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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 307 及答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:12,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_2.Section A_A.Ask residents to participate in the operation.B.Send more troops to help the African Union.C.Withdraw the military forces in Africa soon.D.Provide more fire engines

2、 for AfricaA.The AU alone could solve the peacekeeping problem in Somalia.B.All the demanded military forces arrived in time.C.All troops present in Somalia are from Uganda.D.The AU is always questioned about its problem-solving capability.A.Declining home production.B.The prolonged tax policy.C.The

3、 decreasing GDP in the US.D.The economic downturn of the country.A.There would be an instant hit with house enthusiasts.B.More and more people expect to make use of the policy.C.Advanced transportation technology would be brought in.D.The expected purchasing boom would go down until April.A.It is st

4、rained.B.It is complex.C.It is intimate.D.It is significant.A.America asked Israel to stop occupying East Jerusalem.B.Israel refused to negotiate with Palestinian about Jerusalem issue.C.More new Jewish homes had been built in occupied East Jerusalem.D.The building project for Jewish homes in occupi

5、ed East Jerusalem would go on.A.Demands of politics in Israel.B.Demands of economy worldwide.C.American-Israeli relations.D.Long delayed negotiations.3.Section B_A.He wants to become a cook.B.He hopes to go on to graduate school.C.He wants to travel around the world.D.He would like to work at a hote

6、l.A.History.B.French.C.Computer Science.D.Hotel Management.A.She has a part-time job.B.She received a scholarship.C.Her parents pay for it.D.She is working as a tourist guide.A.At a bakery.B.In a library.C.At a restaurant.D.At a travel agency.A.Shes in a meeting.B.Shes out of the office.C.Shes talki

7、ng with another customer.D.Shes spending her holiday.A.A list of software products.B.A picture of the newest computers.C.Information on after-sales service.D.An introduction about the products.A.It still works.B.It is broken.C.It is fixed.D.It is a new one.A.His name is Jack Cordel, and his phone nu

8、mber is 560-1288.B.His name is Jack Kordell and his fax number is 560-1287.C.His name is Jack Cordel and his fax number is 560-1288.D.His name is Jack Kordell and his phone number is 560-1287.4.Section C_A.About 4,000 years ago.B.About 3,000 years ago.C.About 2,000 years ago.D.About 1,000 years ago.

9、A.The small bowl was put above the large bowl.B.The large bowl was put above the small bowl.C.The small bowl was put inside the large bowl.D.The large bowl consisted of two equal parts.A.Horsemen.B.Brass doors.C.Drops of water.D.Metal balls.A.Her husband had got a higher position.B.Her husband had l

10、ost his job.C.She wanted to have a cleaner house.D.She wanted to move to New York.A.His telephone went out of order.B.The buyers had to leave soon.C.He began to work at 8 a.m.D.He had made an appointment with her at 8 a,m.A.They considered her lazy.B.They saw something they had never seen.C.They con

11、sidered her foolish.D.They saw something familiar to them.A.For protection against other animals.B.For protection against other dogs.C.Just for fun.D.For the purpose of guarding the house.A.Because they did not eat other animals.B.Because they were useful for protection.C.Because they were good hunt

12、ers.D.Because they always obeyed their masters.A.For companionship.B.For amusement.C.For protection against robbery.D.For hunting.A.The city can be a lonely place.B.life in the West can be very dangerous.C.People in the West are fond of animals.D.The dog is a useful and friendly animal.大学英语四级改革适用(听力

13、)模拟试卷 307 答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:12,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_解析:2.Section A_解析:A.Ask residents to participate in the operation.B.Send more troops to help the African Union. C.Withdraw the military forces in Africa soon.D.Provide more fire engines for Af

14、rica解析:解析:新闻指出,Kumalo 表示他希望联合国安全理事会能坚定决心,派遣联合国维和部队去索马里以协助非洲联盟完成使命(sending UNpeacekeeping troopsto supplement the African Union)。故答案是 B。A“要求市民参与这个行动”和 C“撤离在非洲的军事力量”均没有在新闻中提到。D 利用fire engine 制造干扰,Kumalo 是将联合国比作救命的消防车,而不是要求“联合国提供更多的消防车”。A.The AU alone could solve the peacekeeping problem in Somalia.B.A

