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1、上海市高级口译第二阶段口试真题 2006年 9月及答案解析(总分:5.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、口语题(总题数:1,分数:1.00)1.News report: The central government decided to cut down on pollution by calling for a Car Free Day last September. Since then, in the city of Kunming, Yunnan Province, the last Saturday of every month is officially “car free“, ap

2、art from public transportation, police and emergency vehicles, making Kunming the first city in China to adopt this initiative on a regular basis. Frequent vehicle restrictions have triggered debate among the public. Some questioned the legitimacy of this move. Some asked whether confining their car

3、s at home has deprived them of their rights on free use of private possessions. Others complained of China“ s far less developed public transportation infrastructure in some areas. Topic: The Car Free Day Initiative Questions for Reference: 1. Do you agree with the practice of Car Free Day in major

4、cities in China on a regular basis? Why or why not? 2. Shall we simply restrict the use of private cars or reduce the production of cars? Give your reasons. 3. Do you have any suggestions for or even better solutions to those traffic and environmental problems? (分数:1.00)_二、口译题(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A

5、(总题数:1,分数:2.00)(分数:2.00)(1).Passage 1(分数:1.00)_(2).Passage 2(分数:1.00)_四、Part B(总题数:1,分数:2.00)(分数:2.00)(1).Passage 1(分数:1.00)_(2).Passage 2(分数:1.00)_上海市高级口译第二阶段口试真题 2006年 9月答案解析(总分:5.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、口语题(总题数:1,分数:1.00)1.News report: The central government decided to cut down on pollution by calling fo

6、r a Car Free Day last September. Since then, in the city of Kunming, Yunnan Province, the last Saturday of every month is officially “car free“, apart from public transportation, police and emergency vehicles, making Kunming the first city in China to adopt this initiative on a regular basis. Freque

7、nt vehicle restrictions have triggered debate among the public. Some questioned the legitimacy of this move. Some asked whether confining their cars at home has deprived them of their rights on free use of private possessions. Others complained of China“ s far less developed public transportation in

8、frastructure in some areas. Topic: The Car Free Day Initiative Questions for Reference: 1. Do you agree with the practice of Car Free Day in major cities in China on a regular basis? Why or why not? 2. Shall we simply restrict the use of private cars or reduce the production of cars? Give your reaso

9、ns. 3. Do you have any suggestions for or even better solutions to those traffic and environmental problems? (分数:1.00)_正确答案:()解析:(略)二、口译题(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:1,分数:2.00)(分数:2.00)(1).Passage 1(分数:1.00)_正确答案:()解析:英中两国的友谊具有坚实的基础,并建立了牢固的双边关系。1950 年,英国成为第一个承认中华人民共和国的西方国家。今年是香港特别行政区成立十一周年,我们在此表示祝贺。自

10、 1977年以来,我们两国的交流大为增长不仅是双边交流,也包括我们作为联合国安理会常任理事国分享权益及承担职责时进行的多边交流。/ 在中国新的发展之际,英国已为双方合作作好了准备。英中两国的大学可以建立新的合作伙伴关系,以提高自身的技术和管理水平。我们的研究机构及科研人员可以合作开发用于生产创新产品的技术,例如,应对环境方面的挑战以确保未来的生活质量,这一问题必须得到解决。在所有这些方面,我都看到了显著的共同利益这就是英中两国在教育交流和科学发展上建立的合作伙伴关系。 解析 Britain and China start from a strong foundation, with our b

11、ilateral relations in excellent shape. In 1950 Britain was the first western country to recognize the People“s Republic of China. This year we will celebrate the 11th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Since 1997 our exchanges have multiplied dramaticall

12、y-bilaterally but also multilaterally where we share common interests and responsibilities as Permanent Members of the UN Security Council. / As China embarks on its new phase of development, the UK is ready for partnership. British and Chinese universities can form new partnerships to raise skills

13、and management capacity. Our research institutions and scientists can collaborate to develop the technologies to make innovative products, for example dealing with the environmental challenges which must be solved to guarantee future quality of life. In all this, I see significant mutual benefits-a

