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1、大学六级-165 及答案解析(总分:710.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Writing(总题数:1,分数:106.50)1.Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How to Avoid Staying up Too Late? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 1越来越多的学生习惯熬夜 2如何改掉这一坏习惯 3我的观点 How to Avo

2、id Staying up Too Late?(分数:106.50)_二、Part Listening Com(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Section A(总题数:4,分数:106.50)(分数:35.50)A.The woman should explain to her professor.B.The woman deserves a zero for the field trip.C.The woman is right to be angry with her professor.D.The woman should have gone on the field trip.A.

3、Ask for direction.B.Try a different route.C.Go back for the map.D.Cancel their trip.A.He is happy to share dessert with the woman.B.He didn“t know what time to have lunch.C.He expected the traffic to be bad.D.He is not upset that they have had lunch.A.Give the secretary Janet“s new address and phone

4、 number.B.Get information about Janet from the department secretary.C.Ask Janet how she“s doing recently.D.Go to Janet“s new medical school.A.She will help the man find the exhibit.B.She has already seen the exhibit.C.She will give the man a new map.D.She doesn“t know the way to the building.(分数:21.

5、30)A.She thinks the man should take more money.B.She has already withdrawn money for the trip.C.She has to study instead of traveling.D.She is also planning to travel.A.Introduce Michelle to the other reporters.B.Take Michelle home.C.Take a tour of the office.D.Start working at his desk.A.He has not

6、 been to the new restaurant yet.B.He would like to go to the new restaurant with the woman.C.The food at the new restaurant is not very good.D.Restaurant“s atmosphere is very important to him.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard. (分数:21.30)A.Ways to learn foreign langu

7、ages well.B.Information about language learning courses.C.Comparison of full-time and part-time courses.D.Plans for future learning of French.A.Level Two course beginning on Saturday in January.B.Full-time courses taken in evenings.C.An 8-month course three hours a week.D.Intensive course on every S

8、aturday and Sunday.A.She is a complete beginner.B.She is at the lower intermediate level.C.She is an upper-intermediate learner.D.She doesn“t really know which level she is at.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. (分数:28.40)A.Which major the woman will be choosing.B.T

9、he sociology course the woman is taking.C.How to find a job in publishing.D.The sociology professors the man likes.A.It is not as difficult as she had thought it would be.B.She would like her professor to explain it more clearly.C.She took a class on it last semester.D.It seared her a lot at the beg

10、inning.A.It might lead to a job in publishing.B.It is being taught by a famous sociologist.C.It will help her with her courses overseas.D.It will prepare her for future work.A.Her professor.B.A classmate.C.Her former boss.D.A foreign diplomat.四、Section B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)五、Passage One(总题数:1,分数:21.30)Qu

11、estions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard. (分数:21.30)A.The new technology used to build roads.B.The ability to transport goods across the world.C.The fast growing trade in grain and cotton.D.The linking of local country roads into one long road.A.Reduced charges for transporting

12、farm products.B.Required payment from vehicles that used their roads.C.Invested a lot of money in repairing the old roads.D.Installed streetlights on roads connecting major cities.A.River transportation is much safer.B.River transportation is a little quicker.C.Road transportation is too costly for

13、them.D.Road transportation is not convenient.六、Passage Two(总题数:1,分数:28.40)Questions 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard. (分数:28.40)A.To describe ways pests can damage plants.B.To examine the life cycle of corn plants.C.To explain how corn plants develop.D.To describe how a natural

14、pesticide works.A.Insects chewing on its leaves.B.Bees laying eggs on its leaves.C.Pesticides sprayed on its leaves.D.Knives cutting its stalk.A.By flying in circles around a corn field.B.By egging offspring who eat the insects.C.By emitting a chemical signal.D.By fighting against the insects.A.Grai

15、n output may increase largely.B.The life rules of plants and insects can be known by people.C.The need for chemical pesticide may be reduced or eliminated.D.Cultural controls in managing pest populations may be developed.七、Passage Three(总题数:1,分数:21.30)Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you

16、have just heard. (分数:21.30)A.He“d like to buy products recommended by an advertiser.B.He“d like to buy products recommended by the professional.C.He prefers to buy products recommended by friends.D.He doesn“t trust in any kinds of advertisements.A.Word-of-mouth advertising turns out to be insincere.