15、ll the demanded military forces arrived in time.C.All troops present in Somalia are from Uganda. D.The AU is always questioned about its problem-solving capability.解析:解析:新闻指出,维护和平是联合国的问题,不能只依靠非洲联盟。非洲联盟请求派遣 8000 人的军队来完成维和任务,但是在 6 个月内,只有不到四分之一的军队抵达,目前的 1700 名军人全部来自乌干达。C“所有在索马里的军队都来自乌干达”与新闻最后一句内容相符。A“非

16、洲联盟能够独自完成索马里的维和任务”、B“所需的军事力量都及时到位”均与新闻内容不相符。D“非洲联盟解决问题的能力总是被质疑”没有在新闻中提到。A.Declining home production.B.The prolonged tax policy. C.The decreasing GDP in the US.D.The economic downturn of the country.解析:解析:本题问及销量下降的主要原因是什么。新闻指出,预计 11 月份到期的首次购买抵税的延长促使销售下降。B 的 prolonged tax policy 与原文中 the extension of

17、first-time buyer tax credit同义,故为正确答案。A“国内产量下降”、C“美国 GDP 下降”和 D“本国的经济衰退”都不是销量下降的原因。A.There would be an instant hit with house enthusiasts.B.More and more people expect to make use of the policy.C.Advanced transportation technology would be brought in.D.The expected purchasing boom would go down until

18、 April. 解析:解析:新闻指出,随着购买诱因的消失,富国银行证口的 Mark Vitner 预测购买热潮在春季到来之前也将随之退却。故正确答案是 D。A.It is strained. B.It is complex.C.It is intimate.D.It is significant.解析:解析:新闻开头提到,以色列媒体称其驻美大使 Michel Oren 告诉以色列外交官员说美以关系正面临历史性的危机(facing a crisis of historic proportions),由 crisis 一词可知,两国关系不佳,A“关系紧张”正确。A.America asked Is

19、rael to stop occupying East Jerusalem.B.Israel refused to negotiate with Palestinian about Jerusalem issue.C.More new Jewish homes had been built in occupied East Jerusalem.D.The building project for Jewish homes in occupied East Jerusalem would go on. 解析:解析:新闻提到,美国和以色列的关系正面临危机。以色列宣称将在新占领的耶路撒冷东部建造更多

20、新的犹太人家园,美国对此极为愤怒。但是首相 Netanyahu 还是告知以色列国会,这个建造的计划将继续。可见美以关系面临危机的起因是这个建造计划,并且这个计划还将继续进行,D 正确。A“美国要求以色列停止占领耶路撒冷东部”和 B“以色列拒绝与巴勒斯坦就耶路撒冷问题进行协商”均没有在新闻中提到。C“在耶路撒冷东部已经建了更多新的犹太人家园”说法有误,新闻中说的是即将会建(were to be built)。A.Demands of politics in Israel. B.Demands of economy worldwide.C.American-Israeli relations.D.

21、Long delayed negotiations.解析:解析:新闻提到,Netanyahu 曾经面临两个选择:要么与他的联盟中的右翼分子决裂,要么与美国决裂。根据他对以色列议会的讲话,他似乎选择了以国内政治的需要为先。可见 Netanyahu 把大部分注意力集中在以色列国内的政治需要上,A 正确。B“世界经济的需求”、C“美以关系”和 D“一直推延的协商”都不是 Netanyahu 关注的重点。3.Section B_解析:A.He wants to become a cook.B.He hopes to go on to graduate school.C.He wants to trav

22、el around the world.D.He would like to work at a hotel. 解析:解析:女士问男士毕业后有什么打算,男士说还没有确定下来,“但我想在本地的某个酒店或旅行社工作”,故 D 正确。A.History.B.French.C.Computer Science. D.Hotel Management.解析:解析:女士说她刚入大学时想学法语,但是因为担心不好找工作,所以改学计算机科学。故女士的专业是计算机科学,即 C。A.She has a part-time job.B.She received a scholarship. C.Her parents

23、 pay for it.D.She is working as a tourist guide.解析:解析:女士说她幸运地得到一个为期四年的奖学金,供她交学费买书,故选 B。A.At a bakery.B.In a library.C.At a restaurant. D.At a travel agency.解析:解析:男士说:“我每周去学校附近的餐馆工作三次。”故选 C(在一家餐馆)。A.Shes in a meeting.B.Shes out of the office. C.Shes talking with another customer.D.Shes spending her h

