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1、大学三级(B)分类模拟 52 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Section A(总题数:2,分数:30.00)(分数:15.00)A.Don“t mention it.B.This way, please.C.You“re right.D.No, thanks.A.It“s over there.B.Sorry, he isn“t in.C.That“s very kind of you.D.I“d love to.A.Yes, I will.B.You“re welcome.C.I“m so

2、rry to hear that.D.Not too bad.A.That“s too bad.B.Thanks a lot.C.No problem.D.Here you are.A.Good idea.B.See you soon.C.Never mind.D.Hold on, please.(分数:15.00)A.Here it is.B.I“m sorry to say so.C.Coffee, please.D.See you next time.A.Take it easy.B.It“s over there.C.This way, please.D.That“s fine.A.V

3、ery good.B.Not yet.C.That“s nice.D.It“s far away.A.Take your time.B.Yes, here you are.C.Never mind.D.That“s too large.A.That“s important.B.No problem.C.Yes, very much.D.No, thanks.三、Section B(总题数:2,分数:30.00)(分数:15.00)A.A fax.B.A report.C.A newspaper.D.A letter.A.Buy a new computer.B.Restart the comp

4、uter.C.Ask someone to repair the computer.D.Borrow a computer from the company.A.She hasn“t sent the email.B.She hasn“t got any email.C.She won“t read the email.D.She won“t reply to the email.A.The price of the books.B.The author of the books.C.The way to pack the books.D.The time to get the books.A

5、.Very nice.B.Very strict.C.Very humorous.D.Very shy.(分数:15.00)A.Get off the bus.B.Book a ticket.C.Take a taxi.D.Buy a newspaper.A.It is comfortable.B.It is far away.C.It is large.D.It is expensive.A.Help the man.B.Sell a product.C.Make a plan.D.Write a report.A.He has lost his key.B.He“ll repair the

6、 bicycle.C.The woman can use the bicycle.D.The woman should return the key.A.Go to a party.B.Stay at home.C.Stay for dinner.D.Go shopping.四、Section C(总题数:2,分数:40.00)I am working with a computer company. My family lives near the railway station, and within five minutes“ walk to a shopping 1 . We live

7、 in a flat with 3 bedrooms and a very large 2 There is a beautiful garden, too. The house is very 3 to live in. However, for my convenience to go to work and 4 lost on the way, I would like to exchange my house for a similar one or even a bit smaller one near my workplace. If you are interested, ple

8、ase call me at 5538765 5 or email me at . (分数:20.00)Hi. I“m Brian Smith. Now I“ll 6 some ideas with you for using a kind of new software. The software is designed and made by our company. It can help you to 7 the average salary for your job type. The software can be found online. Whether you 8 a new

9、 job, or moving to another area, it can be a 9 tool to get the necessary information. I hope you will find the software helpful when you check out your salary. For more information, 10 to check us out online or email us. (分数:20.00)大学三级(B)分类模拟 52 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:0

10、,分数:0.00)二、Section A(总题数:2,分数:30.00)(分数:15.00)A.Don“t mention it.B.This way, please.C.You“re right.D.No, thanks. 解析:听力原文 I“m going to make coffee. Would you like some? 解析 本题考查对他人提供服务回应。问题为“我要泡咖啡,你想要喝点吗?”无论回答为肯定还是否定,都要对问话人的好意表示感谢,故正确答案为选项 D。选项 A(不用客气)用于回答他人的感谢;选项 B(这边请)用于引路;选项 C(你是正确的)用于赞同对方的观点。A.It“

11、s over there.B.Sorry, he isn“t in. C.That“s very kind of you.D.I“d love to.解析:听力原文 May I speak to Mr. Johnson? 解析 本题考查如何回应打电话的人让某人接电话的请求。题目句子问“我可以找约翰逊先生接电话吗?”接电话的人通常有三种回答“This is Johnson. (我就是)”;“Hold on, please.(请稍候)”;“He“s not here. (他不在)”故正确答案为 B。选项 A(在那边)通常用于回答别人询问某物在何处;选项C(你真是太好了)用于对别人的帮助表示感谢;选

