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1、大学英语三级 B 级-写作(三)及答案解析(总分:90.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、写作题(总题数:6,分数:90.00)1.假如你的宾馆要招聘服务员,请根据下列要求写一则招聘广告年龄在 18 到 35 岁之间;工作态度积极;至少有高中学历;吃苦耐劳(分数:15.00)_2.大连青年旅行社大连青年旅行社成立于 1990 年,由于其实力强大,服务优质,在同行业及旅客中有着良好的口碑,为旅游者提供很多便捷的服务。十一期间,旅行社特推出北京四日游:北京双飞精彩四日游:第一天:在星海广场集合,乘航班飞往北京,抵达后乘金龙客车前往入住酒店(四星级) 。第二天:游览世界最大的城市广场一天安门广场、毛主

2、席纪念堂(Mao Mausoleum) 、故宫博物馆(Palace Museum) 。第三天:游览八达岭长城。第四天:游鸟巢、水立方(Water Cube) 、天坛(Temple of Heaven) 、胡同(Hutong) 。游毕乘航班返大连。Dalian Youth Travel Agency_A wonderful 4-day toUlto Beijing(return tickets) :First day:_Second day:_Third day:_Forth day:_(分数:15.00)_3.欢迎乘坐北方航空公司航班北方航空公司是我国最先进的航空公司。你能体验到中国一流服务。

3、每周我们飞往全国各地以及世界 40多个国家。北方航空公司可以安全载您到目的地。本周,我们提供如下部分打折机票:北京首都机场至上海浦东机场航班号 NH5750 票价:1130RMB 折扣:四折北京首都机场至重庆江北机场航班号 NH5754 票价:1560RMB 折扣:六折北京首都机场至大连周水子机场航班号 NH5752 票价:710RMB 折扣:五折Words for reference:北方航空公司 North Airline;目的地 destination;航班号 Flight NoWelcome on Board North AirlineFlight No Departure Desti

4、nation Price Discount_ _ _ _ _(分数:15.00)_4.申请表个人信息姓名:王亮性别:男出生日期:1985 年 4 月 1 日地址:复旦大学英语系电话:021-12345678教育经历:2005-2008 年在上海复旦大学外国语学院主修外贸英语,获文学学士学位。2007 年获得上海市大学生英语演讲比赛一等奖。(分数:15.00)_5.王海玲,女,出生日期:1988 年 4 月 5 日。上海大学物理系学生,今年 7 月获得理学学士学位。申请2012 年春季入剑桥大学攻读硕士学位。今年 5 月份获得雅思成绩 6.5 份。本科学习成绩优秀,在学术刊物上发表论文两篇,在校

5、学习期间担任本系助教。联系方式:电话:13039912886;地址:上海大学物理系。Name:_Sex:_Date of birth:_Address:_Tel:_Education experience:_Worldng experience:_Remarks:_(分数:15.00)_6.说明:请根据以下内容填写一张攻读硕士学位的申请表姓名:张宁性别:女出生日期:1982 年 5 月 4 日现通讯地址:北京大学计算机系 123 信箱联系电话:010-68565423教育背景:1998-2001 北京大学附属中学2001-2005 北京大学计算机系,获得学士学位工作经历:2005 年 5 月在

6、微软公司做计算机程序员经济情况:能够支付一年的研究生学费Words for reference: 附属中学 attached middle schoolApplication FormPersonal dataName:_Gender:_Date of birth:_Present mailing address:_Telephone_Educational background:_Working experience:_Economic status:_(分数:15.00)_大学英语三级 B 级-写作(三)答案解析(总分:90.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、写作题(总题数:6,分数:90.

7、00)1.假如你的宾馆要招聘服务员,请根据下列要求写一则招聘广告年龄在 18 到 35 岁之间;工作态度积极;至少有高中学历;吃苦耐劳(分数:15.00)_正确答案:(JOB OFFERSOur hotel is now recruiting waiters and waitresses. If you have the following qualities, we expect to receive your application:(1) age between 18 to 35(2) having an active attitude towards work(3) at least

8、having a junior high school degree(4) willing to endure hardshipWe are looking forward to meeting you!)解析:2.大连青年旅行社大连青年旅行社成立于 1990 年,由于其实力强大,服务优质,在同行业及旅客中有着良好的口碑,为旅游者提供很多便捷的服务。十一期间,旅行社特推出北京四日游:北京双飞精彩四日游:第一天:在星海广场集合,乘航班飞往北京,抵达后乘金龙客车前往入住酒店(四星级) 。第二天:游览世界最大的城市广场一天安门广场、毛主席纪念堂(Mao Mausoleum) 、故宫博物馆(Palac

9、e Museum) 。第三天:游览八达岭长城。第四天:游鸟巢、水立方(Water Cube) 、天坛(Temple of Heaven) 、胡同(Hutong) 。游毕乘航班返大连。Dalian Youth Travel Agency_A wonderful 4-day toUlto Beijing(return tickets) :First day:_Second day:_Third day:_Forth day:_(分数:15.00)_正确答案:(Dalian Youth Travel Agency was set up in 1990. With strong competitive