14、UK/China Partnership in education exchange and scientific development.(2).Passage 2(分数:1.00)_正确答案:()解析:晚上好,我正从新奥尔良向大家讲话。新奥尔良几成空城,还有部分淹没在水下,并等候着生命和希望的回归。一天之内,一场残暴、破坏性的风暴改变了数以百万人的生活。风暴结束后,我们看到同胞们震惊不已、无依无靠,搜寻着自己所爱的人,为逝去的人而伤心。我们也目睹了这个伟大且慷慨的民族的人们从来就未曾有过的那种绝望。 这些日子令人伤心愤怒,但更让人印象深刻的是善良勇敢的行为,值得所有美国人引以为豪。海岸护卫

15、队和其他人员从洪水肆虐的街区拯救了数万人。许多首先响应者,自己也是受害者,但是他们的责任感超越了他们自己的痛苦。他们失去了房子和车子,但依然斗志昂扬,努力战胜这场灾难并重建家园。 解析 Good evening. I“m speaking to you from the city of New Orleans-nearly empty, still partly under water, and waiting for life and hope to return. Millions of lives were changed in a day by a cruel and wasteful

16、 storm. In the aftermath, we have seen fellow citizens left stunned and uprooted, searching for loved ones, and grieving for the dead. We“ve also witnessed the kind of desperation no citizen of this great and generous nation should ever have to know. / These days of sorrow and outrage have also been

17、 marked by acts of courage and kindness that make all Americans proud. Coast Guard and other personnel rescued tens of thousands of people from flooded neighborhoods. Many first responders were victims themselves, with a sense of duty greater than their own suffering. They lost their houses and cars

18、, but they still got their spirit. With such spirit they“ve pulled through this catastrophe and would rebuild their hometowns.四、Part B(总题数:1,分数:2.00)(分数:2.00)(1).Passage 1(分数:1.00)_正确答案:()解析:Today, it is my privilege to deliver a speech at the opening banquet on behalf of the Chinese partners for Sh

19、anghai International Electronics Fair. In recent years, China“s economy has maintained its sustainable, stable and sound development. We have also witnessed the fast growth of SIEF which is jointly sponsored by us. Therefore, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of you present. Gene

20、rally speaking, the satisfied exhibition result achieved is due to the great market opportunity, cooperative partners, famous brands and fine exhibition venue on the part of SIEF. All the exhibitors in the fair and representatives from customer organizations in the area of electronics are playing th

21、e leading role on the stage we provide to you throughout the fair. We believe that the fair will achieve fruitful results. 解析 今天,我非常荣幸地能够代表上海国际电子展的中方合作单位在开幕酒会上致辞。近年来,中国经济建设保持了持续、稳定和健康的发展,我们合作举办的上海国际电子展也呈现了迅速成长壮大的良好势头。为此,我们要对在座各位表示最衷心的感谢。/ 概括地说,上海国际电子展正是抓住了好的市场机遇,选择好的合作伙伴,拥有好的展会品牌,因此才会有这样好的展出效果。来自海内外

22、电子行业各参展单位和各用户单位的代表们,你们是我们搭建这一展览舞台的主人。我们相信,你们一定能在展会上取得丰硕成果。(2).Passage 2(分数:1.00)_正确答案:()解析:From ancient times till now, tourism has demonstrated the happy wish of the people for more knowledge, varied experience and good health. In ancient times, ancient Chinese thinkers raised the idea of “apprecia

23、ting the landscape through sightseeing“. Ancient people also proposed to “travel ten thousand li and read ten thousand books“. As a country with a long civilized history, China is also a big oriental country full of modern vitality, with its unique, rich and varied tourist resources. Since China“s r

24、eform and opening up to the outside world, tourism in China has been undergoing a steady and fast growth as a newly emerging dynamic and potentially strong industry. For years, the World Tourism Organization has made active and effective efforts in the promotion of tourism prosperity and development

25、 around the globe. We believe this WTO General Assembly session will give a major push to further tourism prosperity and development in the world. 解析 古往今来,旅游一直是人们增长知识、丰富阅历、强健体魄的美好追求。在古代,中国先哲们就提出了“观国之光”的思想,倡导“读万卷书,行万里路”。中国是一个历史悠久的文明古国,也是一个充满时代生机的东方大国,拥有许多得天独厚的旅游资源。/ 改革开放以来,旅游业持续快速发展,已经成为一个富有蓬勃活力和巨大潜力的新兴产业。多年来,世界旅游组织为促进全球旅游业的繁荣与发展,做出了积极而富有成效的努力。我们相信,这次大会必将对实现全球旅游业的更大繁荣和发展,起到重要的推动作用。


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