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1、大学生英语竞赛 C 类非英语专业-14 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:0,分数:0.00)新闻(分数:5.00)(1).What did satellite observations show about deforestation in the Amazon?(分数:1.00)A.It was slowing down.B.It is increasing again.C.Illegal sawmills had disappeared.D.It disappeared immediately.(2).How ma

2、ny schools had to close because of the snow in Britain?(分数:1.00)A.More than 3,000.B.More than 1,300.C.More than 300.D.More than 30,000.(3).What do we learn from the news item?(分数:1.00)A.The ancient city shows evidence of human sacrifice.B.The Wari state existed some four hundred years ago.C.The Inca

3、 state built Peru“s first extensive road network.D.The scientists found a young man in the buried city.(4).Where has Orascom Telecom planned to set up a third generation mobile network7(分数:1.00)A.In the Middle East.B.In Africa.C.North Korea.D.The U.S.A.(5).How do Indians feel about Slumdog Millionai

4、re“s success?(分数:1.00)A.They are overjoyed at its success.B.They are disappointed with it.C.They are furious with the judges.D.They are curious with its success.(分数:5.00)(1).Which countries are having talks over gas prices?(分数:1.00)A.Russia and the UK.B.Russia and other former Soviet Republics.C.Rus

5、sia and Ukraine.D.Russia and the Uk.(2).What does the British government want to do?(分数:1.00)A.Ban smoking in indoor public places.B.Ban smoking in all public places.C.Improve the health care system.D.Ban smoking in outdoor public places.(3).How many performers joined the Winter Olympics opening cer

6、emony?(分数:1.00)A.More than 35,000.B.More than 2,600.C.More than 4,700.D.More than 2,700.(4).What is the passage mainly talking about?(分数:1.00)A.Mobile phone gambling is on the rise in Europe.B.Mobile phone gambling is on the rise in Australia.C.Mobile phone gambling is on the rise in Asia.D.Mobile p

7、hone gambling is on the rise in China.(5).Which part of the United States was attacked by snowstorm?(分数:1.00)A.The north-eastern part.B.The south-eastern part.C.The north-western part.D.The south-western part.听写Well, urn, let“s turn now to vase painting. Vase painting was a very popular form of art

8、among the Greeks. Illustrations of the lives of the gods, goddesses, and heroes-both 1 and real-usually decorated the vases. The vases were made of red-coloured clay by people called potters. The vases had a 2 . That is, people used them to hold dry things such as grain, or 3 like wine or oil. The a

9、rtists who decorated the vases perfected several different glazing techniques. They painted glazes on the vases, and then fired them in an oven or a kiln to make them 4 . Artists illustrated stories on these vases in different ways. They did this by decorating them in bands that 5 the pots. At times

10、, many bands with small figures were popular and at other times fewer bands with larger figures were more popular. As with 6 many examples of this art form have disappeared. The earliest vases date back to the Geometric period. These vases had 7 geometric designs. In the late Geometric period, figur

11、es start to appear on the vases. During the Archaic period, the black-figure technique was popular. In the black-figure technique, the figures are 8 against the natural red background of the clay. Later, a painter known as Andokides that“s A-N-D-O-K-I-D-E-S-developed a 9 technique, called the red-fi

12、gure technique. Examples of the red-figure technique can be seen on kraters (掺和器), a type of vase. Take a look at the example in your book. As you can see, it“s decorated with scenes from the lives of the gods. In the scene we can see here, Artemis, the goddess of hunting, kills Actaeon after he 10

13、sees her bathing. (分数:30.00)填空项 1:_Now, I“d like to begin by giving you a few pointers on 11 in lectures. This is a 12 skill, so listen up! Most important of all is that you shouldn“t try to make a note of everything you hear. A lecture is not a dictation. You have to listen and decide what is impor

14、tant and what isn“t. Second, when you make notes, don“t write everything in full. Use 13 , symbols, numbers. anything to help 14 . Also, try to organize your notes effectively. Furthermore, you should try to be an active listener. By that, I mean you need to try and 15 what the speaker is going to s

15、ay. so before the lecture, ask yourself what you already know about the topic, and during the lecture think about where the talk might be 16 . Another useful tip is if you miss something then don“t 17 . Lecturers usually repeat themselves. certainly, the important information, for example, by 18 . S

16、omething else you should be sure to do is listen for the main ideas, as well as the details, otherwise you won“t be able to see the wood for the trees. And finally, after the lecture, you should 19 your notes as soon as possible. That means basically writing them out again, but this time reorganize