12、项 D(非常乐意)用来回答别人的邀请。A.Yes, I will. B.You“re welcome.C.I“m sorry to hear that.D.Not too bad.解析:听力原文 Will you please write your name here? 解析 本题考查对他人要求完成某事的答复。题目“请在这写下你的名字”是一种委婉表示要求的说法,肯定回答用“Yes”,正确答案为 A(好的)。选项 B(不用谢)回答别人的道谢。选项 C(听到那则消息很难过)用于回应坏消息;选项 D(还可以)常用于回答寒暄用语。A.That“s too bad.B.Thanks a lot.C.No

13、 problem. D.Here you are.解析:听力原文 Can you help me to stall the machine? 解析 本题考查如何回答别人提出的要求。题目为“可以帮我启动机器吗?”只有选项 C(没问题)是同意提供帮助的说法,为正确答案。选项 A(太糟糕了)用于对已发生的不好的事情表示惋惜;选项 B(多谢)用于对别人的帮助表示感谢;选项 D(给你)通常用于回答“Would you hand me the pen?”之类的请求。A.Good idea. B.See you soon.C.Never mind.D.Hold on, please.解析:听力原文 Shal

14、l we discuss the new plan now? 解析 本题询问对意愿的回复。问题 Shall we.用来委婉询问别人的意见,肯定回答时通常用选项A(好主意);做出否定回答时通常用“Could we do this later? I am very busy now.”选项 B(待会儿见)用来告别他人;选项 C(没关系)是对道歉语的回答;选项 D(请稍等)通常为打电话用语,别人打电话找人时,若你不是要找的人,可以用此表示你要去找人。(分数:15.00)A.Here it is. B.I“m sorry to say so.C.Coffee, please.D.See you nex

15、t time.解析:听力原文 Can I have a look at your price list? 解析 本题考查如何回答他人的请求。回答“我能看一下吗?”时,肯定回答为“可以”或直接把东西拿给对方,即“Here it is.”故正确答案为 A。选项 B(很抱歉我要这样说)用于在叙述令人不太愉快的事实后表示同情或抱歉;选项 C(请给我来点咖啡)用于回答别人询问自己是否需要喝咖啡;选项 D(下次见)用于告别。A.Take it easy.B.It“s over there.C.This way, please.D.That“s fine. 解析:听力原文 Shall we meet som

16、etime next week? 解析 本题考查如何回答请求。回答“Shall we.”这种表示要求的询问时,表示同意可以用“That“s fine”,故选项 D(好的)为正确答案。选项 A(别紧张)可以用来安慰他人放轻松;选项 B(就在那边)、C(这边请)都是指路用语。A.Very good.B.Not yet. C.That“s nice.D.It“s far away.解析:听力原文 David, have you finished the work report? 解析 本题考查答复询问状态的问话。对“Have you.?”问句,肯定回答为:“Yes, I have.”否定答则一般用:

17、“Not yet.”故正确答案为 B。选项 A(很好)、C(很漂亮)用来表扬他人或某事;选项 D(很远)为对距离的回应。A.Take your time.B.Yes, here you are. C.Never mind.D.That“s too large.解析:听力原文 May I have your business card, Mr. Jackson? 解析 本题考查如何回答请求。对“May I.”的肯定回答为:“Yes.”而且在商务场合,提供business card(名片)是非常正常的事情,一般应该给予肯定回答,故正确答案为选项 B。选项 A(慢慢来)是安慰别人的话;选项 C(没关

18、系)是对他人道歉的回答别;选项 D(太大了)用来表达对某样物体大小的看法。A.That“s important.B.No problem.C.Yes, very much. D.No, thanks.解析:听力原文 Did you enjoy your trip to Beijing? 解析 本题询问对某件事情的看法。回答“Did you enjoy.?”这类问题时,需要表明自己的态度,肯定回答为:“Yes, very much.”表示否定回答为:“No, it“s not so great.”故正确选项为 C(非常愉快)。选项 A(很重要)表明自己的看法;B(没问题)用来答应他人的请求;选项