24、oliday.解析:解析:对话中女士说她此刻不在办公室,故选 B。本题具有鲜明 but 题的特征。预读选项知本题问“她”在干什么,如此便容易听到考点所在内容。A.A list of software products.B.A picture of the newest computers.C.Information on after-sales service. D.An introduction about the products.解析:解析:男士说,Strong 女士给他寄了一些资料,但“没有任何有关售后服务的信息”,故 C 正确。解题关键是听辨对话中提到的项目,并注意区分,A、B、D

25、为并列出现的项目,均不可作为答案。A.It still works.B.It is broken. C.It is fixed.D.It is a new one.解析:解析:女士问需不需要给男士传真售后服务的信息,男士说行,但他们的传真机这会儿正在修理,要到大概 2 点半才能用,由此可见该传真机已经坏了,故选 B。A“它还能用”与录音中的 wont be working 相矛盾,故排除。C“它已经修好了”与录音中的 is being repaired 不符,故也排除。D“它是新的传真机”录音未提到,也排除。A.His name is Jack Cordel, and his phone nu

26、mber is 560-1288.B.His name is Jack Kordell and his fax number is 560-1287.C.His name is Jack Cordel and his fax number is 560-1288.D.His name is Jack Kordell and his phone number is 560-1287. 解析:解析:对话中男士自报家门,说自己名叫 Jack Kordell,电话 5601287,传真 5601288。故 D正确。4.Section C_解析:A.About 4,000 years ago. B.Ab

27、out 3,000 years ago.C.About 2,000 years ago.D.About 1,000 years ago.解析:解析:录音只提到一个年代,即“2,000 BC”,听到这个数字即可选出正确答案 A(距今约4000 年)。选项 C(2000 年以前)故意漏掉 BC;而选项 B(3000 年以前)和 D(1000 年以前)是和文章完全不相关的数字,可排除。A.The small bowl was put above the large bowl. B.The large bowl was put above the small bowl.C.The small bowl

28、 was put inside the large bowl.D.The large bowl consisted of two equal parts.解析:解析:短文提到,“把水倒进小碗,水就慢慢地滴落进大碗”,由此可推断出选项 A(小碗在大碗的上方)正确。A.Horsemen.B.Brass doors.C.Drops of water.D.Metal balls. 解析:解析:原文提到,“每隔一个小时就打开一扇门,适当的金属球数落入一个薄黄铜盘报时”,可知正确选项是 D(金属球)。A.Her husband had got a higher position. B.Her husban

29、d had lost his job.C.She wanted to have a cleaner house.D.She wanted to move to New York.解析:解析:短文开篇就说“丈夫升职后我们打算把房子卖了”,所以 A 正确。A.His telephone went out of order.B.The buyers had to leave soon. C.He began to work at 8 a.m.D.He had made an appointment with her at 8 a,m.解析:解析:短文中售房中介解释了原因:来不及给你打电话了,因为他们

30、得赶飞机回家。故 B 正确。A.They considered her lazy.B.They saw something they had never seen.C.They considered her foolish.D.They saw something familiar to them. 解析:解析:买房的夫妻俩发笑的原因就在售房中介转述二人的话中,他们说:“这所房子给人一种温馨的家的感觉,就像我们的一样。”由此可知选项 D(他们看见了熟识的东西)为正确答案。A.For protection against other animals. B.For protection again

31、st other dogs.C.Just for fun.D.For the purpose of guarding the house.解析:解析:短文提到,“过去人们养狗是为了保护自己不受其他野兽的侵袭。”故 A(防范其他动物)正确。A.Because they did not eat other animals.B.Because they were useful for protection.C.Because they were good hunters.D.Because they always obeyed their masters. 解析:解析:原文说,狗愿意听主人的话;并举

32、例说,打猎时,若无主人允许,狗不会吃它抓到的猎物。故 D 正确。A.For companionship. B.For amusement.C.For protection against robbery.D.For hunting.解析:解析:短文提到,“如今,城里人养狗最重要的原因是做伴”,故 A 正确。A.The city can be a lonely place.B.life in the West can be very dangerous.C.People in the West are fond of animals.D.The dog is a useful and friendly animal. 解析:解析:整篇文章讲养狗的目的和好处,故 D 正确。


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