17、them, highlight the main points, and even add your own thoughts and comments in the margin. Reviewing your notes in this way will help everything sink in, and make a useful study aid. So, now I“ve covered that I“ll start with the 20 . (分数:30.00)填空项 1:_Now, most people would agree that the 21 economi

18、c growth China has enjoyed in the last forty years represents perhaps the most 22 geopolitical event of the 21st century. It started with the economic reforms back in the late 1970s, before which time China“s economy was largely rural. Since the 1970s China“s economy has grown 23 10% a year. Exports

19、 have soared and industrial production is growing at 17% per annum. Since 2001, China has doubled its share of global 24 . In fact, China is second only to the US, and most forecasts suggest it will overtake the American economy within the next ten years. China“s population of 1.3 billion makes it a

20、 staggering one fifth of the world“s population. This huge population resource means not only is China the world“s largest market, but it also underpins the main reason for its economic rise-a large workforce. The 25 economic growth in China has meant huge changes for the workforce. For example, it

21、is estimated that about 200 million people have moved from rural areas to urban areas to find work, resulting in the biggest mass migration in history. 26 in agriculture has been replaced for millions by jobs in manufacturing and industry, which, for many people, has meant having to retrain, acquire

22、 new skills, and 27 a new way of life. Many would argue that the growing middle class is the 28 of China“s success. However, some economists see 29 in China“s economy. They point, for example, to the fact that many of the manufacturing companies that produce goods in China are in fact foreign. These

23、 foreign companies, they argue, will continue to invest in China while labour costs are low, but if wages start to rise too much, they may move their production to other parts of the world where rates of pay have remained lower. China has come a long way since the 1970s, but it would seem that, for

24、China to continue its economic success story, the country must not 30 outside investment and expertise, but must invest more in skills and training in order to produce its own experts and entrepreneurs of the future. (分数:30.00)填空项 1:_大学生英语竞赛 C 类非英语专业-14 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehe

25、ns(总题数:0,分数:0.00)新闻(分数:5.00)(1).What did satellite observations show about deforestation in the Amazon?(分数:1.00)A.It was slowing down.B.It is increasing again. C.Illegal sawmills had disappeared.D.It disappeared immediately.解析:听力原文 It“s more than eight months since the Brazilian government announced

26、 a package of measures to combat deforestation, after satellite observations showed the rate of destruction in the Amazon was picking up again. So far, there“s been little evidence of a slowdown, despite a string of raids on illegal sawmills and moves to cut off credit to farmers operating outside t

27、he law. 解析 根据.after satellite observations showed the rate of destruction in the Amazon was picking up again.可知,人们又开始加速破坏亚马逊雨林。(2).How many schools had to close because of the snow in Britain?(分数:1.00)A.More than 3,000. B.More than 1,300.C.More than 300.D.More than 30,000.解析:听力原文 The British usually

28、 expect one or two snowfalls each year but the amount of snow rarely affects everyday life. However, this week Britain has had the worst snow it has seen in around 18 years. Some places had more than 30cm in a day. The bad weather caused severe disruption. More than 3,000 schools had to close as tea

29、chers and pupils were unable to get to school. Many people were unable to get to work and it is thought the cost of this lost labour is around 1 billion (10 billion yuan) to businesses and the economy. 解析 由 More than 3,000 schools had to close as teachers and pupils were unable to get to school.可知此题

30、选 A。(3).What do we learn from the news item?(分数:1.00)A.The ancient city shows evidence of human sacrifice. B.The Wari state existed some four hundred years ago.C.The Inca state built Peru“s first extensive road network.D.The scientists found a young man in the buried city.解析:听力原文 Scientists say they

31、 found ceramics, bits of clothing and the well preserved remains of a young woman in the once buried city. The site, which stretches for more than five kilometres, also shows evidence of human sacrifice. The civilization“s capital was near modern-day Ayacucho, in the Andes, but the Wari travelled wi

32、dely and are known for building Peru“s first extensive network of roads. Long before the Incas established their empire, the Waft created one nearly as large, but far more enduring. While the Inca state lasted around a century, the Wari civilization flourished for more than four hundred years. 解析 由

33、The site, which stretches for more than five kilometres, also shows evidence of human sacrifice.可知 A 项正确。根据新闻最后一句可知 B 项错误。C 项错误,因为是 Wari 建设了公路网。(4).Where has Orascom Telecom planned to set up a third generation mobile network7(分数:1.00)A.In the Middle East.B.In Africa.C.North Korea. D.The U.S.A.解析:听力

34、原文 Orascom Telecom is one of the biggest operators of mobile phone networks in the Middle East and Africa. But eyebrows were raised when it said it was planning a joint venture with North Korea to set up a third generation mobile network there. However, the system has now been launched in the capita