17、B.Traditional advertisements are unconvincing.C.Everyone loves traditional advertisers“ products.D.Most people believe in word-of-mouth advertising.A.Socializing and networking have made people closer.B.Its high credibility has made people trust the products.C.Its low cost has brought more profits t

18、o advertisers.D.Relatives and friends become more independent on the net.八、Section C(总题数:1,分数:71.00)It is true that the group interactions have both positive and negative sides. When we 1 , conflict cannot be gotten rid of. Having open discussion of conflict doesn“t always bring advantages. It may c

19、ome with negative effects, reducing 2 and lowering job satisfaction. During the work we found that the conflict can 3 task conflicts and relationship conflicts. These two kinds of conflicts are different in that the first one occurs when there are disagreements in completing the tasks; however, rela

20、tionship conflict is initiated by 4 interpersonal relationships and is linked with friction and tension. Relationship conflict is considered to 5 performance because it leads to negative emotions, destructive behaviors and distraction. Some researches show that task conflicts can improve the perform

21、ance as it 6 evaluation of assumptions, open expression. Therefore generating better solutions becomes easy. Conflicts and relationship negatively have something to do with individuals“ satisfaction. The members want to stay in the group, favoring of other group members. The regular patterns are lik

22、e this: When we are doing very 7 tasks, it is not good to group functioning, as many disagreements come out. On the contrary, when the group 8 non-routine tasks, disagreements won“t have detrimental (不利的) effects, and 9 , disagreements are beneficial to the tasks. While discussion of conflict is not

23、 always advantageous and norms are linked with an increase in the number and intensity of relationship conflicts, they did not increase members“ ability to deal with the conflicts 10 . (分数:71.00)填空项 1:_九、Part Reading Compr(总题数:0,分数:0.00)十、Section A(总题数:1,分数:35.50)Greece, economically, is in the blac

24、k. With very little to export other than such farm products as tobacco, cotton and fruit, the country earns enough from “invisible earnings“ to pay for its needed, growing imports. From the sending out of things the Greeks, earn only $285 million; from tourism, shipping and the remittances (汇款金额) of

25、 Greeks abroad, the country takes in an 1 $375 million and this washes out the almost $400 million by which imports exceed exports. It has a balanced budget. “Although more than one drachma out of four goes for defense, the government ended a recent year with a slight surplus$66 million. Greece has

26、a decent 2 of almost a third of a billion dollars in gold and foreign exchange. It has a government not dependent on coalescing (联合) 3 parties to obtain parliamentary majorities. In thus summarizing a few happy highlights, I don“t mean to 4 the vast extent of Greece“s problems. It is the poorest cou

27、ntry by a wide margin in Free Europe, and poverty is widespread. At best an annual income of $60 to $70 is the lot of many a peasant, and substantial unemployment 5 the countryside, cities, and towns of Greece. There are few natural resources on which to build any substantial industrial base. Some y

28、ears ago I wrote here: “Greek statesmanship will have to create an atmosphere in which home and foreign savings will willingly seek investment opportunities in the back ward economy of Greece. So far, most American and other foreign attempt have become 6 down in the Greek government“s red tape and s

29、hrewdness about small points.“ Great 7 have been made. As far back as 1956, expanding tourism seemed a logical way to bring needed foreign currencies and additional jobs to Greece. At that time I talked with the Hilton Hotel people, who had been examining hotel possibilities, and to the Greek govern

30、ment division responsible for this area of the economy. They were hopelessly 8 in almost total differences of opinion and outlook. Today most of the incredibly varied, beautiful, historical sights of Greece have new, if in many cases modest, tourist facilities. Tourism itself has jumped from 9 $31 m

31、illion to over $90 million. There is both a magnificent new Hilton Hotel in Athens and a completely modernized, greatly expanded Grande Bretagne, as well as other first rate new hotels. And the advent of jets has made Athens as 10 as Paris or Romewithout the sky high prices of traffic choked streets

32、 of either. A. accessible B. additional C. approximately D. bogged E. contend F. deadlocked G. deflect H. deliberately I. execution J. incomparable K. incompatible L. minimize M. plagues N. reserve O. strides(分数:35.50)十一、Section B(总题数:1,分数:71.00)Education System in GermanyA. Germany invented the mod