19、 D(不用了,谢谢)用于婉拒他人的好意。三、Section B(总题数:2,分数:30.00)(分数:15.00)A.A fax.B.A report. C.A newspaper.D.A letter.解析:听力原文 M: Did you put the report on my desk? W: Yes, I did. Q: What did the man want? 解析 事实细节题。题目问男士要什么东西。对话中男士问:“你把报告放在我桌子上了吗?”由此可知正确答案是选项 B(报告)。其他选项对话没有出现。A.Buy a new computer.B.Restart the compu

20、ter.C.Ask someone to repair the computer. D.Borrow a computer from the company.解析:听力原文 W: It seems the computer doesn“t work. M: You can ask John to repair it. Q: What does the man tell the woman to do? 解析 细节推断题。题目询问女士可以怎么做。女士对男士说:“电脑似乎坏了。”男士回答:“你可以找 John 修理。”根据关键词 ask.to repair(请来修理)可知答案为选项 C(请人来修电

21、脑)。其他选项对话没有提及。A.She hasn“t sent the email.B.She hasn“t got any email. C.She won“t read the email.D.She won“t reply to the email.解析:听力原文 M: Have you read my email? W: What email? I haven“t got any email yet. Q: What does the woman mean? 解析 事实细节题。题目问女士的意思是什么。男士问女士:“你看我的邮件了吗?”女士回答:“我没收到任何邮件。”可知,正确选项为 B

22、(没有收到邮件)。其他选项与对话中提供的信息不符。A.The price of the books.B.The author of the books.C.The way to pack the books.D.The time to get the books. 解析:听力原文 W: Hello, ABC Company. What can I do for you? M: I want to know when we can get the books we ordered. Q: What does the man ask about? 解析 事实细节题。题目问男士在询问什么。女士说:“

23、你好,ABC 公司,我能为您做什么?”男士回答:“我想知道什么时候能拿到我订的书。”根据 order 一词,可知选项 D(取书的时间)为正确答案。A.Very nice. B.Very strict.C.Very humorous.D.Very shy.解析:听力原文 W: What do you think of your new manager? M: 0h, he“s very nice. Q: What does the man think of his manager? 解析 事实细节题。本题询问男士对经理的看法。女士问男士:“你认为新经理怎样?”男士回答:“他人挺好。”可知答案是

24、A(很好)。其他选项对话中并未提及。(分数:15.00)A.Get off the bus.B.Book a ticket.C.Take a taxi.D.Buy a newspaper. 解析:听力原文 W: John, hurry up. The bus is coming. M: But I want to buy a newspaper. Q: what does the man want to do? 解析 事实细节题。题目询问男士想做的事情。面对女士的催促,男士回答道:“但我想买份报纸。”故正确答案是选项 D(买报纸)。对话中出现的 bus 一词是女士所说,用来催促男士抓紧上公交车

25、,因此选项 A(下车)与题目不符;选项 B(订票)、C(搭出租车)没有出现在会话中。A.It is comfortable. B.It is far away.C.It is large.D.It is expensive.解析:听力原文 M: How do you like your new apartment? W: It“s small but comfortable. Q: What does the woman think of her new apartment? 解析 事实细节题。题目询问女士对自己公寓的看法。女士提到自己的公寓虽然小,但很舒适。故正确答案为选项 A(很舒适)。其

26、他选项对话没有提及。A.Help the man.B.Sell a product.C.Make a plan.D.Write a report. 解析:听力原文 M: Will you help me with the sales plan? W: Sure. But I“ll finish the report first. Q: What will the woman do first? 解析 事实细节题。题目询问女士首先要做什么。面对男士的请求,女士回答自己要先把手中的报告完成,故正确答案为选项 D(写报告)。选项 A(帮助男士)、选项 C(制定计划)使用对话中的“help”、“pla

