references to what the author has read.D.may be described

47、by all of the above.E.may be described by none of the above.BPassage Two/BThe repression in the Netherlands, instead of solving a crucial problem, elicited bitter criticism from every major European state. Alba was unrepentant about his tough policy convinced that the population must remain in a sta

48、te of fear, so that every individual has the feeling that one fine night or morning the house will fall in on him.Of the leading dissidents who escaped from Albas hands, only William of Orange remained. Tall, dark-haired, with a small moustache and a short peaked beard, the prince of Orange-Nassau was aged thirty-five at the moment that fortune left him in the unenviable role of defender of his country. A comrade-in-arms of Philip during the latters years abroad in mid-century, he never made a secret of his concern


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