33、ern university but long ago lost its leading position to other countries, especially America. These days the land of poets and thinkers is prouder of its “dual system“ for training skilled workers such as bakers and electricians. Teenagers not bound for university apply for places in three-year prog

34、rammes combining classroom learning with practical experience within companies. The direct benefit is superior German quality in haircuts as well as cars. Dual training “is the reason we“re the world export champion“, says Mrs. Schavan, the education minister. Azubis (trainees) acquire not just a pr

35、ofessional qualification but an identity. B. But the dual system is under pressure. The number of places offered by companies has long been falling short of the number of applicants. Almost as many youngsters move into a “transitional system“, a grab-bag of remedial education programs designed to pr

36、epare them for the dual system or another qualification. Often it turns out to be a dead end, especially for male immigrants. And given that Germany produces far fewer university graduates than many comparable countries, some wonder whether the dual system is producing the right qualifications for t

37、he knowledge-based professions of the future. C. The system is governed by a consortium (联合企业) representing almost everyone who counts: the federal and state governments, the chambers of commerce and the unions. It regulates access to 350 narrowly defined trades. You can train to become a goldsmith,

38、 or if you want to manage a McDonald“s you learn Systemgastronomie. Baking bread and pastries (油酥点心) are separate disciplines. Schools outside the system may not train Azubis for a reserved trade. D. It makes sense to combine theory and practice, says Heike Solga of the Social Science Research Centr

39、e in Berlin, but the dual system is rigid and discriminatory. And because the trades are so specialized, getting a job at the end can be hard. In 2005 more than a third of graduates were unemployed a year after completing their course. Once a scholar, always a scholar E. The type of secondary school

40、 a German attends, the degree he obtains and the exams he passes classify him for life. The differentiations are made earlier and more rigidly than in other countries. Many children are typecast (分配担任特定类型角色) at age ten, which is when most German states decide which of three kinds of secondary school

41、 he or she will attend. Traditionally the Hauptschulen, the lowest tier, were the main suppliers of recruits to the dual training system, but they gradually became dumping grounds for children who could not keep up. Upon leaving (sometimes without passing the final exam), nearly 40% of these student

42、s find themselves in the precarious transitional system. The dual system now draws its intake mainly from the middle-grade Realschulen, the traditional training ground for white-collar workers, and even Gymnasien (grammar schools), the main route to university. F. The state bureaucracy acknowledges

43、four career paths: the simple, middle, elevated and higher services. Bureaucrats in one category can rarely be ambitious to careers. Teachers in Gymnasien enjoy a higher status than those at other schools, and have their own trade union, the grandly named Philologenverband. A Meisterbrief, the highe

44、st vocational credential (资格证书), is not just a badge of competence but in some trades a keep-off sign to competitors. G. Germans are now asking themselves whether this way of doing things is fair, and whether it is working. Although income is distributed relatively equally, opportunity is not. “Germ

45、any is one of the most rigid among the relatively advanced societies,“ says Karl Ulrich Mayer, a sociologist at Yale University. But social exclusiveness has not produced excellence. The 2001 “PISA shock“a set of OECD figures which revealed that German 15-year-olds scored in the bottom third among s

46、choolchildren from 32 countries in tests of reading and mathshas not worn off. Overall, Germany“s performance remains mediocre. More than a fifth of 15-year-olds cannot read or calculate properly; 8% of teenagers drop out of school. A war of ideologies H. There is “no consensus on the content and go

47、als of education“, says Mrs. Schavan. The arguments extend from primary schools to universities and are as much about tradition and status as about learning. Many Germans are to scrap a system so closely identified with the country“s economic and cultural success. I. A controversy now raging in Hamb

48、urg, a port city and one of Germany“s smallest states, illustrates the strife. In 2008 the Christian Democrats, normally champions of the three tier high school system, formed their first state level coalition with the left leaning Green Party. The Greens won agreement for a radical school reform, m

49、ainly by extending primary schooling (and thus shortening secondary schooling) by two years. The idea was that if streaming children by ability is done later, the slower ones will have a better chance of doing well and the brighter ones will at least fare no worse. J. Middle-class parents of Gymnasium bound children rebelled. The “Gucci protesters“ collected more than enough signatures to get the reform put to a referendum. The parents fear that their children will be dragged


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