10、ness and superior service, we have gained a high reputation among customers and ranked the first among travel agencies in China. We always provide the most convenient service to our customers. During the National Day holiday, we introduce a 4-day tour to Beijing for you:A wonderful 4-day tour to Bei

11、jing (return tickets) :First day: gather at Xinghai Square, then fly to Beijing. We will send you to hotel (4 star) after your arrival by our bus.Second day: visit Tiananmen Square -the biggest city square in the world, Mao Mausoleum and Palace Museum.Third day: climb the Great Wall.Fourth day: visi

12、t the Nest and Water Cube, Temple of Heaven and Hutong. After that we take flight to return to Dalian.)解析:3.欢迎乘坐北方航空公司航班北方航空公司是我国最先进的航空公司。你能体验到中国一流服务。每周我们飞往全国各地以及世界 40多个国家。北方航空公司可以安全载您到目的地。本周,我们提供如下部分打折机票:北京首都机场至上海浦东机场航班号 NH5750 票价:1130RMB 折扣:四折北京首都机场至重庆江北机场航班号 NH5754 票价:1560RMB 折扣:六折北京首都机场至大连周水子机场航

13、班号 NH5752 票价:710RMB 折扣:五折Words for reference:北方航空公司 North Airline;目的地 destination;航班号 Flight NoWelcome on Board North AirlineFlight No Departure Destination Price Discount_ _ _ _ _(分数:15.00)_正确答案:(Welcome on Board North AirlineNorth Airline is Chinas most modern airline. You can experience the first

14、-class China service. Every week we fly throughout China and to over 40 countries. North Airline can take you to your destination safely and comfortably. This week we provide you with some discount air tickets as follows:Flight No. Departure Destination Price DiscountNH5750 Beijing Capital Airport S

15、hanghai Pudong Airport 1130RMB 60% OFFNH5754 Beijing CapitalAirport ChongqingJiangbei Airport 1560RMB 40% OFFNH5752 Beijing CapitalAirport Dalian ZhoushuiziAirport 710RMB 50% OFF)解析:4.申请表个人信息姓名:王亮性别:男出生日期:1985 年 4 月 1 日地址:复旦大学英语系电话:021-12345678教育经历:2005-2008 年在上海复旦大学外国语学院主修外贸英语,获文学学士学位。2007 年获得上海市大学

16、生英语演讲比赛一等奖。(分数:15.00)_正确答案:(Application FormPersonal dataName: Wang LiangSex: MaleDate of birth: April 1st, 1985Address: English Department Fudan UniversityTel: 021-12345678Educational experience: 2005-2008 majoring in Foreign-Trade English, School of Foreign Languages, Fudan University. Got a degre

17、e of B.A. Won the first place in Shanghai College Students English Speaking Contest in 2007.)解析:5.王海玲,女,出生日期:1988 年 4 月 5 日。上海大学物理系学生,今年 7 月获得理学学士学位。申请2012 年春季入剑桥大学攻读硕士学位。今年 5 月份获得雅思成绩 6.5 份。本科学习成绩优秀,在学术刊物上发表论文两篇,在校学习期间担任本系助教。联系方式:电话:13039912886;地址:上海大学物理系。Name:_Sex:_Date of birth:_Address:_Tel:_Edu

18、cation experience:_Worldng experience:_Remarks:_(分数:15.00)_正确答案:(Name: Wang HailingSex: FemaleDate of Birth: April 5th,1988Address: Physics Department of Shanghai UniversityTel: 13039912886Education experience:2007-2011 majoring in physics, Shanghai University.Graduated from the university with exce

19、llent results.Got my B.S. this July.The IELTS score obtained in May 2011 is 6.5.With two essays published on academic magazines.Working experience: Worked as an assistant lecturer in our department.Remarks: Id like to apply for admission to Cambridge University for the spring semester of 2012, seeki

20、ng an M.A. Degree.)解析:6.说明:请根据以下内容填写一张攻读硕士学位的申请表姓名:张宁性别:女出生日期:1982 年 5 月 4 日现通讯地址:北京大学计算机系 123 信箱联系电话:010-68565423教育背景:1998-2001 北京大学附属中学2001-2005 北京大学计算机系,获得学士学位工作经历:2005 年 5 月在微软公司做计算机程序员经济情况:能够支付一年的研究生学费Words for reference: 附属中学 attached middle schoolApplication FormPersonal dataName:_Gender:_Dat

21、e of birth:_Present mailing address:_Telephone_Educational background:_Working experience:_Economic status:_(分数:15.00)_正确答案:(Application FormPersonal dataName: Zhang NingGender: FemaleDate of birth: 4th May, 1982Present mailing address: No. 123 Mailbox, Computer Department of Beijing UniversityTelep

22、hone: 010-68565423Educational background:1998-2001Attached Middle School of Beijing University2001-2005 Computer Department of Beiing UniversityGot a degree of BSWorking experience: In May 2005, I worked as a computer programmer in MicrosoftCorporationEconomic status: Able to afford one-year postgraduate study.)解析:


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