35、l, Pyongyang, by Orascom“s billionaire chief executive Naguib Sawiris. Some reports suggest that handsets for the new network will cost around seven-hundred dollars each, making them far too expensive for the vast majority of people in a country where millions struggle to find enough food to eat. 解析

36、 新闻中提到 But eyebrows were raised when it said it was planning a joint venture with North Korea to set up a third generation mobile network there.由此可见,答案选 C。(5).How do Indians feel about Slumdog Millionaire“s success?(分数:1.00)A.They are overjoyed at its success. B.They are disappointed with it.C.They

37、are furious with the judges.D.They are curious with its success.解析:听力原文 Slumdog Millionaire is based on the popular game show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?“ and stars several high-profile Bollywood actors whose performances delighted the judges. The country is now in euphoric mood and Indians are

38、thrilled with the film“s success. The winners of the Golden Globes are often seen as favourites to win at the Oscars, and Indians now have their hopes pinned on further success. 解析 根据 The country is now in euphoric mood and Indians are thrilled with the film“s success.可知,印度人对于这部电影的成功非常高兴。(分数:5.00)(1

39、).Which countries are having talks over gas prices?(分数:1.00)A.Russia and the UK.B.Russia and other former Soviet Republics.C.Russia and Ukraine. D.Russia and the Uk.解析:听力原文 Ukrainian politicians claim there are political motives behind the price rise originally demanded by the Russian energy giant G

40、azprom. They say Russia is offering much more favourable terms to other former Soviet Republics. Russian officials insist it“s a purely commercial matter. 解析 Ukrainian 的政治家认为油价上涨有政治的原因,Russian 的官员坚持认为是商业的原因。(2).What does the British government want to do?(分数:1.00)A.Ban smoking in indoor public place

41、s. B.Ban smoking in all public places.C.Improve the health care system.D.Ban smoking in outdoor public places.解析:听力原文 Britain“s Labour government is having a difficult week. The government wants to ban smoking in indoor public places, including restaurants and other places of entertainment. This is

42、partly because it wants to discourage people from smoking, since smoking causes so much illness, but also to protect the health of the staff who work there, and who got no choice about breathing in second hand smoke. 解析 新闻中第二句话提到 The government wants to ban smoking in indoor public places。(3).How ma

43、ny performers joined the Winter Olympics opening ceremony?(分数:1.00)A.More than 35,000.B.More than 2,600.C.More than 4,700. D.More than 2,700.解析:听力原文 A crowd of some 35,000, including U.S. First Lady Laura Bush and Italian film legend Sophia Loren, filled the Olympic Stadium. More than 4,700 performe

44、rs, including fast moving skaters with fiery rocket packs, dancers and even dancing cows opened the festivities. Some 2,600 athletes from more than 80 countries and territories marched into the stadium accompanied by American pop music from the 1970s and 1980s. 解析 新闻中提到了四个数字,35,000 是指观众,4,700 是指 per

45、formers,2,600 是指 athletes。(4).What is the passage mainly talking about?(分数:1.00)A.Mobile phone gambling is on the rise in Europe.B.Mobile phone gambling is on the rise in Australia.C.Mobile phone gambling is on the rise in Asia. D.Mobile phone gambling is on the rise in China.解析:听力原文 Governments fro

46、m Singapore to South Korea are increasingly lifting restrictions on gambling. But gamblers do not have to wait for new casinos to open to place their bets : they can just use their mobile phones. Europe is the largest market for mobile gambling, but telecommunications analysts predict that Asia will

47、 catch up soon. 解析 这一段新闻主要在讲 gambling 在亚洲十分猖獗,快赶上欧洲了。(5).Which part of the United States was attacked by snowstorm?(分数:1.00)A.The north-eastern part. B.The south-eastern part.C.The north-western part.D.The south-western part.解析:听力原文 The United States National Weather Service says that this huge wint

48、er storm has dumped some 68.3 centimetres of snow in Central Park, making it the worst blizzard to hit New York City since records began in 1869. To add to the problems facing the entire north-eastern seaboard, winds across the region have been gusting at up to 96 kilometres an hour, causing serious

49、 localised drifting. 解析 根据 To add to the problems facing the entire north-eastern seaboard 可知受灾的是东北部沿海地区。听写Well, urn, let“s turn now to vase painting. Vase painting was a very popular form of art among the Greeks. Illustrations of the lives of the gods, goddesses, and heroes-both 1 and real-usually decorated the vases. The vases were made of red-coloured clay by people called potters. The vases had a 2 . That is, people used them to hold dry things such as grain, or 3 like wine or oil. The art


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