27、n”但都不是正确的信息;选项 B(销售产品)对话没有提到。A.He has lost his key.B.He“ll repair the bicycle.C.The woman can use the bicycle. D.The woman should return the key.解析:听力原文 W: May I use your bicycle this afternoon? M: Sure. Here is the key. Q: What does the man mean? 解析 事实细节题。题目询问男士说话的含义。根据对话中男士回答:“当然可以,这是钥匙。”可知正确选项为选项

28、 C(女士可以使用自行车)。A.Go to a party. B.Stay at home.C.Stay for dinner.D.Go shopping.解析:听力原文 M: Would you like to stay for dinner? W: I“m sorry I can“t. I“ll go to a party. Q: What will the woman do? 解析 事实细节题。本题询问女士要做的事情。面对男士的邀请,女士回答:“不了,我要去参加晚会。”故正确答案为选项 A(参加晚会)。选项 B(留在家)、选项 C(留下吃晚餐)保留了对话中的 stay 和 dinner等

29、词语,但这些都是男士的提议,女士对此已经表示拒绝;选项 D(购物)在对话中没有提及。四、Section C(总题数:2,分数:40.00)I am working with a computer company. My family lives near the railway station, and within five minutes“ walk to a shopping 1 . We live in a flat with 3 bedrooms and a very large 2 There is a beautiful garden, too. The house is ver

30、y 3 to live in. However, for my convenience to go to work and 4 lost on the way, I would like to exchange my house for a similar one or even a bit smaller one near my workplace. If you are interested, please call me at 5538765 5 or email me at . (分数:20.00)解析:center/centre 听力原文 I am working with a co

31、mputer company. My family lives near the railway station, and within five minutes“ walk to a shopping center/centre. We live in a flat with 3 bedrooms and a very large living room There is a beautiful garden, too. The house is very comfortable to live in. However, for my convenience to go to work an

32、d save the time lost on the way, I would like to exchange my house for a similar one or even a bit smaller one near my workplace. If you are interested, please call me at 5538765 office hours or email me at . 解析 由前文可知,此处介绍房子周围的便利,结合空格前的 shopping 一词和录音,可知应填入center/centre。解析:living room解析 此处介绍房子结构,与卧室

33、(bedroom)对应的是起居室,根据录音应填入living room。解析:comfortable解析 该广告的目的是交换房屋,故广告中必说明房屋的位置与舒适程度,根据录音应填入 comfortable。解析:save the time解析 根据前文,交换房屋的原因为节约时间,根据录音可知应填入 save the time。解析:office hours解析 此处介绍打电话的时间,根据录音,填入 office hours。Hi. I“m Brian Smith. Now I“ll 6 some ideas with you for using a kind of new software.

34、The software is designed and made by our company. It can help you to 7 the average salary for your job type. The software can be found online. Whether you 8 a new job, or moving to another area, it can be a 9 tool to get the necessary information. I hope you will find the software helpful when you c

35、heck out your salary. For more information, 10 to check us out online or email us. (分数:20.00)解析:share 听力原文 Hi. I“m Brian Smith. Now I“ll share some ideas with you for using a kind of new software. The software is designed and made by our company. It can help you to find out the average salary for yo

36、ur job type. The software can be found online. Whether you are looking for a new job, or moving to another area, it can be a useful tool to get the necessary information. I hope you will find the software helpful when you check out your salary. For more information, be sure to check us out online or

37、 email us. 解析 短文开头表明主题,即分享使用一款新软件的想法。根据空格前后的单词分析,中间应是动词。根据录音可知答案为 share。解析:find out解析 本句的意思为,利用软件可以找到某个工种的平均工资,根据录音可知答案为find out。解析:are looking for解析 与空格后 a new job 搭配的动词通常是 look for、have、seek。由后面的 moving 可知,此空格中的动词应该使用现在进行时。根据录音可知答案为 are looking for。解析:useful解析 本句总结软件在获取信息的功能,故根据录音可知答案为 useful。解析:be sure解析 短文最后提到,更多信息可以通过上网、发邮件获得,故根据录音可知答案为 be sure。


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